REST API design for utility calculations - rest

I'm trying to design an API that balances RESTful recommended practices with overall usability and one thing that I'm struggling with is the design of utility methods for calculating things.
Specifically, for homebrewing there are many things the brewer wants to calculate during the process: color, bitterness, ABV, etc. I guess it's simple enough to have a /calculators endpoint with the resulting GET returning available calculators:
though in this case it's certainly more user-friendly to return:
What should the GET on a calculator resource look like? Should the values that make up the calculation be URL params (/calculators/abv?og=1.050&fg=1.021)? What's the appropriate response/response code when the necessary params aren't provided or an invalid combination of params is provided? Is there a more sensible design other than the resource per calculation type that I specify above?

There are a few response codes you could use, 400 is general 'client error', so it would be one of those. You can include a body too to explain what is wrong.
The way you have formed the get request seems reasonable enough to me, it's hard to say as it's a bit of a contrived example.
For simple calculations, that format might work ok. For more complex calculations, you might want to consider having a single argument that encodes the entire calculation, think 6 * 9 ^ 10 / 6.


Describing "greater than"-filters search in a REST API URL?

I'm designing a REST API where the /widgets endpoint can be filtered to only show widgets with a certain number of connections. This seems like a natural design:
I also want to allow filtering for widgets using lesser than and greater than, however. These URL designs seem wrong as they don't follow the classic query string pattern or appear misleading:
What is the normal way of designing this kind of filter? I also need to be able to combine filters, e.g. "more than two connections and exactly one screen".
I've read this related question: REST URL design for greater than, less than operations, but it is not the same as it relates to pagination and ID, and does not contain a neat answer for combined filters.
REST does not give you an exact solution, it just says that your should use standards to build an uniform interface if there are available standards. If not, then it is up to you, anyways it must be documented for the client developers.
Here what you are doing is developing a complete query language for the URI. It would be good to check what exactly you need, because if there is a query language standard, then supporting it completely is just too much work. Afaik. Odata has something you need and there are other conventions, for example RQL is a very old one. With a little search there are other ones too: w x y z. I guess there are many others too. I would choose one of these and implement only what I need from it or look for an existing implementation.

REST API URL design for only single property from performance viewpoint

I am developing REST API and Frontend as a microservice. I know some basic principles of URL design, but there is a performance issue and I'm not sure how to deal with it.
For the convenience of displaying the webpage, I'd like to get certain information about more than 100 resources per page. (Actually, BFF exists as an orchestration layer)
Since the target resource includes the aggregation result from a large amount of database record, it takes about 3 seconds per request. However, the information I want on the webpage is only a part of it, and it doesn't require complex aggregation to get it, and that makes the response time much shorter.
Take a case as an example.
There is a resource of article, and return the resource data in articles/:id containing a complex aggregation. But in this case, all I need is a count of comments, which can be quickly obtained by issuing a SQL count statement without a counter cache.
However, when examining REST API design, I've never seen a case where a GET request that returns only a specific field.
And in microservices, API should only return resource state in loosely coupled situation, so I think it shouldn't be focused on specific fields.
What kind of URL design or performance optimization can be considered in the face of performance problems?
REST is the architectural style of the world wide web; the style and the web were developed in parallel in the 1990s. Given the usage patterns and technical constraints of the time, the attention of the style is focused more on the caching of large grained documents, rather than trying to reduce the latency of transport.
So you would be more likely to design your representation so that count is present somewhere in the representation, and addressable to that you can call attention to it. Thus: fragments.
So if you already had a resource with the identifier /articles, and having the comment count was important enough, then you might treat the representation like a DTO (Data Transfer Object), and simply include the comment count in the representation, accessible via some identifier like /articles#comment-count.
That's not necessarily a great fit for your use case.
An alternative is to just introduce a stand-alone comment count resource.
Any information that can be named can be a resource -- Fielding, 2000
If you are actually doing REST, then the spelling of the URI don't matter (consider - when is the last time you cared where the google search form actually submitted your query?). The identifiers are used as identifiers, general purpose clients don't try to extract semantics from the identifiers.
So using /d8a496c4-51c5-4eeb-8cbd-d5e777cbdee7 as your identifier for the comment-count should "just work".
It's not particularly friendly to the human reader, of course, so you might prefer something else. URI design is, in this sense, a lot like choosing a good variable name -- the machines don't care, so me make choices that are easier for the human beings to manage. That normally means choosing a spelling that is "consistent" with the other spellings in your API.
RFC 3986 introduces distinctions between the path, the query, and the fragment, that you can expect general-purpose components to understand; one of the potentially important distinctions is that reference resolution describes how a general purpose component can compute a new identifier from a base uri and a relative reference.
/articles/comment-count + ./1 -> /articles/1

