WM_TOUCH acts differetly in Windows-8.1 - touch

I have a Windows application using WM_TOUCH message to handle touch screen.
It works fine in Windows 7 and Windows 8.0.
In Win 8.1 the WM_TOUCH behaves differently:
Win7: WM_TOUCH with flag eTouchDown is continuously received when I touch the window
Win8.1: WM_TOUCH with flag eTouchDown is received only once
Win7: WM_TOUCH with flag eTouchUp is received when I lift my finger
Win8.1: WM_TOUCH with flag eTouchDown is NOT received when I lift my finger
Windows documentation does not indicate any change in WM_TOUCH behavior in Windows 8.1.
I would like to have the same application work on Win7, Win8 & Win8.1, so using the newer API with WM_POINTER is not feasible.
I will be happy to know if this is a known issue and if there is a way to get WM_TOUCH working properly in Windows 8.1.
Thanks a lot,

Did you RegisterTouchWindow() in your application?


iPhone With Windows - New Bluetooth Pairing is requested when logging into Windows even though pairing has already been completed on iPhone

iPhone With Windows 10 Enterprise Via Bluetooth Low Energy (GATT)
Bluetooth pairing is requested when logging into Windows even though pairing has already been completed. After that, even if the pairing is done, pairing will be asked again at the next login to Windows every time when the Windows is restarted.
Our iOS app acts as a Bluetooth central and the other as a peripheral (Bluetooth Driver on Windows).
when the app is trying to connect using Bluetooth Low Energy (GATT) at step 5 as mentioned below, new pairing is requested from windows every time when the PC is restarted.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
log into Windows and connect the app to the Windows computer
See the paring request on Windows and on iPhone,
Pair on both Windows and iPhone
Turn off the Bluetooth toggle on iPhone and then turn it on
Restart windows and see the login screen
Start the app on your iPhone and try to connect,
See the paring request on iPhone
With the above steps, if this issue is not reproducible, try rebooting the iPhone instead of changing the Bluetooth toggle at S4.
we also observe the iPhone device is receiving this log from Windows:
default 15:38:27.555377+0530 SpringBoard Received request to activate alertItem: <SBUserNotificationAlert: 0x105916a90; title: Bluetooth Pairing Request; source: bluetoothd; pid: 88>
We observed that looks like the issue reproduces more consistently when the windows restarts or reboots.
On the pairing request alert dialogue on iPhone, If I press "cancel", the app disconnects from the peripheral (Windows). If I press "pair", the peripheral nothing happens. However, Windows continues sending me pairing requests whenever the machine is restarted or rebooted.
We did not observe this behaviour with the Android Device. Windows and Android work without any problem (i.e. No new Pairing is requested once the device is paired in any situation).
In the below screenshots, we could see that the iPhone is already paired in Windows Bluetooth Settings but the Paring is requested from Windows on iPhone to pair again and in the background, our app is successfully connected to Windows using Bluetooth Low Energy (GATT).
Windows details
Edition Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎ 5/‎5/‎2021
OS build 19045.2486
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0
iPhone OS - iOS 15.6.1 and 16.1.1
Is this a known bug with Windows 10 Enterprise?
Is there any way to get around this issue?
Sample Code to reproduce the problem on iOS:
Our iOS app acts as a Bluetooth central and the other as a peripheral (Bluetooth Driver on Windows)
Initializes the central manager with a specified delegate and dispatch queueself.cbManager = [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:bleManagerQueue];
Scans for peripherals that are advertising services to discover other Bluetooth devices, passing in the UUID of the service it’s searching for.
[self.cbManager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:(NSArray<CBUUID *> *)serviceUUIDs options:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)options;]];
When the central manager discovers a peripheral with a matching service UUID, The method saves the peripheral as the property discoveredPeripheral and calls connect to it.[self.cbManager connectPeripheral:
[[self.currentConnection device] peripheral] options:nil];
Step 3, when trying to establish a connection to a peripheral, pairing is requested even though pairing has already been completed. After that, even if the pairing is done, pairing will be asked again at the next logon to Windows.
Is this a known bug with Windows 10 Enterprise?
Is there any way to get around this issue?
iPhone Already Paried
Pairing Request on iPhone from Windows
Is this a known bug with Windows 10 Enterprise?
Is there any way to get around this issue?

