When I export my org file to HTML, it generates a table of contents from my headlines. However, I want every headline to have a link back to its entry in the table of content. Is there a way to do this?
I found the answer here: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-01/msg00028.html
I realized what I need is a floating table of content. And worg.css provides just that: http://orgmode.org/worg/style/worg.css
This is an awesome CSS.
There are two ways to insert code blocks from file In GitPitch: Code Delimiter Slide and GIST Delimiter slide (source: https://github.com/gitpitch/gitpitch/wiki/Code-Presenting). Both of them create a new slide with a code block at the top. Is there a way to insert code from source file making slide more flexible i.e. add some title or another content before the code block? Or it was designed following security reasons?
You have asked a number of questions here so I will try to answer each of them in turn.
Is there a way to insert code from source file making slide more flexible i.e. add some title
Absolutely. You can specify a title parameter on your code or gist delimiter and that title text will automatically be rendered directly above the code in your slide.
Here is an example of how to do that using a GIST delimiter:
---?gist=onetapbeyond/494e0fecaf0d6a2aa2acadfb8eb9d6e8&lang=Scala&title=Scala Snippet
You can use this exact same approach to inject some title text using a CODE delimiter.
Is there a way to insert code from source file making slide more flexible i.e. ...or another content before
While you can use the title parameter as just described to inject some title text before your code block, on CODE and GIST delimiter slides you can not add any other content before the code block.
However, you can add any content you want on a CODE or GIST delimiter slide using just regular markdown like you would on any slide following the slide delimiter in your PITCHME.md.
It is also probably worth pointing out for completeness sake that you can also use GitPitch code-presenting with annotations as a way to add content to your slide. Your annotations will be directly injected onto your slide immediate following your code block.
Finally, to your last question:
Or it was designed following security reasons?
No. As you can see above you can add limited content above (titles) and arbitrary content after your CODE or GIST delimiter code blocks.
You can check out the example Let Your GISTs Do The Talking GitPitch presentation to see these features in action. As with every GitPitch, the markdown source is in the corresponding Git repo.
Thanks for asking this question. I realize that I need to update the Wiki to document the use of the title parameter on these delimiters.
What is the correct way to create an anchor in docbook? and is there a way that will make the anchor visible in writer?
I am trying to split up documentation that was previously in single open office documents into smaller asciidoc documents which are both included in the main open office document and also converted to either or both of html & pdf.
I have this mostly working. I use asciidoctor to create html. asciidoctor-pdf to create pdf and a combination of asciidoctor and pandoc to create .odt files. I also tried the python implementation of asciidoc but found the interface less useable.
Round tripping between asciidoc and odt is obviously not possible. This is sort of a fusion where the master document is word processed but pieces of content that can be produced independently (think man pages - in fact that is one of several use cases) are included.
asciidoc to html:
asciidoctor -b html5 foo.adoc -o foo.html
asciidoc to pdf:
asciidoctor-pdf -b pdf foo.adoc -o foo.pdf
asciidoc to odt
asciidoctor -b docbook foo.adoc -o foo.docbook
pandoc --base-header-level=3 -V date:"" -V title:"" -f docbook foo.docbook -o foo.odt
With pandoc I have to nullify the date and title and set the header-level as desired for the section to be inserted as an extra complication.
I insert the resulting .odt into the main document using insert section inside open office.
Note that the main document is not a master document as I could not find a way of creating a master document without also automatically splitting the file on h1 boundaries.
I have two main problems to resolve with this set-up. I would like to add headings in the asciidoc document as cross references and also create entries for them in the alphabetical index (actually the first heading would be suffcient). Is there a way to do this?
Index markers in asciidoc do not result in entries in .odt file being created.
I am able to cross reference content in the inserted section using "insert reference/heading" and referencing the uniquely named header. However, whenever I use "update all" these cross references are invalidated. They are shown as "Error: Reference source not found".
