adaptive Chained Payments failed code 520009 - account is restricted - paypal

I am trying to set up a chained payment (working perfectly for the sandbox environment), but am getting error 520009 (Account is restricted) for live .
First reply response form PayPal
[responseEnvelope] => Array
[timestamp] => 2014-05-08T00:18:05.168-07:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => 16ead17a17432
[build] => 10680030
[error] => Array
[0] => Array
[errorId] => 520009
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => Account is restricted
[parameter] => Array
[0] =>
Second response form paypal for "SetPaymentOptions response" =
[responseEnvelope] => Array
[timestamp] => 2014-05-08T00:18:06.185-07:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => b569e8963ed54
[build] => 10680030
[error] => Array
[0] => Array
[errorId] => 580022
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => Invalid request parameter: payKey with value
[parameter] => Array
[0] => payKey
[1] =>

If you are getting an "Account Restricted" error in the live environment then your PayPal account is restricted. Visit the Resolution Center within your PayPal account to determine why. You may have to contact customer service to resolve.


Paypal error 580029 One of the required parameters for subscription is missing

When I try to make a preapproval this message comes up instead of showing me the Paypal login screen. Usually it is more specific, but now it just says "One of the required parameters for subscription is missing", so
I would like to know what is the parameter missing?.
Is this related to the APP ID?
It worked fine in Sandbox but when going live I have this error.
Preapproval adaptive-preapproval
PayPal\Types\AP\PreapprovalResponse Object
[responseEnvelope] => PayPal\Types\Common\ResponseEnvelope Object
[timestamp] => 2016-01-06T11:02:03.894-08:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => 4d382b98c6be4
[build] => 17820627
[preapprovalKey] =>
[error] => Array
[0] => PayPal\Types\Common\ErrorData Object
[errorId] => 580029
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => One of the required parameters for subscription is missing
[exceptionId] =>
[parameter] => Array
[0] => PayPal\Types\Common\ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Subscription
PayPal\Types\AP\PreapprovalRequest Object
[requestEnvelope] => PayPal\Types\Common\RequestEnvelope Object
[detailLevel] =>
[errorLanguage] => en_US
[clientDetails] => PayPal\Types\Common\ClientDetailsType Object
[ipAddress] =>
[deviceId] =>
[applicationId] => MY_APP_NAME
[model] =>
[geoLocation] =>
[customerType] =>
[partnerName] =>
[customerId] =>
[cancelUrl] => http://localhost/auction/create-auction/?post_new_step=1&projectid=181
[currencyCode] => CAD
[dateOfMonth] =>
[dayOfWeek] =>
[endingDate] => 2016-02-05Z
[maxAmountPerPayment] =>
[maxNumberOfPayments] =>
[maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod] => 1
[maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments] => 1.5
[paymentPeriod] => NO_PERIOD_SPECIFIED
[returnUrl] => http://localhost/auction/?page_id=10&finalize=1&post_new_step=4&projectid=181
[memo] =>
[ipnNotificationUrl] =>
[senderEmail] =>
[startingDate] => 2016-01-06Z
[pinType] =>
[feesPayer] =>
[displayMaxTotalAmount] => 1
[requireInstantFundingSource] =>
[sender] =>
I just experienced the same issue.
I resolved it by filling out all of the "Max*" fields.
In my case, I was missing the "maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod" field.
Successfully created a approval token for a "one-time" payment with the following request:
cancelUrl: "http://localhost:55182/Booking/InitialBookingRequest?StartDate=7/1/2016 1:15:00 AM&EndDate=7/1/2016 2:15:00 AM&ListingId=119295&bookingId=90802" string
clientDetails: null
currencyCode: "USD"
dateOfMonth: null
dayOfWeek: null
displayMaxTotalAmount: null
endingDate: "2016-07-15"
feesPayer: null
ipnNotificationUrl: "http://localhost:55182/home/handler"
maxAmountPerPayment: 5.00
maxNumberOfPayments: 1
maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod: 1
maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments: 5.00
memo: null
paymentPeriod: null
pinType: null
requireInstantFundingSource: null
returnUrl: "http://localhost:55182/booking/Success?StartDate=7/1/2016 1:15:00 AM&EndDate=7/1/2016 2:15:00 AM&ListingId=119295&bookingId=90802" string
sender: null
senderEmail: null
startingDate: "2016-06-30"
We have been battling with this issue too, and it seems it comes up on the internet quite a bit. Unfortunately, the PayPal documentation lists most fields as Optional, when they aren't.
What fields are actually optional depends on the type of Pre-approval you are using (there is Subscription / One-time / On-demand), but none of this seems to be mentioned in the PayPal API documentation.
Looking at your request, I believe the one field you will also need to specify is maxAmountPerPayment, which in your case would be the same as maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments
Although the error is cryptic, it is in fact informing you that for a Subscription type of Pre-approval, you are missing some required fields. Unfortuantely these required fields are not documented. If it turns out maxAmountPerPayment doesn't work, my advice would be to start populating each field and testing until the request passes! Good luck.

