How to encrypt and decrypt a specific column in a file by using Perl? - perl

I have log file like below,
aa 12 in
bb 13 freak
cc 14 test
I want to encrypt and as well as decrypt the field "LOCATION". How to do that by using any Encryption module in Perl ?
Since I'm new to Perl, help me .

Use Crypt::CBC
A sample script
use strict;
use Crypt::CBC;
unless (scalar #ARGV == 3) {
die "Usage: $0 encrypt|decrypt|en|de \$mysecretkey \$file_to_dencrypt";
my $type = shift #ARGV;
my $key = shift #ARGV;
my $file = shift #ARGV;
die "The first ARGV should be one of de, en, encrypt, decrypt" if ($type !~ /^(en|de)(crypt)?$/);
die "the file $file is not existence" unless (-f $file);
my $DEBUG = 1;
print "type is $type, key is $key, file is $file\n" if $DEBUG;
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
-key => $key,
-cipher => 'Blowfish'
local $/;
open(FH, $file) or die $!;
flock(FH, 2);
my $data = <FH>;
my ($save_data, $save_file);
if ($type =~ /^en(crypt)?$/) {
$save_data = $cipher->encrypt($data);
$save_file = $file . '.encrypt';
} else {
$save_data = $cipher->decrypt($data);
$save_file = $file . '.decrypt';
open(FH, '>', $save_file) or die $!;
print FH $save_data;
if (-e $save_file) {
print "$type file $file to $save_file OK\n";
} else {
print "failed without reason\n";


Compare two files and write matching data from first file using perl

First file
Second file
Have to compare first and second file and print matching rows with data from first file which is have new ID's.
Below script fetches me Old_ID's from second file and not the new ones from first file
use warnings;
use strict;
my $details = 'file2.txt';
my $old_details = 'file1.txt';
my %names;
open my $data, '<', $details or die $!;
while (<$data>)
my ($name, #ids) = split;
push #{ $names{$_} }, $name for #ids;
open my $old_data, '<', $old_details or die $!;
while (<$old_data>)
print #{ $names{$_} // [$_] }, "\n";
Expected output:
Just try this way:
use strict; # Use strict Pragma
use warnings;
my ($file1, $filecnt1, $file2, $filecnt2) = ""; #Declaring variables
$file1 = "a1.txt"; $file2 = "b1.txt"; #Sample files
readFileinString($file1, \$filecnt1); # Reading first file
readFileinString($file2, \$filecnt2); # Reading second file
$filecnt2=~s/\:Old\_ID/\:ID/g; # Replacing that difference content
my #firstfle = split "\n", $filecnt1; # Move content to array variable to compare
my #secndfle = split "\n", $filecnt2;
my %firstfle = map { $_ => 1 } #firstfle; #Mapping the array into hash variable
my #scdcmp = grep { $firstfle{$_} } #secndfle;
print join "\n", #scdcmp;
#---------------> File reading
sub readFileinString
my $File = shift;
my $string = shift;
open(FILE1, "<$File") or die "\nFailed Reading File: [$File]\n\tReason: $!";
read(FILE1, $$string, -s $File, 0);
#---------------> File Writing
sub writeFileinString
my $File = shift;
my $string = shift;
my #cDir = split(/\\/, $File);
my $tmp = "";
for(my $i = 0; $i < $#cDir; $i++)
$tmp = $tmp . "$cDir[$i]\\";
mkdir "$tmp";
if(-f $File){
open(FILE, ">$File") or die "\n\nFailed File Open for Writing: [$File]\n\nReason: $!\n";
print FILE $$string;

Modify Perl script to run for each file with specified extension in a given directory

