Simple REST authentication - rest

I'm working on my own project (mostly for education) and I need to create authentication & authorization mechanism for my REST service.
I've read a few articles & some good answers here, but i still can't understand the process completely. So from my point of view the simple process of authentication & authorizationshould look simething like this:
User enters login and password in the web browser. But is it safe to pass credentials as regular parameters in the url? Even after client-side encryption.
If valid credentials were passed REST service returns some token, which is unique for each user. This token should be passed in http header for every request and define user permission (i assume SSL is mandatory in this case). But where user should store this token? Is is approach safe?
Each request should be passed through filter that compares user permission (fetched from token in header) and resource permission. In case access should be denied 401 error will be returned.
So that's how I see solution, but it doesn't seems secure and reliable so far. Any corrections/advises/suggestions/links ?
Thanks in advance for everyone!

Okay, I've spent some time investigating my problem and here is the solution i found
Thanks to Suketu for comment! Credentials could be passed in the url using POST & HTTPS.
It's ok to add custom token to every request, but also cookie-based auth is acceptable. What about my question: there 2 types of HTML5 Web Storage
1) window.localStorage - stores data with no expiration date
2) code.sessionStorage - stores data for one session (data is lost when the tab is closed)
Useful links
If you want to get more information about cookie-based vs token-based auth you can dive into AngularJS article (
IMHO good question of how to generate tokens & related questions (
A guide for web storages (
And a guide for java developers how to create REST service auth(
A little bit more up to date article about auth with jax-rs 2.0 and jersey (
Hope this will be helpfull for someone :)


How to get a JWT from Auth0 hosted login

According to the "tutorial" (the docs themseleves say nothing) Auth0 should set a JWT for me on login, but it's not clear what it means by this. How do I get that JWT?
We already have a login flow in place that uses a hosted page that is accessed through a CNAME Following this process:
I go to
I am redirected to the CNAME
Then again to
Username and Password are POSTed to
This returns a form containing the JWT and automatically POSTs to
This then redirects back to our main site but the JWT is not received here.
Because it's a CNAME, Auth0 would be able to set an HTTP Only, Secure cookie for our domain, that would be enough.
I've only just jumped on this project and understand that if it was built from scratch we could use the API directly to get the JWT but I can't work out how to do it for the existing flow.
I'm sure we're missing something simple, but the documentation is not forthcoming. Do I need to do a login via the API instead?
EDITED: To clarify the login flow exists and works using a hosted page on auth0, I need to get the JWT after the user has logged in.
MORE INFO: We're using the Auth0 WordPress Plugin which correctly logs us in as the right user (as well as helps us create new users) but does not seem to expose the JWT. That page does mention getting JWTs but refers to the deprecated wp-jwt-auth plugin
The links provided is for general information about JWT's; for accomplishing an authentication through Auth0 there are better suited documentation. In particular, you should start with the quickstarts ( to check if there's any that is directly associated with the application and stack you're building.
In addition to that, you can also check the docs associated more with protocol flows (assuming you want OIDC/OAuth 2.0):
The above should guide you about which flow to use and then for each you can follow the links to have a better understanding of how the flow can be implemented.
As an additional note the /login endpoint should be treated as an implementation detail; for OIDC/OAuth 2.0 you need to start the request at /authorize.

General API security tips and info on how tokens work

So I want to understand a little more about authentication in an API. I know very little about how security works.
I am using Auth0 for my app and it supports only logging in from a social media site. My API checks if a user is authenticated and checks data that is being sent to avoid wrong stuff to be saved in the database(mongodb). That is all I have currently implemented to secure my API. Is it possible that a user can take his own token that he got from logging in and post information to a different account by simply guessing a different user _id.
For example, an article receives all its content and the id of the article author.
If this is possible what are some solutions on securing my API.
Any other tips on making an API secure are appreciated!
Auth0 supports logins with anything , not just social networks. You can login with username/passwords, LDAP servers, SAML servers, etc.
A token is a secure artifact. An author cannot change the id in a token without compromising the token itself (e.g. the digital signature will fail), so impersonating someone else is not that easy. The very first thing your API would need to do is checking the integrity of the token being added to the request, and reject any that contains an invalid one (bad signature, expired, etc).
It is a question that requires a lot of content, so I would recommend starting here:

