how can i get one value from one field (Crystal report) - crystal-reports

I get one field V_Name from Database is"Name,StartTime:13:56,EndTime:16:56", how can i just get only one value 13:56 from it? i only want the start time under the column start time. i've tried choose(1,table.field) but it seems only take the first index Name, and the return type should be string. please suggest. Thanks

// {#end_time}
// create array from comma-delimited list
Stringvar Array values := Split( "Name,StartTime:13:56,EndTime:16:56", ",");
// extract "16:56"; convert to time
Time( Split( values[3], ":")[2] + ":" + Split( values[3], ":")[3] );

If the format of the string is always the same you can get the value between character 16 and 21. Create a formula "StartTime" and place this code there:
Mid ("Name,StartTime:13:56,EndTime:16:56",16 ,5 )
This should return 13:56
To make it a real formula replace "Name,StartTime:13:56,EndTime:16:56" with your field, it will be something like {table.V_Name}.


RIGHT Function in UPDATE Statement w/ Integer Field

I am attempting to run a simple UPDATE script on an integer field, whereby the trailing 2 numbers are "kept", and the leading numbers are removed. For example, "0440" would be updated as "40." I can get the desired data in a SELECT statement, such as
SELECT RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2)
FROM table_name;
However, I run into an error when I try to use this same functionality in an UPDATE script, such as:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2);
The error I receive reads:
column . . . is of type integer but expression is of type text . . .
HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression
You're casting the integer to varchar but you're not casting the result back to integer.
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::TEXT, 2)::INTEGER;
The error is quite straight forward - right returns textual data, which you cannot assign to an integer column. You could, however, explicitly cast it back:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = RIGHT(field_name::varchar, 2)::int;
1 is a digit (or a number - or a string), '123' is a number (or a string).
Your example 0440 does not make sense for an integer value, since leading (insignificant) 0 are not stored.
Strictly speaking data type integer is no good to store the "trailing 2 numbers" - meaning digits - since 00 and 0 both result in the same integer value 0. But I don't think that's what you meant.
For operating on the numeric value, don't use string functions (which requires casting back and forth. The modulo operator % does what you need, exactly: field_name%100. So:
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET field_name = field_name%100
WHERE field_name > 99; -- to avoid empty updates

Pulling variable length substring from middle of string

I am trying to grab variable length string from a primary string.
ABC*12*1*name name****XX*123456789~
ABC*12*1*diffname diffname****XX*234567890~
ABC*12*1*diffname2 diffname2***XX*345678901~
I need to pull out the 'name name', 'diffname diffname', 'diffname2 diffname2'
etc from the string. And then replace the ' ' between the names with an asterisk - but, I cant just insert in the first space in the string, there could be multiple names, and so I would want to insert the '*' into the second, or third space, depending on the length of the name string.
CHARINDEX('*1*',data)+3 AS startpos,
CHARINDEX('***',data) AS Endpos,
from #t
where data like '%ABC*12*1*%'
This gives me a start point and end point for the variable length string. So I try:
SELECT SUBSTRING(data,CHARINDEX('*1*',data)+3,CHARINDEX('***',data) -CHARINDEX('*1*',data)+3)
WHERE data like '%ABC*12*1*name%'
But this gives me
name n name aa*****X
as a result set, basically starting at the start point and then running well past the end point.
What am I doing wrong?
This part is the problem :
SELECT .....-CHARINDEX('*1*',data)+3
FROM .....
WHERE .....
You want to substract with Endpos so it supposed to be written in brackets like so :
and if the brackets are removed the last part should become -3 :

how to get a substring from right with T-sql

Suppose I have a string like:
I want the substring: abc.efg.hijk.lmnop.
Means: Find out the first comma . from right, then get the substring from left to this comma
How to use t-sql string function return the substring with one expresssion?
First your'll need to reverse the string and find the character index of the first period, then subtract this number from the length of the entire string. This value needs to be used at the length parameter of the sub-string function.
Try this:
DECLARE #S VARCHAR(55) = 'abc.efg.hijk.lmnop.leaf'

concatenating text to a column in pig

I have a day column and a month column and would like to concatenate the year to it and store it in CHARARRAY format with the hyphens.
so I have: month:CHARARRAY, day:CHARARRAY
Meaning, for example, if the day column contains '03' and the month column contains '04', I would like to create a date column that contains: '2014-04-03'
This is my code:
CONCAT('2014-',month,'-',day) as date;
It doesn't work and I'm not quite sure how to concatenate additional text onto the column.
I would like to note that I'm not sure converting to date format is an option for me. I would prefer to keep it in CHARARRAY format since I would like to join with another file that has date stored in CHARARRAY format.
Assuming this is the data file called dateExample.csv:
This is the script for pig:
A = LOAD 'dateExample.csv' USING PigStorage(',') AS(name:chararray,day:chararray,month:long,year:chararray);
X = FOREACH A GENERATE CONCAT((chararray)day,CONCAT('-',CONCAT((chararray)month,CONCAT('-',(chararray)year))));
dump X;
You will get the desired output:
When we try to concat like this:
We get following exception :
ERROR 1045:
<line 2, column 45> Could not infer the matching function for org.apache.pig.builtin.CONCAT as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast.
So we need to explicitly cast the day,month and year values to chararray and it works!!

concatenate without losing thousands separator

I have a report that brings total sales and total probability sale.
The request was that this be shown in one table as "R"{totalamount}" (R"{totprobamount")".
So i added this together in a variable with the variable expression being
"R" + $F{Totalt} +" (R" + $F{Totalp} +")"
but by doing this the Thousands separator does not show anymore?
If you can add a field for each value you wouldn't do this with String concatenation but by using patterns on text field. add for each field in the properties panel a patter such as R #,##0.00.
if it has to be in a single field you'd need to add an expression to actually format the numbers in the desired way such as for example: "R" + new DecimalFormat("#,##.00").format($F{Totalt}) + " (R" + new DecimalFormat("#,##.00").format($F{Totalp}) + ")"
You can use the FORMAT function to have thousand separator.
FORMAT({totalamount} +{totprobamount},2)
This column become String column so you have to add this column separately , you cant use same column for integer value. Where 2 is for up to 2 decimal value.