What is the difference between perfrom_async and delay in Sidekiq? - actionmailer

When reading the Sidekiq Wiki I see the following examples:
From Getting started:
Send a message to be processed asynchronously:
HardWorker.perform_async('bob', 5)
You can also send messages by calling the delay method on a class method:
User.delay.do_some_stuff(current_user.id, 20)
Also, from Delayed extensions:
Use delay to deliver your emails asynchronously. Use delay_for(interval) or delay_until(time) to deliver the email at some point in the future.
So what is actually the difference between perfrom_async and delay? In which situations would I prefer the one over the other?

perform_async is Sidekiq's native API. delay is a compatibility API with DelayedJob. Use perform_async when possible.


Understanding better ExecutionReport QuickFix

I am newbie on Fix in general and I have started from QuickFix to make practice. I apology in advance from the following trivial questions.
I have understood that to handle ExecutionReport I need to use crack() method inside FromApp() and implementing OnMessage().
But what I have two questions :
1) What happens if during a Partially fill order ExecutionReport message suddenly session drops, which is the way to handle this situation. Trying to reconnect and Send a request ? Please Can you provide a simple explanation in steps and what QuickFix Api method should I use ?
2) If I need to implement a FixEngine to handle dropcopy should I be aware of something in particular ?
Thank you for your help
1). Just make sure ResetOnDisconnect parameter is set to N for your trading session: ResetOnDisconnect=N (docs)
QuickFix will be automatically attempting to reconnect every ReconnectInterval seconds;
Once connected (with ResetOnDisconnect=N) it will also automatically exchange last known message sequence numbers with the FIX server, and the ones lost during the disconnection will be re-sent - so without a line of code you will receive the missing messages.
Also, if disconnection was for a longer period of time, you may want to send Order Status Request (H) message to the FIX server to receive actual ExecutionReport for your pending orders.
2) The question is too general for me to answer...

How to produce a response body with asynchronously created body chunks in Swift Vapor

I am looking into the Swift Vapor framework.
I am trying to create a controller class that maps data obtained on an SSL link to a third party system (an Asterisk PBX server..) into a response body that is sent over some time down to the client.
So I need to send received text lines (obtained separately on the SSL connection) as they get in, without waiting for a 'complete response' to be constructed.
Seeing this example:
return Response(status: .ok) { chunker in
for name in ["joe\n", "pam\n", "cheryl\n"] {
try chunker.send(name)
try chunker.close()
I thought it might be the way to go.
But what I see connecting to the Vapor server is that the REST call waits for the loop to complete, before the three lines are received as result.
How can I obtain to have try chunker.send(name) send it's characters back the client without first waiting for the loop to complete?
In the real code the controller method can potentially keep an HTTP connection to the client open for a long time, sending Asterisk activity data to the client as soon as it is obtained. So each .send(name) should actually pass immediately data to the client, not waiting for the final .close() call.
Adding a try chunker.flush() did not produce any better result..
HTTP requests aren't really designed to work like that. Different browsers and clients will function differently depending on their implementations.
For instance, if you connect with telnet to the chunker example you pasted, you will see the data is sent every second. But Safari on the other hand will wait for the entire response before displaying.
If you want to send chunked data like this reliably, you should use a protocol like WebSockets that is designed for it.

Gmail SMTP error - Temporary block?

I am using Gmail servers to send email from my system, with a program.
Recently I started getting errors like this:
Data command failed: 421 4.7.0 Temporary System Problem. Try again later (WS). 6sm3756432pab.11 - gsmtp
The reasons are given in the support.
Can anybody tell me what is the number of emails that can trigger this issue?
Or is it because of some other reasons?
If you are using your free Gmail account to send bulk emails your are likely to see this kind of responses early on as the service is not intended to send application transaction messages, newsletters etc., event to subscribers that has opted in.
The IMAP/SMTP service provided is for you to be able to use an email client like Microsoft Outlook with your Gmail account.
If you need to send transaction messages, I suggest you google "AWS SES" for starters.
I agree with Anubhav Shrimali that the error occurs if Gmail gets multiple requests simultaneously.
I had solved the problem using Nodemailer in Node.js by adding the 1 second delay between each successive email as follows:
array.foreach(function(data, index) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000 * index);
function sendmail() {
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function (error, info) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('Email sent' + info.response);
This error occurs if you are using scripts to send emails in quick successions.
An easy way out is to apply a sleep timer in between sending emails.
I applied a timer for 1 second between each successive email.
import time
time.sleep(1) // equivalent to 1 second sleep
I too had the same issue when I tried to send bulk emails using the multi threaded program in Java. Then I heard about Thread Pool Executor. I used it by setting Thread Pool size as 10. After that, this issue has been solved for me.
If this situation is encountered, it should be placed in the retry queue, and the monitoring will be notified if multiple retries fail.
Hope this link can help you:
This is probably a result of bulk email sending from the same IP address. As mentioned, use the python sleep function so that there is a bit of a wait between sendings. I find that 1 second is not usually enough time for me, and I sometimes go with a random number of seconds between 1 and 5 for the most optimal results.
import random
import time
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5))
Don't forget to import the correct modules.
have a rest for 20 minutes , and try again, the error gone