Spring boot REST token authorization and authentication best practices

What is the best practise for authorization and authentication of users in REST spring boot?
I am building web app with standard pages + REST API for mobile. I looked at many articles about Spring security and basically most of them goes with some sort of fitler approach that will allow or block REST calls. In my case, however, I have some auth logic based on who the user is. For example, there is a /update API that updates user information, and user can update himself, but cannot update other person.
Initially I thought to use next auth schema:
User calls auth API and pass name/password or cookie
System generates short life token, saves in it's database.
User get this token, updates his cookie (so JS in web application can read and use it)
When REST call is being make cookies are passed. At Controller, token is extracted, checked for expiration, query is done to database to validate token and get user id.
Based on user id, REST will be permited or blocked.
Is this the right approach to implement? I have a pretty big mess in my head after reading articles about spring boot security.
At least: session auth will not work for me (REST is stateless). I want to make auth for mobile device without storing login/password there.
Does it make sense to pass this token in the REST body itself? What in case of GET method?
Many thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Did you find a solution to your problem?
I have answered this problem elsewhere, if you are sure you won't want to open up the API to other developers/clients in the future (if you do then you should look at OAuth) then a simple token based solution will work.
Something basically along the lines of this:
Setup a standard html login page, that you can use for user login to the app
setup spring security to return a cookie on sucessful login with an authentication token
in your mobile app, embed a WebView (or equivalent) and load this login form - allow the user to login via that webview, on response grab the cookie and store the token (as mobile is generally single user, you can keep that pretty long to save mobile users having to keep logging in)
Add a security filter to the the REST API to authenticate against the token (from the mobile app pass the token in the header for example) - then you will be able to use normal spring authentication context for current users etc.
This approach is suggested by Google here: (EDIT: Google seems to have changed the page I originally read to be about using Google+ sign in and OAuth2.0 - I can't see a link to their general Mobile/API docs so here it is in the web archive :) )
I have also written up my implementation here:
Overview of the approach using Spring security
The code & details
Although this was really just an experiment/Proof of concept, it might be useful in your thinking.
Cookie approach seems perfect for the use case. Token can be tied up with user id. Filter can extract cookie and pass user id for example as header to apis - that should take care of GET...

How should a Facebook user access token be consumed on the server-side?

