How to remove a configuration in Eclipse GWT - eclipse

I have migrated my application development to a new PC and now when I run the application (Run > Run as > Web application). I get the "HTML Page Selection" popup in which I select my application. However, now I also get a "Choose a launch configuration:" popup which lists "AwardTracker" and "AwardTrackwer.html". They both do the same thing. How do I remove one of these please (this is more annoying than anything else)?

How to remove a configuration in Eclipse GWT
Simply select any Web Application and click on RED X icon displayed on top right of it to remove an existing configuration.
Once a Web Application is configured then there is no need to create it again. Just launch it from existing one to avoid it choosing a launch configuration again.
Once configured then don't run it again by RIGHT click on the project to run as Web Application. Simply select from the existing one form the tool bar as shown in below screenshots.

Click Run > Run Configurations > your configuration (typically, a name of your HTML or JSP file) > Arguments.
Make sure you only have the path that you want to launch.


LibGDX's HTML project doesn't show anything in Browser

The question is self explanatory, when I run my demo-html project as a Web Application and I open Chrome with the provided link by eclipse, my browser doesn't show the image it is supposed to show in a new project.. However, the tab displays the correct title "Demo". Can somebody help me with this?
Eclipse after Running the project:
And Chrome running the app:
You don't run it as web application. The simplest way is to run
gradle html:superDev
in command line. I'm not very familiar with Eclipse, so here a guide how to run it via IDE from the wiki:
Right click the html project, Run As -> External Tools Configuration. Create a new configuration by double clicking the Program entry in the left sidebar. Give the configuration a name, e.g. GWT SuperDev. Set the location field to the gradlew.bat (Windows) or gradlew (Linux, Mac) file. Set the working directory to the root folder of your project. Specify html:superDev as the Argument. Press 'Apply', then 'Run'. Wait until you see the message The code server is ready. in the console view, then open the URL http://localhost:8080/html. You can leave the server running. If you change code or assets, simply click the SuperDev Refresh button in the browser. This will recompile your app and reload the site.
In IntelliJ you can trivially run the gradle task itself.

Running JBoss Server from eclipse [Adempiere project]

For testing the webui of adempiere, I need to build the code and deploy it every time with all change. Its much time consuming. The remote debugging is quite useful. But the build, setup and server running time remains the same.
Can we run the JBoss server through eclipse ? Hence can we write the code and test it on debug mode?
You Can run the jboss server in eclipse and deploy adempiere projects in jboss also
Download the jboss4.2.3 and place into your desire location in your drive.
Extract the jboss zip file (let say /home/Giri/Server/jboss4.2.3GA/....)
Open your eclipse IDE, and open the server pane
Click on the Window And choose Show View
It will open a popup and select the server (By writing the help text you will get)
Right click on the server editor, New---->Server
It will open the a new server pop-up
Select the jboss and select the jboss version as the 4.2
Click on the Next button
Here you need to select the your jboss server path (as previously i mentioned /home/Giri/Server/jboss4.2.3GA/ )
Click on the Next (no need to change the ports)---> Finish
Don't bother about the project Add And Remove Project
Now in server editor you will get a jboss server details in single line
Now double click on the server, or Right click on the jboss server And select the Open
It will open server details page
Now update the following settings
In Publishing :- Select Never select auotmatically
In Time Out :- Set start time as 5000
Save(CTRL+S) the settings and close the settings
Click on the Open launch configuration
It will open the a pop-up
Now Navigate into classpath tab, And select the User Entries and add the following mentioned jars by clicking on the Add Jars button at right side
trunk\tools\lib*.jars (Except cglib.jar, log4j.jar, jnlp.jar, javaee.jar)
trunk\japserreportstool\lib*.jars (Except jfreechart***.jar)
and add the javaw.jar from the jre library (by using Add external jars)
If you want to configure the properties files then add the properties files details into Arguments tab
Save it and close it
Right click on the server and Click on the Add And Remove Select available installers and add to right side tab, and click on Finish.
Run click on jboss and publish after that start it....
Hope your server will start properly .....

How can I make Eclipse/FDT build instead of the currently selected file?

I'm using FDT, and I want Eclipse to build my file instead of the currently selected file when I click debug/run. Is there a way to do this?
It depends on your settings and the order you've done things...
If you right click on a file and choose 'Run As' or 'Debug As', FDT (Eclipse) will use that file to build your application around.
If you have 'Always launch the previously launched application' enabled (it should be enabled by default) then FDT will always use the last used launch configuration whenever the Run / Debug button is clicked. If none exists then it will run using the currently active file. To enable this setting, go to Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching and look at the bottom where Launch Operations is.
If you have a launch configuration already created, and it sounds like you do, you'll need to adjust the 'Main' file within that launch configuration. Do this by choosing 'Run Configurations...' via the Run button drop down.
I've written a tutorial about this. It should help you get through it.

Running Flex in Eclipse

I have a Java project and Flex together in Eclipse. The Java is the server and Flex is the client.
I once (this morning) could just right click on my main.mxml -> RunAs->FlexApplication and that would launch the client.
I messed up the project somehow ( deleted the main.mxml, then returned ti etc...) and can not run it now.
What I am trying to do is right click->RunConfigurations... and trying to configure it. But can't!
My other group member has a file name in "Application File:" dialog. I don't have and ant add.
Anyway any ideas how can I configure the main.mxml to run?
Right click your new application file and select "set as default application". That should recompile the project and make it available to you in the "run configuration" Dialog.

Installing with Client Profile Application doesn't show app in start programs menu

I'm using this method to install an application, but it doesn't put the applications in the start programs menu. I've been searching in the configuration of the Setup project but I can't find anything self explanatory enough, and I can't find it in google either. Any thoughts?
Right-click in the File System tab, click "Add Special Folder" and select "User's Start Menu", then you need to create a shortcut in the start menu folder (instead of actually adding the project output).