I got about 30 requests from the various social media widgets.
Is there a way to reduce the number of requests?
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone_badge" g:plusone:size="small"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
Are you using a wordpress website?
If yes you can use an lazy load social buttons plugin to reduce requests, if not, you can dig in a plugin's code like these and check the code to do the same for your website.
I mean, is there smth like fb-messenger://share?link=link and whatsapp://send?text=text but for messenger.com and web.whatsapp.com?
Searched for that in their docs, but no results.
For Whatsapp
<a target="_blank" OnClick="window.open(this.href,'targetWindow','toolbar=no,location=0,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=250'); return false;" href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=hey check this out : http://www.qbitdata.in"><img src="./buttons/whatsapp.png" width="57" /></a>
I am using Google+ JavaScript API and currently my Google+ share counts are not showing on the website.
Note: I am using Google+ JavaScript API
This is the code I tried
<!-- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag. -->
<script src="apis.google.com/js/platform.js" ; async defer></script>
<!-- Place this tag where you want the share button to render. -->
<div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-annotation="vertical-bubble" data-height="60">
They have been retired now so the share counts are no longer available.
Google may have done this to speed up the load time of the Google Plus buttons.
OK, this is my first question on SO, so be gentle. Doing my best to be thorough. :)
We want users to be able to share URLs specific to ordering photos of their children on our site. We currently have no interest in implementing Open Graph on our site. We're not trying to track that data at this time, and it's more work than I have time for anyway. So I opted for the quickest route: the sharer.php link.
I realize that FB's sharer.php is deprecated in favor of 'og:' tags, but see no indication at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/share-links/ - which was updated three weeks ago, so it obviously should still work.
I followed the instructions in these blog posts to customize the links:
However, we only get thumbnails to properly display in the FB Share dialog when using our site's demo subdomain, even though the source code for our sharer.php link is identical in all instances (aside from the image/name of the child, the site's subdomain, and the photography studio name).
This source code (demo site) properly displays the image:
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?
&p[title]=Order%20Pictures%20of%20CASEY%20at%20Sample Studio's%20MySmileCentral!
&p[summary]=View%20images%20and/or%20order%20pictures%20of%20CASEY." target="_blank">
<img src="https://assests0_bop_heroku_com.s3.amazonaws.com/images/fb-share-btn2.png" style="margin-top: -35px; margin-right: 126px; float: right" />
But this ('live' site) doesn't:
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?
&p[title]=Order%20Pictures%20of%20Gabrielle%20at%20Rowland Studio's%20MySmileCentral!
&p[summary]=View%20images%20and/or%20order%20pictures%20of%20Gabrielle." target="_blank">
<img src="https://assests0_bop_heroku_com.s3.amazonaws.com/images/fb-share-btn2.png" style="margin-top: -35px; margin-right: 126px; float: right" />
Both images meet the dimension requirements of FB Share, and are publicly viewable.
I've spent several hours trying to find an answer (Googling, searching here), and haven't come up with a logical reason for this.
If you open up your web inspector you would realize that https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php deprecated redirects to https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php, which only has one supported parameter u for the url being shared which depends on Open Graph meta data (which you have opted not to use).
The p array (p[url], etc) is not supported in the new Facebook Share dialog. By using deprecated features, you should expect unstable behaviour or no results at all. There isn't anything much more to say about that.
I'm trying to make a little side-bar menu so people can access area of the web application.
Here is what I have so far:
<ul id="navi">
<li><img src="../../Content/inicio.png" alt="Inicio" /></a></li>
<li><img src="../../Content/evaluaciones.png" alt="Evaluaciones" /></a></li>
<li><img src="../../Content/miembros.png" alt="Miembros" /></a></li>
What is the MVC way of creating links?
Since this markup is on the Master Page, I'm thinking I'd need to specify the Area and also the Action to send the user to correct?
For example, I want the user to be taken to the Carreras/Index view when they click the third img, how can I do that?
<%=Html.ActionLink("Action Text", "Index", "Carreras")%>
is the standard way of creating an anchor/action link. There are multiple ways to link an image ... I typically use Url.RouteUrl, but any of the methods in this post would work.
Hey guys, I have developed a small site that i would like to embed into a tab on a facebook page.
Previously I used this code to load in an iframe, it worked great:
<a onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_1);" style="cursor: pointer;">Link 1</a> | <a class="red" onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_2);" style="cursor: pointer;">Link 2</a>
<div id="outside_location"></div>
<fb:js-string var="link_1"><fb:iframe width="760" height="1280" frameborder='0' src='http://www.WebWhispers.in' /></fb:js-string>
<fb:js-string var="link_2"><fb:iframe width="760" height="1280" frameborder='0' src='http://google.com/' /></fb:js-string>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var outside_location = d
However, it has stopped working. I dont think facebook allows iframe inside of pages, only applications.
How can I load this page in without learning FBML? The site uses Jquery so I cant use FBML anyway.
I know applications can use iFrames, can I make it an application and then embed the application into a page tab somehow?
No. Tab pages can not contain iFrames. They must be written using FBML and FBJS.
One reason for this is that Facebook does not want to enable Tab pages to detect who looks at them. All requests (including images) on tab pages are proxied through Facebook for this reason. If iframes were allowed then the application would be able to detect who looked at it, which would present a privacy issue for Facebook users.
This is either a policy change by Facebook or, more likely, a bug. I say it's unlikely to be a policy change as it throws a script error, whereas a policy change would more likely strip the code out before it's rendered.
There's a bug report you can add votes to and follow here.