I need to modify a Perl script to run on all files with extension .x937 within a specific directory. Currently, I use a separate script that calls my main script, and runs it for each file of that type. However, I need to combine both into one script.
Ideally, I would be able to specify a directory path in the script, and loop through all *.x937 files in that directory.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Encode;
my #files = <*.x937>;
foreach my $file (#files) {
system('', $file);
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Encode;
use warnings;
my $tiff_flag = 0;
my $count = 0;
my $file = "output_$ARGV[0].txt";
unless ( open OPUT, '>' . $file ) {
die "Unable to create $file";
open FILE, '<:raw', $ARGV[0] or die "Error opening '$ARGV[0]' $!";
binmode( FILE ) or die 'Error setting binary mode on input file';
while ( read( FILE, $_, 4 ) ) {
my $rec_len = unpack( "N", $_ );
die "Bad record length: $rec_len" unless ( $rec_len > 0 );
read( FILE, $_, $rec_len );
if ( substr( $_, 0, 2 ) eq "\xF5\xF2" ) {
if ( $tiff_flag ) {
open( TIFF, '>', 'output_' . $ARGV[0] . '_img' . sprintf( "%04d", $count ) . '.tiff' )
or die "Can't create image file $!";
binmode( TIFF ) or die 'Error setting binary mode on image file';
print TIFF substr( $_, 117 );
close TIFF;
$_ = substr( $_, 0, 117 );
print OPUT decode( 'cp1047', $_ ) . "\n";
close FILE;
close OPUT;
I think I managed to generate this correctly (on iPad, sat on the sofa) ... There could be some typos ; )
Usage: perl <path>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; use warnings;
use Encode;
my ($path) = #ARGV;
$path // die "No path specified";
(-e $path) or die "Path not found: $path";
(-d $path) or die "Not a directory: $path";
my #files = <$path/*.x937>;
foreach my $file (#files) {
sub process {
my ($fname) = #_;
my ($dir, $file) = $fname =~ m{^(.*)/(.+)$};
my $tiff_flag = 0;
my $count = 0;
my $outfile = sprintf("%s/output_%s.txt", $dir, $file);
open (my $outfh, '>', $outfile) or die "Unable to create $outfile. $!";
open (my $infh, '<:raw', $file) or die "Error opening '$file'. $!";
my $buffer = undef;
while (read ($infh,$buffer,4)) {
my $rec_len = unpack("N", $buffer);
die "Bad record length: $rec_len" unless ($rec_len > 0);
read ($infh, $buffer, $rec_len);
if (substr($buffer, 0, 2) eq "\xF5\xF2") {
if ($tiff_flag) {
my $tiff_filename = sprintf('%s/output_%s_img%04d.tiff', $dir, $file, $count);
open (my $tiffh, '>', $tiff_filename) or die "Can't create image file $!";
binmode($tiffh) or die 'Error setting binary mode on image file';
print $tiffh substr($buffer, 117);
close $tiffh;
$buffer = substr($buffer, 0, 117);
print $outfh decode ('cp1047', $buffer) . "\n";
close $infh;
close $outfh;
A few things to note:
Always use the three argument version of open
Using a scalar filehandle makes it easier to pass it around (not necessary in this example but good practice)
Don't modify $_. It can lead to nasty surprises in larger programs
You already used sprintf to make part of your tiff filename, so why not use it for the whole thing.

