In CakePHP am getting this error: "Fixture invalid: Count of fields does not match count of values" - cakephp-2.5

When I am running test cases I am getting the above error: "Fixture invalid: Count of fields does not match count of values".
Can anyone say why I would be getting that? And how to fix it?
I must note that for my fixtures, I am automatically importing the table definition like so:
* Import table definition
* #var string
public $import = 'Category';
* Records
* #var array
public $records = array(
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Science',
'post_count' => 0
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Information Technology',
'post_count' => 0
'id' => 3,
'name' => 'Philosophy',
'post_count' => 0
I am using CakePHP 2.5, xampp.

Ah, the error was explicit. I was importing the table definition for the model automatically, but had the wrong list of fields in the records section.


After TYPO3 Update from 6.2 to 7.6 still errors in TCA?

I've made an update from TYPO3 CMS 6.2 to TYPO3 CMS 7.6.16. After a few problems with other extensions (tx_newsand third party ext.) and the changes in the TCA. Everything works fine after import live-dump ...
Upgrade wizard / Database compare
Update reference Index
Flush Cache and empty typo3temp
Deactivate and reactivate the Extensions with problems
Everything? Unfortunately, no. The extension doesn't work. I don't written the extension by myself. If I try to add a new data record in backend with this ext., I'll get this error:
An item in field form of table tx_blah_domain_model_job is not an array as expected
But the database comprare is finished. All tables are correct?!
Where's the problem? I know it's hard to analyze this without source code. There's a database field wrong, but why? It's the same database like before?
Where's the fault .. ext_tables.php or still sth. in TCA is wrong? I really need a tip .. its frustrating ..
EDIT: sys_log entry
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1439288036: An item in field form of table tx_blah_domain_model_job is not an array as expected | UnexpectedValueException thrown in file /typo3_src/typo3_src-7.6.16/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Form/FormDataProvider/AbstractItemProvider.php in line 1264.
EDIT 2: I think, there must be sth. in typo3conf/ext/blah/Configuration/TCA/tx_blah_domain_model_job.php
see TCA source code
and that's in line 1264
* Sanitize incoming item array
* Used by TcaSelectItems and TcaSelectTreeItems data providers
* #param mixed $itemArray
* #param string $tableName
* #param string $fieldName
* #throws \UnexpectedValueException
* #return array
public function sanitizeItemArray($itemArray, $tableName, $fieldName)
if (!is_array($itemArray)) {
$itemArray = [];
foreach ($itemArray as $item) {
if (!is_array($item)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'An item in field ' . $fieldName . ' of table ' . $tableName . ' is not an array as expected',
return $itemArray;
aTry to use this in the TCA tx_imappointments_domain_model_job.php
'form' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:im_appointments/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_imappointments_domain_model_job.form',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'renderType' => 'selectSingle',
'items' => array(array('', 0)),
'foreign_table' => 'pages',
'foreign_table_where' => ' AND = 293',
'minitems' => 0,
'maxitems' => 1,
'items' in 'form' has to be a array how your error message said:

