Group matrix values into separate matrices based on values of another matrix - matlab

I am reading in images with imread which results in 768x1024x3 matrix with R,G,B values of each pixel.
I have a function that takes in an image and returns matrix of segment labels for each pixel so this matrix is 768x1024. the labels are just numbers 1,2,3,4 depending on how many different segments the function finds.
Now I want to calculate the average Red, Green and Blue value in each segment of the image. So I want to use the indices from the segment label matrix to find group all R,G,B values into separate arrays and then be able to calculate the mean.
Is there any smart way to do this? use the indices of each 1 value in the segment matrix to get the values from the imread matrix and group the segments into different arrays? I though of using for loops and brute force through this but is there a better way to do this?

Here's a code that you will get you everything without looping.
%// img is your input RGB image (NxMx3)
%// L is your label matrix (NxM)
t1 = bsxfun(#eq,L,permute(unique(L),[3 2 1]));
t2 = bsxfun(#times,permute(img,[ 1 2 4 3]),t1);
out = squeeze(nanmean(nanmean(t2)))
%// out is the desired output matrix that is (NLx3),
%// where NL is the number of labels. Thus, the mean of labels is
%// along the rows and the corresponding values for R, G and B are in the three
%// columns of it.
Let's test out with some random values for img -
img = randi(9,3,4,3)
Giving us -
img(:,:,1) =
9 7 5 3
7 7 2 4
1 6 7 9
img(:,:,2) =
8 6 6 4
4 9 3 9
3 9 8 1
img(:,:,3) =
5 4 4 5
7 2 5 3
2 3 1 3
Some assumed values for L that goes from 1 to 8
L = [1 3 3 4;
4 5 8 8;
5 6 7 2]
The code output is -
out =
9 8 5
9 1 3
6 6 4
5 4 6
4 6 2
6 9 3
7 8 1
3 6 4
Let's see how to make sense of the output.
Looking at the input, let's choose the label 8, which is at locations (2nd row,3rd col) and (2nd row,4th col). The corresponding R values at these locations in img are [2 4], and thus the R mean/average value must be 3. Similarly for G it must be from [3 9], that is 6 and again for B would be from [5 3], that is 4.
Let's look at the 8th row of out that represents the label-8, we have [3 6 4], which are the mean values as calculated earlier. Similarly other mean values could be interpreted from out.

Edited to handle all channels at once.
Let img be your RGB image and labels the labels array.
You can mask the RGB image with the labels like this:
% create a 3-channels mask:
labelsRGB=repmat(labels, 1, 1, 3);
The average values in the segment labeled as 1 is then:
avg=mean(mean(Segment1, 1), 2);
Get the average for re in avg(1), the average for green in avg(2), etc.
Idem for the other segments.

Here goes a general alternative.
In this case you do not need to loop over the different segments to get the average of each.
%simulated image and label
% actual code for the mean
red_mean = regionprops(labeled, img(:,:,1), 'MeanIntensity')


Reshape a matrix by splitting it after k columns in MATLAB

Suppose that I have a matrix , let's call it A, as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
And I want to reshape it into a matrix like this:
1 2 3 4 5
0 2 4 6 8
1 2 3 4 5
1 3 5 7 9
So, basically, what I want to be done is that MATLAB first reads a block of size (2,5) and then splits the remaining matrix to the next row and then repeats this so on so forth until we get something like in my example.
I tried to do this using MATLAB's reshape command in several ways but I failed. Any help is appreciated. In case that it matters, my original data is larger. It's (2,1080). Thanks.
I don't believe you can do this in a single command, but perhaps someone will correct me. If speed isn't a huge concern a for loop should work fine.
Alternatively you can get your results by reshaping each row of A and then placing the results into every other row of a new matrix. This will also work with your larger data.
A = [1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9];
An = zeros(numel(A)/5, 5); % Set up new, empty matrix
An(1:2:end,:) = reshape(A(1,:), 5, [])'; % Write the first row of A to every other row of An
An(2:2:end,:) = reshape(A(2,:), 5, [])' % Write second row of A to remaining rows
An =
1 2 3 4 5
0 2 4 6 8
1 2 3 4 5
1 3 5 7 9
You may need to read more about indexing in the Matlab's documentation.
For your example, it is easy to do the following
A=[1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5; 0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9]
a1=A(:,1:5); % extract all rows, and columns from 1 to 5
a2=A(:,6:end); % extract all rows, and columns from 6 to end
B=[a1;a2] % construct a new matrix.
It is not difficult to build some sort of loops to extract the rest.
Here's a way you can do it in one line using the reshape and permute commands:
B = reshape(permute(reshape(A,2,5,[]), [1,3,2]), [], 5);
The reshape(A,2,5,[]) command reshapes your A matrix into a three-dimensional tensor of dimension 2 x 5 x nblocks, where nblocks is the number of blocks in A in the horizontal direction. The permute command then swaps the 2nd and 3rd dimensions of this 3D tensor, so that it becomes a 2 x nblocks x 5 tensor. The final reshape command then transforms the 3D tensor into a matrix of dimension (2*nblocks) x 5.
Looking at the results at each stage may give you a better idea of what's happening.

