I need to get data from a server, and this takes time; usually 30 min or more.
I have a builder that gets data from this server; I would like that no other builders on this slave, will run, if I am still running this builder. Once done, the other builder can run concurrently, respecting my settings related to the max concurrent build.
How do I achieve this? I was looking at locks, but the manual does not have a clear example that show how do I setup a builder to block all the others until is done.
Does anyone has an example that I can use to setup my configuration, and where every piece goes? Thanks
A lock example would be:
import sys
from buildbot import locks
build_lock = locks.SlaveLock("slave_builds",
A build with this lock will have exclusive access to the slave.
There are not badly explained, more complex examples in Interlocks section of the documentation
When I create a ParametersVariation simulation, the main model does not run. All I see is the default UI with iterations completed and replication. My end goal (as with most people) is to have a model go through a certain number of replications, but nothing is even running. There is limited documentation available on this. Please advise.
This is how Parameters Variation is intended to work. If you're running 1000 runs and multiple replications with parallel runs, how can you see what's happening in Main in each?
Typically, the best way to benefit from such an experiment is to track the results of each run using elements from the Analysis palette or even better to export results to Excel or similar.
To be able to collect data, you need to write your code in Java actions fields with root. to access elements in main (or top-level agent).
Check the example below, where after each run a variable from main is added to a dataset in the Parameters Variation experiment. At the end of 100 runs for example, the dataset will have 100 values of the main variable, with 1 value for each run.
When using the Java client to start a workflow in Candece "executionStartToCloseTimeoutSeconds" is required on the Workflow. If I have a workflow that can run for an indeterminate amount of time, how do I get around this restriction?
That was a mistake to require this value. The new version of the platform I'm working on (temporal.io) defaults this value to infinity.
an indeterminate amount of time
First of all I believe indeterminate amount of time is not infinite amount of time.
As letting a workflow execution run and grow infinitely is anti-pattern in Cadence workflow. See Recommendation #5 in this article https://longquanzheng.github.io/cadence-lab/book/learnings/what-should-be-in-a-workflow-or-an-activity-in-cadence.html
A good timeout value can protect your workflow grow infinitely.
Because it's not recommended to let workflow run forever, as it will cause potential performance issue in both worker and server, the original idea is to enforce client providing a timeout value. We didn't provide defaults, as it's difficult to have a reasonable default for all use cases.
A too small default values will be even worse, because no one like workflow timeouted in production unexpectedly. Even though you can use "Reset" command to reopen it.
A too big default value, like Maxim suggests, is slightly better than too small values. But I personally disagree because that induces client forget thinking about how long the workflow will run, and how long the workflow history will grow. This will also turn out to be a production issue at some points later.
The biggest issue I see is that this required option is not friendly. It should be compiling error instead of running error. I think this is probably we can improve in Cadence -- if this is a required field, make it required at coding experience. At the same time provide some hardcoded fake "infinite" value to help some edge cases may also make sense.
Back to you question, I would suggest using some fake infinite value if you think it's indeterminate. An good example here is in Cadence system workflow: https://github.com/uber/cadence/blob/11547ee6db5dd306cb507b263381a6ea94c3faf1/service/worker/scanner/workflow.go#L48
There is a question: Is there a possibility to set tests to perform priority in selenoid.
Problem: There is a suite> 20 tests, correspondingly at startup it fills the queue. After that, another test is run. He gets to the end of the line.
Is there an option to make it run as soon as the browser is freed, without waiting for all the tests to run before it?
No, this is not possible in current implementation. All incoming requests have equal priority. Two alternatives:
I think such issues should be addressed in test framework of you choice. For example for py.test a quick search shows a plugin for ordering your tests: https://github.com/ftobia/pytest-ordering Not sure whether it works.
You could also install Ggr and use different Selenoids and quota names for different tests, but this seems to be too much complicated for your case.
My company has a couple of joblets that we put in new jobs to do things like initialization of variables, get system information from the database and sending out error / warning emails. The issue we are running into is that if we go ahead and start creating the components of a job and realize that we forgot to include these 3 joblets, we have to basically re-create the job to ensure that the joblets are added first so they run first.
Is there any way to force these joblets to run first and possibly also in a certain order before moving on to the contents of the job being created? Please let me know if there is any information you may need that I'm missing as I have only been using Talend for a few days. The rest of the team has not been using it too much longer than I have, so they do not have the answer I'm looking for either. Thanks in advance!
In Joblets you can use the components Trigger_Input and Trigger_Output as connection-points for on subjob OK triggers. So you can connect joblets and other components in a job with triggers. Thus enforcing execution order.
But you cannot get a on subjob OK trigger from a tPreJob. I am thinking on triggering from a tPreJob to a tWarn (on component OK) and then from tWarn to the joblet (on subjob OK).
I have a test suite of ~ 1500 tests and they generally run and finish within 'reasonable time'.
Recently, however, I've changed parts of the code to use threads -- and now my builds fail from time to time by simply timing out. I imagine that a thread refuses to die and the build waits until reaching the maximum build time.
My problem is how to detect which test is causing the problem?
Can I activate some logging that shows me that a test has started/finished? I can of course be done by inserting code in every single test method - or just the fixtures, but that is A LOT of work that I'd rather avoid.
I'd suggest upgrading to NUnit 2.5 and decorating your tests with Timeout attribute, specifying maximum per-test run time. For example, you can put this in your AssemblyInfo.cs:
[assembly: NUnit.Framework.Timeout(100)]
NUnit will now launch each test in a separate thread and cancell it if it exceeds its time slot. However, this might be costly, so it's probably better to identify long-running tests and then remove assembly-level attribute in favor of test-fixture time slots. You can also override this on individual tests, assigning them more time to run.
This way you move the timeout/hang detection from CruiseControl.Net to NUnit and get information inside the report on the tasks that did not complete properly. Unfortunately there's no way for CC.Net to get this information when it has to kill the process because of timeout.