xcode 5.1 - how do I remove plug in? - plugins

This must have been asked before, but I can't find a reference.
I have low vision and -- between projects -- want to change the font size and spacing between lines*.
I stupidly added a plug-in, and now I cannot figure out how to get rid of it properly.
Any help appreciated.
*how do i do this too? and the sidebar text?

Plug-ins can be found at ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins. You can delete it from there.


Oracle SQL Developer hides last character

I'm using the latest version of Oracle SQL Developer. I just couldn't figure why it is hiding last character please see picture.
Build 183.1748
error Pic-2
Try changing to a different font family or size. This problem most likely affects just a particular font configuration.
This can be done by accessing Preferences > Code Editor > Fonts menu.
I finally figured it out! This has been happening to me for the past several months - agony! This may sound weird but here's what I did; I verified it again and it worked again.
Goto Preferences > Code Editor > Fonts
Turn off "Display Only Fixed Width Fonts
Then select Wide Latin font
Select ok.
Then go back and select Verdana (may work to select a different one but at this point I'm not messing around anymore with it).
This was not necessarily my first choice however it was the only way I was able to select a font I could live with.
At the point of turning off the fixed width fonts and selecting something different, that didn't seem to fix the issue. It was only until I selected the Wide Latin and then the Verdana that it seems to have fixed the issue.
good luck.

Get rid of file icon shadow when file is not saved in Xcode

When a file was just edited and not saved in the Xcode editor the icon of the file in the right pane is darkened a little, and because I have OCD this drives me absolutely crazy and I end up having to click Ctrl+S every time I do anything as simple as commenting a line of code or moving a button 1 pixel in storyboard.
I am using Xcode 10.1 Beta 2, but this happens in all versions of Xcode.
How do you make it so the file is never darkened?
I have the same problem in Xcode and I always command s everything as well. I have looked for a way to disable this, but for now I don’t think there is a way... Maybe they’ll add a way to turn this off in another update soon :)

Drag selected text to move it?

Is it possible to drag selected text to move it? This is in almost every other editor (not to mention text input fields in browsers.) I was surprised not to find it in VS Code.
Here is a gif example.
This is now supported as of Feb 2017 release (1.10.1) but it is disabled by default.
To enable it: Go to File > Preferences > Settings and add this line "editor.dragAndDrop": true
Source: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_10#_preview-drag-and-drop-selected-text
Looks like it's not yet implemented, but there's an open issue about it.
If you want to help without diving into the internals, go 👍 the issue to add to its social signal.
I don't believe so. Their site says that it is keyboard-optimized and keyboard-centric, so their idea might be that you should highlight some text, cut it, and past it where you want it rather than dragging it.
I talk about this problem on Github Microsoft page and Microsoft engineers see this. I hope to solve it. (Please support by 👍 on this page.)

Mac os X Eclipse Package Explorer view , project folders in smaller size

I recently brought Mac Book Pro and I installed Eclipse Luna. I am facing a problem in viewing the Java projects in "Package Explorer" folders are very small. Is there a way to increase instead of changing the screen resolution?
It should be possible, have a look at this link: http://blog.vogella.com/2013/02/19/css-styling-individual-part-of-the-eclipse-ide/
(Copy of the essential part, in case the above link stops working:
#org-eclipse-jdt-ui-PackageExplorer {
Remains the question, where to put those lines. Best would be to create your own style, but I never figured out how to do it. So I usually just modify one of the built-in styles. To do this, go to /Applications/eclipse4.4/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.0.1.v20140819-1717/css and open the css-file of the style you currently use (probably e4_default_mac.css). Then add the above lines at the end of that css file and restart Eclipse. Note: when updating Eclipse, you might have to repeat those steps.
EDIT: Just realized it was already asked and answered on SO: I cannot change the font size of package explorer in Eclipse Don't look at the accepted answer, but at the next one below.
No, there is no way to change the size of folders or other visual properties of package explorer.
The views, fonts, etc... of general views are set by the system/OS properties. Only the editor view allows customization of sizing, such as, font.

How to reset the Recent Files Only filter in Xcode 4?

The Project Navigator has this nifty filter at the bottom (icon with a clock). When you click it, it only shows the files which have been edited recently.
Problem: There seems to be no way to reset this. My project has nearly 200 source files and I use a lot of them from day to day. So this list is getting bigger and bigger, and therefore less useful over time.
Often I am just done with something and then I'd just want to get rid of these files in the recents filter.
Is there a secret way to reset the filter? Xcode4 must store this information somewhere.
Navigate into the .xcproject or .xcworkspace package using the terminal or open package in Finder. Clear the contents of the <username>.xcuserdata folder.
I had this problem today, and apparently Apple fixed the bug. Just click on the clock icon again to toggle.
For me, restarting Xcode (I'm using 7.2) reduces the number of files shown when the "recent files" filter is on. But I don't know how the files that still remain are determined.