CQ5/AEM: Creating sidekick components using 1 cq:component + multiple data nodes - aem

I am working on a component that is essentially a building tool. I can't go into a lot of detail as to what it is, however the greatest parallel I can draw is that of a product list builder. The concept being that the author wants to create custom lists of products. These lists will live in a singular place and be referenced from many different pages within our content.
work flow:
create && build /content/myproductList
content/mySite/myPage/jcr:content/specialListView #property list points to /content/myproductList
Currently everything is pretty hunky dory and is working fine. The authors wanted the list building to be drag and drop, just like the rest of the site. So I created components to represent the list items and they can just open up a new builder, and drag/drop/reorder the list as much as they like and it will be refreshed within the 'specialListView'.
There is a huge flaw in my design and I want to see if I can overcome it. The flaw is etched in the way that I create the list item components. Essentially all of the items are structurally identical(in terms of markup), they just differ in content. So what I did was created a base component to control the markup and basic workflows (dialog, etc). Then I created a new component for each list item, these components have nothing but cq:template nodes that hold their information.
ex structure:
| defaultItem
| defaultItem.jsp
| dialog.xml
| customeItem1
| .content.xml (resourceSuperType = components/lists/defaultItem)
| _cq_template.xml (has custom information)
| customeItem2
| .content.xml (resourceSuperType = components/lists/defaultItem)
| _cq_template.xml (has custom information)
...etc for 25+ items
By setting it up this way, we now have a workflow where the authors can drag and drop the components directly onto the page and not need to configure them or open dialogs and choose the correct dataset/etc. However, this seems extremely long winded and bulky. Scalability is an issue as well (what if they want to create 100 new items tomorrow -- sadly this is my reality).
What I'm proposing is to find a way to normalize this down so that I have a set of data (the list items) and 1 component to act as my structure.
something like:
item 1
- nt:unstructured
- label=foo
- type=defaultItem
... etc, etc for all 25+ items
| defaultItem.jsp
| dialog.xml
This is where I get stuck. If I have a structure like this, it makes it very difficult to have item1,item2,item3,...etc show up in the sidekick as drag and drop elements. I'm guessing I will need to get into the portion of JS that generates the sidekick items, but I'm not sure how to approach it from there (haven't messed with customizing the sidekick yet). Just looking for guidance if anyone has dealt with anything like this before.
If you're curious why I'd like to move it to the second design, it's because eventually the authors would like a control panel that would allow them to create items on their own. It would be much easier and a lot more lightweight to have a system that alters a singular node and it's properties rather than one that has to manage creating/altering full component structures. It also decouples the 'item components' that the authors would make from the actual components that the developers create. This is important because the the component code we create is versioned/etc, whereas these faux components would go unchecked and we would need another way to manage them.

As you already described, creating a new component for each product will result in a big overhead. Beside you will create components, which are linked only to one resource, so not re-usable anymore.
First you need to see a difference between the content and components. In this case your defaultItem is the component and the products the content. In AEM the contentfinder is created to display, search, drag and drop your content into the page. The sidekick for components.
The solution will be the following:
Create a custom contentfinder tab which loads all your products;
Loading products can be done by creating a servlet which returns
all relevant products in a json format
Create a generic component (eg. defaultItem) which can display your
product into the page by setting a reference link to the product;
Configure the contentfindertab to create the defaultitem component
when dragging the product into the page
Take care about the CQ.wcm.ContentfinderTab.getResultsBoxConfig. At itemsDDNewParagraph
you can configure the new component type (defaultItem) and the
property to link the component to the product.
How to create a contentfinder tab:
Note: when dropping a product from the contentfindertab into the page, use the ALT button


Autodesk forge highlight child object

Recently i've been working on this repository https://github.com/xiaodongliang/forgeviewer_embed_in_powerbi_report to build a custom visual in Power BI to visualize the issues extracted from Bim track'S API.
The idea was visualizing them in associaton to the model's ROOMS.
In order to do that I worked with a NWC file, so i cuold export rooms as a geometry.
What i would like to do now is to highligt the rooms if a connected issue is selected from a table.
The problem is When i select an issue from a table, in the selection tree i can see highlighted the parent object name (ROOM) instead of the child (solid), and i think that is why i can't achieve my purpose (if not please correct me).
what i have
what i wold like to do
Does anyone know a way to do that?
If you would like to change your selection between (FIRST_OBJECT, LAST_OBJECT, LEAF_OBJECT) you can change viewer selection settings in order to test:
If you would like to achieve this programmatically :
could help you as well.
If I well understood, you want to highlight the child (which contain the mesh) instead of the parent.
The object highlight (isolate) is done in /forgePowerbiView/src/visual.ts with this code:
const dbIds = options.dataViews[0].table.rows.map(r =>
console.log('dbIds: ' +dbIds)
this.forge_viewer.impl.setGhostingBrightness(true); //for isolate effect
Take a look at this link Enumerating leaf nodes on Viewer. This will help you to get the dbIds you want to isolate.

