Discrete surface integral with cumsum - matlab

I have a matrix z(x,y)
This is an NxN abitary pdf constructed from a unique Kernel density estimation (i.e. not a usual pdf and it doesn't have a function). It is multivariate and can't be separated and is discrete data.
I wan't to construct a NxN matrix (F(x,y)) that is the cumulative distribution function in 2 dimensions of this pdf so that I can then randomly sample the F(x,y) = P(x < X ,y < Y);
Analytically I think the CDF of a multivariate function is the surface integral of the pdf.
What I have tried is using the cumsum function in order to calculate the surface integral and tested this with a multivariate normal against the analytical solution and there seems to be some discrepancy between the two:
% multivariate parameters
delta = 100;
mu = [1 1];
Sigma = [0.25 .3; .3 1];
x1 = linspace(-2,4,delta); x2 = linspace(-2,4,delta);
[X1,X2] = meshgrid(x1,x2);
% Calculate Normal multivariate pdf
F = mvnpdf([X1(:) X2(:)],mu,Sigma);
F = reshape(F,length(x2),length(x1));
% My attempt at a numerical surface integral
FN = cumsum(cumsum(F,1),2);
% Normalise the CDF
FN = FN./max(max(FN));
X = [X1(:) X2(:)];
% Analytic solution to a multivariate normal pdf
p = mvncdf(X,mu,Sigma);
p = reshape(p,delta,delta);
% Highlight the difference
dif = p - FN;
error = max(max(sqrt(dif.^2)));
% %% Plot
xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2'); zlabel('Probability Density');
xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2');
xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2');
xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2');
Particularly the error seems to be in the transition region which is the most important.
Does anyone have any better solution to this problem or see what I'm doing wrong??
Any help would be much appreciated!
EDIT: This is the desired outcome of the cumulative integration, The reason this function is of value to me is that when you randomly generate samples from this function on the closed interval [0,1] the higher weighted (i.e. the more likely) values appear more often in this way the samples converge on the expected value(s) (in the case of multiple peaks) this is desired outcome for algorithms such as particle filters, neural networks etc.

Think of the 1-dimensional case first. You have a function represented by a vector F and want to numerically integrate. cumsum(F) will do that, but it uses a poor form of numerical integration. Namely, it treats F as a step function. You could instead do a more accurate numerical integration using the Trapezoidal rule or Simpson's rule.
The 2-dimensional case is no different. Your use of cumsum(cumsum(F,1),2) is again treating F as a step function, and the numerical errors resulting from that assumption only get worse as the number of dimensions of integration increases. There exist 2-dimensional analogues of the Trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule. Since there's a bit too much math to repeat here, take a look here:

You DO NOT need to compute the 2-dimensional integral of the probability density function in order to sample from the distribution. If you are computing the 2-d integral, you are going about the problem incorrectly.
Here are two ways to approach the sampling problem.
(1) You write that you have a kernel density estimate. A kernel density estimate is a special case of a mixture density. Any mixture density can be sampled by first selecting one kernel (perhaps differently or equally weighted, same procedure applies), and then sampling from that kernel. (That applies in any number of dimensions.) Typically the kernels are some relatively simple distribution such as a Gaussian distribution so that it is easy to sample from it.
(2) Any joint density P(X, Y) is equal to P(X | Y) P(Y) (and equivalently P(Y | X) P(X)). Therefore you can sample from P(Y) (or P(X)) and then from P(X | Y). In order to sample from P(X | Y), you will need to integrate P(X, Y) along a line Y = y (where y is the sampled value of Y), but (this is crucial) you only need to integrate along that line; you don't need to integrate over all values of X and Y.
If you tell us more about your problem, I can help with the details.


This line of code is supposed to generate exponential service times, but I am not able to get the logic behind it

This line of code is supposed to generate exponential service times, but I am not able to get the logic behind it.
% Exponential service time with rate 1
mean = 1;
dt = -mean * log(1 - rand());
This is the source link, but MATLAB is needed to open the example.
I was also thinking if exprnd(1) will give the same result of generating numbers from the exponential distribution that has a mean of 1?
You are right!
First, note that MATLAB parameterizes the Exponential distribution by the mean, not the rate, so exprnd(5) would have a rate lambda = 1/5.
This line of code is another way to do the same thing:
-mean * log(1 - rand());
This is the inverse transform for the Exponential distribution.
If X follows an Exponential distribution, then
and rewriting the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and letting U ~ Uniform(0,1), we can derive the inverse transform.
Note the last equality is because 1-U and U are equal in distribution. In other words, 1-U ~ Uniform(0,1) and U ~ Uniform(0,1).
You can test this yourself with this example code with multiple approaches.
% MATLAB R2018b
rate = 1; % mean = 1 % mean = 1/rate
NumSamples = 1000;
% Approach 1
X1 = (-1/rate)*log(1-rand(NumSamples,1)); % inverse transform
% Approach 2
X2 = exprnd(1/rate,NumSamples,1);
% Approach 3
pd = makedist('Exponential',1/rate) % create probability distribution object
X3 = random(pd,NumSamples,1);
EDIT: The OP asked is there was a reason to generate from the CDF rather than from the probability density function (PDF). This is my attempt to answer that.
The inverse transform method uses the CDF to take advantage of the fact that the CDF is itself a probability and so must be on the interval [0, 1]. Then it is very easy to generate very good (pseudo) random numbers which will be on that interval. The CDF is sufficient to uniquely define the distribution, and inverting the CDF means that its unique "shape" will properly map the uniformly distributed numbers on [0, 1] to a non-uniform shape in the domain which will follow the probability density function (PDF).
You can see the CDF performing this nonlinear mapping in this figure.
One use of the PDF would be Acceptance-Rejection methods, which can be useful for some distributions including custom PDFs (thanks to #pjs for jogging my memory).

