When to stop querying paypal api's for payment status? - paypal

Using the parallel payments paypal api. If user 1 makes a payment to user 2, I make a check using the api to make sure paypal returns the payment details as COMPLETED.
How long does paypal keep that COMPLETED payment record? Do they keep it indefinitely, or do they delete it after a while? I ask because I am at the stage of development where I need to decide if I should rely on paypal keeping that record indefinitely, or if I should create a record on my server that the payment has been completed, or if I should always check if the payment has been marked as COMPLETED by querying paypal?
The only reason why I "want" to check via paypal, is if the payment is ever returned to user1 as REFUNDED or PARITALLY_REFUNDED when paypal is queried using their apis. I would want to act accordingly in such situations.
It's not too much of an issue if the status is REFUNDED or PARTIALLY_REFUNDED as apparently people can't get refunds if they don't open a case with paypal before 45 days are up. I am more concerned about the REVERSED status, which can apparently happen any time, even after 45 days which is beyond paypal's control, as it is done by the credit card companies, if the user pays by credit card...

Using the PaymentDetails request I was able to pull my oldest Adaptive Payment transaction, which was over 60 days old and had no problems pulling it up using the transactionId field. It should be able to pull up payments as long as they are listed in the PayPal account (currently forever.)
This will work using the payKey field also if you are storing that instead of transactionId, however the transactionId is displayed in your PayPal account and is sent with IPN responses.


get state of agreement paypal subscriptions

I have integrated paypal php rest api to create plan and then I have create billing agreement for this plan but the issue is payment is not deducting instantly and I want to know that how will came to know that payment is deducted from payee account.
after executing billing agreement I get object of billing agreement as response and in that object it show that billing agreement is activated but in payee's account transaction status of agreement is pending in response object outstanding amount is also zero
I want to know way to identify that amount is deducted form payee's account or not. so that I can take action accordingly.
I have solved this issue but for this I have to use callback or we can say webhooks
One more thing was there is
Webhook never works on subdomain and ssl is also requiered .

Paypal recurring payment response verification and match with paypal return page variable

I am working on a website to sell some advertisement concept online, where user can get the access of more options after opting a monthly subscription paying through recurring Paypal.
I have already implemented the recurring paypal functionality successfully except one thing. Like One can subscribe for the plan and monthly payments are deducted from the concerned account.
But I have no idea how to update my database after the first payment from the recurring paypal.
eg, a customer comes to the site, choose his options, went to paypal recurring part and made the transaction. Now I have one page , where the paypal returns the control, which is given on the return url. Now the problem is, in this page when I am updating the database, the paymanet status is pending.
Then after a while when the IPN response comes to the application, I wont able to update the earlier entry in my database, as I am not sure how to match these two entries, I mean upon which field the update query should be coded.
There's no point in updating the database at all until you get the money. When you get the money, the transaction contains everything you need to create or update the subscription.

