Joomla 3.3: Get data from column 'attribs' in the table 'content' - plugins

I'm using the Aixeena Easy CCK-plugin in my Joomla 3.3-website. It's a plugin that allows me to add custom fields in my Article Edit-page. The content I fill out there (should) show up on my website. The plugin stores his information in the #_content table in the attribs column.
On their website, Aixeena says that I have to use the following code to make the filled out text visible on my website:
$attrb = json_decode($this->item->attribs);
echo $attrb->fieldname;
This code drops the following error:
Notice: Undefined property: JDocumentHTML::$item in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/buutpot/templates/ on line 123
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/buutpot/templates/ on line 123
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/buutpot/templates/ on line 124
I think it is written for an older version of Joomla. Then I searched around and found this code:
$params = $this->item->params;
echo $params->get('fieldname');
When I use this code on my site, it gives me the following error's:
Notice: Undefined property: JDocumentHTML::$item in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/buutpot/templates/ on line 123
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/buutpot/templates/ on line 123
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/buutpot/templates/ on line 124
That's without a fatal error. I'm not sure why it is without.
Could anybody help me out getting the right code to get my variable out of the table? Thanks in advance!
EDIT 1: Link to the plugin:
EDIT 2: Edited my question in reply on the comment of Elin.

So like the notices say, the problem is that $this->item does not exist. You need to figure out what the actual name of the object is and use that rather than $this->item. You will probably do that by looking in the layout of whereever it is that you are trying to display. Can you please check your template to see if it has a layout override for the article view (assuming that is the view you are trying to access the form from)?

I used this code to do a query on the database:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('id')." = ".JRequest::getInt('id'));
$attribs = $db->loadResult();
$attribs = json_decode($attribs, 'true');
$firstattr = $attribs['firstattr'];
$secondattr = $attribs['secondattr'];
$thirdattr = $attribs['thirdattr'];
$fourthattr = $attribs['fourthattr'];
But I'm sure this can be done simpler.

$attribs = new JRegistry($article->attribs);
echo $fieldname = $attribs['fieldname'];
For example, I use this code in on ContentPrepare like this
function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $page) {
$attribs = new JRegistry($article->attribs);
//url is my custom field for the content
$url = $attribs['url'];


Tinytext issue on Upgrade magento to 2.3.0

In Magento my website 's current version is magento 2.2.5 . Now i have updated it to latest version magento 2.3.0 .
But there i am getting error when i run
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
I got this error
Cannot process definition to array for type tinytext
Please suggest me solution.
Thank You
You are getting this error because "data type" of any third party extension's table's column is tinytext.
So you need to find out column name using debug in following file.
Open this file /vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Declaration/Schema/Db/DefinitionAggregator.php and check this fromDefinition() method and then add debug code to find column name.
public function fromDefinition(array $data)
$type = $data['type'];
if (!isset($this->definitionProcessors[$type])) {
/* Add Code for Debug */
echo "<pre>";
print_r($data); exit();
/* Code End */
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Cannot process definition to array for type %s", $type)
$definitionProcessor = $this->definitionProcessors[$type];
return $definitionProcessor->fromDefinition($data);
After that please run setup:upgrade command and you will get array of column data in console. so from this array you will get name of column from your third party extension table.
Now from that table please change column's data type "tinytext" to "text" and issue will be fixed.
Note : You might also get issues from ENUM and MEDIUMINT data type as well, so do the same steps if get any other data type issue.
Open file
Replace function fromDefinition:
public function fromDefinition(array $data)
$type = $data['type'];
if(in_array($type, ["tinytext", "enum"])){
$data['type'] = 'text';
$type = 'text';
if(in_array($type, ['time', 'mediumint'])){
$data['type'] = 'datetime';
$type = 'datetime';
if(in_array($type, ['mediumint'])){
$data['type'] = 'int';
$type = 'int';
if (!isset($this->definitionProcessors[$type])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Cannot process definition to array for type %s", $type)
$definitionProcessor = $this->definitionProcessors[$type];
return $definitionProcessor->fromDefinition($data);
Yes it is because of some extensions.I just exported the database and search for keywords tinytext , found a table which use this format, I changed it to TEXT and the problem solved.
You might want to check your extensions. I debugged this error for myself and it originated from an extension which was included with a theme purchased, but not updated.

How to pass a null value received on msg.req.query to msg.payload

I am developing an application using Dashdb on Bluemix and nodered, my PHP application uses the call to webservice to invoke the node-red, whenever my function on PHP invokes the node to insert on table and the field GEO_ID is null, the application fails, I understand the issue, it seems the third parameter was not informed, I have just tried to check the param before and passing something like NULL but it continues not working.
See the code:
msg.account_id = msg.req.query.account_id;
msg.user_id = msg.req.query.user_id;
return msg;
And on Dashdb component I have set the parameter as below:
The third geo_id is the issue, I have tried something like the code below:
The error I got is the one below:
dashDB query node: Error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0420N Invalid character found in a character string argument of the function "DECIMAL". SQLSTATE=22018
I really appreciate if someone could help me on it .
Eduardo Diogo Garcia
Is it possible that msg.req.query.geo_id is set to an empty string?
In that case neither if statement above would get executed, and you would be trying to insert an empty string into a DECIMAL column. Maybe try something like this:
if (! msg.req.query.geo_id || msg.req.query.geo_id == '') {
msg.geo_id = null;

