How to validate an item exists in a list response in SoapUI? - rest

Short question: In a SoapUI/SoapUI Pro test step, how can I verify that a REST response which is a list contains a specific item?
Long version: I have a test suite that chains together two REST method calls. First I call addCustomer, then I call getCustomerByPhoneNumber. However, phone number is not unique so I may get back a list of several customers. How can I determine if that list contains the customer I just added?
Example: Say I call addCustomer to create customer2, and the response returns customerId = 222. I then call getCustomerByPhoneNumber and receive the following response. How do I verify that customerId = 222 exists in the list? Ideally I'd also like to verify that all information about customer2 is correct (phone number, name, etc.)
If the answer requires a Groovy script, I'd appreciate some sample code or psuedocode, since I haven't used Groovy before.

You could also use an XQuery assertion on the test step like this:
for $customer in //*:customer
where ($customer/id = '222')
return ($customer/name,
This produces output like:
Then, in the assertion expected results panel you could substitute the expected values:

Using XPath, something like exists(//*:customer[name[text()='customer2']]), to see if "he" exists.
Next, something like //*:customer[name[text()='customer2']]/id should give you "222".


SuiteTalk: how do I get Custom Segment list values

I can get a list of custom segments using this code:
List<CustomizationRef> getCustIdResult = client.getCustomizationId(GetCustomizationType.customSegment, true);
if (getCustIdResult == null)
return new ArrayList();
List<?> returnedRows = client.getRecords(getCustIdResult);
But that just gives me the segments names and IDs, but not the list values. How do I get the values?
Per Suite Answer 84991 using SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services you can list existing custom segments using the getCustomizationId operation. To get the custom segment values use the CustomRecordSearch operations.
Suite Answer 84991 also state: "When a custom segment is applied to either a custom record type or one of the other record types on the Application & Sourcing subtab of a custom segment, you cannot retrieve information about the field which was created from the custom segment using its script ID and customizationRef. You can only get the field information through its internal ID." So be mindful of this.
Suite Answer 65812 provides the following example of getting the values from a custom segment:
<search xmlns="">
<searchRecord xsi:type="ns7:CustomRecordSearchBasic" xmlns:ns7="">
<ns7:recType internalId="24" scriptId="customrecord_cseg_example" type="customRecordType" xsi:type="ns8:CustomizationRef" xmlns:ns8="">
<ns8:name xsi:type="xsd:string">WS Segment Example</ns8:name>

SoapUI transfer property to Endpoint

I'm using SoapUI to call a web service.
I have two call, one returns an id to me, the second one use this id to make his request.
This is how the second call looks like:{id}
With the property transfer, I have no problem retrieving the id from the first call. But when I try to add it to my endpoint (Property transfer -> Target: XXX, Property: Endpoint), the whole Endpoint is replaced by {id}.
I know I probably need to write something on the "box" belove the "Target" line, but I have no idea what.
I already tried to google it, but I seem to only found answers which are using a Groovy script and this sounds way too complicated for what I want to do. Surely, there is an easy way to do this?
Add a Properties teststep to your testcase.
Add a parameter to the Properties teststep named "id"
Change your property transfer teststep to target id inside Properties
Now open your second call, and change the value of the id parameter to ${Properties#id} and the id from your Properties teststep should be used as the value.
Your REST Request teststep should look something like this.
The "/value" at the top right, is there because I actually typed in "value" in the Properties teststep in the id parameter
If you are having problems getting your request to look something like that, try creating a new REST Request teststep, and then choose to create a new Rest request, and then type in something like{id}
...when prompted for the endpoint.

NetSuite and SuiteTalk list all of a type (paged or not)

I am currently trying to work with the SuiteTalk 2017_2_0 API for a new integration with NetSuite. I have all the basics rolling of single record retrieval, etc.; however, I am having a problem trying to figure out how to list all of a given object/type in the system.
Example: I want to list ALL InventoryItem data.
Not sure what I am missing. Does anyone have a sample SOAP doc?
What I did so far
I have been working primarily with types: Sales Order, Customer and Inventory Item.
Tried using the getAll call defined in the WSDL - only supports limited fields:
Tried using getList but a set of internal IDs are required in the baseRef/RecordRef (INVALID_KEY_OR_REF - The specified key is invalid.)
<urn1:baseRef xsi:type="core:RecordRef" type="salesOrder" />
<urn1:baseRef xsi:type="core:RecordRef" type="salesOrder" internalId="1" />
<urn1:baseRef xsi:type="core:RecordRef" type="salesOrder" internalId="2" />
Tried formulating a search that would return all the data but the types I need are unavailable (or I haven't been able to figure it out)
Define a saved search that pulls the appropriate data, then call the saved search.

Sharepoint URL to reference a lookup

I have two SharePoint lists used for Support case management. The first list contains Case Numbers and information about the case. The second list contains exhibits that support the case itself.
We have a convention that the Case Number is a String supplied by the worker, ex 20150205-001. When the exhibits are joined to the Case it is through a Lookup. I want the Exhibit ID, a String, to be of the form Case Number + _[A-Z] -- and be auto-assigned.
I want to use a Workflow (MS Sharepoint Designer 2013) to assign the Exhibit ID. The problem I face is that I cannot get the actual Case Number from the Lookup. The closest I have gotten so far is to get the ID (1, 2, etc) but not the actual String value represented.
Tried working with the following URL:
substituted ascii: $filter=Case/ID eq 20150205-001
without the filter I get all list items (understandably) but the filter does not work properly because the ID is not the actual lookup value.
This is a SPD 2013 limitation. You have to use a web service call from within Designer to get the specifics of a lookup column from SharePoint. You make a REST call ad then parse the JSON response for the specific data from the lookup column. It gives you access to all of the columns from the list item that you looked up:
Build {...} Dictionary (Output to Variable: requestHeader )
Call [%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]... HTTP web service with Variable: Request (ResponseContent to Variable: PoleIDData |ResponseHeaders to Variable: dictionary |ResponseStatusCode to Variable: responseCode )
Get d/Pole_x0020_ID from Variable: PoleIDData (Output to Variable: PoleID )
Set Name to Variable: PoleID
Your actual web service call will be formatted like this:
[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('List Name')/Items([%Current Item:ID%])/LookupColumnNameOnOtherList
Sorry for the formatting, I would post a screenshot but I cannot.
This article is good for showing you some of the other specifics about formatting your HTTP Request, especially the Request Headers which must be setup right.

Get the first product id in a magento system via soap api (2)?

Question: Is there a way (api call) to get the first product id in a magento install via the soap api.
I'm attempting to download all the products from a magento system and insert them into a different database (I do the conversion myself so that's not a bother) What is hard to understand though is how do I get a list of the product id's without getting all of them, if all I know is that the site is up.
Here's the info I have.
soap end point
soap username
soap apikey (aka password)
Here's what I don't know.
the id of any of the products
the date any of the products were created on or last edited.
For my initial load, I have to do a where product id in, because I expect 20 to 40k product lists won't come back in one soap call.
So I call
where id in (1 -> 100) Nope
where id in (101-> 200) Nope..
Now as you can imagine that code smells something fierce. It works, but I have to think there is a better way..
To expand my question: Is there a better way?
I can post the XML that I'm sending if that helps. The language I'm using to create the soap(xml) is vim, so I don't have code I can paste.
Try This
$client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/magento8/index.php/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('soap username', 'soap apikey');
$filters=array('entity_id'=>array(array('lt'=>'1','gt'=>'100')));//get fist 100 result
$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.list',array($filters));
for more attributes check this