Creating two blogs on same website (Jekyll GitHub) without altering layout/formatting

I have recently tried creating a website using the Jekyll GitHub template here. One major alteration I hope to make to this template is to have two "blogs" in the format provided in the Blog tab of that template specifically shown here.
I (sort of) successfully created two blogs in my website and named the associated tabs (Media) and (Blog). I achieved this by reorganizing the file structure to have a "media" folder and a "blog" folder separately that each contain a _posts folder and index.html file. Now, when I add .md files in the _posts folder, these posts seem to get added to the correct tab (Media or Blog).
Even though that functionality works, both the Blog and Media tab lost their aesthetics compared to the style in the original template blog. Namely, 1) the banner image at the top is now gone; 2) the text formatting with the title in one line followed by the date in the "pretty" format (gray colored and in the format 29 Aug 2016) is now in a less-attractive bullet format with date first and in the format Aug 29, 2016; 3) the introductory excerpt text (in the example: "A pot still is a type of still used in distilling spirits such as whisky or brandy. Heat is applied directly to the pot containing the wash (for whisky) or wine (for brandy).") is now gone.
It is unclear to me why my separation of the _posts folder into two separate folders seems to cause these unwanted layout side effects. Since all three of these layout issues changed at once, I am assuming they can all be solved in the same solution. Whether or not that is true, any advice on how to solve these layout issues could be very helpful. Thank you for sharing any ideas!
You've removed the posts collection from your _config.yml which was setting the default feature_image for all posts. Unless you add that back in or include the overrides in each individual post it will not display the header (it may or may not also affect the rest of the styles):
title: Media # Needed for Siteleaf
output: true
description: "Recent discussions with the media." # The post list page content
feature_text: |
Sharing our motivations and
opinions with the media.
feature_image: "https://picsum.photos/2560/600?image=866"
You're not actually using a media collection in either blog/index.html nor media/index.html, you're using the post.categories for filtering in the end, which will still causes some weird pagination once you start getting things rolling.
You may want to look at using the separate collections and then pre-building your site using paginator v2 (https://github.com/sverrirs/jekyll-paginate-v2/blob/master/README-GENERATOR.md) which will allow for pagination of different collections.
Edit 2020-01-23
Taking a new look at your repository, you still only have one (posts) collection. Therefore the logic for reading feature_* is being shared. If you look at the include site_feature.html you can see how the feature_image is being parsed out of the collections.
{% assign collectiondata = site.collections | where: "label", page.collectionpage | first %}
Which in your case is why Blog and Media both have the second image ?image=213. Your blog.html and media.html still have the front matter collectionpage: post.
I still think you're going down a slippery slope which will result in things not working exactly as you want them once you get more and more posts by doing it this way.