[On a separate note I would also like a way to find broken cross references automatically]
I am currently using libreoffice - Version:
I am not adverse to switching version or flavours (i.e. apache) if one behaves better than the other.
I'm not sure if the answer is in the asciidoc or docbook parts of the chain. I would accept an answer which inserts a index entry at the start of the inserted section (top of the .adoc/docbook file) automatically.
I am also open to changing my toolchain to something that will work.
For example I tried the asciidoc-odt backend and fell foul of https://github.com/dagwieers/asciidoc-odf/issues/47 which does not inspire confidence.
Using asciidoc-odt I avoid the need to create an intermediate docbook file. However, I still can't get the anchor to appear.
I can get a macro to create an anchor but at present I haven't figured out how to run the macro from the command line.
To create an anchor in DocBook, make an inline anchor in the .adoc file. For example, giving this to asciidoctor:
produced this:
<anchor xml:id="X1" xreflabel="[X1]"/>
Conversely, putting this on separate lines did not create an anchor tag in my test:
Section 1
Now for some bad news. From the Pandoc User's Guide:
Internal links are currently supported for HTML formats (including HTML slide shows and EPUB), LaTeX, and ConTeXt.
I interpret this to mean that currently, Pandoc does not create internal links in Writer. When I tried it, the link was ignored.
Note: It looks like I did not answer all of your questions. If you want to ask more about LibreOffice cross references and headings (the big bold paragraph towards the end of the question), maybe you could make a separate question just for that part.
To distinguish this question from Doxygen: Adding a custom link under the "Related Pages" section which has an accepted answer that is not a real answer to the question, I specifically add prewritten to the question.
What I want:
Write one document tex file (without preamble, since this file will be \input-ed into a full document)
Import the document into Doxygen's HTML output.
Using Doxygen to produce tex file will probably not work, since it does too much layout work [This holds for its HTML output too like empty table rows 2015]. If Doxygen takes some other input that can easily be transformed into LaTeX, that will do.
You can easily add an already existing Latex file to your doxygen documentation using \latexonly\input{yourfile}\endlatexonly.
I would assume you put it e.g. under a doxygen \page.
I am playing with Tal's intro to producing word tables with as little overhead as possible in real world situations. (Please see for reproducible examples there - Thanks, Tal!) In real application, tables are to wide to print them on a portrait-oriented page, but you might not want to split them.
Sorry if I have overlooked this in the pandoc or pander documentation, but how do I control page orientation (portrait/landscape) when writing from R to a Word .docx file?
I maybe should add tat I started using knitr+markdown, and I am not yet familiar with LaTex syntax. But I'm trying to pick up as much as possible while getting my stuff done.
I am pretty sure the docx writer has no section breaks implemented, also as far as I understand --reference-docx allows for customizing styles and not the page layout (but I might also be wrong here), this is from pandocs guide on --reference-docx:
Use the specified file as a style reference in producing a docx file.
For best results, the reference docx should be a modified version of a
docx file produced using pandoc. The contents of the reference docx
are ignored, but its stylesheets are used in the new docx. If no
reference docx is specified on the command line, pandoc will look for
a file reference.docx in the user data directory (see --data-dir). If
this is not found either, sensible defaults will be used. The
following styles are used by pandoc: [paragraph] Normal, Title,
Authors, Date, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5,
Block Quote, Definition Term, Definition, Body Text, Table Caption,
Image Caption; [character] Default Paragraph Font, Body Text Char,
Verbatim Char, Footnote Ref, Link.
Which are styles that are saved in the /word/styles.xml component of the docx document.
The page layout on the other hand is saved in the /word/document.xml component in the <w:sectPr> tag, but pandoc's docx writer ignores this part as far as I can tell.
The docx writer builds by default a continuous document, with elements such as headers, paragraphs, simple tables and so on ... much like a html output.