spline interpolation and its (exact) derivatives

Suppose I have the following data and commands:
t = [0:0.1:1];
t_new = [0:0.01:1];
y = [1,2,1,3,2,2,4,5,6,1,0];
p = interp1(t,y,t_new,'spline');
You can see they work quite fine, in the sense interpolating function matches the data points at the nodes fine. But my problem is, I need to compute the exact derivative of y (i.e., p function) w.r.t. time and plot it against the t vector. How can it be done? I shall not use diff commands, because I need to make sure the derivative function has the same length as t vector. Thanks a lot.
Method A: Using the derivative
This method calculates the actual derivative of the polynomial. If you have the curve fitting toolbox you can use:
% calculate the polynominal
pp = interp1(t,y,'spline','pp')
% take the first order derivative of it
% evaluate the derivative at points t (or any other points you wish)
If you don't have the curve fitting toolbox you can replace the fnderline with:
% piece-wise polynomial
[breaks,coefs,l,k,d] = unmkpp(pp);
% get its derivative
pp_der = mkpp(breaks,repmat(k-1:-1:1,d*l,1).*coefs(:,1:k-1),d);
Source: This mathworks question. Thanks to m7913d for linking it.
Note that
p = interp1(t,y,t_new,'spline');
is a shortcut for
% get the polynomial
pp = interp1(t,y,'spline','pp');
% get the height of the polynomial at query points t_new
To get the derivative we obviously need the polynomial and can't just work with the new interpolated points. To avoid interpolating the points twice which can take quite long for a lot of data, you should replace the shortcut with the longer version. So a fully working example that includes your code example would be:
t = [0:0.1:1];
t_new = [0:0.01:1];
y = [1,2,1,3,2,2,4,5,6,1,0];
% fit a polynomial
pp = interp1(t,y,'spline','pp');
% get the height of the polynomial at query points t_new
% plot the new interpolated curve
% piece-wise polynomial
[breaks,coefs,l,k,d] = unmkpp(pp);
% get its derivative
pp_der = mkpp(breaks,repmat(k-1:-1:1,d*l,1).*coefs(:,1:k-1),d);
% evaluate the derivative at points t (or any other points you wish)
Method B: Using finite differences
A derivative of a continuous function is at its base just the difference of f(x) to f(x+infinitesimal difference) divided by said infinitesimal difference.
In matlab, eps is the smallest difference possible with a double precision. Therefore after each t_new we add a second point which is eps larger and interpolate y for the new points. Then the difference between each point and it's +eps pair divided by eps gives the derivative.
The problem is that if we work with such small differences the precision of the output derivatives is severely limited, meaning it can only have integer values. Therefore we add values slightly larger than eps to allow for higher precisions.
% how many floating points the derivatives can have
precision = 10;
% add after each t_new a second point with +eps difference
t_eps=[t_new; t_new+eps*precision];
% interpolate with those points and get the differences between them
differences = diff(interp1(t,y,t_eps,'spline'));
% delete all differences wich are not between t_new and t_new + eps
% get the derivatives of each point
slopes = differences./(eps*precision);
You can of course replace t_new with t (or any other time you want to get the differential of) if you want to get the derivatives at the old points.
This method is slightly inferior to method a) in your case, as it is slower and a bit less precise. But maybe it's useful to somebody else who is in a different situation.

Fitting a 2D Gaussian to 2D Data Matlab

I have a vector of x and y coordinates drawn from two separate unknown Gaussian distributions. I would like to fit these points to a three dimensional Gauss function and evaluate this function at any x and y.
So far the only manner I've found of doing this is using a Gaussian Mixture model with a maximum of 1 component (see code below) and going into the handle of ezcontour to take the X, Y, and Z data out.
The problems with this method is firstly that its a very ugly roundabout manner of getting this done and secondly the ezcontour command only gives me a grid of 60x60 but I need a much higher resolution.
Does anyone know a more elegant and useful method that will allow me to find the underlying Gauss function and extract its value at any x and y?
GaussDistribution = fitgmdist([varX varY],1); %Not exactly the intention of fitgmdist, but it gets the job done.
h = ezcontour(#(x,y)pdf(GaussDistributions,[x y]),[-500 -400], [-40 40]);
Gaussian Distribution in general form is like this:
I am not allowed to upload picture but the Formula of gaussian is:
where D is the data dimension (for you is 2);
Sigma is covariance matrix;
and Mu is mean of each data vector.
here is an example. In this example a guassian is fitted into two vectors of randomly generated samples from normal distributions with parameters N1(4,7) and N2(-2,4):
Data = [random('norm',4,7,30,1),random('norm',-2,4,30,1)];
X = -25:.2:25;
Y = -25:.2:25;
D = length(Data(1,:));
Mu = mean(Data);
Sigma = cov(Data);
P_Gaussian = zeros(length(X),length(Y));
for i=1:length(X)
for j=1:length(Y)
x = [X(i),Y(j)];
P_Gaussian(i,j) = 1/((2*pi)^(D/2)*sqrt(det(Sigma)))...
run the code in matlab. For the sake of clarity I wrote the code like this it can be written more more efficient from programming point of view.

