Facebook Page Access Token can be used to post stuff? - facebook

I have read some introduction about Facebook's access token on http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-access-tokens/
What I want to ask is that can the page access token of Facebook be used as a permanent token if I just want to post something on the wall like user access token?

First of all don't ever follow the third-party documentation for the facebook integration. They have the official documentation pls follow that. For access tokens read here.
What I want to ask is that can the page access token of Facebook be used as a permanent token if I just want to post something on the wall like user access token?
Its actually a vague question. It depends on what kind of posting you want to do. For eg:
If you want to post on a user's wall- there's nothing that a page access token can do
If you want to post a user's group/event etc. wall, again page access token has nothing to do with it.
If you want to post on a page, then yes you have to use the page access token in order to post on behalf of page itself.
Page access tokens are used in Graph API calls to manage Facebook Pages. To generate a page access token, an admin of the page must grant an extended permission called manage_pages. Once this permission has been granted, you can retrieve the page access token using the following Graph API request:
GET /{user-id}/accounts
You can also extend a page access token that will never expire. See here how to do that!


Facebook App access token to manage pages without having user to login to get user access token

I've read alot of topis, alot of docs. Literally i read them since morning.
From what I got there are few kind types of tokens: App token, App access token, User Token, User access token, Page access token.
While tokens with access allow some kind of action. the non-access tokens seem to allow me to generate a token of access type. Corrent me if I'm wrong. Docs are terrible and some answers are outdated due to facebook updates.
So basically, what I look for is to be able to:
$permanent_token = 'A token, which will allow me to generate access tokens whenever I request';
// And that token could be used for:
// Some code here to extract page access token and write it to variable $app_token
// Note: I may've missed some steps... those are the ones I lack I think.
Without having to make any user (including me) to login. It's more like I need some kind of API Key and method to generate access token.
And would prefer NOT to use facebook SDK. Just pure graph url calls.
This is the most import page to read about Access Tokens: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens
There is the App Token, the User Token and the Page Token. A User Token can be extended to 60 days, a Page Token can be extended to be valid forever.
/me/accounts needs a User token, so there is no permanent Token to use that endpoint.
/{page_id}/ratings/ needs a Page Token and you probably want an extended one.
How to get an Extended Page Token is explained very well int he Facebook docs, here are some articles:
Btw, i suggest not using file_get_contents but CURL.
And in order to get a User Token or Page Token, you MUST authorize/login with a User account. One that is admin of the Page, obviously.
If You are trying to get photos and captions like me, You could do like this:
Enter on facebook developer page: facebook developer
Create an app to the page. (I created to a not mine page)
Access on facebook developer menu: Tools & support and select access token tools.
There you'll find: User token - App token.(There some important text on the top)
copy App token. (should not be hard coded where is possible to see like on javascript)
create a php file to return a JSON.
use file_get_contents($url) function to get a facebook JSON.
echo the file_get_contents return.
finally, get on your page your own returned JSON from the created php file with the data desired and use it.
Obs: My URL is something like this: https://graph.facebook.com/desiredpage/photos?type=uploaded&access_token=013245667890|qwer-adsFGsfgsdGsfg
pay attention to the token on the URL that I pasted.

Posting to a Facebook Page Wall from a Web Server

I've been reading documentation and Stack Overflow link all morning, but I'm just not understanding the correct process to authorize a web server to post to a Facebook page wall.
What I'm not clear on is why I have to post to Facebook as a Facebook User, using an access_token, meaning that this user has to log into Facebook manually to authorize my app.
I'm not trying to authorize a User, nor any of my visitors to do anything with their accounts, so I don't need any permissions from them. Instead, I'm trying to authorize my Web Server to post updates to its wall as a specific Page.
Why do I have to use a user access_token to do this? I'm not attempting to impersonate the user, I'm trying to post to the page as the page...
Is it possible to authorize a user and get their access token without having to create a login page on the Web Server? I don't want to have to require the user to login to make this work, I thought that was the point of having an app ID and Secret?
I guess my question is this: Is it not possible to allow a web server to post to a Facebook page wall as that page, without having to present a login dialog to a specific user? If it is possible, what is the correct workflow to set this up?
In order to post to a Page as a Page, you have to use a Page Access Token. You get that with a User Access Token, and you can extend it so it will stay valid forever.
Request a User Access Token with the manage_pages permission (valid for up to 2 hours)
Extend the User Access Token (valid for up to 60 days)
Get the Extended Page Access Token for your Page with the User Session
Store and User The Page Access Token in the publish call
It may sound a bit complicated, but there are many tutorials for this and you don´t actually need to program it, you can just use the Graph API Explorer.
Here are some Links about the Access Tokens:
http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-access-tokens/ (see "Extended Page Access Token" for a step by step tutorial)

