Entity framework - own type filed - entity-framework

I'm all new to EF and I'm looking for using my own type.
Can I use this type to map it to field at database.
Normally I should map:
DateTime to Date (Oracle)
I need to map:
MyDateType to Date (Oracle)
Can anybody help me to make it?
Is it possible? Maybe other ORM can make it?

U can use another not mapped property of your own type:
public DateTime Date{ get; set; }//this is mapped to db
public MyDateType MyDateTimeProperty
get { return /*conversion from DateTime to MyDateType */; }
set { Date= /*conversion from MyDateType to DateTime*/; }


Not able to query MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId using ElasticSearch Nest Client

I have a c# model which represents a collection/table in MongoDB. Assume it looks something like:
public class MyModel
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public ObjectId ClaimId { get; set; }
pub string SomeStringProperty { get; set; }
//..other props
This model has several properties with type ObjectId which is part of MonboDB.Bson Package.
Problem: When I index my List<MyModel> to my ElasticSearch server using NEST, all ObjectId type fields of MyModel look like following structure in ElasticSearch:
Question: How can I query the data in ElasticSearch having ObjectId field in 'where' clause of query?
When I have to filter over string field SomeStringProperty of MyModel, I can do following, which works good:
var result =
_elasticClient.Search<MyModel>(x => x
.Query(q => q
.Term(p => p.SomeStringProperty.Suffix("keyword"), filterValue)
But how can I apply same filter on ObjectId field? I tried few things but it wasn't matching, and I think that is because its value has completely been changed in elasticsearch server. Is there a way to query over this field?
I went through several articles on SO, but couldn't find similar or exactly like this issue. And secondly, I'm just beginner with ElasticSearch world. Any help/guideline will be appreciated.

Including read-only columns in an Entity Framework model

Suppose I have a .NET Entity Framework model class:
public class Foo
public int FooId { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public DateTime Created { get; set; }
public DateTime LastUpdated { get; set; }
The Created and LastUpdated columns in my SQL Server table, both of type DATETIME2, have a DEFAULT constraint (SYSUTCDATETIME()). An AFTER UPDATE trigger sets LastUpdated to SYSUTCDATETIME whenever the Description is changed.
In my code, when I'm reading from the Foo table, I want Created and LastUpdated included, because I want to use their values. But when I'm adding a row to the table, I don't want them included in the Add because I want SQL Server to use the default value I've configured it to use. I thought it would just have been a matter of having
Foo foo = new Foo
Description = "This is my latest foo."
but C# is giving the two date properties their own default value of 0001-01-01T00:00:00.000000, which isn't null, and this is what's getting recorded in the table.
Isn't there an attribute that tells the framework not to write a property back to the database? It isn't NotMapped because that would prevent the values from being read.
`Don't you hate when you find the answer right after posting your question?
[DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)] omits the property from inserts and updates.
[DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] omits the property from inserts.
The latter will take care of EndDate, which I didn't illustrate in my post. I have the database set a default value of 9999-12-31T23:59:59 on insert, but my application will change its value later when Foo is meant to expire.
What kills me is they based the naming on specific use cases that wouldn't come to mind in a different scenario. They ought to have gone with [SkipOnInsert] and [SkipOnUpdate] (which could then be combined as needed).

Saving enum into mongoDB

Is there a way to save enum into the mongoDB? I want to save something like:
public enum SnapshotType {
I assume you mean saving an enum value into a collection.
Basically, you just add it into your entity model, like so:
#Document(collection = "MyEntity ")
public class MyEntity {
public SnapshotType snapshotType;
It will store it as a string in mongo, and automagically convert when you read it out.
Just save the result. There are no schemas in mongo.

mongodb insert creation time separated from objectId

I am using mongodb with the official c# driver.
I am using Guids as Id field for my objects. I don't want to introduce a dependency on the mongodb bson classes so I am not using ObjectId in my domain layer.
Is it possible to instruct mongodb to insert a creation timestamp into objects that I insert into the datastore?
public class Foo
public Guid Id {get;set;}
public DateTime CreatedOn {get;set;}
Using mongodb idGenerators I can get the Guids generated upon insert. I know ObjectId has the timestamp included but as mentioned I wouldn't want my class to look like this
public class Foo
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOn {get { return Id.CreationTime;}}
Is it important that it's the inserted timestamp and not the object's created timestamp? If not then do it in the constructor of the class. Or even better, a base class for your class(es).
public abstract class BaseClass
public Guid Id {get;set;}
public DateTime CreatedOn {get;set;}
protected BaseClass()
Guid = new Guid();
CreatedOn = new DateTime.UtcNow;
public class Foo : BaseClass
Is this something you can use for it?
You can have an _id which is itself a document :
in json : { _id : {guid : ...., createdOn : ....} , field1 : ..., field2:....}
You just have to modify your idGenerator to have this behavior.
I recommend, however, that you really re-consider to use ObjectId.
If you're trying to make your domain layer pure and free of persistence concerns, then it makes sense to populate the creation date yourself in the domain layer, when deciding to create an entity, instead of relying on the database technology to put in a server timestamp.
This makes "creation date" a logical domain concept rather than the DB's concept of "timestamp when first stored in DB". The two can differ e.g. in cases of migrating data (but keeping the timestamp), deferring execution (e.g. in jobs), etc.
It also creates a healthy separation between "physical timestamp" and "logical timestamp" which you can further exploit during testing/mocking (e.g. you could have a test that says "do X, then change the logical time to 2 days in the future, then assert Y").
Finally, it forces you to think of what the creation date means in your domain layer instead of blindly assuming that it will be correct.
All this being said, if you insist on having it in MongoDB you can have a mapping that creates an ObjectID into some kind of hidden field (e.g. an explicitly-implemented interface) at insert time, and extracts its timestamp into the CreationDate field at read time.

EF Code First date field to equal current time

I have a field in my model class like below:
public DateTime DatePosted { get; set; }
I would like that this field be set to DateTime.Now by default, unless a value was given. In MSSQL server this can be achieved in the table design view by setting the date field's property "Default Value or Binding" to getdate() - I think, please correct me if I'm wrong.
you can set default values in constructor of your model class,
public YourModel(){
this.DatePosted =DateTime.Now;
how can we add a DB contraint do do that.
some thing that will do the below SQL
[DateCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL DEFAULT GetDate(),