Facebook page update script - facebook

I have a greasemonkey script that tries to make a status update when a facebook page loads.
But when I try to submit, I get the message:
"This status update appears to be blank. Please write something or
attach a link or photo to update your status."
I am guessing that I am bypassing some input validation routine that is called when a real user types in the status.
Here is what I have beem trying.
Consider a FB page like: https://www.facebook.com/IFeakingLoveScience
function setmsg()
var vntext=textHolder.value;
textHolder.value = postvalue;
postbutton = document.getElementsByClassName( "_42ft _4jy0 _11b _4jy3 _4jy1" )[0];
setTimeout(postmsg, 4000); // Give the link in post value load.
function postmsg()
textHolder = document.getElementsByClassName( "uiTextareaAutogrow input mentionsTextarea textInput" )[0];
textHolder.value = postvalue1 + "\n" + postvalue2; // set the value again just in case that helps...
setTimeout(setmsg, 1000); // give a sec for the page to load
Any clues?

Assuming you are running your script on your 'Home' page on facebook, set your status update as the value of the hidden input named "xhpc_message" .
//set input value
document.getElementsByName('xhpc_message')[0].value = 'yourstatusupdategoeshere';
//submit button click
document.getElementsByClassName('_42ft _4jy0 _11b _4jy3 _4jy1 selected')[0].click()


Click Anywhere Pop Up

I'm trying to create a popup (new window) that appears when a person clicks anywhere on the page , but the problem is that my script creates a new tab for every click . I created a blogspot account just for test : http://faqetest123.blogspot.al/
what should I do for that ?
(example of a site that is using the popup that im trying to create is :atdhe.so)
Here is my code :
<script type="text/javascript">
The window.open() function returns a reference to that window. So you should be able to use that reference to navigate to a new URL at a later time. Something like this:
var myPopup;
if (!myPopup) {
myPopup = window.open('http://www.facebook.com');
} else if (myPopup.closed) {
myPopup = window.open('http://www.google.com');
} else {
myPopup.location.href = 'http://www.stackoverflow.com';
Note that this also attempts to check if the user has closed the pop-up and re-opens it.
Edit: Based on your comments below, it looks like I misunderstood. In order to have the popup execute once and then not again, you can simply remove the event handler after processing it. Something like this:
document.onclick = null;

Validate only parts of a form

I have a rather large form, that I've broken up into individual sections with "Next" and "Back" buttons for the user to navigate each step.
Here is how I set it up to work for now:
Each section is within its own xp:panel
Each xp:panel is hidden with "display:none". The transition happens when the user clicks on "Next" or "Back" by using JQuery's fade animation
What I am trying to do is, if the user clicks on "Next" I would like to validate only the fields in the current, visible section. If the validation fails, don't transition to the next step. If the validation passes, transition to the next step.
Right now, when I click on the "Next" button, every field is being validated and the transition doesn't happen.
Is there a way, that I can only validate the fields in a certain section or would I have to use something like Don Mottolo's code snippet: http://openntf.org/XSnippets.nsf/snippet.xsp?id=ssjs-form-validation-that-triggers-errormessage-controls
Thank you for your help!
P.S.: I know I could use the CSJS portion of the onClick event of the button to run some validation, but I'd like to use the "Display Error" controls.
You could look at computing the required attribute of each control that is to be validated and have that check which button is submitting the form. Tommy Vaaland has a function that does this:
// Used to check which if a component triggered an update
function submittedBy( componentId ){
try {
var eventHandlerClientId = param.get( '$$xspsubmitid' );
var eventHandlerId = #RightBack( eventHandlerClientId, ':' );
var eventHandler = getComponent( eventHandlerId );
if( !eventHandler ){ return false; }
var parentComponent = eventHandler.getParent();
if( !parentComponent ){ return false; }
return ( parentComponent.getId() === componentId );
} catch( e ){ /*Debug.logException( e );*/ }
Link: http://dontpanic82.blogspot.co.uk/2010/03/xpages-making-validation-behave.html
You can look at using a client side form validation framework such as Parsley: http://parsleyjs.org
This can of course be combined with server side validation for at least the final submission.

CQ-Dialog page properties can not be stored from site admin but works from sidekick

The purpose of the following function is to allow the user to save the edited page properties in the CQ-Dialog even though if they invalid by clicking on the button save anyway:
PageProperties.showMsg = function(dialog, config, errorMessage) {
CQ.Ext.MessageBox.buttonText.ok = "save anyway";
title : "Completeness check failed",
msg : errorMessage,
buttons: CQ.Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL,
fn : function(buttons) {
if(buttons == "ok") {
dialog.form.items.each(function(field) {
// clear fields with emptyText so emptyText is not submitted
if (field.emptyText && field.el && field.el.dom && field.el.dom.value == field.emptyText) {
var action = new CQ.form.SlingSubmitAction(dialog.form, config);
dialog.form.isValid = function() {
return true;
This functions works fine from the sidekick. When I click on save anyway all current values of the page properites are stored regardless if they are valid or not. This does not work from the site admin. when I call the page properties of the same page from the site admin and try to save the page properties with invalid values by clicking on save anyway, this does not works (old values are stored and nothing changes).
I hope somebody can help. thank you
I found the solution. the problem was the function CQ.Util.reload(). It prevent storing the values

Issue with document.ready function in jQuery

I am having one issue with document.ready jQuery function.
On load the document.ready function is working fine. When I click on the button or href link, I want to reconnect with the document.ready function where I have set of code in JavaScript file.
Here is the actual scenario. Please find below sample JS code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var title = "This is your title";
var shortText = jQuery.trim(title).substring(0, 10).split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "...";
alert(shortText );
After clicking submit button i am adding the input fields data in the below table row. In which description texts are also added in one of table row columns. If description field has more than 100 character, I am pushing the above mentioned JavaScript code from external .JS file. How can i refresh the Java script function without refreshing the page? Anyone have idea?
Please share your opinion.
Create a function, that you can call both in document.ready, and also anywhere else, such as a buttons click event:
function myfunc(){
var title = "This is your title";
var shortText = jQuery.trim(title).substring(0, 10).split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "...";
alert(shortText );
$(document).ready(function() {
//call when document is ready
//call again when button is clicked

Ajax Auto Suggest v.2 suggestion depends on radio button?

I am using auto suggest v.2.1.3 from brandspankingnew.
I have a form with two radio button and a text field and would like to know how to make the auto suggest script pointing to a different php file if one of the radio button is checked.
I tried this but it doesnt work, its always point to the same php file even if second button is checked
Could you please assist?
Many thanks in advance.
My code is as follows:
function targetvalue()
for (i=0;i
/>Business Street
var options = {
callback: function (obj) { document.getElementById('name').value = obj.id; }
var as_json = new bsn.AutoSuggest('business', options);
var options_xml = {
script: function (input) { return "autosuggest.php?input="+input+"&testid="+document.getElementById('testid').value; },
var as_xml = new bsn.AutoSuggest('business', options_xml);
As for me, the easiest solution is to pass the the button state to the one script eg only one script but can return different results depending on button state. Otherwise you need to rewrite options each time someone clicks on the radio button. The second solution an lead to unpredictable behavior of auto suggest component.
Sample script:
var selectedValue = getRadioSelectedValue("radioGroupName");
var options_xml = { script: function (input) { return "autosuggest.php?input="+input+"&testid="+document.getElementById('testid').value+"&mode="+selectedValue; },
Write getRadioSelectedValue by yourself to get selected radio button value or set some flag on click. Mode param in GET request will indicates the state of the button, so you can return proper response.