Quartz server's problems locked my deploy last night - deployment

Last night I was trying to deploy my web application on Tomcat7, but it repeatedly failed because quartz server was unreachable.
Context was not able to load because it was not able to download http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/xml/job_scheduling_data_2_0.xsd
Any suggestion? I was thinking about downloading the file a loading it from our domain.

Actually this happened only once. There was no need to move xsd on our domain.
It was a strange issue.


Difference between starting an application and starting a managed server in weblogic server?

I wanted to know what is the difference between starting an application and starting a managed server in weblogic server?
I have 5 different applications targeted to one managed server, whenever I make any change to any one application I have to restart the managed server entirely to make the changes to reflect. Why is it not that when I simply start and stop the application alone from Deployments it reflects, why do I need to start the managed server every time?
Restarting the managed server will restart the entire JVM including all installed EAR files. Stopping an application simply puts the application in Admin mode so the application class files are not unloaded.
This following document discusses various methods for redeploying applications in WebLogic based on the scope of the deployment:

Redeploying web-app on tomcat container fails because of web.xml missing even though its present in the war

JDK 1.8
Tomcat 7.0.55
A spring web app
Chef scripts for deploying
What's the issue
The application is deployed via chef and most of the times everything is fine. Except for 1 in 10 times or so the web.xml (under appbase webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/web.xml) goes missing during redeployment which causes the application not to start up.
This symptom disappears in eventual chef-runs adding to the peculiarity of the issue.
My investigation till now
Ruled out any chef aspects from the problem . Was able to confirm that the scripts are doing what they are suppose to do - delete old war DIR -> unzip new war DIR in place(we use exploded war's) there by causing un-deploy of old and deployment of new.
Next point of investigation was to see if the tomcat is deploying the new web app even before its completely unzipped or extracted - this was not the case as confirmed by time lines on the logs.
We do not have jar's getting locked - so ruled out any issues caused by such scenarios.
All of the symptoms I see now points towards tomcats auto deployment policies - but was not able to see anything here which would cause such kind of inconsistency - Have gone through tomcat bug list sniffing for any compatibility issues but was not able to find any.
Am putting it out there to see if any one else is facing similar issues - any thoughts are welcome. Let me know if you need any more information

Jboss taking long time to start

I am using jboss-4.0.5.GA for project deployment, but it is hanging at startup by displaying message
Trying to install an already registered mbean: jboss.management.local
it is showing this for 6 minutes and it takes total 7-8 minutes to start.
If I start server without deploying application, then also it's taking 7 to 8 min.
You seem to have corrupted the JBoss installation, highly reccomended to use a fresh installation and deploy your application rather than debug this.
I use Jboss 4.2.2 which is taken from a zipped folder. Today I have renamed the existing setup and tried unzipping again and use a fresh copy. This didn't work out as expected and server is in starting mode for several minutes and thrown error in the end. So removed this fresh setup and used the old one and it worked like a gem, though not sure where is the problem here.

How to deploy WorkerRole project, How to get the exact error during uploading

I have to Work with WorkerRole project to deploy some services to perform the data sync with the other databses. i tried to publish but stuck, Internalization, Starting, Preparing, Recovering and finally aborted.
After getting the above stituation i build a simple workerrole project and tried to upload the result is same.
And i am not able to find out the problem with the same.
Please provide some help.
A typical problem, when deploying, is having a connection string pointing to the local emulated storage. This is the first thing I'd check if the worker role code runs locally in the emulator but fails when being published to Windows Azure.

Can a deployed JBoss web application simply disappear?

A strange problem occurred yesterday on a production system which has been running fine for weeks on a JBoss 4.2.3 application server: the JAR file containing the web application was no longer in the deployment folder (so the clients could no longer access the application). The server is running on a Windows box.
There was no indication of undeployment in the server logs. Normally JBoss detects if somebody deletes (or moves) a deployed web application file and executes the standard undeployment procedure, so there would be a log entry in this case.
Other web applications on the same system continued to run fine, so it was only this JAR file which simply disappeared.
Has somebody seen a similar problem with web applications on JBoss?
I'd bet my shoes that's not possible to happen spontaneously.
Check your security settings - didn't you leave JMX console accessible? Etc.