This works:
WinGetTitle, Title, A
WinGetClass, Class, A
if (RegExMatch(Title, "Poker"))
{coordmode, mouse, window
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
mouseclick, left, 325, 341
MouseMove, StartX, StartY
send {wheeldown}
This doesn't work
WinGetTitle, Title, A
WinGetClass, Class, A
if (RegExMatch(Title, "Poker"))
{coordmode, mouse, window
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
mouseclick, left, 510, 342
send {Backspace}
send {Backspace}
send {Backspace}
send {Backspace}
send {Backspace}
send, 1.25
MouseMove, StartX, StartY
send {a}
Why it not work :(
Error message comes when I try to use "a" in a different application. Says 71 hotkeys used in 1000ms or something.
Add this to the top of your script:
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 300 ;default is 70
The error you get is common to scripts where the mousewheel is captured and used alot. Autohotkey treats the mousewheel as a hotkey and thinks that you shouldn't push a hotkey more than 70 times per second. Scrolling can call the hotkey more times then that depending on usage. This line will allow more than 70.
three things, strictly speaking when using a hot key that has multiple lines of code the first line doesn't immediately follow the double colons. So this:
a:: WinGetTitle, Title, A
WinGetClass, Class, A
should be this:
WinGetTitle, Title, A
WinGetClass, Class, A
Secondly the command that you are trying to find is called an imperative by the name of "#IfWinActive" or "#If" your regex should be used with latter of those to commands. There is a lot to that so you will need to look at those in the docs.
Lastly in the using a hotkey which sends itself you need to prefix it with "$" so that this:
Hope that helps with the question for any one looking atthis year old post.
After a month of trial and error, I've finally found a solution!
How to remap Middle mouse button something else?
If you don't have a three-button mouse, this is a must-have for blender (esp. Laptop)
I'm aware of "emulate 3 button mouse" in Preference>>Input.
But if you check that option then you won't be able to 'Select loop'
which uses ALT leftClick.
What if you could remap Mbutton to any other key you rarely use?
Yes you can!
Nice to see that you tried it yourself.
But here's how a context sensitive remap is actually done:
#IfWinActive ahk_class GHOST_WindowClass
This script will allow you to remap Mbutton with other key, such as LeftWin.
#IfWinActive ahk_class GHOST_WindowClass ; Blender's class
$LWin:: ; "$" this allows to send the trigger key in a working script***
if getkeystate("LWin", "p") ; if a button is Physically held down by the user.
send, {MButton DOWN}
send, {MButton UP}
;~ MsgBox, Blender is active ; You dont need this.
#IfWinNotActive ahk_class GHOST_WindowClass ; Other than blender (I'm aware of other methods, but this works for me!)
Send, {LWin} ; *** like here I'm able to use Left Win again without triggering the script.
;~ MsgBox,Blender isnt active ;; You dont need this.
;~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm at a loss here. As soon as I add the LButton hotkey, the Send, {LButton} doesn't seem to work, but they show up in recently executed lines.
Env. Windows 7x64, Disabled Touchpad, AHK v1.1.31.01.
I try to emulate the Wink application (from DebugMode) to capture screenshots for training purposes. For that reason, I want to capture a screenshot just before a mouse click. This looks easy, and I even vaguely remember doing similar mouse hotkeys in the past. However I can't get this to work.
Step 1: I just reduced it to this simple script:
Send, {LButton}
When using this script, I can simulate clicking the Left Mouse Button through the a key. Nothing special.
However as soon as I add either a line with "Hotkey, $LButton, MySendClick", or "$LButton::" the previously working a hotkey no longer works. In the recently executed lines, you can see the "Send, {LButton}" lines, but nothing is being send. Unexpectedly, the a hotkey actually causes the "$LButton::" hotkey to trigger (without it sending {LButton}). When I change the a hotkey to send "RButton" and the $LButton:: to $RButton::, then Send {Click} works perfectly (eventhough the a hotkey should never be able to trigger $RButton::).
Originally I just wanted to have the following HotKey:
SoundBeep, 300, 150 ; For testing only
; Send, ^{PrintScreen} ; To trigger Greenshot in the background
Sleep, 100
Send, {LButton}
I upgraded from AHK v1.1.22.04 to v1.1.31.01. No improvement.
I tried "Click", "sendInput, {LButton}", "Send {Click}", "MouseClick, Left".
I tried "$LButton::", "vk01sc000::", "Hotkey, $LButton, MyClick".
Is this an issue with my specific Windows 7 configuration or an "undocumented AHK feature"?
