How to put footer? - lwuit

I want to put a footer , a copyright , on the bottom of my Form : even if the main content is larger in height then I want the footer always visible , and there is a vertical scrollbar associated with the main content. Here is a suggestive image :
How to accomplish that ?

Use a BorderLayout. The footer goes into south. You need additional nesting, and your new main container goes into center. You need make sure that this main container is set to be scrollable.


How to Stretch sap.m.ScrollContainer Over The Remaining Page Space in SAPUI5?

have a page with disabled scrolling. page contains in it's content two sap.m.Table. one table for the sake of a fixed header. it contains just columns. other table inside a sap.m.ScrollContainer's content. it contains the items. use case is that the items do not fit the screen's height. without a scroll container the items would fall over the screen's bottom. page scrolling is still disabled. now i'd like that the scroll container jumps in. and it should exactly fill out the remaining page space between the first table in the page and the end of the page. until the bottom of the page. the end of the browser window. is there any work around to achieve that the sap.m.ScrollContainer goes automatically over the remaining space? without a scroll container's set to a specific height.
work around: wrap the site's content with a sap.ui.layout.FixFlex: set a pixel value to the sap.ui.layout.FixFlex property minFlexSize. the sap.m.ScrollContainer with the sap.m.Table goes into the sap.ui.layout.FixFlex aggregation flexContent. now the parent of the sap.m.ScrollContainer has a fixed height. therefore the sap.m.ScrollContainer can resize itself based on this.

How to put (static) content in a right column on each page in Libreoffice Writer?

i want to create a template for Libreoffice Writer which contains a right column for informations which should be displayed on all pages.
In fact i want a kind of page header on the right side.
Is there any way to solve my problem ?
You could use a text frame that's anchored in the header / footer. This way, you can place content on the same place on every page while that content doesn't need to keep inside the header / footer margins.
To do so, just activate header or footer, place the cursor inside it and select Menu Insert -> Frame. To keep the main page content apart from the "right column", just set the right page margin appropriately.
If the content that should appear in the "right column" is non-textual, you could also try to implement it as background image of the header / footer. AFAIK background images in header / footer aren't restricted to the header / footer area.

Hidding the footer on first or last page keep footer space

Hidding the footer on first or last page keep footer space
If you hide the footer on the first or last page, SSRS keep the space for the header but it hide the can i use this space because it effecting my design(some records of table are viewed separately in next page)
thanks in advance
Normally when you hide the Header/Footer the space will be available for you to use
Usually in Report Properties you can set the margins top,bottom to suit your requirements,
and it may be that Report Body and margins need some adjustment.
If all your report elements are within the limits [Width, Height] of Report Body then your report should render fine.

Adjusting height of GWT Panels based on content

We have many screens where different types of GWT panels are used.
One common problem across many screens is that, content size is derived at runtime. So, if I define a height for a panel(Vertical/Horizontal/DockPanel) and when any new components are getting added within panel or content is more, panel height remains the same. So we are not able to see the contents. UI look and feel becomes worst.
How do we handle the height problems? Do we have to manually code to adjust every panel/widget height when something gets changed in screen. Is it not a very bad way of coding?
Also, now we have datagrids at some places, if no of records are very less, we see a huge space left out below datagrid, not sure how do we handle these cases?
Updated below with few examples as per the comment:
Do you mean to say that whenever we know that content grows vertically, we can always choose FlowPanel. Because, some of the screens we have used Vertical panel/Horizontal Panel and inside that when user clicks something a new fields getting added and shown. So Vertical Panel/Horizontal Panel height automatically not getting adjusted. One more example is that we have main Vertical Panel within a Dock Layout Panel content area and inside that there are some widgets whose content may vary. So now if I use a FlowPanel to the content which varies in size, what about outer panels? Will get it adjusted? Again to say the kind of panels we have used - Dock Layout Panel is used with fixed header, footer, left menu and Content area. A scroll panel is used within Content area. All our different widgets go inside this which is mix and match of horizontal/vertical/datagrids..etc.
In GWT (and HTML) you can either set the height of a panel or let it expand naturally. In general, once you set the height of something, you lose the ability to let it expand naturally.
Some Panels in GWT implicitly set their own height (or require that you set their height) and so are never good choices for dynamically sized content. LayoutPanels and ScrollPanels, for example, can never adjust dynamically, and expect you to provide size information programmatically. FlowPanels and HTMLPanels, on the other hand, are great for dynamic heights and would rather you not set their height explicitly.
If you want a scrolling panel, of course you have to define how high it should be - how else could it know when to scroll and when to just get bigger? But, you can put a FlowPanel (which expands automatically) inside a ScrollPanel (which you have set at 800px or whatever). Then, as you add content to the FlowPanel, it will expand inside the ScrollPanel. Users can then scroll to see different parts of the FlowPanel.
Trouble-shooting tips:
Make sure you aren't setting the height on panels that you want to expand naturally
Make sure you ARE setting the height on panels that should always be the same size
Try using FlowPanels instead of Horizontal/VerticalPanels
*LayoutPanels and AbsolutePanels always need explicit sizes and can never grow dynamically as you add more content. Anything you want to grow with content should probably be a FlowPanel or HTMLPanel.

Border in jasper report

I am creating a jasper report .In that I want apply border to the each page.Can any one provide me some help on this.Border height should depend on the contents height of that page.
You can add a full size rectangle or bordered frame to the background band.
You can do this by creating a frame or a rectangle in an outer report and then put inside it a supreport. The subreport should be allowed to expand as it wants and the rectangle should be set to Stretch to the band height.