TYPO3 Extbase how to empty ObjectStorage

I want to "empty" an ObjectStorage when updating a Object:
It's TYPO3 4.6 with a Extbase Extension which allows you to show/add/edit/delete datasets in the frontend. At first sight everything looks good.
I have one field referencing another table:
'partner' => array(
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:toco3_marketingdb/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_toco3marketingdb_domain_model_firma.partner',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'size' => 5,
'foreign_table' => 'tx_toco3marketingdb_domain_model_partner',
'foreign_table_where' => 'ORDER BY tx_toco3marketingdb_domain_model_partner.partnerpkey',
'minitems' => 0,
'maxitems' => 20,
* Partner
* #var Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_Toco3Marketingdb_Domain_Model_Partner>
* #lazy
protected $partner;
* Sets the partner
* #param Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_Toco3Marketingdb_Domain_Model_Partner> $partner
* #return void
public function setPartner(Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage $partner) {
$this->partner = $partner;
$partner = new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage();
if (count($partnerarr) > 0){
foreach($partnerarr as $p){
$partner->attach( $this->partnerRepository->findByUid($p));
$organisation = $this->organisationRepository->findByUid($uid)
This is working as long there is an Object in the ObjectStorage. So I can add/delete/change relations. But when $partnerarr is empty an no objects get attached an empty Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage is assigned, the old values do not get "deleted". I also tried to assign null or "" but the an error occures because an ObjectStorage is needed. If I assign the empty ObjectStorage I don't get an error, but the old values still maintain :(
Any idea?
Thank you
Call the detach or removeAll methods to remove certain or all objects of the storage.
/** #var \Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage $organisationPartners */
$organisationPartners = $organisation->getPartner();
foreach ($organisationPartners as $partner) {
Thank you #Wolfgang for your message.
I added the following function to my model:
* detach Partner
* #param Tx_Toco3Marketingdb_Domain_Model_Partner $partner
* #return void
public function detachPartner($partner) {
In the controller I added:
$persistanceManager = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Manager');
$organisation = $this->firmaRepository->findByUid($uid);
$organisationPartners = $organisation->getPartner();
foreach ($organisationPartners as $organisationPartner) {
It is important to persist before setting the new (empty) value...

Using FAL in Extbase correctly

Domain model
class Image extends AbstractContent {
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference
protected $file;
* Gets the image file
* #return \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference
public function getFile() {
return $this->file;
* Sets the image file
* #param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference $file
* #return void
public function setFile($file) {
$this->file = $file;
Import service fragments
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorage
protected $defaultStorage;
$this->defaultStorage = ResourceFactory::getInstance()->getDefaultStorage();
$file = $this->defaultStorage->addFile(
$falReference = ResourceFactory::getInstance()->createFileReferenceObject(
'uid_local' => $file->getUid(),
'uid_foreign' => uniqid('NEW_'),
'uid' => uniqid('NEW_'),
$reference = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FileReference::class);
$content = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Image::class);
After saving $content the image is available through the record and the filemount but the Ref column in BE > FILE > File List) is - and not >= 1. So its look like the reference is some how broken. When I'm using the BE to add an image to the record it's all fine. I'm using TYPO3 CMS 7.3-dev.
What's wrong with my code?
I get the hint in the Slack channel of TYPO3.
You just need to set plugin.tx_myext.persistence.updateReferenceIndex = 1 respectively module.tx_myext.persistence.updateReferenceIndex = 1 and the index will be updated.
Alternatively you could use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ReferenceIndex::updateRefIndexTable().
When I had to use FAL in my extension I found this link:
Since it is in German, I will in the very shortest explain what is done there:
extend your data model in ext_tables.sql
add a column of some char type (e.g. varchar)
add your column to the column section in your TCA array in ext_tables.php
'mypictures' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'My Pictures',
'config' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::getFileFieldTCAConfig('image', array(
'appearance' => array(
'createNewRelationLinkTitle' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:images.addFileReference'
'minitems' => 0,
'maxitems' => 99,
), $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext']),
Extend your modelfiles. Pay attention to annotations!
You can use your media in your fluid template