How to create more than one matrix in a row using matlab

I am trying to get a series of vectors which come from the same original, to make an easy example, suppose this vector V= (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) (of course mine is bigger)
The first vector has to look like this:
R1=(1,3,5,7,9)= V(1:1:end)
The second vector:
The third vector:
The fourth vector:
So my questions are:
Is there an easier way to get this result?
How can I know the total number of Ri vectors with distance = 1 that can obtained from V?
Use Matlab's cell object which can hold a vector in every cell.
Use a for loop to fill this cell object gradually.
Code example:
%initialize V
V= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
%initialize an empty cell of size [10,1]
R= cell(length(V)-2,1);
%fill the cell
for ii=1:length(R)
R{ii} = V(ii:2:end);
%prints results
for ii=1:length(R)
Results (each row is a different vector):
1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 10
3 5 7 9
4 6 8 10
5 7 9
6 8 10
7 9
8 10

Indices of max values in matrix

Let's say I have the following matrix:
j =
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
I would like to get back the following matrix:
z =
3 4
4 4
My experience with the max command hasn't yielded a result that resembles z, it appears that the max function turns the argument into a column vector.
It appears you want the row and column indices of all occurrences of the maximum computed across all dimensions (i.e. the maximum is a single value, which possibly appears in several entries). Then:
[rows, cols] = find(j==max(j(:)));
result = [rows cols];

find and index equal values in multidimensional matrix

I am producing a three dimensional matrix with two rows(e.g. a 2x1000x10 matrix). These contain x- and y-coordinates for dot motion paths, where the first line contains the x-coordinates and the second line the y-coordinates. The number of columns (here: 1000) depends on the length of the motion paths. The number of levels in the third dimension depends on the number of dots (here: 10).
I want to know if some dots are going to overlap, i.e. if any x- and y-coordinates across the third dimension at the same time point t, i.e. any combination of (:, t, :), are identical. So the comparison will be within the matrix.
i = [1:size(matrix, 3)];
j = [1:size(matrix, 3)];
t = [1:size(matrix, 2)];
crash = any(coordinates(:, t, i)==coordinates(:, t, j))
would be trivial because i and j can be the same and thus say that the point is equal to itself.
Do you know how I can detect equal value combinations across matrix dimensions? How do I index them if they exist?
I think this does what you want. To find out if there's a crash:
t = bsxfun(#eq, coordinates, permute(coordinates, [1 2 4 3]));
crash = any(sum(any(all(t,1),2),4)>1,3);
We first use bsxfun to compute a 4D array (t) that tests for equality in the same coordinate (1st dim) and the same position along path (2nd dim), where the 3rd and 4th dims run over all pairs of dots. A crash occurs if both coordinates (all(,...,1)) are equal for any column (any(...,2)) in more than one "other" dot (sum(...,4)>1) for any "reference" dot (any(...,3)). We need to specify "more than one" because any dot is at least equal to itself (for a given position and coordinate).
>> coordinates = randi(9,2,5,4)
coordinates(:,:,1) =
7 4 3 3 8
7 1 4 2 4
coordinates(:,:,2) =
8 7 8 4 8
4 4 7 2 9
coordinates(:,:,3) =
3 4 7 8 5
7 8 2 9 8
coordinates(:,:,4) =
6 2 7 8 5
2 4 8 3 1
>> t = bsxfun(#eq, coordinates, permute(coordinates, [1 2 4 3]));
>> crash = any(sum(any(all(t,1),2),4)>1,3)
crash =
>> coordinates(:,2,4) = coordinates(:,2,1) %// 4th dot equal to 1st dot in column 2
coordinates(:,:,1) =
7 4 3 3 8
7 1 4 2 4
coordinates(:,:,2) =
8 7 8 4 8
4 4 7 2 9
coordinates(:,:,3) =
3 4 7 8 5
7 8 2 9 8
coordinates(:,:,4) =
6 4 7 8 5
2 1 8 3 1
>> t = bsxfun(#eq, coordinates, permute(coordinates, [1 2 4 3]));
>> crash = any(sum(any(all(t,1),2),4)>1,3)
crash =
To find the coordinates of the crash:
t = bsxfun(#eq, coordinates, permute(coordinates, [1 2 4 3]));
[m,n,p] = size(coordinates);
ii = find(squeeze(all(bsxfun(#times, t, ...
bsxfun(#ne, reshape(1:p, 1,1,[]), reshape(1:p, 1,1,1,[]) )),1)));
[col, dot_ref, dot_oth] = ind2sub([n p p], ii);
In the latter example, this gives
col =
dot_ref =
dot_oth =
which tells you that the dot 4 equals dot 1 in column 2; and then of course that dot 1 equals dot 4 in column 2.
This computes the same t as above. It then multiplies by a logical mask along the third and fourth dimensions (bsxfun(#ne, reshape(1:p, 1,1,[]), reshape(1:p, 1,1,1,[]) )) to avoid detecting each dot as similar to itself. Finally, it requires that all coordinates (all(...,1)) be the same in order to declare two dots as crashing, and applies find to locate those dots. The result (ii) is a linear index into a 3D array of dimensions path length × number of dots × number of dots, which is translated by ind2sub into position along path and identities of crashing dots.
A=[1 2 ;3 4];B=[5 6;3 9];
ans =
0 0
1 0
This works in 2D, but also in 3D. You can find the location of the equal numbers by using find:
C=permute(A,[3 2 1]);
D=permute(B,[3 2 1]);
ans =
where 3 is a linear index to the location of the equal number.
for ii = 1:size(A,3)-1
for jj = ii+1:size(A,3)
[r{ii,jj},c{ii,jj},v{ii,jj}] = find(squeeze(A(:,:,ii))==squeeze(A(:,:,jj)));
This will loop over your matrices in the third dimension, i.e. your physical dots. It will squeeze out the 2D matrix per dot and check that against every other dot's 2D matrix. If it finds any, it will store the row, column and value at the intersection in the cells r, c and v, where the indices correspond to the dot numbers, i.e. r{2,4} will give the row numbers of intersections between dot 2 and 4.