Trying to replace content zones in typo3

What I'm aiming to do!
I'm creating a template for a site in typo3, and i'd like to get rid of typo3's default content zones, and replace them with my own.
I.E. On the page menu.
to remove left, content, border
and to keep/add. Header. Main. Right.
The problem!
I've found snippets around the web, and bluntly, what I'm expecting to happen, isn't happening. Where every post seems to be "Thank you, great success! ++", the code I paste isn't throwing any errors, and isn't doing anything, well, at all.
My attempt
Via the typo3 documentation http://typo3.org/documentation/snippets/sd/24/
I call mod.SHARED.colPos_list in order to choose the three sections to display
mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0,1,3
And I edit the TCA in extTables.php to set them to my specs.
$TCA["tt_content"]["columns"]["colPos"]["config"]["items"] = array (
"1" => array ("Header||Header||||||||","1"),
"0" => array ("Main||Main||||||||","0"),
"3" => array ("Right||Right||||||||","3"),
extTables.php is being called as as a die(); cuts the page.
I've cleared the cache and deleted typo3temp, logged out and in again.
But nothing happens.
My main guess, is, is this feature anything to do with templavoila? I removed it as I felt like trying out the new(er) typo3 fluid templating system, and didn't feel that I needed a GUI editor.
Any ideas?
Well - the more pages and content elements you got the more problems you will have to face when using TemplaVoila. Having comma separated values in XML structures saved to a single database field will be a performance killer as soon as you want to collect content from more than one page (uncached teaser menus or the like). Handling of references and "unused elements" is questionable as well. Of course it will work for small to medium sites, but concept wise a clean approach looks different.
Backend layouts are available since TYPO3 4.5 and work flawlessly since they just represent a normalized relation between elements and pages based on colPos. If you need more, Grid Elements will take this principle to the next level, offering even nested structures but still based on normalized relations, which will make your life much easier when it comes to DB cleaning and other maintenance tasks.
Find an introduction to backend layouts here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsxfNd4TYbk
Instead of removing default columns you can just rename them...
TIP: Use TemplaVoila extension for templating, you'll find much more flexibility there.

How to use TableViewer in WindowBuilderPro?

I have to create a table in my wizard page and I want to create it using TableViewer. I'm using WindowBuilderPro for designing my wizard page. The TableViewer control is available in the palette of WindowBuilderPro but I'm not getting how to use it properly.
Has any body used the same?
Thanks a lot in advance!!
You have two ways of filling the TableViewer with contents (similar to TableViewers in JFace):
You can define a content provider and a label provider manually. A content provider has to return a set of Objects, that represent each line of the table; while the TableLabelProvider translates the returned objects to texts in the columns. The content and label providers are to set in the Properties box on the left. In this case, the resulting code should look like the following snippets: http://wiki.eclipse.org/JFaceSnippets#Snippet001TableViewer or http://wiki.eclipse.org/JFaceSnippets#Snippet007FullSelection.
On the other hand you could define JFace Data Bindings to fill the table with contents. In this case you have to define a corresponding binding, that returns the list of all contents; additionally you have to create a label provider, that works similar to the previous one.
There is also a way to fill the table content using a newer API then supported directly by WindowBuilder: you could create TableViewerColumns, and ColumnLabelProviders for each column, thus resulting in much nicer code for Label Providers (and also this API is newer, so it should be preferred for new JFace based code) - but in this case you have to create your code manually. See the JFace Table tutorial from Lars Vogel.
Additionally, if you don't know the JFace Viewer framework from before, I suggest reading the first few questions listed in the JFace FAQ to gain a better understanding of the ideas (and the tutorial from Lars Vogel is also nice for this reason).

How to make multistep forms with drupal using various node types

I'm creating a very basic classifieds website. In this website i'll have various content-types; such as :
Car (which has the cck fields : year, kilometers, color
House (which has the cck fields : number of floors, garden (yes/no)
So each 'element' is a content-type.
I'm listing all the content-types in a view that I display to the user aand then clicking on a link goes to 'create content type of type (clicked type)'.
It's working pretty well; but i can't get rid of the 'create new car' at the top of the create page (which reflects the 'drupalish' behaviour).
I'd like to have it in a more conveniant way such as a three step form like :
Choose category
Choose your options
Register to post your new classified
I've seen the ctools; which provide 'almost' the multistep behaviour; however i can't imagine having all my dozen content-types being 'hardcoded' in a single module.
I wonder if anyone has achieved this kind of setup or if there's a kind of module that can do the trick. I'd like to keep a content type for each type of classified (the webmaster is now used to the interface).
Any help, starting points would be appreciated.
For the first step we had to solve a simular problem. To do so we created what was basicly an override of the /node/add page (the one that lists all the content types), which you've done. To change the title the simplest is to create a yourtheme_preprocess_page() function that changes the title when the url is /node/add or node/*/edit
However: I would strongly suggest switching to a system that uses 1 content type for all listings. We created a very simular site, and after working with different content types it because clear that having 1 content type with fields that were displayed conditionally was a much more sane solution. Using categories for the different product types, and then using the Conditional Fields module to hide and show the correct fields worked much better.
Here is and example snippet for setting the title in a page preprocess function:
Setting the title on the node/add page:
if (arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) == 'add' && arg(2) == '') {
$vars['title'] = 'Choose an Industry';
$vars['head_title'] = $vars['title'] . " | " . variable_get('site_name', "Industry Trader");