Running multiple instances and logging into one file at a time - enterprise-library

I am using enterprise library 4.0 application logging block.
My project is a web services and running under IIS 7.0 and configured as RollingFlatFileTraceListenerData.
The issue is due to more hits the web application creates multiple *.log files with names like some GUIDs.
Is there any configurations to set all instances to log into one file at a time and roll over based on rollInterval and rollSizeKB.


How to deploy EAR into the WAS cluster and IBM HTTP server by Monitored Directory Deployment functionality

My goal is to automatically deploy EAR file in WebSphere Application server cluster by Monitored Directory Deployment. So my deployment target is cluster. WAS version is Everything works fine if I drop EAR file in
monitored directory for example '/{monitored_directory_defined_in_WAS}/clusters/my_cluster_name/'. Application is deployed and started. But I also want to deploy that application into the IBM HTTP server(resides in the same WebSphere cell with cluster) in the same automatically process by Monitored Directory Deployment.
I tried to manually predefine deploymentTargets(cluster and ibm http server) in deployment.xml file, put it in the EAR file, and drop EAR in the '/{monitored_directory_defined_in_WAS}/clusters/my_cluster_name/', but WAS deploy EAR only in cluster. As a consequence I must manually via WAS console map all modules from EAR to ibm http server, but I do not want to do it manually.
My second idea/attempt was sto create separate monitored directory for the ibm http server '/{monitored_directory_defined_in_WAS}/servers/my_ibm_http_server_name/'.
First I drop EAR into the '/{monitored_directory_defined_in_WAS}/clusters/my_cluster_name/' and right after that I drop EAR in to the '/{monitored_directory_defined_in_WAS}/servers/my_ibm_http_server_name/'. Result is that the EAR modules are deployed only in to the web server, and that is not my goal.
Is that even possible by WAS Monitored Deployment Directory functionality?
Is it allowed to manually create the deployment.xml file and add it to the EAR file?
First of all installing via monitored director is not recommended in the production environments, as it lacks control.
As you correctly suspected it is not possible to install it to the cluster and web server - check Installing enterprise application files by adding them to a monitored directory.
Because you can use only one server directory, drag and drop to map
applications to combinations of servers is limited. Scenarios
requiring use of more than one server, such as mapping to an
application server and a web server, are not supported by direct drag
and drop of an application file.
However, you still want to use it, you may deploy property file into monitored directory. That property file can fully customize your deployment e.g. configuring also module to map to web server.
Check Installing enterprise application files by adding properties files to a monitored directory for more details
If you have issues, I'd suggest the following approach - install your application 'classically' via admin console and map it to both web server and cluster. Then run wsadmin command to extract propertes:
AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName myApp.props -configData Deployment=MyApplication -options [[SimpleOutputFormat true]]]')
Try to use format from that exported file for your properties
I had time to run it in my environment. I have app with 2 modules inside, one module is just mapped to the cluster, other is mapped to both cluster and web server. Here is relevant part of the property file:
row1={ module=HelloTestUI #readonly
uri=HelloTestUI.war,WEB-INF/web.xml #readonly
server=WebSphere:cell=!{cellName},cluster=!{clusterName} }
row0={ module=HelloTestWeb #readonly
uri=HelloTestWeb.war,WEB-INF/web.xml #readonly
server=WebSphere:cell=!{cellName},cluster=!{clusterName}+WebSphere:cell=!{cellName},node=!{nodeName},server=!{serverName} }
I didnt try to use that property file to deploy the app via monitored directory, but as you can see the entry is created and mapping is done via + sign that connects cluster and web server.
If you dont see the mapping to your web server, make sure you saved the changes done in the console, and then connected via wsadmin, otherwise wsadmin will have not current data.

What directory to publish Asp.NET Core application on desktop to?

