__MigrationHistory created again after applying second datacontext on same database - entity-framework

I have a database that I have been using and updating with Code First Migrations. I now want to add a second project that also uses the database with additional fields on some of the existing tables.
I assumed the best way to do this was to introduce a second datacontext with the second project.
As EF6 allows multiple DataContexts with additional ContextKey field, however enabling migrations and running with
PM> add-migration InitialCreate -IgnoreChanges
Causes another __MigrationHistory table to be created when there is already one there from the first project. I only need the row to be added InitialCreate.
I am not sure how I can suppress the generation of the __MigrationHistory table.


How to change the column type in table using Entity Framework core

Hi I created my database using Entity Framework core with code first approach. Now there is a change in the column type from int to varchar/string? I can change the column from the database itself but my understanding is that it won't be a good idea and would create issues. I searched through but I didn't get my answer on the net for Entity framework core.
You should use EF Core migrations to update your db schema. The documentation is pretty good, so make sure to go through it.
However, this is a summary of how the process would be:
Make the change in your model (which by convention will be automatically detected. Alternatively, use the Fluent API in your DB Context OnCreate method or in your EntityConfigurations).
Add a migration running the following CLI command : dotnet ef migrations add SomeDescriptiveNameAboutWhatThisMigrationWillDo.
A migration file with an Up and Down method will be automatically generated. The Up will be run when you apply the migration, and the Down if you ever decide to revert it . You could add changes to the automatically scaffolded migration file. Based on the code in the migration file, EF Core will then generate a SQL script and apply the changes to the DB.
Once you have added (and maybe edited) the migration file, you need to apply it to the DB. You do that by running dotnet ef migrations update.
EF Core tracks all applied migrations in a table in your DB called by default __EFMigrationsHistory
In your particular case of changing a column type, EF Core might try to drop the column and recreate it, which will result in data loss. If you wanna keep your data, I would recommend altering the migration script to actually split the process in two: first add a new column with the new type and a slightly different name, then write some custom SQL to migrate data from the old column to the new one, then delete the old column and finally rename the new column to the correct name. To be honest, I am not sure if there is some custom migration operation that will out of the box change the data type without data loss, there might be.
To double check if the migration will generate data loss or check if it will do what you expect it to do, you can generate the SQL script that will be used by running dotnet ef migrations script <from migration> <to migration>. After reviewing it, you can either copy/paste and run the script in your DB, or just run the command detailed in step 4 above.
You can modify your database schema to match your domain model with the add-migration command.
After changing the type of the property on your c# class from int to string, simply run
add-migration <SomeDescriptiveName>
After the creation of the migration files, you can apply them with the update-database command.
You can read more about migrations here.

EF migrations won't recognize existing tables

I've set up this project from DB first and everything went fine. I can debug properly. But when I try make a change to one of my models, instead of the new migration showing a simple AlterColumn statement, it keeps trying to reinitialize the entire database.
I've tried running update database -script and only inserting the _MigrationHistory table record. Even after that, it still wants to create all the tables.
Has this ever happened to anyone?
When you start with an existing database you need to do an empty (no-op) migration to set a baseline. This is because EF will use the model in the prior migration to compare, so if there is not one (in code) you get all your database objects. Inserting a record into __MigrationHistory just tells EF the code migration has been applied - it doesn't use it for the compare.
add-migration MyBaseline -IgnoreChanges // no Up() code, but model saved
// Now I can change my model and generate a migration with difference
See here.

EF 6.1.3 automatic migrations

I created an initial migration into my database when I executed a database operation via code first.
All the tables got created successfully.
I have successfully enabled automatic migrations.
I've added a couple of columns to a model.
When I run the "Update-Database –Verbose", I get an error message (which I understand, but don't now why it's coming out) of "There is already an object named 'Categories' in the database."
The Categories table along with all the rest of the tables got created on the initial migration (as explained above).
I made a change (adding the two other columns) to another model (Customer).
I would think, that the Code First migration would simply look at the entire DBSet model, determine what changed, then simply apply the necessary SQL. Instead, it's trying to create the Categories table again which already exists.
Can someone please explain to me how I can simply update the DB without this happening? What am I doing wrong or what do I need to do in order to get it to work....
Successful creation of EF code-first Migrations setup:
Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations
Add-Migration Initial (Creates _Initial.cs file).
Comment out code in _Initial.cs file within Migrations folder for
code that you don't want to execute AFTER initial DB run to create tables.
Set Configuration.cs file to Public access
Add following code in Global.asax file
Update-Database - Verbose (for any DB changes)
Set "AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;" in Configuration.cs
file within Migrations folder. (for any DB changes)

