Selecting values plotted on a scatter3 plot - matlab

I have a 3d matrix of 100x100x100. Each point of that matrix has assigned a value that corresponds to a certain signal strength. If I plot all the points the result is incomprehensible and requires horsepower to compute, due to the large amount of points that are painted.
The next picture examplify the problem (in that case the matrix was 50x50x50 for reducing the computation time):
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(1:50,1:50,1:50);
I would like to plot only the highest values (for example, the top 10). How can I do it?
One simple solution that came up in my mind is to asign "nan" to the values higher than the treshold.
Even the results are nice I think that it must be a most elegant solution to fix it.

Reshape it into an nx1 vector. Sort that vector and take the first ten values.
num_of_rows = size(M,1)
V = reshape(M,num_of_rows,1);
sorted_V = sort(V,'descend');
ind = sorted_V(1:10)
I am assuming that M is your 3D matrix. This will give you your top ten values in your matrix and the respective index. The you can use ind2sub() to get the x,y,z.


How to apply a moving median filter on a time series of 2D scans in Matlab?

I have a huge set of data of a timelapse of 2D laser scans of waves running up and down stairs (see fig.1fig.2fig.3).
There is a lot of noise in the scans, since the water splashes a lot.
Now I want to smoothen the scans.
I have 2 questions:
How do I apply a moving median filter (as recommended by another study dealing with a similar problem)? I can only find instructions for single e.g. (x,y) or (t,y) plots but not for x and y values that vary over time. Maybe an average filter would do it as well, but I do not have a clue on that either.
The scanner is at a fixed point (222m) so all the data spikes point towards that point at the ceiling. Is it possible or necessary to include this into the smoothing process?
This is the part of the code (I hope it's enough to get it):
% Plot data as real time profile
% add moving median filter here?
axis([210 235 3 9])
ht=title('Scanner data');
for i=1:1:length(t);
set(h1,'XData',x1(i,:),'YData',y1(i,:));set(ht,'String',sprintf('t = %5.2f
The data.x values are stored in a (mxn) matrix in which the change in time is arranged vertically and the x values i.e. "laser points" of the scanner are horizontally arranged. The data.y is stored in the same way. The data.t values are stored in a (mx1) matrix.
I hope I explained everything clearly and that somebody can help me. I am already pretty desperate about it... If there is anything missing or confusing, please let me know.
If you're trying to apply a median filter in the x-y plane, then consider using medfilt2 from the Image Processing Toolbox. Note that this function only accepts 2-D inputs, so you'll have to loop over the third dimension.
Also note that medfilt2 assumes that the x and y data are uniformly spaced, so if your x and y data don't fall onto a uniformly spaced grid you may have to manually loop over indices, extract the corresponding patches, and compute the median.
If you can/want to apply an averaging filter instead of a median filter, and if you have uniformly spaced data, then you can use convn to compute a k x k moving average by doing:
y = convn(x, ones(k,k)/(k*k), 'same');
Note that you'll get some bias on the boundaries because you're technically trying to compute an average of k^2 pixels when you have less than that number of values available.
Alternatively, you can use nested calls to movmean since the averaging operation is separable:
y = movmean(movmean(x, k, 2), k, 1);
If your grid is separable, but not uniform, you can still use movmean, just use the SamplePoints name-value pair:
y = movmean(movmean(x, k, 2, 'SamplePoints', yv), k, 1, 'SamplePoints', xv);
You can also control the endpoint handling in movmean with the Endpoints name-value pair.

How to sort rows of a matrix based on the costrain of another matrix?

