Error updating service reference - service

When trying to update a service reference in a class library (VS2013), i get the following error.
"The configuration for the service reference could not be updated due to the following issue: An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for system.serviceModel/bindings: AssemblyResolveEvent handlers cannot return Assemblies loaded for reflection only."
This same error happens when i try to delete the reference as well.
Any help in sorting would be greatly appreciated.

I've had the same issue after updating to VS2013 Update 2.
I've solved the issue by temporarily cutting the whole system.serviceModel section out of web.config, pasting it somewhere else like Notepad. Then, I've saved the web.config without the service model section. Then, I was able to update the service reference successfully. After updating the service reference, I've pasted the service model section back to web.config and it worked successfully.

I was able to work around this similarly to Can by temporarily removing the extensions element of the system.serviceModel section and any associated extension elements. In my case the extensions were Azure Service Bus extensions.

In my experience it has been as simple as to delete the service reference and re-adding it. For example, last time it happened it was on a WebService (not WCF, the old one), and the error started appearing after we changed one of the classes that was being sent as a return from different routines/functions. After adding one more property to the class, it started going crazy and prompting errors everywhere.
Just a simple Delete and re-Add Service Reference did the trick.

Only need to one time remove <system.serviceModel> section from web.config. After Create first service refrence , this section rebuild by Vs.


Error: The model backing the 'NameDbContext' context has changed since the database was created

The original issue I was trying to solve was related to this error message. This is happening in a Web API 2 Project running on Azure.
Error 1
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_dbo.Merchant_MerchantId' on table 'Keys' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION,or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
The FOREGIN KEY error message was only introduced after I tried to upload a release build of my API to my Azure App Service. I recently upgrade to version 15.9.11 of Visual Studio 2017, but I have no idea if that is the cause of the FOREIGN KEY issue that started this mess. This API and database has been running for years with no problems whatsoever.
To try and fix the problem, I added the following line to my OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) method.
Adding the line kind of fixed the issue and Error 1 has gone away, but now the API is not finding records that are actually in the database. I'm not sure why that is.
I have since commented out the line and uploaded a new build of my App Service. I'm now getting this error message.
Error 2
Error: The model backing the 'NameDbContext' context has changed since the database was created.
At this stage, I'm causing more problems instead of fixing my original problem.
Any help to recover from this mess is much appreciated! Thanks!
I worked with a Microsoft Engineer on the "The model backing the 'NameDbContext' context has changed since the database was created" error. I added the following to the Application_Start() in the Global.asax.cs file. Adding this did not delete or alter any of my data in SQL. Error message 2 has gone away. The API is still not returning records that are in the database, so I still have a problem to fix.
I ran my API locally with no problems. This means that the problem is only happening in Azure. I'm working with Microsoft to narrow down the issue and come up with a fix.
It seems your database schema is changed and not at per with your entity framework, You may try to forcefully update your database using package manager console.

Topic "Troubleshooting" no response inside browser console

I cannot get this to work as stated in the UI5 documentation topic Troubleshooting for browser developer tools.
I already typed the code but I see no response.
Issue 1
When pasting code snippet from the documentation, you need to omit the full stop (.).
Otherwise, the console will think that the expression is not complete, hence, no response.
But just omitting the full stop will lead to an error that myView is undefined. See Issue 2.
Issue 2
Since UI5 1.61.0, the component in the sample code (id="HeapOfShards") gets an additional auto-prefixed ID from the parent ComponentContainer (id="container"). Therefore, when accessing the root view via the global ID like in the topic, the ID of the ComponentContainer needs to be prepended:
myView = sap.ui.getCore().byId("container-HeapOfShards---app");
This is clearly a documentation issue that needs to be fixed. Update: It's fixed now.
Why it didn't work
In 1.61, the sample code for Troubleshooting moved from creating the ComponentContainer via inline-script to creating it declaratively via the module sap/ui/core/ComponentSupport.commit
The reason why .byId("HeapOfShards---app") suddenly failed is that ComponentSupport sets several settings beforehand when creating the ComponentContainer, among which the autoPrefixId gets true by default. src
When creating the ComponentContainer directly without the ComponentSupport, autoPrefixId is false by default which is why it was all fine in previous versions.

Opshub migration failures

I'm migrating a large amount of projects from a on premise tfs2010 to vso, nearly all of them was able to migrate without any problems, but a few are creating errors. I am using Opshub Integration Manager Framework-OVSMU-V1.2.0.000.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
The most common error. This error is also described in opshub-visual-studio-online-migration-utility-test-cases-failing, but has yet to receive an accepted answer. As mentioned in this post the cause if the problem might be Shared Steps, so I tried removing one from a test case, and that made it pass in the migration utility. Unfortunately I need those test cases and it is not feasible for me to just delete them.
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship. To create this link, evaluate the existing links, and remove one of the other links in the cycle.
After inspecting the Work Items that causes the error and concluding that there is no links, and no clear circular reference, not even a Shared Step linking to work item 18374. Upon further inspection I noticed that work item 18374 doesn't even exist.
Any help would be much appreciated.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
This issue is addressed in latest release of OVSMU ( You can download from
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship.
This issue is scheduled for next release which will be out shortly. Check Visual Studio Gallery for further updates.

Apigee can't add TradeTracker Soap API

I'm very new to Apigee.
I'm adding an existing WSDL service as a API proxy.
When fetching the SOAP functions, all looks good. Every single one is imported and are setup correctly.
When i then hit the save button the proxy is created, but are never submitting the revision to the server.
When looking into the problem I see that i get a 502 error back from a file named[NAME]/tradetracker-api/?validate=true
Also a TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'b.then') are thrown from a file named 24efdbdd.proxy-editor.js
As i'm using Apigee's own website to add the proxy, so there's not much i can do about it.
This is happening in both Chrome 32, Safari 7 and Firefox 25 and the error has been there for at least a week.
I can't be the only one using Apigee's which keep's getting this error!?
There appears to be an issue with the WSDL file format -- not entirely sure what it is as one WSDL validator I used said it was okay, and another one choked on it saying it wasn't able to parse the file.
I've opened an issue with the Apigee product team to see if A) we can identify the issue with this WSDL and B) improve the product to throw a proper error rather than timing out.
This is fixed in the next release that is scheduled for release on 2/5/2014.

How can i know which object is preventing me from saving?

I'm working on a Microstrategy 8.1.525.151 Client with a Microstrategy Server 8.1. While creating a report i deleted some objects and after that, each time i try create or change any object (report, filter, attribute) i get the same error when i try to Save
The error is
'Cannot save, move or copy this object because it has been changed in the Metadata'
I've tried refreshing the schema both in the client and server, deleted and recreated the objects (it only works on the server but doesn't refresh on the client) and also the menu Administration/Server/Purge Cache Objects
With the exception of the Microstrategy knowledge base (which i cannot access) all i have found is mentions of changing multiple objects, however i don't know which objects may be causing this error if any
Thanks in advance for the help
If you cannot create/save any other object I'm afraid that your metadata are corrupted.
There are some utility provided by MicroStrategy to fix them, but I don't think they still support version 8.1. Your best shot is to try with MicroStrategy tech support.
You are the only one with this problem? other users can modify objects?
The way i used to solve it was to delete all attributes and reports i created since i started having such a problem, (it was easier because it was all in a single folder for attributes and a single folder for reports and i suspect in certain cases also other objects would need deletion) also restarted the intelligence server