pdftk error when using checkbox on pdf form

When I use checkbox on pdf form, pdftk gives the following error and does not create output pdf.
Unhandled Java Exception:
Unhandled Java Exception:
at gnu.gcj.runtime.NameFinder.lookup(
at java.lang.Throwable.getStackTrace(
at java.lang.Throwable.stackTraceString(
at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(
at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(
Today I am having a similar problem with Checkbox. And I also saw java.lang.NullPointerException error. After investigation, I found that it is because my fillable checkbox is using custom glyphicon ('X') as checkmark instead of default styling.
So after reading this answer, It does workout by getting rid of my custom checkbox glyphicon. Without seeing your code I don't know exactly how you may do it your way, but my situation is to flatten a client uploaded PDF form with custom checkbox. What I did, is to extract all form data and re-fill the form so they get rid of all custom checkbox markup. Something like:
$pdf = new Pdf($uploadedFile->getRealPath(), ['command' => env('PDFTK_PATH')]);
/* Extract form field to remove custom markup field that cannot be filled. Eg: custom checkbox icon */
$pdf2 = new Pdf($uploadedFile->getRealPath(), ['command' => env('PDFTK_PATH')]);
$data = $pdf2->getDataFields();
$data = (array) $data;
$fill_data = [];
foreach ($data as $field) {
if (isset($field['FieldValue'])) {
$fill_data[$field['FieldName']] = $field['FieldValue'];
/* Update form field */

It is possible to execute MySQLi prepared statement before the other one is closed?

Lets say I have a prepared statement. The query that it prepares doesn't matter. I fetch the result like above (I can't show actual code, as it is something I don't want to show off. Please concentrate on the problem, not the examples meaningless) and I get
Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in... error. The error caused in the called object.
$mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
class table2Info{
private $mysqli;
public function __construct($_mysqli){
$this->mysqli = $_mysqli;
public function getInfo($id)
$db = $this->mysqli->prepare('SELECT info FROM table2 WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1');
$db_id = $id;
return $info;
$t2I = new table2Info($mysqli);
$stmt->prepare('SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE name = ?');
$name = $_GET['name'];
//This will cause the fatal-error
echo $t2I->getInfo($id);
The question is: is there a way to do another prepared statement while another one is still open? It would simplify the code for me. I can't solve this with SQL JOIN or something like that, it must be this way. Now I collect the fetched data in an array and loop through it after $stmt->close(); but that just isn't good solution. Why should I do two loops when one is better?
From the error you're getting it appears that your statement preparation failed. mysqli::prepare returns a MySQLi_STMT object or false on failure.
Check for the return value from your statement preparation that is causing the error. If it is false you can see more details by looking at mysqli::error.

Call TYPO3 plugin from other plugin's body

I need to call typo3 plugin from other plugin's body and pass its result to template. This is pseudo-code that describes what I want to achieve doing this:
$data['###SOME_VARIABLE###'] = $someOtherPlugin->main();
$this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($someTemplate, $data);
Is it possible?
It doenst work if you use the whole pi construct, e.g. for links, marker function etc, and the TSFE Data can be corrupted.
Dmitry said:
$cObjType = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_rgsmoothgallery_pi1'];
$conf = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_rgsmoothgallery_pi1.'];
$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
$cObj->start(array(), '_NO_TABLE');
$conf['val'] = 1;
$content = $cObj->cObjGetSingle($cObjType, $conf); //calling the main method
You should use t3lib_div:makeInstance method.
There is a working example from TYPO3's "powermail" extension.
function getGeo() {
// use geo ip if loaded
if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('geoip')) {
require_once( t3lib_extMgm::extPath('geoip').'/pi1/class.tx_geoip_pi1.php');
$this->media = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_geoip_pi1');
if ($this->conf['geoip.']['file']) { // only if file for geoip is set
$this->media->init($this->conf['geoip.']['file']); // Initialize the geoip Ext
$this->GEOinfos = $this->media->getGeoIP($this->ipOverride ? $this->ipOverride : t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR')); // get all the infos of current user ip
The answer of #mitchiru is nice and basically correct.
If you have created your outer extension with Kickstarter and you are using pi_base then there is already an instance of tslib_cObj and the whole construct becomes simpler:
// get type of inner extension, eg. USER or USER_INT
$cObjType = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_innerextension_pi1'];
// get configuration array of inner extension
$cObjConf = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_innerextension_pi1.'];
// add own parameters to configuration array if needed - otherwise skip this line
$cObjConf['myparam'] = 'myvalue';
// call main method of inner extension, using cObj of outer extension
$content = $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($cObjType, $cObjConf);
Firstly, you have to include your plugin class, before using, or outside your class:
Secondly in your code (in the main as example)
$res = tx_myext_pi1::myMethod();
This will work for sure (I've checked this):
Probably Fedir's answer is correct too but I didn't have a chance to try it.