Import localhost.sql backup phpMyAdmin - import

I'm using MAMP (osx) to test my website local.
Because I recently switched to a new Macbook I took a backup from my database with phpMyAdmin.
I did this by going to phpMyAdmin and click on the export tab and selected all the databases and saved the file to localhost.sql (8,9mb).
Now when I try to import that file (going to phpMyAdmin, selecting the import tab and then browsing to the localhost.sql file) it show me this error:
1046 - No database selected
How can I import all of my databases again into phpMyAdmin?

If you select "Custom" from the Export options radio buttons, then look down to the "Object creation options" area, check the box for Add CREATE DATABASE / USE statement. This should add the proper statements to your export. Perhaps this should be the default when exporting multiple databases, but at least that will enable you to move your data around.


Postgressql Tools/Import greyed out

I recently installed PostgresSQL and, previously, in a former install, I was able to import CSV files using Tools/(Import/Export). This is now greyed out, along with Table icon, next to the Query tool icon.

How to restore a PostgreSQL database from dump file in dbeaver?

In our company we have a dump of PostgreSQL database - file db.sql. It weighs 8 Gigabyte. How to restore this database in DBeaver? And we don't have another databases in DBeaver 7.0.5.
I have digged all Internet and haven't found anything how to do this without another database/
When you right click on the database you want to restore into, under "Tools" you will find "execute script". This is how you restore a plain-format dump file, which is what db.sql probably is.
This will require you to have psql, but dbeaver will offer to download and install its own copy of it for you.
Create a new DB and right click on the db, click on tools and restore. Choose your dump and import it.

SQL Developer won't show the connections Tab

So SQL Developer won't show the connections tab no matter what I do.
I've tried going through the "view" tab and clicking into the "connections" and I've also tried clicking the new button. I've also tried an uninstall/reinstall, but nothing.
It's probably something simple, but I'm fairly new to it, can anyone direct me or provide any advice?
Any help is really appreciated :)
You can go to the upper tab "WINDOW" and then click "Reset Windows to factory settings".
1.) Save your current SQL connection xml file located in windows 7/8/10: C:\Users\"youruseraccount"\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\systemXXXXX\o.jdeveloper.db.connection.xxxxxx
2.)Now delete your SQL Developer Folder and sqldeveloper folder located in: C:\Users\"youruseraccount"\AppData\Roaming\
3.)Now delete the main sqldeveloper folder containing the actual SQL developer application files.This would be located wherever you initially unzipped the SQLDeveloper download.
4.)Download the latest version of SQL Developer and unzip wherever you like.
5.)Launch SQL developer and specify your JDK location.
6.)Copy your connections xml file to your roaming SQL Developer directory here: C:\Users\"youruseraccount"\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\systemXXXXXX)\o.jdeveloper.db.connection.xxxxxx
7.)Launch SQL Developer and your DBA view should now be available after selecting view -> DBA
1 ) Select the Windows Menu
2 ) Choose the option Reset Windows to Factory Settings
3 ) Oracle SQL Developer automatically closed and reopened.
Search for the file - windowinglayoutDefault.xml and delete it, and restart SQL Developer.
This file should be present inside a system folder at
windowuserPath\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\
I had the similar issue with SQL Developer 4.2, one fine day all the connections pane on left vanished, tried couple options unsuccessfully.
Remedy is
1) Installation of newer version of SQL Developer to the folder of your choice with newer java JDK
2) Import the preference from previous version. DID the TRICK... Good Luck
For me, it worked in the following way:
I just deleted the folder where I had extracted the zip folder and then re-extracted it and then ran sqldeveloper.exe
I exported all my connection to a json file. Then imported the one disappeared and it worked.
This worked for me!!, No need of recreating the connections.

Jaspersoft Server V5.5 Catalogue Import Creates Directories in Repository But No Reports, Import Controls, Or Queries Are Imported

I have a zip file created using the Export function in Jaspersoft Server V5.5. This zip file contains a catalogue of all reports, input controls, and queries from a development server.
When I try to import the catalogue to V5.5 on my production server by logging in as superuser and going to "Manage > Server Settings > Import", selecting the zip file, and clicking Submit, I receive an "Import Succeeded" message.
When I check the repository however, most of the directories have been created (but not the input control or queries folders) but none of the actual reports, input controls or queries have been imported.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to modify any of the files within the zip file?

Editing workbook downloaded from server

When I download a workbook from the server, I can edit the charts, but cannot edit the connection.
Is there any way to to use the downloaded workbook as a primary workbook, or be able to edit the data connections?
(The primary workbook that was uploaded to the server was lost)
Thank You
It depends what kind of connection was made on the server. Check the icon next to the data connection name. If it is a single disk, it's a traditional (sql) database connection. If it's a double disk, it indicates the worksheet is using a .TDE extract, or cached file copy of the data. If the icon looks like a Tableau logo, it means the worksheet is using a server connection.
You can download and upload server connections independent of the worksheet. You can also swap connections (via right-click, change connection) after you download the worksheet, if you want to run against a local file or database, for example.
You should be able to edit the connections in the workbook. In version 7, use the data menu, and "Edit Connection" is under the connection name. In version 8, the menu layout changed a bit.
Or is the edit connection menu item disabled? Saving a local copy may help, but I don't think it should be necessary.
To save a local copy of your workbook, just use "File->Save As" from the menu. Then you have a saved copy in addition to the copy on the server. You can always republish it to the server overtop of the previous version.