The 6 faces method is a very cheap and fast way to calibrate and accelerometer like my MPU6050, here a great description of the method.
I made 6 tests to calibrate the accelerometer based on the g vector.
After that i build up a matrix and in each row is stored the mean of each axis expressed in m/s^2, thanks to this question i automatically calculated the mean for each column in each file.
The tests were randomly performed, i tested all the six positions, but i didn't follow any path.
So i sorted manually the final matrix, based on the sort of the Y matrix, my reference matrix.
The Y elements are fixed.
The matrix manually sorted is the following
Here how i manually sorted the matrix
meanmatrix=[ax ay az];
meanmatrix= [mean1; mean3; mean2; mean4;mean6;mean5];
Based on the Y matrix constrain how can sort my matrix without knwowing "a priori" wich is the test stored in the row?
Assuming that the bias on the accelerometer is not huge, you can look at the rows of your matrix and see with which of the rows in your Y matrix matches.
sorted_meanmatrix = zeros(size(meanmatrix));
for rows = 1:length(Y)
% Calculates the square of distance and see which row has a nearest distcance
[~,index] = min(sum((meanmatrix - Y(rows,:)).^2, 2));
sorted_meanmatrix(rows,:) = meanmatrix(index,:);

how to do clustering when the input is 3D matrix, MATLAB

i am having 3D matrix in which most of the values are zeros but there are some nonzeros values.
when I am plotting this 3D matrix in matlab I am getting plot like as below
here u can see there are two groups of points are nearer to each other(that's why the color became dark) and two individual group of points is far away....
so my objective is to cluster that two nearer group of points and make it as one cluster1 and other two will be called as cluster2 and cluster3 ....
I tried kmeans clustering, BIC clustering...but as kmeans clustering is basically build up for 2D data input, I faced hurdle there ...then I reshape 3D matrix into 2D matrix but still I am getting another error Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch
so could u plz come out with some fruitful idea to do this......
Based on your comment that you used vol3d I assume that your data has to interpreted this way. If your data-matrix is called M, try
[A,B,C] = ind2sub(size(M),find(M));
points = [A,B,C];
idx = kmeans(points,3);
Here, I assumed that M(i,j,k) = 1 means that you have measured a point with properties i,j and k, which in your case would be velocity, angle and range.

Making a 3D plot of multiple column vectors

I have multiple vectors of varying lengths that I would like to plot next to each other in 3D space in Matlab.
As an example:
Say I have three vectors:
X is a 5x2 vector,
Y is a 10x2 vector and
Z is a 15x2 vector.
Each element of every vector has the format:
x value, y value
but the x values of the various vectors do not match.
I would like to plot these vectors in 3D space, next to each other. The reason why I don't want to plot them using "hold" is because most of the data have the same values, but I would like to see how many of the plots have the same value at a specific time.
I hope my questions makes sense. Please just ask if anyone is unsure.
I think you are looking for the function ribbon.
if your x's do not have the same length, you can combine it with interp1 as follow:

Need some help understanding the MATLAB `cat` command in high dimensions

The commands
a = magic(3);
b = pascal(3);
c = cat(4,a,b);
produce a 3-by-3-by-1-by-2 array.
Why is the result 3-3-1-2 when the dimension is 4?
Both a and b are two-dimensional matrices of size 3-by-3. When you concatenate them along a fourth dimension, the intervening third dimension is singleton (i.e. 1). So c(:,:,1,1) will be your matrix a and c(:,:,1,2) will be your matrix b.
Here's a link to some documentation that may help with understanding multidimensional arrays.
Perhaps it will help to think of these four dimensions in terms that us humans can more easily relate to...
Let's assume that the four dimensions in the example represent three dimensions in space (x, y, and z) plus a fourth dimension time. Imagine that I'm sampling the temperature in the air at a number of points in space at one given time. I can sample the air temperature in a grid that comprises all combinations of three x positions, three y positions, and one z position. That will give me a 3-by-3-by-1 grid. Normally, we'd probably just say that the data is in a 3-by-3 grid, ignoring the trailing singleton dimension.
However, let's say that I now take another set of samples at these points at a later time. I therefore get another 3-by-3-by-1 grid at a second time point. If I concatenate these sets of data together along the time dimension I get a 3-by-3-by-1-by-2 matrix. The third dimension is singleton because I only sampled at one z value.
So, in the example c=cat(4,a,b), we are concatenating two matrices along the fourth dimension. The two matrices are 3-by-3, with the third dimension implicitly assumed to be singleton. However, when concatenating along the fourth dimension we end up having to explicitly show that the third dimension is still there by listing its size as 1.