How to change the value of the diagonal column of the matrix?

How do I change the list of value to all 1? I need the top right to bottom left also end up with 1.
rc = input('Please enter a value for rc: ');
mat = ones(rc,rc);
for i = 1:rc
for j = 1:rc
mat(i,j) = (i-1)+(j-1);
final = mat
final(diag(final)) = 1 % this won't work?
Code for the original problem -
Explanation: As an example consider a 5x5 final matrix, the diagonal elements would have indices as (1,1), (2,2) .. (5,5). Convert these to linear indices - 1, 7 and so on till the very last element, which is exactly what 1:size(final,1)+1:end gets us.
Edit : If you would like to set the diagonal(from top right to bottom left elements) as 1, one approach would be -
Explanation: In this case as well we can use linear indexing, but just for more readability and maybe a little fun, we can use logical indexing with a proper mask, which is being created with fliplr(eye(size(final)))==1.
But, if you care about performance, you can use linear indexing here as well, like this -
Explanation: Here we are creating the linear indices with the rows and columns indices of the elements to be set. The rows here would be - 1:size(final,1) and columns are size(final,2):-1:1. We feed these two to sub2ind to get us the linear indices that we can use to index into final and set them to 1.
If you would to squeeze out the max performance here, go with this raw version of sub2ind -
final([size(final,2)-1:-1:0]*size(final,1) + [1:size(final,1)])=1
All of the approaches specified so far are great methods for doing what you're asking.
However, I'd like to provide another viewpoint and something that I've noticed in your code, as well as an interesting property of this matrix that may or may not have been noticed. All of the anti-diagonal values in your matrix have values equal to rc - 1.
As such, if you want to set all of the anti-diagonal values to 1, you can cheat and simply find those values equal to rc-1 and set these to 1. In other words:
final(final == rc-1) = 1;
Minor note on efficiency
As a means of efficiency, you can do the same thing your two for loops are doing when constructing mat by using the hankel command:
mat = hankel(0:rc-1,rc-1:2*(rc-1))
How hankel works in this case is that the first row of the matrix is specified by the vector of 0:rc-1. After, each row that follows incrementally shifts values to the left and adds an increasing value of 1 to the right. This keeps going until you encounter the vector seen in the second argument, and at this point we stop. In other words, if we did:
mat = hankel(0:3,3:6)
This is what we get:
mat =
0 1 2 3
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6
Therefore, by specifying rc = 5, this is the matrix I get with hankel, which is identical to what your code produces (before setting the anti-diagonal to 1):
mat =
0 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
Tying it all together
With hankel and the cheat that I mentioned, we can compute what you are asking in three lines of code - with the first line of code asking for the dimensions of the matrix:
rc = input('Please enter a value for rc: ');
mat = hankel(0:rc-1, rc-1:2*(rc-1));
mat(mat == rc-1) = 1;
mat contains your final matrix. Therefore, with rc = 5, this is the matrix I get:
mat =
0 1 2 3 1
1 2 3 1 5
2 3 1 5 6
3 1 5 6 7
1 5 6 7 8
Here's a simple method where I just add/subtract the appropriate matrices to end up with the right thing:
final=mat-diag(diag(mat-1))+fliplr(diag([2-rc zeros(1,rc-2) 2-rc]))
Here is one way to do it:
Say we have a the square matrix:
a = ones(5, 5)*5
a =
5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5
You can remove the diagonal, then create a diagonal list of ones to replace it:
a = a - fliplr(diag(diag(fliplr(a)))) + fliplr(diag(ones(length(a), 1)))
a =
5 5 5 5 1
5 5 5 1 5
5 5 1 5 5
5 1 5 5 5
1 5 5 5 5
The diag(ones(length(a), 1)) can be any vector, ie. 1->5:
a = a - fliplr(diag(diag(fliplr(a)))) + fliplr(diag(1:length(a)))
a =
5 5 5 5 1
5 5 5 2 5
5 5 3 5 5
5 4 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5