I come from the desktop application world (WPF, WinForms), where the convention is to deploy your exe to \Program Files[ (x86)]\CompanyName\AppName\ directory, and store all the data in \Program Data\CompanyName\AppName\ directory.
What's the corresponding convention for deploying Asp.NET Core web services on a desktop (not a server) PC? Program Files directory doesn't seem like a good idea, because it requires admin credentials for writing, a problem you hit the moment you try to publish the app. On the other hand, while Program Data doesn't have the permission problem, it just doesn't feel right, given there is no corresponding Program Files location.
I've also seen C:\intepub\wwwroot\web-service-name used, when IIS was involved. Is that the way to go? I'm guessing it makes sense when running Asp.Net Core app in Kestrel behind IIS as reverse proxy, but what if I were to host my app inside a Windows Service instead?
There is a lot of enduser as well as enterprise apps deployed as windows services with embedded web applications (using Apache, tomcat..etc) Under Program Files, Ex: HPE server admin/config tools.
So for Kestrel APP, I would deploy bin in Program Files and write logs,DB,etc under Program Data. it will works without permission issues since dotnet binary has the needed perms.

Difference between starting an application and starting a managed server in weblogic server?

I wanted to know what is the difference between starting an application and starting a managed server in weblogic server?
I have 5 different applications targeted to one managed server, whenever I make any change to any one application I have to restart the managed server entirely to make the changes to reflect. Why is it not that when I simply start and stop the application alone from Deployments it reflects, why do I need to start the managed server every time?
Restarting the managed server will restart the entire JVM including all installed EAR files. Stopping an application simply puts the application in Admin mode so the application class files are not unloaded.
This following document discusses various methods for redeploying applications in WebLogic based on the scope of the deployment:

Spring batch application integration with spring batch admin

I developed one spring batch application which is deployed as executable jar using batch/shell script. It works fine.
Now recently I read about spring batch admin application release. As per their doc, they say you have to point to job-context.xml and that will allow to manage spring batch app to be started,restarted and stopped from admin app. Now my question is do I have to keep my job-context.xml outside the jar or what are the exact steps, i am confused about this configuration.
Any insight on this is very useful and by the way I am using spring batch 2.1.
The Spring Batch admin application is a good reference implementation and is highly customizable. All interface implementations may be replaced via Spring DI using your own classes. UI is also template driven(FreeMarker I think) and therefore may be customized to display relevant information, change skin etc.
I had a similar need like yours - need admin functionality included in an app built as jar. I did not quite like the fact that I had to package my jobs as a .war file. Instead I extracted relevant configurations from Spring Batch Admin source and created a deployment that works off file system and runs on embedded Jetty server.
See screen shots here :
Source, configurations etc are available here : . This project actually creates a .jar and not .war
If your application has custom classes and is deployed as a runnable jar and not contained within the spring batch admin, you cannot start jobs. You can only view the status of jobs and "kill" their status in the database.
If you look at at the end of the Configuration Upload section it states
You can see a new entry in the job registry ("test-job") which is
launchable in-process because the application has a reference to the
Job. (Jobs which are not launchable were executed out of process, but
used the same database for its JobRepository, so they show up with
their executions in the UI.)
If your jobs are strictly configurable jobs, as-in you use only XML to define them and do not need to do any customized item readers/processors/writers or other custom classes, then you can upload the job XML and it will be runnable from within the admin site. If you have custom classes then, from my experience, you will have to have the spring batch application deployed within your web application and then upload an XML that contains the jobs you want to run separately.
I personally just used the Admin tool to view job status and provide me with statistics through some custom pages. I left the scheduler to run the jobs and I didn't want those with access to the admin site to kick off a job when they knew nothing about it. Basically, used it to give the users a warm fuzzy without allowing them to muck it up. (leave it to a user to find an edge case you didn't account for)

Can a deployed JBoss web application simply disappear?

A strange problem occurred yesterday on a production system which has been running fine for weeks on a JBoss 4.2.3 application server: the JAR file containing the web application was no longer in the deployment folder (so the clients could no longer access the application). The server is running on a Windows box.
There was no indication of undeployment in the server logs. Normally JBoss detects if somebody deletes (or moves) a deployed web application file and executes the standard undeployment procedure, so there would be a log entry in this case.
Other web applications on the same system continued to run fine, so it was only this JAR file which simply disappeared.
Has somebody seen a similar problem with web applications on JBoss?
I'd bet my shoes that's not possible to happen spontaneously.
Check your security settings - didn't you leave JMX console accessible? Etc.