PayPal pre-approval giving error

I have used PayPal api in which first i do preapproval and then make chained payment using that approval key. Everything works fine on my local server. But as on live its giving me below error.
PreapprovalResponse Object
[responseEnvelope] => ResponseEnvelope Object
[timestamp] => 2015-05-01T08:38:40.374-07:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => 88fffca2a737c
[build] => 15743565
[preapprovalKey] =>
[error] => Array
[0] => ErrorData Object
[errorId] => 580001
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => Invalid request: Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
[exceptionId] =>
[parameter] => Array
[0] => ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
[1] => ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
My request is
Response is
What's wrong i cannot understand.
On local my ssl version is
OpenSSL/0.9.8y and
on live its NSS/ Basic ECC
$maxpaymentss = floor(2000/68.50);
$data = array(
'ClientDetails' => array(
'applicationId' => 'My_APP',
'returnUrl' => '',
'cancelUrl' => '',
'startingDate' => gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"),
'endingDate' => gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"),
'maxAmountPerPayment' => 68.50,
'maxNumberOfPayments' => $maxpaymentss,
'maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments' => 2000.00,
'maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod' => 1,
'currencyCode' => 'USD',
'requestEnvelope' => array(
'errorLanguage' => 'en_US',
'detailLevel' => 'ReturnAll'
these are the required fields for the live mode of PayPal adaptive preapproval.
Remove the "," in the "maxAmountPerPayment" and "maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments" field and try again . It should work fine

Paypal API GetVerifiedStatus return User is not allowed to perform this action

I would like to use GetVerifiedStatus of Paypal API.
So I have create my application and I have an application ID.
In sandbox, all is ok, the service return the status of my customer.
But when I make a live call I have this error :
"User is not allowed to perform this action"
Do you have a solution?
Request :
[emailAddress] =>
[matchCriteria] => NONE
Response :
stdClass Object
[responseEnvelope] => stdClass Object
[timestamp] => 2013-10-29T06:47:26.456-07:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => 21820ac9a046c
[build] => 7784095
[error] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[errorId] => 550001
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => User is not allowed to perform this action
(Paypal GetVerifiedStatus with "User is not allowed to perform this action" : This is not the same problem because he update the error with "Cannot determine PayPal Account status")
In order to perform the GetVerifiedStatus call in a live environment, you need to pass also firstName and lastName in the arguments, and they need to be consistent with those of the PayPal account for the email address you are checking. You also need to set matchCriteria to 'NAME'. So, your request would look like:
Array (
[emailAddress] =>
[firstName] => myCustomerFirstName
[lastName] => myCustomerLastName
[matchCriteria] => NAME
Try updating the merchant PayPal account to a business account and verify it.

