Formatting text in a list in app inventor 2 - listpicker

I have a list that I want to display some text as bold and other parts not bold. First of all I have been accomplishing this when not inside of a list by just making a bunch of labels and then manually going through the text adding \n and spaces for formatting, which takes forever. If there is an easier way of doing that I would love to know. Anyway my question is how can I add formatted text to a list.
So instead of those individual text elements I want to add multiple formatted text elements in place of one.

how can I add formatted text to a list
sorry, that's unfortunately not possible with App Inventor
you can take a look at this App Inventor Classic example, which uses some HTML to do the formatting


How to replicate tumblr tags in flutter

I am trying to replicate the mobile tag-adding mechanism that tumblr has. I have included a picture of the screen I am talking about below.
I want to replicate the following features:
Chips are inline with text field. Text field resizes dynamically to either take the remainder of the line, or take up the next line if the content is too long
Text is turned into a chip when a comma is added (e.g. If I am typing "dog", and then I type "dog,", A "dog" chip will be created
Long chips cut off content with ellipses
Chips can be deleted with backspace
There is no text field underline decoration
Chips fill up row then wrap to next row (and entire container scrolls if there are too many rows to display simultaneously)
There are some libraries that already exist to allow a text input field with chips, but they have a lot of other features that I'm not interested in right now like the recommendation system etc, and generally just don't look the way I want with regards to multiple lines and text wrapping etc. If anyone knows how to replicate the example below, I would really appreciate it!

How can I dynamically style sections of text in flutter?

Say I had text that the user was inputting into a big text box. I also want my app to be testing if any of the text inputted is in an array, and if it finds them then style these differently (For example highlight them wit ha yellow background). So if the phrases I was looking for were 'cake is great', 'people are awful' and 'scooters are the best', and the user wrote 'I really love my cake, cake is great' is it possible for flutter to see this text, and add a text style purely to the last part of the sentence, or otherwise style it differently?
How would I go about doing this?
Using substrings should do the trick, if anything else is trying to do something similar look here!

Apply styling by tab stops in MS Word

I've been searching for the last two hours but haven't been able to find an answer to my question.
In MS Word, how do I apply a style to text based on the tab stop it's in?
For example, in the following text how would I search by style and change the formatting to bold for the word 'there'?
What I want to do is inject tabbed (ASCII 9) text into a styled section that in the instance above would bold the word 'there'.
I suppose formatting and searching for text based on the tab stop it’s in are two separate tasks…
Is this even possible? I’m constrained by the templating solution I’m working with.

How to upload contents of a file to a UITextView?

I have about twenty UITextViews and corresponding .txt files. What I want is to make each UITextView take the contents of the corresponding file and display it.
Moreover, the text is formatted and it contains some formulas (copy/pasted from Grapher). I've heard about displaying formatted text in UIWebView, but I haven't found a clear explanation anywhere.
Thanks in advance!
Text files normally don't contain formatted text.
If by "formatted" you mean "html" then yes, you will want to use UIWebView. Basically you will convert the text to an HTML document, and then use the web view to display that document. There are several example projects available from Apple that show you how to use UIWebView.
Displaying formula in a UITextView will be difficult as the character rules for formula are completely different from language text. You could generate HTML to display it that but that is difficult as well.
I think your best bet would be to draw the formula to an image and then display the image. That is the traditional way to handle the display of formula.

Formatting in a UITextView

im having problems with formatting for a UITextView. my app pulls in XML, saves some of it to a string , and then displays the text in a UITextView.
it understands if you put a return in there, and it starts a new line. but i want to put paragraphs in there, any idea how i can pass that information without doing multiple UITextViews
Thanks :)
If you are converting to text from XML content, then it is probably easier to use a UIWebView and format using html.
If you want total control of formatting, then you need to move to using Core Text (3.2/iPad).