Unknown column in createFormBuilder

When I try to render a form, I'm getting an error that says "Unknown column in on clause" refering to But id property and getter is defined for User entity. So, what is happening then?
$form = $this->createFormBuilder()
->add('banish', 'entity', array(
'label' => $this->trans("Usuarios a expulsar"),
'class' => 'Pro\UserBundle\Entity\User',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) use ($page){
return $er->createQueryBuilder('User')
->from('Pro\UserBundle\Entity\User', 'u')
->innerjoin('Pro\MembershipBundle\Entity\Membership', 'm', 'WITH', ' = m.user')
->where( ' = :community')
->setParameter('community', $page['community']);
Lets have a look at the original function createQueryBuilder() body which belongs from Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository ,Reference EntityRepository
* Create a new QueryBuilder instance that is prepopulated for this entity name
* #param string $alias
* #return QueryBuilder $qb
public function createQueryBuilder($alias)
return $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->_entityName, $alias);
It first parameter is $alias and the parameter in select() , from() is the same $alias and then it calls the createQueryBuilder() method of Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager, now considering your case
->from('Pro\UserBundle\Entity\User', 'u')
The alias you have selected in createQueryBuilder() is User which is different from the alias you gave in select('u') , from('u') i guess that would be problem ,also when you have defined class in your entity type field you can just directly use it without using again from() method like
$form = $this->createFormBuilder()
->add('banish', 'entity', array(
'label' => $this->trans("Usuarios a expulsar"),
'class' => 'Pro\UserBundle\Entity\User',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) use ($page){
return $er->createQueryBuilder('u')
->innerjoin('Pro\MembershipBundle\Entity\Membership', 'm', 'WITH', ' = m.user')
->where( ' = :community')
->setParameter('community', $page['community']);
Also using WITH in join will join the table with multiple conditions like ON(a.col1=b.col1 AND a.col2=b.col2) so if you have any property that points to membership defined in your user entity you can just use
it will automatically joins your user and membership table like ON(

Extbase ObjectStorage returns a hashcode. But why?

I was just extending an existing Typo3 4.7 Extension with two own Model classes.
It runs quite well, Backendforms look like expected BUT when I try to access some SubObjects of my Model Classes in the templates via Object Accessor {class.subclass.attribute} I am not able to access the attribute. The problem that showed me, is that the Object for the Attribute "mainColor" for example in the Object Storage is a HashCode, which contains the Actual Object I want to access ( the object following the hashcode is the correct related object from the database ).
Does anyone of you have an Idea where the problem might be ?
If any more Code Snippets are needed, I will deliver them. But since I really don't know where the problem comes from, I prefer to not deliver a wall of Code.
* Main Color of Cluster
* #var Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_Alp_Domain_Model_ColorCombination> $mainColor
protected $mainColor;
* Subcolors of Cluster
* #var Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_Alp_Domain_Model_ColorCombination> $subColors
protected $subColors;
* Constructor
* #return void
public function __construct() {
* Initializes all Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage properties.
* #return void
protected function initStorageObjects() {
$this->subColors = new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage();
$this->mainColor = new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage();
'sub_colors' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'Sub-Colors',
'config' => array(
// edited
'type' => 'inline',
'internal_type' => 'db',
'allowed' => 'tx_alp_domain_model_colorcombination',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_alp_domain_model_colorcombination',
'MM' => 'tx_alp_cluster_subcolorcombination_mm',
'MM_opposite_field' => 'parent_cluster',
'size' => 6,
'autoSizeMax' => 30,
'maxitems' => 9999,
'multiple' => 0,
'selectedListStyle' => 'width:250px;',
'wizards' => array(
'_PADDING' => 5,
'_VERTICAL' => 1,
'suggest' => array(
'type' => 'suggest',
Fluid Debug Output can be found here:
Thanks for any help :(
And sorry for my bad English and this is my first question here, hope I did it right ;)
Unless you have a 1:1 relation from a model to a sub model, you cannot access the sub model because the sub model is an ObjectStorage.
* Main Color of Cluster
* #var Tx_Alp_Domain_Model_ColorCombination $mainColor
protected $mainColor;
This means that the Cluster model has exacly one main color (mind the annotation), this is a 1:1 relation.
Therefore using {} will work.
What you are doing is:
* Main Color of Cluster
* #var Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_Alp_Domain_Model_ColorCombination> $mainColor
protected $mainColor;
This means that every Cluster can have multiple main colors, this is a 1:n relation. Therefore you must iterate through the mainColors (and call the property $mainColors):
<f:for each="{cluster.mainColors}" as="mainColor">