Option #1 (doesn't solve the page orientation problem):
The only page layout option that you can define through styles is the pageBreakBefore which will add a page break before a certain style
Option #2 (seems elegant but hasn't been tested):
Recently the custom writer has been added that allows for a custom lua script, where you should be able to define how certain Pandoc blocks will be written into the output file ... meaning you could potentially define section breaks and page layout for a specific block inserting the sectPr tag into the document. I haven't tried this out but it would be worth investigating. On pandoc github you can check out a sample lua script file for custom html output.
However, this means, you have to have lua installed, learn the language, and it is up to you if you think its worth the time investment.
Optin #3 (a couple of clicks in Word might just do):
As you will probably spend quite some time setting up how to insert sections and what would be the right size, margins, and figuring how to fit the table to such a layout ... I recommend that you use pandoc to put write your document.docx, that you open in Word, and do the layout by hand:
select the table you want on the landscape page
go to Layout > Margins
> select Apply to: Selected text
> choose Page Setup > select Landscape
Now a new section with a landscape orientation should surround your table.
What you would anyway also probably want to do is styling the table and table caption a little (font-size,...), to achieve the best result (all text styling can be already applied with pandoc where --reference-docx comes handy).
Option #4 (in situation when you can just use pdf instead of docx):
As far as I could figure out is that with pandoc does a good job with tables in md -> docx (alignment, style, ... ), in tex -> docx it had some trouble sometimes. However if your option allows for a pdf output latex will be your greatest friend. For example your problem is solved as easily as just using
and adding this around your table
This are the options that I could think of so far.
I would always recommend using the pdf format for reports, as you can style it to your liking with latex and the layout will stay the way you want it to be.
However, I also know that for various reasons word documents are still the main way of reviewing manuscripts in many fields ... so i would most likely just go with my suggested option 3, mostly cause it is a lazy and quick solution and because I usually don't have many documents with tons of giant tables with awkward placement and styling.
Good luck ;-)
Based on Taleb's answer here and some officer package functions, I created a little gist that one can use like this:
title: "Example"
author: "Dan Chaltiel"
I'm in portrait
I'm in landscape
I'm in portrait again
With page-breaks.lua being the file hosted here: https://gist.github.com/DanChaltiel/e7505e62341093cfdc489265963b6c8f
This is far from perfect (for instance it won't work without the last portrait section), but it is quite useful sometimes.
I am trying to put the Microsoft Word document in emacs using org-mode. I have copied the Word Document and pasted in emacs. I like to achieve the headings like in org-mode format.
and then link the TOC to appropriate headings. How I can do that? Any suggestions? Any programming language like Perl has done it?
There is ODT2ORG (https://bitbucket.org/josemaria.alkala/odt2org/wiki/Home) which lets you import odt files in org-mode.
Use Openoffice/Libreoffice to produce an .odt from your .doc.
Use odt2org to get an .org.
About the headings: I am not entirely sure I understand you.
there is org-toc.el included in org-mode that provides a seperate buffer with a TOC of your current document (like in Reftex). All the entries there are already links to the individual headings. Also, an exported document will have a TOC included by default without your intervention.
Orgmode does not support automatically numbered headings (yet). However, if you want to export your document to html, docbook, latex, or pdf, your headings will appear numbered and nested (you can tweak the settings quite a lot).
I doubt that you will get your intended result purely automatically but it should work 70% automatically, especially if you have latex installed and simply want to have a good-looking pdf in the end. Convert doc to odt, convert odt to org, open and type "C-c C-e d".
Another option: Save as an HTML file, then use Pandoc to convert the HTML to an .org file.
I've converted loads of Word documents into Org files. It takes minutes to do it by hand.
If you want cross-references, use internal links (4.2 in the current manual).
The * and ** style headings are always likely to be there in Org. Think of the use case where exports are compiled from #+INCLUDEd files, or you have done a selective export using tags. Any kind of single sourcing technology isn't going to display the numbering.
There is a ruby gem which converts doc to md. With pandoc you can convert to org.