I'm developing several web services and a handful of clients (web app, mobile, etc.) which will interface with said services over HTTP(s). My current work item is to design an authentication and authorization solution for the product. I have decided to leverage external identity providers, such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and the like for authentication.
I'm trying to solve the problem of, "when a request comes to my server, how do I know who the user is and how can I be sure?". More questions below as well...
Rely on external identities to indicate who I'm dealing with ('userId' essentially is all I care about).
The system should use token-based authentication (as opposed to cookies for example or basic auth).
I believe this is the right choice for scaling across multiple clients and servers while providing loose coupling.
Based on my reading and understanding of token-based authentication, the following is how I imagine the workflow to be. Let's focus for now on Facebook in a web browser. My assumption is that other external identity providers should have similar capabilities, though I have not confirmed just yet.
Note, as of writing, I'm basing the following off of Facebook login version 2.2
Client: Initiates login to Facebook using the JavaScript SDK
Facebook: User authenticates and approves app permissions (to access user's public profile for example)
Facebook: Sends response to client which contains user’s access token, ID, and signed request
Client: Stores user access token in browser session (handled by SDK conveniently)
Client: Makes a request to my web service for a secure resource by sending along the user’s access token in the authorization header + the user’s ID (in custom header potentially)
Server: Reads user access token from request header and initiates verification by sending a request to the debug_token graph API provided by Facebook
Facebook: Responds back to the server with the user access token info (contains appId and userId)
Server: Completes verification of the token by comparing the appId to what is expected (known to itself) and the userId to what was sent on the client request
Server: Responds to the client with the requested resource (assuming the happy authorization path)
I’m imagining steps 5-9 would be repeated for subsequent requests to the server (while the user’s access token is valid – not expired, revoked from FB side, app permissions changed, etc.)
Here's a diagram to help go along with the steps. Please understand this system is not a single page application (SPA). The web services mentioned are API endpoints serving JSON data back to clients essentially; they are not serving HTML/JS/CSS (with the exception of the web client servers).
First and foremost, are there any glaring gaps / pit falls with the described approach based on my preface and requirements?
Is performing an outbound request to Facebook for verifying the access token (steps 6-8 above) per client request required / recommended?
I know at the very least, I must verify the access token coming from the client request. However, the recommended approach for subsequent verifications after the first is unknown to me. If there are typical patterns, I’m interested in hearing about them. I understand they may be application dependent based on my requirements; however, I just don’t know what to look for yet. I’ll put in the due diligence once I have a basic idea.
For instance, possible thoughts:
Hash the access token + userId pair after first verification is complete and store it in a distributed cache (accessible by all web servers) with expiry equal to access tokens. Upon subsequent requests from the clients, hash the access token + userId pair and check its existence in the cache. If present, then request is authorized. Otherwise, reach out to Facebook graph API to confirm the access token. I’m assuming this strategy might be feasible if I’m using HTTPS (which I will be). However, how does performance compare?
The accepted answer in this StackOverflow question recommends creating a custom access token after the first verification of the Facebook user token is complete. The custom token would then be sent to the client for subsequent requests. I’m wondering if this is more complex than the above solution, however. This would require implementing my own Identity Provider (something I want to avoid because I want to use external identity providers in the first place…). Is there any merit to this suggestion?
Is the signedRequest field present on the response in step #3 above (mentioned here), equivalent to the signed request parameter here in the ‘games canvas login’ flow?
They seem to be hinted as equivalent since the former links to the latter in the documentation. However, I’m surprised the verification strategy mentioned on the games page isn’t mentioned in the ‘manually building a login flow’ page of the web documentation.
If the answer to #3 is ‘Yes’, can the same identity confirmation strategy of decoding the signature and comparing to what is expected to be used on the server-side?
I’m wondering if this can be leveraged instead of making an outbound call to the debug_token graph API (step #6 above) to confirm the access token as recommended here:
Of course, in order to make the comparison on the server-side, the signed request portion would need to be sent along with the request to the server (step #5 above). In addition to feasibility without sacrificing security, I’m wondering how the performance would compare to making the outbound call.
While I’m at it, in what scenario / for what purpose, would you persist a user's access token to a database for example?
I don’t see a scenario where I would need to do this, however, I may be overlooking something. I’m curious was some common scenarios might be to spark some thoughts.
From what you describe I'd suggest to use a server-side login flow as described in
so that the token is already on your server, and doesn't need to be passed from the client. If you're using non-encrypted connections, this could be a security risk (e.g. for man-in-the-middle attacks).
The steps would be:
(1) Logging people in
You need to specify the permission you want to gather from the users in the scope parameter. The request can be triggered just via a normal link:
(2) Confirm the identitity
(3) Inspect the access token
You can inspect the token as you already said in your question via
GET /debug_token?input_token={token-to-inspect}
This should only be done server-side, because otherwise you'd make you app access token visible to end users (not a good idea!).
(4) Extending the access token
Once you got the (short-lived) token, you can do a call to extend the token as described in
like the following:
GET /oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token
(5) Storing of access tokens
Concerning the storing of the tokens on the server, FB suggests to do so:
(6) Handling expired access tokens
As FB doesn't notify you if a token has expired (and if you don't save the expiry date and compare this to the current timestamp before making a call), it's possible that you receive error messages from FB if the token got invalid (after max. 60 days). The error code will be 190:
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix
time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190
If the access token becomes invalid, the solution is to have the person log in again, at which point you will be able to make API calls on their behalf once more. The login flow your app uses for new people should determine which method you need to adopt.
I dont' see any glaring gaps / pit falls, but I'm not a security expert.
Once your server has verified the given token (step 8), as you said:
The accepted answer in this StackOverflow question recommends creating a custom access token after the first verification of the Facebook user token is complete. The custom token would then be sent to the client for subsequent requests. I’m wondering if this is more complex than the above solution, however. This would require implementing my own Identity Provider (something I want to avoid because I want to use external identity providers in the first place…). Is there any merit to this suggestion?
IMHO is the way to go. I would use which allows you to encode values (the userId for example) using a secret key.
Then your client attach this token to every request. So you can verify the request without need to a third party (you don't need database queries neither). The nice thing here is there is no need to store the token on your DB.
You can define an expiration date on the token, to force the client authenticate with the third party again when you want.
Let's say you want your server be able to do some action without the client interaction. For example: Open graph stories. In this scenario because you need to publish something in the name of the user you would need the access token stored on your DB.
(I can not help with the 3 and 4 questions, sorry).
Problem with Facebook is that they do not use OpenId connect on top of Oauth (
Thus resulting in their custom ways of providing Oauth authentification.
Oauth2 with OpenId connect identity services usually provide issuer endpoint where you can find URL (by appending ".well-known/openid-configuration") for jwk's which can be used to verify that JWT token and its contents were signed by the same identity service. (i.e access token originated from the same service that provided you jwk's)
For example some known openid connect identity providers:
(btw it is not a coincidence that Attlasian provides only these two services to perform external login)
Now as you mentioned, you need to support multiple oauth providers and since like Facebook not all providers use same configuration of oauth (they use different JWT attribute names, toke verification methods, etc. (Openid connect tries to unify this process)) i would suggest you to use some middleware identity provider like Oauth0 (service not protocol) or Keycloak. These can be used with external identity providers (Social pages as you mentioned) and also provides you with custom user store.
Advantage is that they unify authentication process under one type (e.g both support openid connect). Whereas when using multiple oauth providers with not unified authentication workflow you will end up with redudant implementations and need for merging different information's under one type (this is basically what mentioned middle-ware identity providers solve for you).
So if you will use only Facebook as identity provider in your app then go for it and make implementation directly for Facebook Oauth workflow. But with multiple identity providers (which is almost always case when creating public services) you should stick with mentioned workaround or find another one (or maybe wait till all social services will support Openid connect, which they probably wont).
There may be hope.. This year, Facebook have announced a "limited login" feature, which, if they were to add to their javascript sdks would certainly make my life easier:
At the time of writing, I can only find reference to iOS and Unity SDKs, but it does seem to return a normal JWT, which is all I want!

