Show raise to power in static text Matlab [closed] - matlab

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm making a GUI in MATLAB. I want to know how to show/represent raise to power in static text in MATLAB.

Use the ^ character. MATLAB implemented basic TeX style formatting several years ago into text boxes, so _ is interpreted as subscript. If you actually want these symbols to appear in your text, place a \ then place your symbol after it (i.e. \_ or \^).


How to Test conditional independence between random variables using available samples? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I test for the independence between two random variable given another one(i.e. whether P(A|C)=P(A|C,B) or not?) using available samples. in other words, I just have 1000 samplesf for 3 random variables generated by bntoolbox on Matlab and now I wanna test for CI between arbitrary random variables.
I've read something about Fisher's method but honestly don't understand it.
Thanks is advance.

printing special ascii characters that appear as empty string in matlab [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to print the NAK char over serial to a device. On putty, I do this with Ctrl+U. However, in matlab I don't think I'm doing this correctly. I tried:
to no avail.
in matlab, disp(char(21)) shows nothing, what should I be doing?

homework: Simplify f=Σ(8,12,13,14)+dΣ(3,7,9,10) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I was doing this question of boolean algebra, Simplify f=Σ(8,12,13,14)+dΣ(3,7,9,10) using karnaugh map.. can anyone please tell me what is d in this question? I know its a stupid question but i couldn't find it on google. And please tell me what this question means? i mean like straight away simplifying without the d expression is okay but what does the d expression signify in here ?
d stands for 'don't care'. Cells 3,7,8,10 do not affect the value of F.
This helps because you might be able to get a simpler expression if you ignore those cells.

Visiblox Charting: Ruler Behavior for calculating delta values [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Has anybody experience of working on RulerBehavior of Visiblox charting toolkit? I am looking for some delta finding examples. Visiblox forum does not contain any such information. So if anyone can share his/her experience.
thanks in advance
Delta values?
As in Max value minus Min value?
Here is what I do:
double xMeasure = (double)MyRuler.MaxX - (double)MyRuler.MinX;
double yMeasure = (double)MyRuler.MaxY - (double)MyRuler.MinY;

How to load .txt file on Matlab and how to work on it? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm new on Matlab. I don't know how to load .txt file end then open it to start work. The file is composed by 1 column with over 10.000 elements. I'm going to open it and then to deleted some elements, these deleted elements must be more little than a fixed value, how can I do it.
Thank you very much for your time.
Read the following part of the user guide:
or use the MATLAB editor if you want to do it interactively: