Aptana studio selecting remote server for upload - deployment

I'm running Aptana Studio 3 and I have multiple remote connections setup for uploading my website to.
Some are for deployment, others are for testing and development.
Currently I'm have to manually drag the files across to the correct server, what I'd like to be able to do it right click on a file in the app explorer and select publish >> upload and it will go to the correct remote server, is there some way I can choose a default upload server so I can get this behaviour?

You can set the default connection under Project > Properties > File Transfer
There will be a drop down list of all of the connections you have set up for this project, pick the one you want to use by default and check the 'Use the connection as default' box and it will not ask you where you want to upload each time. Or, you can uncheck that box and it will prompt you to choose a connection each time you upload, with the one you've selected from this screen selected.
FWIW, Ctrl + Shift + U is the default upload shortcut and way easier than find file in explorer > right click > publish > upload, etc.


Eclipse send local edited files with Eclipse FTP

I'm really new with Eclipse. I'm a programmer and i have 2 site that i work on.
One is setup with a GIT.. so when i edit a file, i commit the change et the file is send to my server.
For the other site, i use Notepad ++, and when i edit my files, i use filezila to send it to the server..
My question, is, can i use Eclipse to edit the file and then send it via FTP ?
So i will not need Notepad++ and Filezilla anymore!
Here what i did: i create a new project (local), so i can edit the file in Eclipse. But to send it via FTP i see this topic How do I add FTP support to Eclipse?
and i created my connection with Remote System! And everythings works..
But the problem is, what i have to do to 'commit' or 'upload' my edited files ?
Because if y right click on my project, and i go hover de TEAM, only 2 options appears: Apply Patch, Share Project
There is no commit or send or upload...
What should I do?
RES works a little differently than the Team plugins. You have to use the RSE perspective and create a connection to your FTP server. Then you can interact with files through that connection (not through the Team menu).
See this video for a demonstration; it's an older version but should be close enough to get you going.

Eclipse-Luna TCP/IP Monitor config Import/Export

I have an small problem in my working environment. For every new version of software, we need to create new workspace (not ask why..), first we use monitor TCP/IP with eclipse-luna. Every time, we must recreate the monitor.
How could i import/export config of Monitor ? it's really tired because we have many backend.
He could be very useful for my team because we use an common .properties (contains all adress) which each developper change for doing monitoring. If we have been able to have an export/import monitor TCP/Ip, it's will be more easy to do accept to create another file which will be delegate to monitoring.
It's an old project and many thing could be do on for upgrade developing environment..
You can try exporting preferences in your older workspace:
Right Click in explorer > Export > Preferences
Then when in your new workspace :
Right Click in explorer > Import > Preferences > select the file you just exported
Not sure if your properties will be there...

How to change project properties to run locally?

I am working on CVS in a web project on Eclipse, Currently in the address bar I see: http://Remote Server Address:8080/myproject/.
When I needed to test some changes, I had to synchronize and commit to be able to test.
I want to have my own version of the project on my workspace that is different than the server, and my address bar looks like: http://localhost:8080/MyProject/index.jsp.
I tried to copy and paste, but whenever I put it in the workspace it detects the address of the server.
You need to change the server location, Just right click on the project click run is server and select your local tomcat server and you are done.
Whenever you are done with all the testing commit the code.
If any doubt update here.

How to remote save in Eclipse PDT like Netbeans?

I have a problem with Eclipse remote save.
I have been using Netbeans for 2 years, my projects are stored in local and also in remote test servers.
When I opened, change and saved files in Netbeans, it also saves (overwrites) the files to remote location.
Configuration of Netbeans is described here : Netbeans Remote Sync
Another thing is checkouted code from SVN is in my local, and I only commit from local, never from remote, I mean I use remote server only for testing purposes.
I decided to switch Eclipse because of other reasons, but I cannot succeed to prepare a similar development environment.
I tried remote explorer,it's complicated and I cannot find a solution to my problem. There are some suggessions by using Ant, I think, this can be easy thing.Ant is much more for me.
I am open to any suggessions, to prepare a similar development environment I described above in Netbeans case.
The link to the NetBeans page only shows the settings for localhost connection.
The remote connection requires an ftp server on the remote machine.
First I will show the Eclipse settings for localhost connection.
File -- New -- PHP Project.
Project Name : SwitchLoc
Folder -- Next
Settings as shown on image. Click Browse
Create a new connection.
Settings as shown on image. Click Next
Only to see what's going on : Click Next or Finish
Back to Connection select the one just created.
Select a folder under your www root.
Create a new php file
Right click on Switch new -- PHP File -- echo.php
Richt click on echo.php -- Properties -- Run/Debug Settings -- New -- PHP Web Page
Settings as shown on image. Click Browse
Uncheck Auto Generate and change the URL
Switch to Tab Common
Settings as shown on image. Click OK
Start Debug
select switch-local
Next: Create a remote connection to a Remote Server with FTP and remote debug.
Follows in the sequel.

Zend Studio and remote host - best practice

Got the following:
Zend Studio
Zend Framework Project
Remote host with FTP and SSH (root access)
Want to:
Save directly to remote host.
Currently i'm working on a localhost *AMP server, manually updating the remote through FTP.
Have tried various ways to acomplish the above - unsuccessfull obviously.
Can some one tell me what to do? Studio 5 (pre-eclipse) was so much better for pure 'FTP programming'.
Currently i'm using remote server support for synchronize my project directly with my i5 server.
It works using ftp or sfpt if you have enabled SSH on your server machine.
It works very well.
Before using remote server support you have to set up a connection
to the server: go to window menu > open perspective > other >
remote system explorer
set up a connection to your server
Return to php develop perspective
To add the "support to remote server" to an existing project, click on the project with rigth click > properties > Remote Server Support
Flag enable Remote connection properties
Set-up all properties and select upload files "on save"
In this way, ZS work locally on the file's project (index, build files ecc) and upload on the server only the .php and .js files.
It can works very well with svn suppor too, because it DOESEN'T upload (.svn) files to the server but keeps it local.
Whatever you do, don't use Expandrive. That's what I'm working with now, and it grinds ZSE to a crashing halt. Sometimes, Expandrive just stops working and ZSE thinks the file disappeared, so you have to close everything and anything not saved is lost.
EDIT: One solution that's worked for us is using the SMB protocol, using Windows' SMB compatibility to create a remote drive, and then interacting with your code base that way. Make sure to ignore building large static files or large files you won't be directly editing to further speed up Eclipse when building a project this way.
You can use 3rd party utilities:
Expandrive for OSX
Netdrive (commercial) or FTPDrive (free)
to mount FTP/SFTP to drive or folder so you can work as it is locally.