Rails Actioncable success callback

I use the perform javascript call to perform an action on the server, like this:
subscription.perform('action', {...});
However, from what I've seen there seems to be no builtin javascript "success" callback, i.e. to let me know the action is concluded on the server's side (or possibly failed). I was thinking about sending a broadcast at the end of the action like so:
def action(data)
ActionCable.server.broadcast "room", success_message...
But all clients subscribed to this "room" would receive that message, possibly resulting in false positives. In addition, from what I've heard, message order isn't guaranteed, so a previous broadcast inside this action could be delivered after the success message, possibly leading to further issues.
Any ideas on this or am I missing something completely?
Looking at https://github.com/xtian/action-cable-js/blob/master/dist/cable.js and , https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket#send(), perform just executes WebSocket.send() and returns true or false, and there is no way to know whether your data has arrived. (That is just not possible with WebSockets, it seems.)
You could try using just a http call (I recommend setting up an api with jbuilder), or indeed broadcasting back a success message.
You can solve the order of the messages by creating a timestamp on the server, and sending it along with the message, and then sorting the messages with Javascript.
Good luck!
Maybe what you are looking for is the trasmit method: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v6.1.3/classes/ActionCable/Channel/Base.html#method-i-transmit
It sends a message to the current connection being handled for a channel.

How to Implement an Infrastructure for Automed IVR calls?

I need tips to build an infrastructe to send 1000 simultaneous voice calls (automated IVR calls with voicexml). Up to now i used asterisk with voiceglue but now i have performance issues.
The infrasturcture was like this:
the asterisk pulls request from queue
the queue consumer create a call file
when the call ends, call file is read and status is sent to the application server
To be honest, i am asking for tips to implement an infrastructure like callfire[1] or voxeo[2]?
you can go with voxeo prophecy (http://voxeo.com/prophecy/) one of the good server which have the capability of making simultaneous voice calls
Note: The requirement which your are expecting to do will not only possible with voxeo prophecy it should also depend the web server like Tomcat, IIS e.t.c in case if you dealing with databases like Sql , Oracle e.t.c
Please do refer to know the architecture
CallFire's API has a CreateBroadcast method where you can throw up an IVR using their XML in seconds. You can read up on the documentation here:
CallFire also offers a PHP-SDK, hosted on Github, with examples of how to do this. The SDK is minimal setup and allows you to easily tap into the APIs robust functionality. Version 1.1 can be found here, with instructions on how to get started: https://github.com/CallFire/CallFire-PHP-SDK
The method call might look something like this. Note the required dependencies.
use CallFire\Api\Rest\Request;
use CallFire\Api\Rest\Response;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$dialplan = <<<DIALPLAN
<dialplan><play type="tts">Congratulations! You have successfully configured a CallFire I V R.</play></dialplan>
$client = CallFire\Api\Client::Rest("<api-login>", "<api-password>", "Broadcast");
$request = new Request\CreateBroadcast;
$request->setName('My CallFire Broadcast');
$request->setFrom('15551231234'); // A valid Caller ID number
$response = $client->CreateBroadcast($request);
$result = $client::response($response);
if($result instanceof Response\ResourceReference) {
// Success
You can read this:
Main tip: you WILL have ALOT of issues. If you are not expert with at least 5 years development experience with asterisk, you have use already developed dialling cores or hire guru. There are no opensource core that can do more then 300 calls on single server.
You can't do 1000 calls on single asterisk in app developed by "just nice developer". It will just not work.
Task of create dialling core for 1000 calls is "rocket science" type task. It require very special dialling core, very special server/server tunning and very specialized dialler with pre-planning.
1000 calls will result 23Mbit to 80Mbit bandwidth usage with SMALL packets, even that single fact can result you be banned on your hosting and require linux network stack be tunned.
You can use ICTBroadcast REST API to integerate your application with reknown autodialer , please visit following link for more detail
ICTBroadcast is based on asterisk communication engine
I've already done this for phone validation and for phone message broadcasting using Asterisk and Freeswitch. I would go with Freeswitch and xmlrpc: