How to install Azure cmdlets using powershell - powershell

I'm trying to install Azure cmdlets using powershell, not the wizard provided by Microsoft.
That's because my script (which has Azure cmdlets) will be used in a new virtual machine located in Azure and if my script try to run some cmdlet of Azure, will fail for sure.
I would like to put the installation lines of the powershell cmdlets on the top of my script for install the whole cmdlets and after that, that my script execute the other cmdlets without problem.
So, anyone knows?

If you have the Web Platform Installer in the VM, you can use the script I posted at PowerShell Magazine.
Or get the Windows Standalone installer from and use msiexec to install that.
If you want to use PowerShell to download the latest version too:
You can use Invoke-WebRequest to read the page ( and then get all links from that. You can then get all links that end with .msi and take the first link for download.
#Code not tested
$doc = Invoke-WebRequest ''
$links = $doc.Links.Href


How to automate Microsoft Edge using PowerShell

Since IE11 is retiring soon, I was attempting to re-write my PS Scripts to automate MS Edge. I have searched online and apparently I need edgedriver_win64 and a WebDriver testing framework like Selenium 4. I have either got the links wrong or the logic wrong. But when I tried to install the driver, it just opened a command prompt saying "MSEdgeDriver was started successfully". Nothing was installed. And I have absolutely no idea of how to install Selenium 4. If someone could help me prep my PC so I can automate using MS Edge via PowerShell, I will be really grateful. Additionally some pointers on how to use these for automation via PowerShell will be big help.
The regular way to automate Edge with WebDriver is using C#, Python, Java like this doc, not PowerShell. If you really need to use PowerShell, you can use Selenium PowerShell Module. You can refer to the steps below:
Run Install-Module Selenium in Windows PowerShell.
Download corresponding version of Edge WebDriver from here (same version as your Edge browser).
Put the Edge WebDriver msedgedriver.exe into folder C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Selenium\3.0.1\assemblies (the path is where you install Selenium PowerShell Module, you can change it according to your real situation).
Rename msedgedriver.exe to MicrosoftWebDriver.exe.
Sample PowerShell code:
$Driver = Start-SeEdge
Enter-SeUrl -Driver $Driver
powershell example of above:
$url = ""
$obj = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
I use VBA in MSACCESS to open the browser with PowerShell.
In the reference library in the database, Selenium type library is selected.
Option Compare Database
Public Function EDGE_OPEN()
Set obj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
obj.ShellExecute "microsoft-edge:"
End Function

Execute SQLCMD.exe from PowerShell in an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline

I'm porting our deployment infrastructure to Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services), but I've run into an issue I can't find any good solutions to.
We're using EF Core Migrations, and to work around some unrelated issues we need to dynamically wrap SQL scripts in SQLCmd, which is easy using PowerShell.
However, when executing our script as a regular PowerShell step in the release pipeline, it fails because SQLCMD.exe is not available. Not so surprising - but I also can't find any documented way of installing it.
Is there a tool installer or some similar ready-made component that will let me execute a PowerShell script that calls out to SQLCMD.exe (via Invoke-SqlCmd) as part of an Azure Devops Pipeline? If not, what's the easiest way to accomplish this anyway?
Haven't tried this myself, but are you allowed to install Powershell modules for the current user on a hosted agent? Because Invoke-SqlCmd is part of the SqlServer module, which can be installed from the Powershell gallery with:
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser
You could try to create a package to install the needed tools on the agent, since that is now possible. You could use a Chocolatey task to run a package from it
There is an (old) chocolatey package available that you could try:
Can't you use normal sql scripts via one of the available extensions?
See here or here
Ofcourse, using a self-hosted agent could be an option, then you can install anything you want.
This one worked for me
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Force -AllowClobber
Not sure about -AllowClobber though, on my local PC the command complained about something without it and I didn't check on Azure tbh.

