Access datediff using calculated first day of the year - date

I'm creating a new form in Access 2010. I need to create a field that will calculate a year to date timeframe, in months, using a calculated value for the first day of the year. The scenario is that the user will input a date. Then, Access will calculate a value for months YTD, based on the date the user keys. The catch is that the user may input a date for the current year, or a date from a previous year. So, I cannot simply hard code a baseline date, like 1/1/2014, to perform the calculation. I need Access to generate the first day of the year, based on the date entered, then perform the calculation.
Example: User enters '4/10/2013'
Access calculates months YTD from '1/1/2013' to '4/10/2013'.
Expected Result: 3.25 Months
I need this to assist with calculating income, which will utilize dates over multiple years.

I quickly created this function for you:
Public Function calcmonths(datecalc As Date) As Double
calcmonths = Round(DateDiff("d", DateSerial(Year(datecalc), 1, 1), datecalc) * 12 / DateDiff("d", DateSerial(Year(datecalc), 1, 1), DateSerial(Year(datecalc) + 1, 1, 1)), 2)
End Function
You can use it with the input from your form. It calculates the first day of the entered year with DateSerial(Year(datecalc), 1, 1) , then calculates the difference in days. That result is multiplied by 12 (months) and divided by the number of days within that year (calculated to make sure leap years are 366 days). In the end the result is rounded to 2 decimal numbers.


Looking for YOY YTD formula that works with fiscal years in tableau

I am looking for YOY YTD formula that works with fiscal years in tableau.
Method 1 appears to work here: but does not work for Fiscal years.
the current year filter starts at Jan.
Is there anyway to adjust method 1 to work with fiscal years?
Note: i tried default properties-> fiscal year start to July and that did not work
See "goal in tableau screenshot below"
You're almost there, assuming you computed what you're showing in Tableau
and didn't just mock it up in Excel.
If you don't have one, create a calculated field "FY-Number" where
January -> 1, Feb -> 2, etc. You're already sorting in that order
so maybe you already have such a field.
Assuming your "average" is a "total" ( using AVERAGE ),
all you need now is a filter to select FY-Number < 7.
Which you COULD do manually.
But if you want this to be automatic, and always total down to the most recent month, you could do the following. There may be better ways but this works.
And I have a hierarchy of FY-number and Fiscal-Month-number for generating the grid.
Compute a running number which we can maximize, a sequential number crossing all years, for the month. I used formula for FMRun to be
[FY num]*12 + [FM num]
which has a max of 270 for December 2021. Tableau can find the max.
Next, invert that, basically, to find the max month number.
FMInvert formula:
{FIXED :(MAX([FMRun])/12 - FLOOR(max([FMRun])/12))*12}
which has a value of 6 for the data given.
Finally, filter on that with this filter I called whatmax, which we want true:
if [FM num] <= [FMinvert] then TRUE
else FALSE
And voila, you're done.
Here's the workbook.

MATLAB: Find all values on one date, then filter down to an hour and find average [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Counting values by day/hour with timeseries in MATLAB
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a year's worth of data, the data is recorded one minute intervals each day of the year.
The date and time was imported from excel (in form 243.981944, then by adding 42004 (so will be for 2015) and formatting to date it becomes 31.8.15 23:34:00).
Importing to MATLAB it becomes
'31/08/2015 23:34:00'
I require the data for each day of the year to be at hourly intervals, so I need to sum the data recorded in each hour and divide that by the number of data recorded for that hour, giving me the hourly average.
For some reason the data in August actually increments in 2 minute intervals, data for every other month increments in one minute intervals.
31/07/2015 23:57:00
31/07/2015 23:58:00
31/07/2015 23:59:00
31/08/2015 00:00:00
31/08/2015 00:02:00
31/08/2015 00:04:00
I'm not sure how I can find all the values for a specific date and hour in order to work out the averages. I was thinking of using a for loop to find the values on each day, but when I got down to writing code realised this wouldn't work the way I was thinking.
I presume there must be some kind of functions available that would allow for data to be filtered by the date and time?
So I tried the following but I get these errors.
dates is a 520000x1 cell array containing the dates form = formatIn.
formatIn = 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS';
[~,M,D,H] = datevec(dates, formatIn);
Error using cnv2icudf (line 131) Unrecognized minute format.
Format string: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS.
Error in datevec (line 112) icu_dtformat = cnv2icudf(varargin{isdateformat});`
Assuming your data is in a matrix or cell-array of strings called A, and your other data is in a vector X. Let's say all the data is in the same year (so we can ignore years)
[~,M,D,H] = datevec(A, 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS');
mean_A = accumarray([M, D, H+1], X, [], #mean);
Then data from February will be in
To look at the data, you may find the squeeze() function useful, e.g.
shows the average for the hours after midday (by column) for the first ten days (by row) of February.
See also:
Counting values by day/hour with timeseries in MATLAB