Send, {LButton}
SoundBeep, 300, 150 ; Should be Send, ^{PrintScreen} ; To trigger Greenshot in the background
MouseClick, Left
In this last test example, When $LButton:: is disabled, the a hotkey works like a charm, but as soon as I enable $LButton::, the a hotkey triggers $LButton:: and no mouse click is being sent to the windows applications.
I would appreciate it when other Windows 7 users could quickly test this issue.
In my experience, using keys that you still want the input to pass through need the Tilde prefix.
SoundBeep, 300, 150 ; Should be Send, ^{PrintScreen} ; To trigger Greenshot in the background
KeyWait, LButton ; Wait for lbutton to be released.
When using three different methods of holding down the left mouse button:
Mouseclick, left, 0, 0, 1, , D, R
Send {LButton down}
Click down
the game I'm making a macro for logs me out complaining that I'm sending too many actions. I tested this by itself as a script, like:
Click down
So there's no chance other code is causing it.
I was wondering if there are any settings I can use (by settings I mean like CoordMode, Mouse, Screen) or any other solution to perhaps prevent whatever rapid event sending AHK is using to simulate a mouse button being held down. Is there any possible fix I can try? I'm open to testing any ideas.
Well, you could introduce a Sleep like so:
while (GetKeyState("LButton", "P"))
MouseClick, left
Sleep, 100
Though I personally dislike binding the mouse click to behaviours via the same mouse click, as it can lead to results that are difficult to get out of.
Here's an example with a toggleable hotkey.
SendInput, {LButton Down}
Sleep, 100
if getkeystate("Insert", "p") ; Hold for a second as the Sleep will delay recognition.
SendInput, {LButton Up}
Edited per the comments:
SendInput, {LButton Down}
KeyWait, Insert, D
SendInput, {LButton Up}
Hi all i have this piece of code that cant get it to work, please need an hand.
BlockInput On
SendInput {i}
Sleep 2
MouseClick, right, 1775, 795
SendInput {i}
Sleep 2
MouseClick, left, 955, 380
BlockInput Off
The problem here i dont know why is not sending or it does to fast input I then Right Click input i again and left click, any sugestions please?
Per my comment:
BlockInput On
SendInput i
Sleep 2000
MouseClick, right, 1775, 795
SendInput i
Sleep 2000
MouseClick, left, 955, 380
BlockInput Off
i forgot to mention that im bad at programming is just a hobby and need it for a game to open inventory when task"{i}" is pressed about sleep you are right i have made my home work in the mean time and read about autohotkeys and stuff and i got the perfect working result thanks anyway :) here is my working code that is what i wanted and i will wxplain aftewards (sry for my english guys i think is not so good i have not study english just learned on the way:)
BlockInput On
;Pressing Space if any inventory is open
Send {space}
Sleep 50
;Opening Inventory
SendInput {i}
Sleep 200
;Move the mouse to a specific location
MouseMove, 1770, 790
Sleep 400
;Pressing Mouse Right Button
Send, {RButton}
Sleep 400
;Move the mouse to a specific location
MouseMove, 600, 370
Sleep 400
;Pressing Mouse Left Button
Send, {LButton}
BlockInput off
The give up code is a solution for me that actually works without any issue and it does send spacebar (that is the game setup to close any inventory opened) then sends "i" key to open the inventory of the character and goes to defined location making righ click on town portal scroll and after that goes back to defined location and left click on it to enter to the portal (that means going to town) the position is based on the monitor max resolution so the coordinates can be adjusted for anyone needs in case someone else need or whant to use this code ;)
I have a window that displays a book. In two smaller boxes below, there is page number and volume information of the book that is open. I can get that information easily as follows:
ControlGetText, volume, ThunderRT6TextBox3
ControlGetText, page, ThunderRT6TextBox2
Then my script makes my mouse pointer move to a button. It clicks it, and a new window pops open. In that window, there is more textual information related to the book, such as publisher, name author, edition etc. I want to retrieve that information. But when I try the same strategy it is not working, eg:
ControlGetText, data, RichTextWndClass3
The only difference between the two cases, is that those two small boxes are editable, you can enter text whereas this window is static.
I tried many other options such as:
SendEvent ^a
Which is equivalent to control + a, which should select everything. I tried putting pauses but it would never select. I tried the script to manually double click on that window. It works, and one word gets select like that. Even then SendEvent ^a doesn't do anything.
However, if I do SendEvent ^{insert}, then the selected word gets copied to my clipboard.