making Order in Paypal Parallel Express Checkout

I am trying to place Order with Parallel Paypal Express Checkout. Here is the API implementation.
I am using PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION => Order in SetExpressCheckout and in DoExpressChecoutPayment and it gives error (this is required).
When I use PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION => Order in SetExpressCheckout and PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION => Sale in DoExpressChecoutPayment it works.
All goes well until DoExpressChecoutPayment. Please check this
DoExpressCheckoutPayment Request
[TOKEN] => EC-4U931568VK402050F
[VERSION] => 97.0
[METHOD] => DoExpressCheckoutPayment
[USER] => 'user'
[PWD] => 'pwd'
[SIGNATURE] => 'sig'
and response from this is:
[TOKEN] => EC-4U931568VK402050F
[TIMESTAMP] => 2013-09-26T10:08:27Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 2381c85a926e3
[ACK] => Failure
[VERSION] => 97.0
[BUILD] => 7882219
[PAYMENTINFO_0_ACK] => Failure
[PAYMENTINFO_1_ACK] => Failure
I have asked same question here.
Internal error came because wrong type of account ids are assigned to PAYMENTINFO_0_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID and PAYMENTINFO_1_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID in DoExpressCheckoutPayment request. Accounts assigned are personal, they should be paypal Business Accounts instead. that was the reason of "Internal Error". Thanks

Paypal : invalid token only in DoExpressCheckoutPayment method

I'm starting to work with PayPal and my first work is to debug it on our website.
Actually when we go to the end of an order, it works fine but we get a stack in the logs : "Invalid token (#10410: Invalid Token)".
This happens when the doExpressCheckoutPayment is called and it seems like there's no token and no payerid so an error is thrown. All other information seem to be correctly filled.
Here's the debug result calling doExpressCheckoutPayment :
[DoExpressCheckoutPayment] => Array
[TOKEN] =>
[AMT] => 4.16
[ITEMAMT] => 3.36
[TAXAMT] => 0.80
[L_NUMBER0] => *
[L_NAME0] => *
[L_QTY0] => 1
[L_AMT0] => 4.10
[L_NUMBER1] =>
[L_NAME1] => Discount
[L_QTY1] => 1
[L_AMT1] => -0.74
[EMAIL] => *
[STATE] => *
[CITY] => *
[STREET] => *
[ZIP] => *
[STREET2] =>
[METHOD] => DoExpressCheckoutPayment
[VERSION] => 72.0
[USER] => ****
[PWD] => ****
[SIGNATURE] => ****
[response] => Array
[TIMESTAMP] => 2013-03-07T15:01:45Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 64adbc2375f59
[ACK] => Failure
[VERSION] => 72.0
[BUILD] => 5331358
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10410
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid token
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Invalid token.
Problem is that just after this method is called, setExpressCheckout is called and it's a success so the order is correctly placed.
Here's the success response when calling setExpressCheckout :
[response] => Array
[TOKEN] => EC-5UG654898R029060W
[TIMESTAMP] => 2013-03-07T15:01:48Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 348b58c6200c1
[ACK] => Success
[VERSION] => 72.0
[BUILD] => 5331358
I don't understand why when doing a doExpressCheckoutPayment, a failure is thrown and when doing setExpressCheckout, no error is detected and the sale is accepted anyway....
Is there a problem in the order of the method call ? I mean, should setExpressCheckout not be called before doExpressCheckoutPayment ?
We're facing an other problem with PayPal and I hope that solving this problem will solve the other one....
Thanks you very much for your help guys !
The SetExpressCheckout should happen first -- the token you get back is what you redirect the customer's browser with, and when they return they'll have the token in the URL and that is when you can getExpressCheckoutDetails if you need to see their shipping address and associated info, and finally you run doExpressCheckoutPayment to commit the transactions.
To reiterate: You get a valid token from the setEC, you use this token in the redirect, you get this token back appended to the RETURNURL the customer returns to, and you reference this token in any subsequent getEC and doEC calls.