How to Calculate YTD (Jan to prev month) in a single column in tableau

Original post -
I have a report in which I have sales per month in the column and commodities in the row. The data show actual sales and future estimates for each month.
Need to calculate Year-To-Date (YTD) total for 2016 (from Jan to Previous month) and have it in a single column at the end of the actual values.
I already created a calculated field - YTD
But when I add to the view, it creates a another section for YTD with sum for each month till April.
Can someone please help me in how to achieve this in Tableau?
There are couple of ways to achieve this view in Tableau
1. To create calculated field for each Month and YTD and add measure names in Row & Measure values in Text
2. Make union of 2 queries - one that select all the correct values & second that have YTD calculation in month column. Then use pivot it

how to simulate date for one year in kdb

i would like to simulate random timestamp data.
100 records in a day for one year.
How am I am able to do that?
when i set a:2013.01.01D00:00:00.000000000
the randomize data doesn't stay in a day.
thanks for your input
I am not sure, if this can be done easily. But you may generate 100 random timestamps for every day of 2013 in the next way
daysInYear: 365;
year: 2013.01.01D00:00:00.000000000;
//array of 365 elements, where every element represents corresponding date of year
dates: year + 01D * til daysInYear;
//array of 365 elements, where every element is an array of 100 random timestamps [0 .. 1D)
randomNanos: cut[100; (100 * daysInYear)?1D];
//array of 365 elements, where each element is an array of 100 random dateTimes for given day
result: dates + randomNanos;
//put all the dates in single array
raze result
The short version which does the same is below:
raze (2013.01.01D+01D * til 365) + cut[100; (100*365)?1D]
In order to simulate data for a single day, it's possible to generate random times (as floats less than one) and add them to the day you would like to generate data for. In this case:
Will return 100 random times on 2016.03.01. If you want to generate data within a time range you can restrict the size of the float to something less than 1, or greater than a certain minimum value.
If you want to handle leap years... Not sure of a better way at the minute other than adding the max number of days onto the start of the year and asking whether it's the 31st. Adding on 366, it can either be 31st or 1st. If it's the 31st good, otherwise drop off the last date.
q)last 2015.01.01+til 365
q)last 2016.01.01+til 365
2016.12.30 /we are a day short
/return the dates and the number of days based on whether its a leap year
q)dd:$[31i~`dd$last d:2016.01.01+til 366;(366;d);(365;-1_d)]
q)/returns (366;2016.01.01 2016.01.02...)
q)/the actual logic below is pretty much the same as the other answer
q)raze{[n;dy;dt] dt+n cut(n*dy)?.z.N}[100;].dd
2016.01.01D16:06:53.957527121 2016.01.01D10:55:10.892935198 2016.01.01D15:36:..

Automating a holiday date for any year in Matlab

The code below gives a decimal day for one specific year.
HolidayArrayDate(2) = datenum(2012,01,16,00,00,00); %MartinLutherKingJrBirthday
I am trying to make the holiday more general for an input "dataYear" instead of specifying it as "2012". Martin Luther King Jr Birthday is the third Monday of ever year. When i provide it an input of any year 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014 through "dataYear", it should automatically choose the third Monday in January for me. How would i dot this?
Thank you!
Starting from the first day of the year, 21 days always suffice to find the third Monday. So: get serial date number for first day of the year (with datenum); get day-of-the-week for that and the following 20 days (datestr(..., 'd')); find the first three Mondays (find(...=='M', 3); and finally pick the third one and convert it into date string (datestr):
dataYear = 2012; %// input
f = datenum(dataYear,1,1); %// 1st day of year, in serial date number format
r = find(datestr(f+(0:20), 'd')=='M', 3); %// find three Mondays from that day on
result = datestr(f+r(3)-1); %// third Monday, in date string format