Infinite Ajax Scroll insert content every 2 posts wordpress - jquery-ias

I have installed infinite ajax scroll on my wordpress blog and it's working fine.
The one thing I'm having trouble with is I have my posts set up to add in some content every 2nd post. This works fine on the first page, but as soon as the infinite scroll kicks in, it doesn't load the content every 2nd option anymore.
I'm not very clever at javascript and would appreciate any tips you can send my way. I have read that I can use onRenderComplete: however I'm not sure how to actually implement this on the page.
my current code calls in the post like this:
<? $count = 0;
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
if ($count % 2 == 0){?>
ADD Content
<?php }
and then after that is my normal post function.
At the very end I have this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var ias2 = $.ias2({
container: ".col1",
item: ".posthp",
pagination: ".pagenavi",
next: ".nextpostslink"
ias2.extension(new IASTriggerExtension({offset: 10}));
ias2.extension(new IASSpinnerExtension());
ias2.extension(new IASNoneLeftExtension({html: '<div style="text-align:center"><p><em>No More Posts</em></p></div>'}));
Appreciate any help at all thanks.

Wrap the content you add every two items in an element with the class posthp.


Protractor - get specific element in a list

I have a list of pages in a table and need to click on the next page.
So, if the browser is currently on page 1, I need to click on page 2.
I am currently getting the elements by "td", going through a for loop (or mapping function) to try and find the current page, and then trying to find the next page. I keep getting memory issues or timeouts the way I'm currently trying to solve it.
Mapping function (memory issues) gist:
For loop (timeout) gist:
The for loop also looks like it has the potential issue of not necessarily resolving the pages in the correct order.
Note: I can't change the html.
Assuming your current page is has the span, something like this should work...
var clickNextPage = function() {
$('td span').getText().then(function(pageNum) {
element(by.cssContainingText('td a', pageNum + 1)).click();
This function should click the href based on the page number you pass in.
var visitPage = function (pageNumber) {
$('a[href="' + pageNumber + '"']).click();
it('should visit page three', function () {

Angular -- data-binding for a form that grows

I'm trying to create a form with data-binding that the user can add items to; they can click a button to add another text field (in this example it's the "plus" button). Here's a screenshot:
I've got things working now so more list items appear when the user clicks the button, but I can't find a clean and simple solution for how to let each form-element bind to a separate instruction in the model (theoretically in some sort of array in $scope.form). So right now, every instruction text area always contains the same text (as expected, which is the problem).
Here's my view code (in jade, but should be readable):
li( ng-repeat='instruction in form.instructions' )
input( name='instruction[]' type='text' ng-model='form.instructions.text' )
| <br>
input( type='button' value='+' ng-click='addInstr()' )
Here's my controller code.
formControllers.controller('new-instruction-set-ctrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.form = $scope.form || {};
$scope.form.instructions = [{}];
$scope.addInstr = function() {
This finally worked for me. See live demo in Plunker.
li( ng-repeat='instruction in form.instructions' )
input( name='instruction[]' type='text' ng-model='form.instructions[$index].text')
I didn't have to change my controller at all.
$index is automatically provided by ng-repeat.

Using jquery-ias with async-loaded content

I've somewhat successfully integrated the jQuery Infinite Ajax Scroll plugin into my development site - it is used twice, first on the thread list on the left, second when you load up an individual topic - but I'm having trouble with the second ias instance here.
Basically the content of a topic is loaded via $.get and then rendered into the page, and then I trigger setupThreadDetailDownwardScroll() in JS which creates an instance of ias:
var iasDetail = jQuery.ias({
container: "#reply-holder",
item: ".post",
pagination: ".threaddetail-pagination",
next: ".load-next-inner-link a",
delay: 2000,
if (iasDetail.extension) {
iasDetail.extension(new IASPagingExtension());
iasDetail.extension(new IASTriggerExtension({
text: 'More Replies',
html: '<div class="scroll-pager"><span>{text}</span></div>',
offset: 10,
iasDetail.extension(new IASNoneLeftExtension({html: '<div class="scroll-message"><span>No more replies</span></div>'}));
iasDetail.extension(new IASHistoryExtension({
prev: '.load-previous-inner-link a',
iasDetail.on('load', function() {
iasDetail.on('rendered', function() {
But the problem is that this only works with whatever the first topic you load is - you'll get working pagination in the first thread, but then it'll fallback to anchor links when you open the next thread.
So I figured that I needed to rebind ias once this new content is inserted, and this is why I have added the unbind() call in rendered, and then I re-call setupThreadDetailDownwardScroll() whenever another thread is loaded. This doesn't work either though.
Is there a correct procedure here?
You are using jQuery.ias(...) which binds to the scroll event of $(window). In your case you probably want to bind to an overflow div. Therefor you should specify the scrollContainer like this:
Based on you comment I took another look at it and might have found an answer. When you call jQuery.ias({...}); IAS gets setup and waits for $(document).ready to initialize. You say you want to initialize IAS in your setupThreadDetailDownwardScroll function. You can try to initialize IAS yourself with the following code