Entity Framework adds "RenameTable" command when scaffolding migration

I have changed my model and is scaffolding a new migration using the Add-Migration package manager command.
However, for some reason, EF think that I have been renaming an object for one of my classes. The class names are similar in name and have similar properties and relationships.
The problem is that the Update-Database command fails because of the rename. The very first command is RenameTable() and later on the migration tries to delete an index on the table that has been renamed (and doesn't exist anymore).
I would like to force EF to scaffold a migration where the old table is dropped and a new one is created instead. How do I achieve this? My impression was that EF can't be "smart" when figuring out renames and should always drop tables that are no longer mapped to an entity.

How to skip previous ef migrations on a new database that already contains those changes?

The scenario I'm having problems with is as follows:
Code First model created using EF 4.1 and corresponding database generated
EF upgraded to 4.3.1 and a migration added (using IgnoreChanges because no model changes) to start using migrations (__MigrtionHistory table created and EdmMetadata dropped) - let's call it 'InitialMigration'
Model is changed, say a new property is added and a migration that adds a corresponding column is generated (let's call this one 'NewPropertyMigration') and then applied to a Dev database (using our version of Migrate To Latest initialization strategy)
When code is promoted to production the database there is updated with new column as expected
Then when a brand new database is created in Dev and because it is based on latest model it will include the new column right after it is created but when the initialization strategy is run it still finds 'InitialMigration' and 'NewPropertyMigration' as pending but they both fail because EdmMetadata is not there so nothing to be removed and new column is already there so can't add
When I check __MigrationHistory table on this new database it only contains 'InitialCreate' entry so that would explain why the other two migrations are considered as pending. But I can't see how they would ever get into this table without being applied and at the same time they don't really need to be applied because database already contains any changes they cover.
What am I missing?
I'll just add that it seems a bit suspicious that the Model column in 'InitialCreate' is different to the one in 'NewPropertyMigration' even though they represent the same model. Could that be the cause?
This is the code I use to create new database and apply any migrations automatically at the same time
public class MigratePaymentsToLatestVersion<TContext> : IDatabaseInitializer<TContext> where TContext : DbContext
public void InitializeDatabase(TContext context)
// Create a brand new database if it doesn't exist but still apply any pending migrations
var migrator = new DbMigrator(configuration);
Update 2: Simpler scenario showing the same problem
While investigating this further I've been able to reproduce the behaviour in a much simpler scenario described below:
Create simple model and context
In a test application add one entity - with all default settings database is automatically created and object added
Enable migrations - 'InitialCreate' migration is generated
Update-Database - command returns no pending migrations because 'InitialCreation' is already in __MigrationHistory
Delete database and re-run test application - database is re-created automatically again
At this point I can't add any additional migrations or run update-database because 'InitialCreation' migration is seen as pending but cannot be applied because all entities already exist
I have it sorted now. The crucial bit I was missing seems to be related to the way you move from 4.1 to 4.3. I have been following steps from ef-4-3-migrations-and-existing-database. What seems to work better is the procedure described in the SO question how-to-use-migrations-on-an-existing-db.
If you compare both of them you'll see that one relies on -IgnoreChanges when you do first migration (called 'InitialMigration') while the other one creates a full 'InitialCreate' migration that contains your entire model at that point in time. Two important consequences of the latter approach are:
- when creating a brand new database InitialCreate migration, which contains full definition of the model, is used to create database instead of 'the other code' (not sure exactly but guessing that this is the part that is needed when migrations are not enabled) that generates database based on the model
- new database is created with up-to-date model and with all migrations listed in __MigrationHistory
So with the InitialCreate approach I am able to apply migrations to existing databases (for them the InitialCreate is simply skipped because an entry in history is added manually as part of the procedure) and at the same time I am able to create brand new databases and add new migrations to them without getting an error that model and db are out-of-sync.
I hope that helps people who, like me, followed the first procedure.