Execute tasks after PayPal chained payment is successful

Current Status
I'm quite new to PayPal and I'm currently integrating chained adaptive payments on our website. Already successfully called the PAY API call via the .NET SDK. Money (sandbox enviroment) will be correctly transferred to each participants of this payment (sender, primary and secondary receiver).
My goal is to execute vital tasks after the payment is successful (update DB, send mail, ...) or has been cancelled (clean up stuff, ...).
Possible solutions
First approach was to create the payment with actionType set to CREATE, redirect the user to paypal.com (wait for approval), redirect user back to website and execute the payment and then perform the vital tasks. But it seems not to work, the payment will be paid and is COMPLETED before the second redirect.
Another possible solution would be to get the preapproval from the user, redirect back to the website and execute the payment. Haven't tried this solution yet, don't think that this is best practice.
Call PAY with actionType set to "PAY" and wait for IPN. Haven't tried that either, because it is quite difficult to test it locally (even though I've already found this question: Paypal Sandbox Test Tool IPN Simulator in Localhost).
Which solution is best practice? I guess the recommended solution would be to wait for an IPN?
If I'am using IPN how long is the average response time after a payment has been completed? Seconds, minutes, hours? I know it depends on the load of the PayPal webservers and that there are 15 retries over 4 days, but what are some real world numbers?
Can I store additional information (e.g. UserId) about the sender in a payment (besides the memo field) which I then get back in an IPN?
Here is how I do it.
When I'm going to initiate PayPal payment (before I send a request to obtain TOKEN), I create new transaction in my database and set it's status to PENDING. In transaction table I also have userID column, which is foreign key to user table. This way I connect transaction with user.
When transaction is created in my table, I use transactionId value, and save it to PHP $_SESSION variable.
Please note that if you want to support recurring payments, you can provide transactionId to PayPal. This you can do by setting:
This value will be sent when PayPal sends you IPN request after recurring payment happens.
Go back now to the story
User is redirected to PayPal, and when user fills PayPal username and password, and when user confirms payment details, user will be redirected back to your website and you have to call DoExpressCheckoutPayment to make payment itself.
If the result of DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call is success, that means that transaction was successful and you have money. At this point, you can send email, notifications, or any other important action.
$transactionResponse=$paypal->request("DoExpressCheckoutPayment",$requestParams);//Execute transaction
if(is_array($transactionResponse) && $transactionResponse["ACK"]=="Success")//Payment was successfull
//Send email
//Notify user
//Do other important changes in database, for example mark this transaction as successful
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR RECURRING PAYMENTS: PayPal can/will send you several IPN requests for the same recurring transaction which means that you have to add logic which will chekc weather specific IPN request is already processed or not. Usually I do it in a way to check weather status of my transaction with transactionId is 'PENDING' or 'SUCCESSFUL'.

What does payment status "EXPIRED" in PayPal Adaptive Payments mean?

I have several PayPal Adaptive payments with an "EXPIRED" status (in an application that accepts payments on behalf of a seller). They are explicitly approved payments, meaning money changes hands as soon as the sender accepts the payment.
The documentation for the PaymentDetails API call doesn't mention EXPIRED in the list of possible statuses.
Could you direct me to some other documentation or explain what this status means?
Some more googling brought up this forum thread:
A status of expired means that a PayKey has expired and cannot be used. A PayKey has a life of three hours, after which it cannot be used to complete the payment.
If this occurs you will need to generate a new PayKey with a new trackingID using the Pay API call as you did previously. The reason the tracking ID is not released back and allowed to be used again is because it would cause issues with dublicate tracking ID's in yours and our system.
So, an EXPIRED Adaptive Payment is one that has been created but never paid, so you can safely create a duplicate new one instead.

Get Transactions associated with a Recurring Payment Profile in Paypal

I have gone through nearly all the question related to Recurring Payment using Paypal and have not found a solution to my problem.
We are implementing a system that is subscription based on a monthly basis (fixed amount). We do not want to store CC details for security reasons, hence we are trying to use Website Payments Pro from Paypal.
Once a user agrees to recurring payments, we are creating a RecurringPaymentProfile for that user and are storing the returned Profile_Id for the user.
Now we need to get information about all the transactions related to this Recurring Profile_Id. This information is available when we login to the Paypal account but this needs to be automated so that the application is aware of all the payments and also of the current subscription of the user.
We have found two methods (possibly) to implement this.
1. IPN (Instant Payment Notification, for this we will have to create a service to listen to notifications, which seems to be cumbersome and is more informational than we require)
2. TransactionSearch (but this returns transactions for the Paypal account and not Profile_Id)
Since we just want to know the transaction history associated with the Recurring Profile and whether this months payment was successful (implying the user is active member), what is the best method to implement this ?
You're looking for the GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails API Operation. This operation will allow you to view a majority of the details associated with a recurring payment profile using a valid PROFILEID.
Relevant detail fields you may be interested in:
The date of the last successful payment received for
this profile, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The amount of the last successful payment received for this profile.
The total number of failed billing cycles for this profile.
The next scheduled billing date, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The number of billing cycles completed in the
current active subscription period. A billing cycle is considered
completed when payment is collected or after retry attempts to collect
payment for the current billing cycle have failed.