I can't edit a java package in eclipse - eclipse

There used to be a window where I could just type the code, but then I miss-clicked and now there is a blank window and I can't type anything in there. Please help. I know it's a noob mistake, but i am a noob xD
I would post a screen shot but apparently I don't have enough reputation. I've tried changing perspective. That does nothing, i've tried re-instaling, that also does nothing. Please, I really need some help here


Variables panel not showing when debugging any language in VSCode

I used Python with VSCode for the first time in a while. When I went to debug the script I'd written, I couldn't see any variables in the debug panel. It's not just that none are showing up - there's not even a section where they would be appearing - please see the screenshots below.
When I right click on the three dots at the top of the debug panel, I can see "Watch", "Call Stack", and "Breakpoints", with ticks next to them, but no "Variables" option.
I swear I used to be able to see variables, and everything I'm seeing online is saying that I should be able to, but they just don't seem to be there. At first I thought it was just Python, but I've just tried to debug a simple C program and the same thing happens.
Besides this issue, the debugger seems to work just fine.
What I'm seeing:
What I'm supposed to be seeing, and what I used to be able to see:
Any information would be really helpful, it must be something daft I'm missing.
To clarify, I've tried a fresh VSCode install, which did not fix the issue.
Solution moved from #DCoxshall's question post.
Just did [a reinstall] and the issue disappeared. If anyone knows what caused it I'd still be interested in information, although the problem is now gone.

VSCode suggestions don't show up after after accepting previous suggestion

I'm struggling with this really annoying thing in VSCode and I don't know if its a bug or just something I accidentally turned on inside the VSCode settings.
The Problem: When writing some code, for example in HTML typing "class" it provides me suggestions. After accepting it, the Cursor stays between the autocompleted quotes (class="here"), but has some weird kind of marking and is not giving me any suggestions anymore. The get new ones, I first need to press esc and now I can type again to get suggestions.
Anyone familiar with this issue? I'd be really thankful if someone knows how to turn this off, because it's a really irritating thing.
I made a screen record and uploaded it to youtube so you can see the behaviour:
Disable this setting:
Editor > Suggest: Snippets Prevent Quick Suggestions
otherwise the active snippet prevent more suggestions.

Visual Studio Code 'helping' doesn't work

I really don't know how to explain my problem. My IDE just stopped 'helping' me coding. As an example in the picture below when I used to write 'this.' the IDE should suggest me all my properties/methods. right now as you see nothing happens no matter how long I'm waiting. looks like something messed up over there, I tried to install it again but same result.
Forgot to update: after installing it again and update it -problem solved.

Turning off Eclipse's guidance

So basically I want to drive myself crazy while disciplining myself learning to program. I want to kick it old school and really understand what I'm doing. I don't want Eclipse to hold my hand and tell me that I have a syntax error or that I have any errors except for when I run my code and the console tells me something is wrong. I have searched and searched and searched online and I cannot find where you disable anything. I've been to the editor/compiler preferences and changed everything to ignore instead of warning, but eclipse is still holding my hand.
I'm using Eclipse Luna for Java. Any suggestions or help at all would be greatly appreciated!!!
The closest I think you'll get is to disable the automatic, incremental compilation (menu Project > Build Automatically). But that doesn't disable the Java editor's natural tendency to highlight obvious syntactical errors as you type.
To be honest, if you really want to avoid all of the guidance that an IDE like Eclipse gives you, you'd probably be better off using a "plain" text editor (possibly with simple syntax coloring), such as TextPad or Notepad++, along with command-line javac. But I don't think that will actually help you learn better; it certainly doesn't help with the exploratory/discovery part of learning.

Getting method help, while using Eclipse Pydev

I wonder, using Eclipse's PyDev plugin, how come documentation does not always show up?
Compared with
Is there a way to set Eclipse to "always show modules available along with the help attached"?
The problem is that depending on each context, the PyDev type inference engine may know or not what you're talking about... In the first situation it knows you're dealing with a string and thus can show you things properly. In the second, word is probably some parameter, so, it can't really find swapcase properly -- although it should work if you did an assert isinstance(word, str).