XAMPP VM not responding with OSX big sur beta 3

I just downloaded the MacOS Big Sur Beta 3. The problem is when I'm trying to open XAMPP, you can see the application jumping on the dock but it stops right away without doing any action. Is it possible to access my files without running the XAMPP VM?
Same thing happens to me… Until it gets fixed, you can use the console interface:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/ctlscript.sh start

Missing warning dialog for deinstallation while application is running on mac

I am missing the dialog that appears when I trying to uninstall the application while this one is still running an mac os. At windows os there appears a dialog with the message to shutdown the application before retry deinstallation. Isn't this functionality implemented for mac os? I am using version 5.1.13 of install4j.
As of install4j 5.1.x, this functionality is not implemented for Mac OS X.

Windows 8 compatibility with development tools.

My boss just asked me about Windows 8. He wants to get me a new laptop. And is still confused about the os.
Can VS2010 be installed on windows 8? because VS2012 can be installed in windows 7.
How about like eclipse java android? Can they run in windows 8?
the visual studio 2012 is more recommended in windows 8 in order to install certain sdk's like windows phone 8 sdk .. so it should work even more smooth in windows 8
eclipse and java also work fine ... most of the application that works with win 7 will work with win 8 without a problem i didn't find any issue tell now only some drive that wasn't installed correctly and the windows search for the drive for me and install it from the device manager .. the only issue that i can't solve it tell now the 2 finger scrolling.
According to Microsoft website, VS 2012 is compatible with Windows 8 :
I read some returns about Eclipse, that's not possible (or not basically possible) to run it on Windows 8 right now, but I guess it will be soon, when Windows 8 will be released...
Windows 8 is just another OS by MICROSOFT where they have changed the architecture of the Operating System. All those software that were compatible on previous version on Windows will be working fine in windows 8. Windows 8 has apps as the new thing in it.
It does not matter you buy a laptop with or without windows 8. its an operating system which you can install on any machine provided it has the basic requirements of windows 8.
I just installed windows 8, visual studio 2012, eclipse, java and everything works fine
you can use either VS 2012 or VS 2010 in Windows 8. VS 2012 is compatible only in Windows8.
A touch screen is not a must to use Windows 8 but it is recommended for the best user experience.

Nokia s60 emulator for linux

I am using EclipseMe on Ubuntu. I want an emulator that can emulate mouse movements on screen.
Is there an s60 emulator for linux?
Does net beans has an in built emulator that can emulate mouse movement on device screen?
Netbeans uses the Sun Wireless Toolkit.
The JavaME emulator it contains can me made into a touchscreen emulator. Read the accompanying documentation, it should be as simple as setting a variable inside a configuration file before stating the emulator.
You can find the specification for MIDP (the top layer of the JavaME platform you're probably targetting) at http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=118
Look at the javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas class, you will find several methods used to deal with "pointer". While they are more often used to handle touchscreen event, they also map to mouse/joystick clicks on emulators.
You can definitely get the MIDP pointerDragged events when running the emulator on Linux.
This is basic MIDP, no need for fancy JSR-226 (e-swt) support.
The Windows only Symbian Emulator (EPOC) is being scrapped for a QEMU based emulator that will run on all platforms. This will likely be available within 6 months or so.
At the moment, I run Windows XP inside VirtualBox on my Mac for Symbian development. It works fine, but is of course not the ideal solution.
The full symbian OS emulator with application interfaces for Java and Symbian C is windows based unfortunately.
I usually get a MS Windows Vista install disk and install that into a VM like VirtualBox and than install the symbian SDks on top of that..
Works best on those 4 core desktop 64-bit computers now on sale for $687 as you get access to full 8 gig ram and close to 1 terabyte hard drive..