I experimented with more combinations:
ControlSend ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC, ^a
ControlSend ClassNN RichTextWndClass3, ^a
ControlSend ThunderRT6FormDC, ^a
ControlSend RichTextWndClass3, ^a
None of them work. All text selection does not manifest itself in that window.
The only alternative remaining for me is to make the script do a manual selection of the entire text. However, this is slow and very ridiculous. Moreover, in Window Spy under the section: Visible Window Text, the text is all there. I tried many other possibilities and I am at the end of my wits. How am I to harvest that text directly?
The text of the window shows in Window Spy under the heading: TitleMatchMode=slow Visible Text, NOT the heading: Visible Window Text
I spoke to you about two windows. The first one in which i get volume and page number. The second one which needs to pop up by pressing a button.
Both these windows have the same class-name:
ahk_class ThunderRT6MDIForm
Is that problematic in any way?
The conclusion is that it is impossible for me to get that text from the second window directly. As such, I opted for the lame, boring manual method. I send out a {shift down} to the active window and then do a click at the bottom of the window. Then I save the selection to my clipboard. It works, but it is just stupid. Please help me find a more elegant solution than this one.
This is the code I used:
ControlGetText, volume, ThunderRT6TextBox3
ControlGetText, page, ThunderRT6TextBox2
Click, 110, 70
sleep 1000
SendInput {shift down}
click 29, 490
SendInput {shift up}
sleep 1000
SendInput, ^{ins}
sleep 100
It is funny to note that real keyboard keys, such as a b c are not possible. But I am able to send a ctrl, shift and an ins. As I noted above, ^c was also giving issues just like ^a was giving issues.
This routine will do the job of getting and returning from the active window the following text sections:
- EdtWindowTextFastVisible
- EdtWindowTextSlowVisible
- EdtWindowTextFastHidden
- EdtWindowTextSlowHidden
MyGetWindowText(ByRef EdtWindowTextFastVisible, ByRef EdtWindowTextSlowVisible, ByRef EdtWindowTextFastHidden,ByRef EdtWindowTextSlowHidden)
; Source:
EdtWindowTextFastVisible =
EdtWindowTextSlowVisible =
EdtWindowTextFastHidden =
EdtWindowTextSlowHidden =
WindowControlTextSize = 32767
VarSetCapacity(WindowControlText, WindowControlTextSize)
WinGet, WindowUniqueID, ID, A
;Suggested by Chris
WinGet, ListOfControlHandles, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %WindowUniqueID% ; Requires v1.0.43.06+.
Loop, Parse, ListOfControlHandles, `n
text_is_fast := true
If not DllCall("GetWindowText", "uint", A_LoopField, "str", WindowControlText, "int", WindowControlTextSize)
text_is_fast := false
SendMessage, 0xD, WindowControlTextSize, &WindowControlText,, ahk_id %A_LoopField% ; 0xD is WM_GETTEXT
If (WindowControlText <> ""){
ControlGet, WindowControlStyle, Style,,, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
If (WindowControlStyle & 0x10000000)
{ ; Control is visible vs. hidden (WS_VISIBLE).
If text_is_fast
EdtWindowTextFastVisible = %EdtWindowTextFastVisible%%WindowControlText%`r`n
EdtWindowTextSlowVisible = %EdtWindowTextSlowVisible%%WindowControlText%`r`n
} Else
{ ; Hidden text.
If text_is_fast
EdtWindowTextFastHidden = %EdtWindowTextFastHidden%%WindowControlText%`r`n
EdtWindowTextSlowHidden = %EdtWindowTextSlowHidden%%WindowControlText%`r`n
;EdtWindowTextFastVisibleFull := ShowOnlyAPartInGui("EdtWindowTextFastVisible", EdtWindowTextFastVisible, 400)
;EdtWindowTextSlowVisibleFull := ShowOnlyAPartInGui("EdtWindowTextSlowVisible", EdtWindowTextSlowVisible, 400)
;EdtWindowTextFastHiddenFull := ShowOnlyAPartInGui("EdtWindowTextFastHidden", EdtWindowTextFastHidden, 400)
;EdtWindowTextSlowHiddenFull := ShowOnlyAPartInGui("EdtWindowTextSlowHidden", EdtWindowTextSlowHidden, 400)
There is an autohotkey script that emulates most of the window spy logic. It is called AHK_Window_Info_v1.7.ahk. The nice thing is... you can run it to see if your second window text if visible to this script and if so... the logic needed to pull the information is available inside the script. Here is a link to the webpage and the script is available through SKANs dropbox link on that page.