Access Denied while connecting to External Rest API from SharePoint Designer page - rest

While trying to connect external Restful API from my SharePoint designer page (On Premises) I am getting access denied error may be its because its cross domain but now I am getting No "Transport error".Last time I had the same situation to i ran some power shell command(3 Line) which i got from website in which they enable cross site scripting for web application if possible can someone send me that script again like below.
spwebapp = get-spwebapplication
spwebapp = enable/allow.crosssite

I think that power shell command modify the file


Trying to access SSRS Web service in my .NET Project using web reference - getting error permissions are insufficient for user

I am trying to access a SOAP web service in my VB.NET Project so that I can print a report directly to printer without any pop up or confirmation click by user .I tried to access the SOAP web service in my project using this link
But i get the error permissions granted for this user are insufficient to perform this operation .
For a normal report i know that i should go to reports folder and give access to datasets,datasources and any other folder with the id's that i want to deploy and also access.
But i dont know where to give access for accessing SOAP web service .I searched on the internet majority of the solutions are about report access and not web service .
ReportExecution2010.asmx web service uses the same security behaviors as the SSRS website. Try giving your domain\user account the Content Manager role within the SSRS website first.

KRB_ERR, KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database

I can see the message using network capture tool Microsoft Message Analyzer. I can see the I receive Kerberos error "KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database".
I can see all parts of the message, I have been searching online and tried a few things and did not work.
But in order to understand the problem, what does the "client" mean here?
- Is it the Server / Computer that is requesting
- Is it the Application that is requesting
The error is for KRB_TGS_REQ which means that its requesting for a token.
Would be great if anyone could help understand, which I believe can lead to a resolution.
Added more Details:
We have a SharePoint farm setup with SQL Reporting Services (SharePoint Integrated mode) and Excel Services. We have a datasource defined in Sharepoint which are used in SSRS Reports and Excel Reports. We use Windows Authentication from Sharepoint to SQL. When we test connection on Sharepoint datasource we get an error which says Cannot convert Windows token to Claims token. On opening the reports in SSRS we also receive error.
Strange part is that it works for some users which is why I'm not sure how to tackle this issue. If its SQL Server previlage issue, we have assigned sys admin role, this user also added as admin in SSRS. If AD or SPN issue it must not work for all users not for individual users.
I can see successful KRB_TGS_REQ for an admin user but fails for a normal user. No clue what to look for.
Kerberos Message :
KRB_TGS_ERROR, KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database, Cname: nothing, Realm: SUB.DOMAIN.COM, Sname: SP_SVC_ACT
Does this mean that the delegation is not working?

Do I need account-based permissions to initialize an mssoap client from a wsdl file?

I'm getting the this error when I try to use an ASP.NET WebService through an MSSOAP Client:
"WSDL Reader: Loading of the WSDL file failed HRESULT=0X80040154 Class not registered - Client: An
unanticipated error occured during the processing of this request.HRESULT=0x1812040:Class not registered."
At first I thought the SOAP library was not properly registered. But when I debugged the code I realized the error was being raised at the time of reading the web service definition (The Soap client does get created).
SOAPClient.mssoapinit "wsdl_URL"
Now, the issue only occurs when I execute the code as certain account (as for the rest of the accounts the code works pretty well). The original client is a Classic ASP page but I've reproduced the problem using a vbs script.
I run the script under several accounts, but just one presents the wsdl-reading failure.
I've granted reading permissions to the directory that contains the
asmx file to the failing account.
I've changed the physical path of the virtual directory where the
webservice is hosted to a general non-particular-profile location
like C:.
Ironically the application pool identity of the web application is
the account that presents the failure.
All the accounts can read the wsdl file through a browser just typing
the url (but still one of them can't from client code)
Do I need to grant additional permissions for the account in order to read the web service definition and initialize the soap client?

Facebook Login not working on Dev Machine

I'm running Win Web Server 2008 R2.
I've got a site setup for development which I access on my test machine like this http://bossingway/
I'm trying to put the facebook login on this using their standard code they provide. I haven't added anything.
I've added http://bossingway/ to the SiteURL and it says the URL contains an invalid domain.
I've also tried adding it to Valid OAuth redirect URIs.
I keep getting the Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration error from Facebook.
How do I get it to work on my testing server.
Looks like you're missing the top level domain, if your top level domain is '.com' for example, then you need to add ''

IIS accessing resources via logged in user and NOT pool identity. How to enforce POOL Identity

I have a classic asp website with following IIS settings:
1. windows authentication is enabled
2. Impersonation is disabled, so are anonymous and basic authentication
3. App pool is .Net 4.0, Integrated pipeline with a custom Process model identity. This identityt is given exclusive full access to unc local and network shares, batch files etc
The asp application
1. displays user information of the user logging intot he web application,
2. accesses the above mentioned shares to display reports,
3. creates reports by calling DLLs which POST to an asp file in this web application (uing webrequest) and get XMl and write the XML to the share.
The issue I am facing is all the above calls are being made on the behalf of the application user instead of the Process Model Identity User in the app pool. Because of this, most of requests throw up Permission denied or 401 errors.
QUESTION: How can we configure the web site so that the calls made can be on behalf of the app pool user only?