How to structure a RESTful URI with mulitple inter-related parameters

I'm building a RESTful API in which the user can issue a query about a given object, with a weight attached to that object. E.g.:
(This is a contrived, simplified example, so apologies if this doesn't make much semantic sense!)
The complication is that the user might need to combine multiple objects in a single query. What I'm wondering is if there is a standard RESTful way to do this? For example, options that occur to me include:,200&weights=50,90
I don't like the second one, because, for example, weights are optional, so you'd need to allow something like this:,200&weights=,90
The first one seems preferable to me, but it seems like it could become complicated, particularly as I already have indexed arguments (e.g. x1, x2) meaning I'll need to have two levels of indexes (x1_1, x1_2, ...)
Anyone know of a standard approach to this kind of thing? Or can anyone think of a pragmatic, sensible solution?
I am not sure your question is covered by Cool URIs -
My personal choice, with no citations to support it, would be to firstly get rid of the query string using the server configuration (redirects or aliases), so that the base resource would appear as:
The list of IDs and weights could then be appended (in the URI's 'path info'), delimited as you see fit -- semi-colons, or slashes. My choice would be the latter, simply as it makes the URI cleaner to read and easier to type. The only time that becomes a problem is if weights are sometimes omitted, though that could be overcome if the IDs were alphanumeric (perhaps hashes), and the weights always numeric.
I still don't know if this is right or not, and LeeGee's suggestion seems reasonable, but I've ended up going with something like this:
It ends up creating ugly looking URIs, but it seems to me that they're consistent, and unambiguous, particularly when optional arguments are omitted.

REST best practice for getting a subset list

I read the article at REST - complex applications and it answers some of my questions, but not all.
I am designing my first REST application and need to return "subset" lists to GET requests. Which of the following is more "RESTful"?
or even
There will be about a dozen different lists that I need to return. In some of these, there will be several filtering parameters and I don't want to have big 'if' statements in my server code to select the subsets based on which parameters are present. For example, I might need all patients for a specific doctor where the covering doctor is another and the primary doctor is yet another. I could select with
but that would require complicated branching logic to get the right list, where asking for a specific subset (rounds-list) will achieve that same thing.
Note that I need to use matrix parameters instead of query parameters because I need to do filtering at several levels of the URL. The framework I am using (RestEasy), fully supports matrix parameters.
the particular URI patterns are orthogonal to the question how RESTful your application will be.
What matters with regard to RESTfulness is that the client discovers how to construct the URIs at runtime. This can be achieved either with forms or URI templates. Both hypermedia controls tell the client what parameters can be used and where to put them in the URI.
For this to work RESTfully, client and server must know the possible parameters at design time. This is usually achieved by making them part of the specification of the link relationship.
You might for example define a 'my-subset' link relation to have the meaning of linking to subsets of collections and with it you would define the following parameters:
listType, date, userID.
In a link template that spec could be used as
<link rel="my-subset' template="/{listType}/{date}/patients;user_id={userID}"/>
Note how the actual parameter name in the URI is decoupled from the specified parameter name. The value for userID is late-bound to the URI parameter user_id.
This makes it possible for the URI parameter name to change without affecting the client.
You can look at OpenSearch description documents ( to see how this is done in practice.
Actually, you should be able to leverage OpenSearch quite a bit for your use case. Especially the ability to predefine queries would allow you to describe particular subsets in your 'forms'.
But see for yourself and then ask back again :-)
I would recommend that you use this URL structure:
Why? I chose /appointments because it is simple and clear. (If you have more than one kind of appointment, let me know in the comments and I can adjust my answer.) I chose the semicolons because they don't imply hierarchy between user_id and date.
One more thing, there is no reason why you should limit yourself to just one URL. It is just fine to have multiple URL structures that refer to the same resource. So you might also use:
To return a similar result.
That said, I would not recommend using /dates/2010-02-22/appointments;user_id=1234. Why? I don't think, in practice, that /dates refers to a resource. Date is an attribute of an appointment but is not a noun on its own (i.e. it is not a first-class kind of thing).
I can relate to what David James answered.
The format of your URIs can be like he suggested:
and / or
while still maintaining the discoverability (at runtime) of your resource's URIs (like Jan Algermissen suggested).

