When was a document added to a MongoDB collection - mongodb

I have an existing mongodb collection, which doesn't have any information about when the document was created.
Is it possible to get this information some how? I've had a look through the docs but can't see it anywhere.

If you are using the default ObjectId value for your _id attribute, the creation time is encoded inside it.
As stated in the ObjectID documentation:
ObjectId is a 12-byte BSON type, constructed using:
a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch,
a 3-byte machine identifier
a 2-byte process id, and a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.
You can call the getTimestamp() function on an ObjectId object to get an ISODate object containing the creation time of the object:
In the mongo shell:

There is most likely the actual _id value of the document unless you have replaced this with something else.
In the simple "JavaScript" syntax of this ( and various methods are available to other languages) you simply access this as:
var id = new ObjectId();
Various language implementations have a way of retrieving the "timestamp" from an ObjectId value so you can just use that.


Can MongoDB's _id fields be compared?

I've been reading about MongoDB using timestamps of object's creation to create ids. Is it valid to simply compare these and find out which object's been created earlier?
You can compare ObjectIDs with the .equals(). See the documentation.
ObjectId is a hexadecimal string which represents a 12-byte number.
a 4-byte timestamp value, representing the ObjectId's creation,
measured in seconds since the Unix epoch
a 5-byte random value
a 3-byte incrementing counter, initialized to a random value
Since the time stamp is the most significant part of an ObjectId, yes you can.
Selecting the most significant four bytes of the ObjectId as the time stamp.
Also see ObjectId.getTimestamp() documentation.
generally, it is possible to compare Objects' creation by ObjectId: for more info, refer this link.
-- citing this link: https://steveridout.github.io/
Why generate an ObjectId from a timestamp?
To query documents by creation date.
e.g. to find all comments created after 2013-11-01:
db.comments.find({_id: {$gt: ObjectId("5272e0f00000000000000000")}})
-- another helpful and explanatory link:
uses for mongodb ObjectId creation time
best regards

Define MongoDB compound keys as one key

is it somehow possible, to define one compound key, consisting of two mongoDB objectID's or numeric types, so to make one key out of it?
This is necessary, because I have lots of participants creating documents which they save into one big collection together, so I cannot be sure, that the MongoDB Object ID for each document is distinct. So I wanted to add some additional key, maybe one userID's number or email or something similar...
maybe 2 ObjectID's
ObjectId in MongoDb is hexadecimal value.
ObjectId() Returns a new ObjectId value. The 12-byte
ObjectId value consists of:
4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch,
3-byte machine identifier,
2-byte process id, and
3-byte counter, starting with a random value.
Hence, the object Id will be uniquely auto-generated when you insert a document.
However, you can make a custom combination of hexadecimal value of length 24, when you insert a document.
For example,
1DCD6500 -- this can be custom hex identifier
A98AC7 -- another custom hex identifier
2B67 -- another custom hex identifier
A981CE -- Incremental custom hex identifier
Now if you try to insert a document with _id as 1DCD6500A98AC72B67A981CE. The document will be saved.
e.g. { "_id" : ObjectId("1DCD6500A98AC72B67A981CE"), "name" : "sample", "personid" : 39 }
So based on definition of the ObjectId you can make custom ObjectId.
But in that case you will be responsible to make sure ObjectId is unique, otherwise the mongodb will throw error
"E11000 duplicate key error collection:
You can use anything for your _id field. So this is possible:
_id: {
"first": new ObjectId(),
"second": new ObjectId(),
The default unique index on the _id field also guarantees uniqueness on this kind of field.
However, I would doubt that this is a good solution to your problem as it would probably just defer the underlying problem (which really doesn't exist - kindly see this answer, too: How to generate unique object id in mongodb). Instead, I would suggest you have your clients create documents without specifying an _id explicitly and let MongoDB create the _id (on the server side or on the client side depending on your driver and your settings where client-side generation should be preferred). This will guarantee uniqueness (even when you do sharding).
There always is a unique index on your _id field anyway so to be on the super safe side with respect to run-time behaviour you could put a retrying exception handler in place on the client side for the (pretty much impossible) case that you end up with two identical _ids and hence an exception.
Also see this answer: Mongodb - must _id be globally unique when sharding

Why can't I query MongoDB id field with strings?