How do I draw samples from multivariate gaussian distribution parameterized by precision in matlab

I am wondering how to draw samples in matlab, where I have precision matrix and mean as the input argument.
I know mvnrnd is a typical way to do so, but it requires the covariance matrix (i.e inverse of precision)) as the argument.
I only have precision matrix, and due to the computational issue, I can't invert my precision matrix, since it will take too long (my dimension is about 2000*2000)
Good question. Note that you can generate samples from a multivariant normal distribution using samples from the standard normal distribution by way of the procedure described in the relevant Wikipedia article.
Basically, this boils down to evaluating A*z + mu where z is a vector of independent random variables sampled from the standard normal distribution, mu is a vector of means, and A*A' = Sigma is the covariance matrix. Since you have the inverse of the latter quantity, i.e. inv(Sigma), you can probably do a Cholesky decomposition (see chol) to determine the inverse of A. You then need to evaluate A * z. If you only know inv(A) this can still be done without performing a matrix inverse by instead solving a linear system (e.g. via the backslash operator).
The Cholesky decomposition might still be problematic for you, but I hope this helps.
If you want to sample from N(μ,Q-1) and only Q is available, you can take the Cholesky factorization of Q, L, such that LLT=Q. Next take the inverse of LT, L-T, and sample Z from a standard normal distribution N(0, I).
Considering that L-T is an upper triangular dxd matrix and Z is a d-dimensional column vector,
μ + L-TZ will be distributed as N(μ, Q-1).
If you wish to avoid taking the inverse of L, you can instead solve the triangular system of equations LTv=Z by back substitution. μ+v will then be distributed as N(μ, Q-1).
Some illustrative matlab code:
% make a 2x2 covariance matrix and a mean vector
covm = [3 0.4*(sqrt(3*7)); 0.4*(sqrt(3*7)) 7];
mu = [100; 2];
% Get the precision matrix
Q = inv(covm);
%take the Cholesky decomposition of Q (chol in matlab already returns the upper triangular factor)
L = chol(Q);
%draw 2000 samples from a standard bivariate normal distribution
Z = normrnd(0,1, [2, 2000]);
%solve the system and add the mean
X = repmat(mu, 1, 2000)+L\Z;
%check the result
% compare to the sampling from the covariance matrix
Y=mvnrnd(mu,covm, 2000)';
scatter(X(1,:), X(2,:),'b')
hold on
scatter(Y(1,:), Y(2,:), 'r')
For more efficiency, I guess you can search for some package that efficiently solves triangular systems.

How can I find equation of a plot connecting data points in Matlab?

I have various plots (with hold on) as show in the following figure:
I would like to know how to find equations of these six curves in Matlab. Thanks.
I found interactive fitting tool in Matlab simple and helpful, though somewhat limited in scope:
The graph above seems to be linear interpolation. Given vectors X and Y of data, where X contains the arguments and Y the function points, you could do
f = interp1(X, Y, x)
to get the linearly interpolated value f(x). For example if the data is
X = [0 1 2 3 4 5];
Y = [0 1 4 9 16 25];
y = interp1(X, Y, 1.5)
should give you a very rough approximation to 1.5^2. interp1 will match the graph exactly, but you might be interested in fancier curve-fitting operations, like spline approximations etc.
Does rxns stand for reactions? In that case, your curves are most likely exponential. An exponential function has the form: y = a*exp(b * x) . In your case, y is the width of mixing zone, and x is the time in years. Now, all you need to do is run exponential regression in Matlab to find the optimal values of parameters a and b, and you'll have your equations.
The advice, though there might be better answer, from me is: try to see the rate of increase in the curve. For example, cubic is more representative than quadratic if the rate of increase seems fast and find the polynomial and compute the deviation error. For irregular curves, you might try spline fitting. I guess there is also a toolbox in matlab for spline fitting.
There is a way to extract information with the current figure handle (gcf) from you graph.
For example, you can get the series that were plotted in a graph:
% Some figure is created and data are plotted on it
hold on;
A = [ 1 2 3 4 5 7] % Dummy data
B = A.*A % Some other dummy data
% Those three lines of code will get you series that were plotted on your graph
lh=findall(gcf,'type','line'); % Extract the plotted line from the figure handle
xp=get(lh,'xdata'); % Extract the Xs
yp=get(lh,'ydata'); % Extract the Ys
There must be other informations that you can get from the "findall(gcf,...)" methods.