What ist a RESTful-resource in the context of large data sets, i.E. weather data?

So I am working on a webservice to access our weather forecast data (10000 locations, 40 parameters each, hourly values for the next 14 days = about 130 million values).
So I read all about RESTful services and its ideology.
So I understand that an URL is adressing a ressource.
But what is a ressource in my case?
The common use case is that you want to get the data for a couple of parameters over a timespan at one or more location. So clearly giving every value its own URL is not pratical and would result in hundreds of requests. I have the feeling that my specific problem doesn't excactly fit into the RESTful pattern.
Update: To clarify: There are two usage patterns of the service. 1. Raw data; rows and rows of data for several locations and parameters.
Interpreted data; the raw data calculated into symbols (Suns & clouds, for example) and other parameters.
There is not one 'forecast'. Different clients have different needs for data.
The reason I think this doesn't fit into the REST-pattern is, that while I can actually have a 'forecast' ressource, I still have to submit a lot of request parameters. So a simple GET-request on a ressource doesn't work, I end up POSTing data all over the place.
So I am working on a webservice to access our weather forecast data (10000 locations, 40 parameters each, hourly values for the next 14 days = about 130 million values). ... But what is a ressource in my case?
That depends on the details of your problem domain. Simply having a large amount of data is not a good reason to avoid REST. There are smart ways and dumb ways to model and expose that data.
As you rightly see, your main goal at this point should be to understand what exactly a resource is. Knowing only enough about weather forecasting to follow the Weather Channel, I won't be much help here. It's for domain experts like yourself to make that call.
If you were to explain in a little more detail the major domain concepts you're working with, it might make it a little easier to give specific advice.
For example, one resource might be Forecast. When weatherpeople talk about Forecasts, what words keep coming up? When you think about breaking a forecast down into smaller elements, what words do you use to describe the pieces?
Do this process recursively, and you'll probably be able to make a list of important terms. Don't forget that these terms can describe things or actions. Think about what these terms really mean, what data you can use to model them, how they can be aggregated.
At this point you'll have the makings of something you can start building a RESTful system around - but not before.
Don't forget that a RESTful system is not a data dump wrapped in HTTP - it's a hypertext-driven system.
Also don't forget that media types are the point of contact between your server and its clients. A media type is only limited by your imagination and can model datasets of any size if you're clever about it. It can contain XML, JSON, YAML, binary elements such as a Bloom Filter, or whatever works for the problem.
Firstly, there is no once-and-for-all right answer.
Each valid url is something that makes sense to query, think of them as equivalents to providing query forms for people looking for your data - that might help you narrow down the scenarios.
It is a matter of personal taste and possibly the toolkit you use, as to what goes into the basic url path and what parameters are encoded. The debate is a bit like the XML debate over putting values in elements vs attributes. It is not always a rational or logically decided issue nor will everybody be kind in their comments on your decisions.
If you are using a backend like Rails, that implies certain conventions. Even if you're not using Rails, it makes sense to work in the same way unless you have a strong reason to change. That way, people writing clients to talk to Rails-based services will find yours easier to understand and it saves you on documentation time ;-)
Maybe you can use forecast as the ressource and go deeper to fine grained services with xlink.
Would it be possible to do something like this,Since you have so many parameters so i was thinking if somehow you can relate it to a mix of id / parameter combo to decrease the url size
/WeatherForeCastService//day/hour // (where x is number of days) // (where h is number of hours)