How do I implement authentication the restful way?

I'm building a picture diary on web application google app engine using python. Users can sign up and post pictures to their diary.
Also, I'm trying to conform as much as I can to the REST architecture of doing things.
The authentication scheme is based like this for the web application:
1. Post username/password from the frontend
2. Backend sets up a cookie if authentication is successful
3. The rest of the AJAX calls made are authenticated using this cookie.
Is there any way to conform to REST without using cookies ?
Now, I'm also building an android application where users can sign in and post/view their picture diary. I need to expose the data from web application's datastore so I'll be building a webservice to fetch data from the datastore.
The authentication scheme for the android client:
1. Post username/password over https to the web service
2. Web service returns a unique authorization token (store the token in the username/pwd table on the datastore)
3. Request subsequent services by adding this token to the Request Header of the request
4. Server maps the token to the username/pwd table and returns data if token is found
5. Authorization token expires after a certain period of time
1. Set up a secret key on the client and server side
2. Use "username:hash of password and secret key" in the authorization header of every request
3. server generates the password by extracting the password from the hash value using the same hash algorithm ; if successful returns data
btw, I didn't wanna use basic authorization because of its security vulnerabilities.
Which is better ?
Are there other significantly better ways to accomplish what I'm trying to do ? Security is quite a concern for me btw.
I'd appreciate if anyone has any insight into this issue. thanks.
I've been doing some research myself as to what would be the best solution. I think the 2-legged oauth might work in my case as Leonm suggested.
In this case the server has to provide the client with a consumer key/secret which in my case is hardcoded in the app.
The steps now would be:
1. Generate a signature using the oauth_parameters(consumer_key, signature_method, timestamp), request url, request parameters, and the SECRET.
2. Include the signature, oauth parameters when making a request.
3. Server verifies the request by generating the signature again except in this case it uses the SECRET that corresponds to the key
I think this way I am pretty much confirming to the REST principles. The server is statless as I far I understand now.
What are the pros/cons on doing things this way?
If "security is a concern" then I would say that you'd be a lot better off using open standards and a library to achieve what you want. The main reason for this is that if you do it yourself, you're very likely to forget something; these standards have had a lot of eyes looking at them, looking for holes.
Your options include (in increasing level of complexity)
Basic authentication and HTTPS
Everything is encrypted, which makes it impossible to compress or look into, it increases the overhead somewhat, using more horsepower on the server, and more perhaps battery power on the client. Simple to implement, since it's well supported by libraries.
Digest authentication
Unencrypted messages pass the wire, but the authentication is securely managed in the Authorization headers. See the wikipedia entry for more information.
See how Google is providing OAuth for installed applications. I believe it isn't what you're looking for, since you're not asking to share data between applications, just authenticating users.
Roll your own
If you want to roll your own, I suggest looking at e.g. how Google's (now deprecated ?) ClientLogin used to work.
Clients would GET a protected resource, and get a 401 with instructions to perform a GoogleLogin authentication, including a URI for where to perform the login itself
Clients (knowing how to do this) POST a request in a specific manner to that URI
The server responds with a specific response including a (long) token
The client can now perform GET requests to the protected resource with that token.
You cite REST, which dictates that requests should not specifically depend on prior interaction: "... each request from client to server must contain all of the information necessary to understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server." (fielding) This means that a server shouldn't store conversational context (like an authentication token) in a table.
One way of fixing this is by using any of the token based approaches (where the server tells the client about a token it should use for future requests) where the token is not a random number, but a message to the server itself. To protect yourself from client tampering, it can be signed, and if you're afraid of clients looking at it, you can encrypt it.
Edit: Although I'm not certain, it seems unlikely that Google has a table of all authentication tokens ever issued; The length of their tokens suggests that the token is some encrypted message proving that whoever holds this token actually provided real credentials in some realm at some time.
OAuth does exactly what you want to do in a standard way.
You could use a combination of HTTPS and HTTP Basic Auth. Both are existing standards and should be secure enough when used together.