Not-in-the-same-line radiobutton values

I'm building a "buffet menu list" form which has a lot of options for the "menu" radiobutton.
However I noted that all those values are "inline" just like in this example:
I'd like to know in first instance how could I add a line break on every value, and then, how could I simulate groups by adding some sort of < p> < /p> between specific option values (logical grouping).
Thanks in advance!
There are two solutions I can think of.
Look at the examples here for some inspiration:
1. Adding custom field to grid
First, create a form with no mark-up:
$form = $this->add('Form',null,null,array('form_empty'));
Next, add Grid into a form like this:
$grid = $form->add('Grid'); // or MVCGrid if you are using models
Add a column for selection:
->setTemplate('<input type=radio name=selection value="<?$id?>"/>');
Finally - make sure the column 'selection' is first (or last)
Finally you need to manually look into the POST data, because it's not a real form column.
$this->js()->univ()->successMessage('Selection is '+((int)$_POST['selection']))
You must remember that accessing POST directly exposes you to injection attack and you must validate it properly. Grid also MUST be inside the form, however you can place submit button anywhere else on your page. You can also use "Form_Plain", see "" for an example.
2. Using JavaScript and hidden field
In this example you can add a bunch of Radio button elements and tie them to a form. I've also using "Lister" here instead of "Grid", of course you can mix-and-match those approaches.
$form = $this->add('Form');
$selection = $form->addField('line','selection');
// can be placed anywhere.
$menu = $this->add('MVCLister',null,null,array('view/menu'));
// produces $('#menu_id').find('input[type=radio]').click(function(){
// $('#selection_id').val( $(this).val() );
// }
Your view/menu.html template file could look like this:
<div class="menu-container">
<div><input type="radio" name="anything" value="<?$id?>"> <?$name?> </div>
EDIT: code which worked for Fernando
->setTemplate('<input type=\'radio\' name=\'selection\' value="<?$value?>"/> <?$value?>');
->successMessage('Hoy: <b>'.$_POST['selection'].'</b>')->execute();

Preventing HTTP REQUEST on javascript DOM update

I am getting re-execution of imported js files upon a hitting a form button which calls a function to insert a DOM element into page ( in simulation to exe of an ajx callback function). The DOM insertion causes a page refresh which re-requests all files from server.
Nothing big on the function call:
var addFashionVideo = function() {
var nodeContainer = document.getElementById('vidList');
var mytitle = document.forms.addVideo.newVidName.value;
var addTextNode = document.createTextNode(mytitle);
var newLI = document.createElement('LI');
return this;
TARGET DIV for DOM update code is :
<div id="ajParent" class="aj" style="width:325px;background-color:blue;color:white;">
<ul id="vidList">
<li>Watch Fashion Paris Video</li>
I place an alert on this page and after the function attempts to insert the new LI
[ oddly the LI appears for a split second then disappears ] a page refresh is triggered
and my alert on the page re-executes.
// Perhaps Maybe I have a browser issue on this computer or I am just to new of a scripter
// to not see the problem...any comment appreciated.
The minute you hit submit on a form, the page will reload since you have made a GET request with the form. In order to stop the form from submitting you would have to make it return false on submit. e.g.
document.getElementById('formname').onsubmit = function {
return false;
You would have to make sure to disable form submission so the page doesn't reload, then you could run your ajax request on submission and do what you must on success in the ajax function.
I really doubt your dom insertion is causing the reload.