If I wish to access a document by id, and I happen to know the id is say: 557afc91c0b20703009f7ede, why do I need to use the ObjectId function to query the database, like so:
rather than the apparently more obvious:
db.mydocs.find({_id: "557afc91c0b20703009f7ede"})
From mongodb documentation:
ObjectId is a 12-byte BSON type
ObjectId is therefore not a string. What you are actually doing is building this 12-byte object from its string representation.
Because when one row is inserted in db then one id is generated in ObjectId format not in string with column name _id.

Difference between "id" and "_id" fields in MongoDB

Is there any difference between using the field ID or _ID from a MongoDB document?
I am asking this, because I usually use "_id", however I saw this sort({id:-1}) in the documentation: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Optimizing+Object+IDs#OptimizingObjectIDs-Sortbyidtosortbyinsertiontime
Turns out the docs were wrong.
I expect it's just a typo in the documentation. The _id field is primary key for every document. It's called _id and is also accessible via id. Attempting to use an id key may result in a illegal ObjectId format error.
That section is just indicating that the automatically generated ObjectIDs start with a timestamp so it's possible to sort your documents automatically. This is pretty cool since the _id is automatically indexed in every collection. See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Object+IDs for more information. Specifically under "BSON ObjectID Specification".
A BSON ObjectID is a 12-byte value consisting of a 4-byte timestamp (seconds since epoch), a 3-byte machine id, a 2-byte process id, and a 3-byte counter. Note that the timestamp and counter fields must be stored big endian unlike the rest of BSON.
The _id field is the default field for Bson ObjectId's and it is,by default, indexed.
_id and id are not the same. You may also choose to add a field called id if you want, but it will not be index unless you add an index.
It is just a typo in the docs.
id is an alias for _id in mongoid.id would return the _id of the document.
if the _id field is not specified an ObjectedId is generated automatically.
My two cents:
The _id field
MongoDB assigns an _id field to each document and assigns primary index on it. There're ways by which we can apply secondary indices as well. By default, MongoDB creates values for the _id field of type ObjectID. This value is defined in BSON spec and it's structured this way:
ObjectID (12 bytes HEX string) = Date (4 bytes, a timestamp value representing number of seconds since the Unix epoch) + MAC address (3 bytes) + PID (2 bytes) + Counter (3 bytes)

Why mongoDB uses objectID?

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4c2209f9f3924d31102bd84a"), "name" : "mongo" }
what exactly is the purpose of objectId? It's a big number that is generated using a timestamp.
If I see any nosql which is key-value, I query with key the value.
Here we use key and value in the as the data and use find () function.
So, I am trying to understand when we really need the objectid?
What are the reasons behind that giving access to the user to view the value of the object ID?
After reading the docs, one basic question is mongo DB as hash table type implementation?
After readying doc..one basic question is mongo DB as hash table type implementation?
MongoDB used BSON, a binary form of JSON. A JSON object is basically just a "hashtable" or a set of key / value pairs.
what exactly is the use of object id? that is a big number that is generated with time.
In MongoDB, each document you store must have an _id. If you do not set a value for _id, then MongoDB will automatically generate one for you. If you have a unique key when you are inserting the object, you can use that instead. For details on the ObjectId see here.
If I see any nosql which is key-value, I query with key the value.
MongoDB is not just key-value. MongoDB supports multiple indexes on a single collection, you can query on many different fields, not just the "key" or "id".
Object ID is similar to primary key in RDBMS
Whenever u insert a new document, mongodb will generate object ID.
Object ID is a 12 byte BSON Type.
First 4 Byte represents timestamp
next 3 byte unique machine identifier
next 2 byte process id
next 3 byte random increment counter
Returns the equivalent 16 digit hex