I am trying to display a progressbar using EaselJS.
My progressbar background-image is 200px, and fully displaying that would mean the progress is at 100%.
How can I show only draw a percentage of an image in EaselJS? And is it possible to animate/tween towards more %?
You are looking for a mask: http://www.createjs.com/Docs/EaselJS/classes/DisplayObject.html#property_mask
Here is an example on how a mask could be used: https://github.com/CreateJS/EaselJS/blob/master/examples/Masks.html
Hello, everyone. I want to implement an application that calculates the size of an image using tflite_flutter. I have seen the library and implemented examples and have completed some implementation. But I have a question. Do you see a black screen between the attached image and the bottom data? I want to increase the size of the camera lens to the black screen. Can you tell me if you know how?
I don't know how. I have modified the value of the Camera Controller, but only the frame has changed and the size of the lens itself has not changed.
I am looking for some general advice and maybe some example code of what I am trying to accomplish if anyone knows of any for an iOS swift project. I would like to either:
A) Make the background, of the blue view, gray and only show a certain percent of the blue area.
B) Overlay the gray area on top of the blue view and just keep making gray area bigger.
What I am trying to do is simulate battery power and show a battery.
I've considered using a progress bar and doing option A, but the blue area is NOT a solid color. Its actually an image. I've tried using an image for the progress bar, but the image needs to keep its dimensions. (Ex: If progress shows 20% it needs to show only 20% of the image or "blue area", but if you use an image as the progress bar it just shrinks the image and still shows 100% of it instead of just the 20% I need to show).
You can easily write a custom self-drawing UIView that will behave in exactly the way you describe. In other words, you tell your UIView a percentage, and it redraws itself with the blue on the left and the gray on the right. You can even draw the darker gray stroke outline shown in your drawings. All easily accomplished in code.
I like being able to lay things out visually and take advantage of autolayout. Here's how I would do this (in a nib/storyboard):
Place a UIView on your canvas and give it the gray background. Give it whatever autolayout constraints are appropriate for you.
Place a UIView inside the one from #1 and give it the blue background. Anchor it's left, top, and bottom to the gray parent view and give it whatever width (doesn't matter).
Add an outlet to that width constraint you made in #2.
Now all you have to do is modify the "constant" property of that width constraint to give you the desired "progress". So if your gray view is 100 wide and you want to present "20%" progress, then just do "yourWidthConstraint.constant = 20".
In image app i have to blur the selected areas of image. Something like create mosaic at selected area of image. i have to get each pixel color of selected area and then increase the size of each pixel. here is the reference link that i am using http://soulwithmobiletechnology.blogspot.in/2011/05/create-mosaic-with-your-image-part-1.html . But not able to implement this practically for selected area. Can any one have some sample for the same.
There are two solutions for this
1. Get the screen shot of the area where you want the mosaic effect and apply effect to the same portion. Then add the image(with mosaic effect) to the original image.
2.Get the pixel of the area you want to be effected and then gave effect to those pixels.*
I have a logo and when I upload it to facebook it has a black border around it. I think this is because it has a transparent background and has a shadow. Is there anyway to fix this?
Facebook doesn't support transparent images and coverts everything to a JPG file. Save your file as a JPG (using an appropriate background color) and then try to upload it.
This works perfectly, but it will apply a near all white background to your icon.
In Sketch:
Add a white (#ffffff) background filled layer to your design
Set the Height and Width of the layer to 1023.5
Position the layer on the X and Y at 0.5
This will bypass facebook's transparency limitation, and the space around the image is so small you can't see the border that facebook applies to the image.
I am using a custom image as the background image for my buttons. I have noticed that the edges of the buttons are cut off sometimes. My buttons vary in size but the behavior doesn't seem to be dependent on the button size. I am creating the buttons programatically. The image I am using is pretty large to cover the entire background.
Can someone please let me know what could be the issue?
More info
Setting the content mode to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill still cuts of the images. Also tried resizing the image but doesn't make a difference.
Did you try setting the button's dimensions to fit exactly the image?
Is the image just cropped or also blurry (cause it's being resized)? Have you toyed around with UIView's contentMode property for the button?
If you did, did you try increasing/decreasing the width or height by a pixel? I sometimes had blurry buttons even though its dimensions were exactly the image's. Adding or removing an extra pixel sometimes helped.
I finally resolved this by creating a 3x3 px image with the background color as the button's color and a 1 px border surrounding the image. Then used the UIImage method stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: to create an image with the desired border size of 1 px.