Select-AzureRMSubscription not recognized

Trying to set up my VSTS windows build agent to accommodate for powershell steps within VSTS but having some problems. Initially it reported that the AzurePS system capability was not present, so I made sure to install the latest Azure modules via the powershell gallery. Now, the AzurePS capability is present but certain powershell commands do not seem to work.
This may not be related to VSTS at all but rather just a configuration issue with my specific powershell installation / configuration. The full error is as follows:
The term 'Select-AzureRMSubscription' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
This error can be seen both in the VSTS release logs of the particular definition I am trying to execute, as well as when attempting to run the Select-AzureRMSubscription command directly on the box itself.
According to This MS Docs for Get-AzSubscription it's located in the module Az.Accounts.
So I had to run:
Install-module Az -AllowClobber -Force
Import-module Az
to make the command avaliable to me.
For me, updating the AzureRM module did the trick:
Update-Module -Name AzureRM
Depending on your system, you may get some messages while installing
Powershell requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to
interact with NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet provider must be
available in 'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies'
You can also install the NuGet provider by running
Install-PackagePovider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force'.
Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider
[Yes] {No] [Suspend]
Choose "Yes"
You are installling the modules form an untrusted repository. If you
trust this repository, change its installationPolicy value by running
the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the
modules from 'PSGallery'?
[Yes] [Yes to All] [No] [No to All] [Suspend]
Choose "Yes to all"
Up to three modules will be installed/updated and directly after that, the Select-AzureRmSubscription should work immediately.
Select-AzureRmSubscription b0cabaca-1234-1337-abcd-bebedada1337
# note: this subscription GUID is completely fictional.
# To get the correct one, query your subscriptions with
# Get-AzureRmSubscription
You have to make sure that certain Azure Powershell modules are installed for certain cmdlets to work. You can check which modules are available by running Get-Module -ListAvailable. Select-AzureRMSubscription requires AzureRM module.
You could just install Azure Powershell with its modules using webPI - I've never had problems using it and I've heard that installing PS modules using gallery could cause problems (see here).
You can run azure PowerShell with Azure PowerShell step/task.
Edit your build definition
Click Add build step
Select Deploy catalog > Add Azure PowerShell step/task
the OS in question is server 2012
To install PowerShell on windows server 2012, we should add the .NET Framework 3.5 feature and add the windows PowerShell 2.0 Engine feature.
About how to add features, refer to the link.
Then we can download PowerShell installation package, and install it.
Then we can use windows server 2012 PowerShell to login azure.
You need to use the Set-AzContext,
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName 'SubName' | Set-AzContext

Run Powershell script on TFS server for publish to Azure

I try to configure TFS for Continuous Delivery to Azure by this article
In article TFS published package to Azure with Powershell script.
When build starts I get errors like ObjectNotFound: (Set-AzureDeployment:String) [], CommandNotFoundException. Looks like I didn't install Azure cmdlets, but I install all from Web Platform Installer.
And when I try to run script locally on server - it works and deploys package.
In article Powershell starts by adding InvokeProcess to template with Filename="PowerShell".
I think I just don't run Powreshell correctly.
Maybe somebody has some ideas which command should I use?
Find a solution
Powershell cann't find Azure module.
Add this before Import-Module Azure command in script
$env:PSModulePath=$env:PSModulePath+";"+"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\PowerShell"
Could be that you installed the cmdlets on the user profile. Try re-install after logging in with the account running the build service.

Creating application installers with PowerShell

Hi I'm wondering if it's possible to create application installers for MSI's. What I want it to do is when I run an MSI I want to be able to run it in it's own process so I can reference it via it's process ID so I can send various keys to it so it installs the way I want it too.
I can code in both C and Java but for the Sys Admins would be good if I could code it in Powershell for them. Also I've seen other installers that can detect when the next instance of the install screen appears so it immediately send the new command keys, well appears that way.
Any advice is welcomed.
MSI's traditionally allow for admins to provide an answer file or arguments using msiexec.
See this q/a on SuperUser or this SO Q/A for more info.
You can then use PowerShell to call the exe's by using the 3rd party Windows Installer PowerShell Module
[The Windows Installer PowerShell Module] Exposes Windows Installer functionality to PowerShell, providing means to query installed product and patch information and to query views on packages.
for example:
install-msiproduct .\example.msi -destination (join-path $env:ProgramFiles Example)
See this page for additional examples.
If you need to send keystrokes to the msi gui; you could look in to the Windows Automation Snapin for PowerShell. I have never used this personally.