MongoDB query on all sharded collections without shardkey - mongodb

I have several shard-(ed) collections.
The collection is user requests. and the shard key is User Id.
I have a field named "Execution Time"
and I want query all the requests in a period of time (lte and gte).
The index is with the shard key, but my query is without.
I would like not to put all the shard Key in query with a "in" operator because I have a 1000 shard keys (users)..
futher more to do that i need to get all user ids on every query - it means 2 queries each time instead of 1.
But still i want to use an index..
what option is to add userId > 0 < maxUserId to the query?
What is the right approach?
Thanks in advance

For ideal performance, shard keys should be chosen in a way the router (mongos) can tell which shard will have the data for the most common queries. This is only possible when the find-query has a criteria which is also the shard-key.
But in this case it is impossible for the router to tell which shard has the data for the query. It is not unlikely that there are relevant results on every shard. In that case the query needs to be forwarded to all shards, which will process it simultaneously. But when you have an appropriate index, this will help them doing so.


Do compound shard keys in MongoDB work similar to compound indexes?

Suppose my collection uses a compound shard key consisting of BlockHash and BlockHeight fields.
If I ran a query to look up documents for a given BLockHeight, will Mongo have to hit every shard since we did not filter by BlockHash? Does having BlockHeight in the shard key help the query at all?
Ideally every query should have the shard key. Choose based on cardinality and logical categorisation of your data.
If you are sharding on BlockHash and BlockHeight (in that order), and you just run a query on BlockHeight. You will end up with hitting all the shards.
As a best practice, make it a habit of running .explain("executionStats") with your queries. This will tell you how your query is parsed. And which Shards did it touch.

Need help to select sharding key in MongoDB

For my application I need to shard a fairly big collection, the entire collection will contain app. 500 billion documents.
I have two potential fields which can be used as Sharding Key:
For inserting either Sharding Key will distribute documents evenly throughout the cluster, there is does not matter which field I use as Sharding Key.
For query it is different.
Field(1) is usually part of the query filter condition, thus query would be processed usually on a single shard only.
Field(2) is typically not part of the query filter condition, thus query would be processed over all shards and typically several shards will contribute to final query result.
Which one is the better field to be used as Sharding Key? I did not find anything in MongoDB documentation about that topic.
Either fields have the same range and very similar cardinality figures, there won't be any difference. Usually the number of documents returned by a query is very low (typically less than 20-30 documents).
In a sharded cluster the mongos router determines which shard is to be targeted for a read or write operation - based on the available shard key meta-data stored on the config servers.
For inserting either Sharding Key will distribute documents evenly
throughout the cluster, there is does not matter which field I use as
Sharding Key.
When you insert a document it will have a shard key and the document will be stored on a designated shard.
Field(1) is usually part of the query filter condition, thus query
would be processed usually on a single shard only.
The shard key's main purposes are (a) to distribute data evenly across shards in a cluster, and (b) to be able to query the data in such a way that the query targets a single shard.
For a query to target a single shard, the shard key must be part of the query's filter criteria. The mongos router will target the single shard using the shard key.
If the shard key is not part of the filter criteria it will be a scatter-gather operation (a long running query). It is important that the most important query operations of the application using the sharded collection must be able use the shard key.
Field(2) is typically not part of the query filter condition, thus
query would be processed over all shards and typically several shards
will contribute to final query result.
When the shard key is not part of the query filter, the operation will span across multiple shards (a scatter-gather operation) and it will be a slow running operation. The mongos router will not be able to determine which shards have the target data, and all the shards in the cluster will be queried to return the final result.
Which one is the better field to be used as Sharding Key?
It can be concluded that the Field(1) must be used as a shard key.
See documentation on shard keys and choosing a shard key # MongoDB docs on Shard Keys.

MongoDB Shard key Selection

I've a scenario in which I don't know what would be the structure & fields of collections in MongoDb. Also there will be like multiple single DB per user(Like Multi-tenant DB).
I'll be deploying Replicated sharded cluster in production.For scaling & better machine optimization, I'm applying sharding on per DB basis during the creation of each DB, and each collection under the same DB will be sharded to different shards. Now in this scenario I'm not sure which key would be the best choice since the structure & field(s) of collection(s) which would be created under each DB will be unknown. Since the structure of DB, Collection is unknown I can't forecast which type of query will be used most of the time. So I want to select a shard key which would fulfill all the criteria for shard key selection like: Cardinality, Query Isolation, Monotonically increasing, Write scaling, Easily divisible.
What would be the solution in this scenario?
Also What if I select all the fields under that collection for shard key along with hashed _id field as compound key?
Once you create a shard key you can not edit it.
So keep pumping the data into the collection, once you get clarity on the fields you can shard the collections any time.
Rebalancing happens automatically after sharding.

Mongodb choose shard key

I have a mongodb collection which I want to shard. This collection holds messages from users and a document from the collection has the following properties
_id : ObjectId,
conversationId: ObjectId,
created: DateTime
All queries will be done using the converstionId property and sorter by created.
Sharding by _id obviously won't work because I need to query by conversationId (plus _id is of type ObjectId which won't scale very well to many inserts)
Sharding by conversationId would be a logical choice in terms of query isolation but I'm afraid that it won't scale very well many inserts (even if I use a hashed shard key on conversationId or if I change the type of the property from ObjectId to some other type which isn't incremental like GUID) because some conversation might be much more active than others (i.e.: have many more message added to them)
From what I see in the mongo documentation The shard key is either an indexed field or an indexed compound field that exists in every document in the collection.
Does this mean that I can create a shard key on a compound index ?
Bottom line is that:
creating a hashed shard key from the _id property would offer good distribution of the data
creating a shard key on conversationId would offer good query isolation
So a combination of these two things would be great, if it could be done.
Any ideas?
For your case, neither of fields look good choice for sharding. For instance, if you shard on conversationId, it will result in hot spotting, i.e. most of your inserts will happen to the last shard as conversationId would monotonically increase over time. Same problem with other two fields as well.
Also, conversationId will not offer high degree of isolation as conversationId would monotonically increase over time. (Since newer conversations will get updated much more frequently than very old ones)
In your case, a "hashed shard key"(version 2.4 onwards) over conversationId would be the smart choice as one would imagine that there can be tons of conversations going on in parallel.
Refer following link for details on creating hashed shard key: [ ]

What is the performance of a query that doesn't contains the shard key in a sharded MongoDB environment?

The title is saying everything. Assume that you have a sharded MongoDB environment and the user provide a query, which doesn't contain the shard key. What is the actual performance of the query? What happens in the background?
The performance depends on any number of factors however, the default action of MongoDB in this case is to do a global scatter and gather operation whereby it will send the query to all shards and then merge duplicates to give you an end result.
Returning to the performance, it normally depends upon the indexes on each shard and the isolated optimisation of their data sets and how much range of a dataset they hold.
However processing is parallel in sharding which means they all get the query and the "master" mongod will just merge as they come in, so the performance shouldn't be: go to shard 1, get it, then shard 2; instead it should be: go to all shards, each shard return its results and the master merges and returns.
Here is a good presentation (with nice pictures) on exactly how queries with sharding work in certain situations:
If the query is maked on the sharded collections the query is maked on all shard, if the query is maked on non shared collections, mongoDB take all data on the same shard.
I add the link for shard FAQ on MongoDB