How to get permanent access token in graph API

I created an APP on Facebook and using graph API explorer, I selected my app from app drop down box, requested access token with manage_pages, offline_access and publish_stream permissions.
Using this access token, I was successfully able to post message on page using restfb APIs but when I log out, it starts throwing The session is invalid error.
I read on few posts that offline_access is deprecated. Could someone tell me how to obtain permanent access token?
Looking at the docs at: https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/ this is no longer possible.
Desktop applications will not be able to extend the life of an
existing access_token and the user must login to facebook once the
token has expired.
Otherwise, it is possible to request an access token with a longer expiration. Here are the directions: https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/#extend_token
What kind of Access Token do you need? There are three kinds, User AT, App AT and Page AT.
If you want User AT, it seems you are out of luck. I don't think it's possible anymore. You can only get to 60 days. However, if you need Page AT, you can get a permanent one. The difference is, Page Access Token only has access to a single facebook page.
Basically you need to get User Access Token first, with manage_pages permission. When you have one, you have to look at /{pageId}?fields=access_token for your page's id in Graph API.
For more info look at: facebook: permanent Page Access Token?
you will not get any permanent access token as Facebook developer blog explains. you will be given 60 days long lived access token. Before the expiration Facebook will notify you about the expiry and then you can renew it or you can build your own custom control to get the notification on token expiration which you can fetch from Facebook API.

Facebook: Get access token to post as a page

Is it possible to somehow get an access token to use the facebook api like a user that clicked "use facebook as "?
What I'm trying to do is to allow my website to post messages to the facebook page's wall. I already have an app which I use to allow my users to login with their FB account. However, I'd prefer not to require a page admin to authorize full manage_pages to my app. I already added the app to my FB page, but there are no options to give that app some permissions for my page.
Of course it's possible.
In the official documentation page about Permissions it's written:
Page access_token
An access_token used to manage a page. This is used
when you want to perform an operation acting as a Page. This access
token is retrieved by issuing an HTTP GET to /USER_ID/accounts or to
/PAGE_ID?fields=access_token with the manage_pages permission. Getting
/USER_ID/accounts will return a list of Pages (including app profile
pages) to which the user has administrative access in addition to an
access_token for each Page. Alternatively, you can get a page access
token for a single, specific, page by issuing an HTTP GET to
/PAGE_ID?fields=access_token with the manage_pages permission (you
must ask for the access_token field specifically via the fields=
parameter). See the documentation for the Page object for more
information. NOTE: After November 1, 2011, manage_pages permission
will be required for all access to a user's pages via this connection,
i.e. for both reading the user's pages and also retrieving
access_tokens for those pages. See the documentation for the User
object for more information.

iOS post to the Facebook app wall

I am wondering if it is possible to post to the wall of the Facebook app page created for using Facebook in iOS. Rather than use the user login to post to their own wall, I would like to post to the app's page with updates on open games. Is this possible to do?
Yes, it's possible. From http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/application/:
To perform the following operations as an Application Page, and not the current user, you must use the Application's Page access token, not the user access token commonly used for modifying Graph API objects nor the Application access token. This access token can be retrieved by issuing an HTTP GET to /USER_ID/accounts with the manage_pages permission. This will return a list of Pages (including Application profile pages) to which the user has administrative access, along with an access_token for each Page.
You can create a link, post or status message by issuing an HTTP POST request to the APP_ID/feed connection. To see more details please see links, posts, and status messages documentation.
To impersonate the Application when posting to the wall (i.e. post as the Application, and not the current user), you must use an Application Page access_token with the manage_pages and publish_stream permissions, as described under Application Access Tokens above.
So you first have to ask the API for an Application Page access token and then use this access token to post on the wall. The Facebook iOS SDK helps to construct the Graph API calls mentioned in the documentation cited above.