perl script only write one row to output file in perl

i wrote a script to open a file on web, and pull out all rows with wireless in the name. It writes the out put to a different file, but it only records one line in the output file, should be mulitipe lines.
#!\Perl64\eg\perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
my $save = "C:\\wireless\\";
my $file = get '';
open( FILE, '>', $save . 'DHCP_Utilization_test.csv' ) or die $!;
binmode FILE;
print FILE $file;
open( F, "C:\\wireless\\DHCP_Utilization_test.csv" ) || die "can't opern file: $!";
my #file = <F>;
my $line;
foreach $line (#file) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ m/Wireless /g ) {
my ($ip, $rtr, $mask, $zip, $blc, $address, $city,
$state, $space, $country, $space2, $noc, $company, $extra,
$active, $used, $percent, $extra3, $nus, $construct
) = split( /,/, $line );
my $custom_directory = "C:\\wireless\\";
my $custom_filename = "wireless_DHCP.csv";
my $data = "$ip $mask $rtr $active $used $percent $nus $construct";
my $path = "$custom_directory\\$custom_filename";
open( my $handle, ">>", $path ) || die "can't open $path: $!";
binmode($handle); # for raw; else set the encoding
print $handle "$data\n";
close($handle) || die "can't close $path: $!";
I believe the problem is because you're on Windows, but then saving the file using :raw, and then reopening it using :crlf.
open( FILE, '>', $save . 'DHCP_Utilization_test.csv' ) or die $!;
binmode FILE;
print FILE $file;
open( F, "C:\\wireless\\DHCP_Utilization_test.csv" ) || die "can't opern file: $!";
my #file = <F>;
I therefore suspect that your #file array only contains one line for the entire file.
You can probably also tighten your code to something like the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use LWP::Simple;
my $url = '';
my $datafile = "C:\\wireless\\DHCP_Utilization_test.csv";
my $wireless = "C:\\wireless\\wireless_DHCP.csv";
getstore( $url, $datafile );
open my $infh, '<', $datafile;
open my $outfh, '>>', $wireless;
while (<$infh>) {
next unless /Wireless /;
my ($ip, $rtr, $mask, $zip, $blc, $address, $city,
$state, $space, $country, $space2, $noc, $company, $extra,
$active, $used, $percent, $extra3, $nus, $construct
) = split /,/;
print $outfh "$ip $mask $rtr $active $used $percent $nus $construct\n";

RTF to TEXT conversion using perl

Can somebody tell me how can we convert the rtf file into text with all the tags, tables and formatted data using perl programming language ?
#Ahmad Bilal , #petersergeant : I have been using the below code for RTF to TXT conversion and i am able to convert into text. But the problem is i am unable to capture table or image formats and even all the entities in the inputfile are not captured using the program.
use 5.8.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use RTF::HTMLConverter;
#Variable Declarions
my $tempfile = "";
my $Outfile = "";
my $txtfile = "";
my $URL = "";
my $Format = "";
my $TreeBuilder = "";
my $Parsed = "";
my $line = "";
my %opts;
"help|h|?" => \$opts{help},
"man|m" => \$opts{man},
"dom=s" => \$opts{dom},
"noimages|n" => \$opts{noimages},
"imagedir|d=s" => \$opts{imagedir},
"imageuri|u=s" => \$opts{imageuri},
"encoding|e=s" => \$opts{encoding},
"indented|i=i" => \$opts{indented},
pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitval => 0) if $opts{help};
pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitval => 0) if $opts{man};
my %params;
eval "require $opts{dom}";
die $# if $#;
$params{DOMImplementation} = $opts{dom};
eval { require XML::GDOME };
eval { require XML::DOM };
die "Can't load either XML::GDOME or XML::DOM\n" if $#;
$params{DOMImplementation} = 'XML::DOM';
$params{discard_images} = 1;
$params{image_dir} = $opts{imagedir} if defined $opts{imagedir};
$params{image_uri} = $opts{imageuri} if defined $opts{imageuri};
$params{codepage} = $opts{encoding} if $opts{encoding};
$params{formatting} = $opts{indented} if defined $opts{indented};
# Converting RTF to HTML
if(defined $ARGV[0]){
open(FR, "< $ARGV[0]") or die "Can't open '$ARGV[0]': $!!\n";
$params{in} = \*FR;
$tempfile = $ARGV[0];
$tempfile =~ /^(.*?)rtf/;
$Outfile = $1."html";
$txtfile = $1."txt";
open(FW, "> $Outfile") or die "Can't open '$Outfile': $!!\n";
$params{out} = \*FW;
print "\n$Outfile - HTML Created\n"
my $parser = RTF::HTMLConverter->new(%params);
close FW;
# Opening HTML and TXT files
open (FILE1, ">$txtfile") or die "Can't open '$txtfile': $!!\n";
open (FILE2, "$Outfile") or die "Can't open '$Outfile': $!!\n";
# Converting HTML to TXT file
local $/ = undef;
while ($line = <FILE2>) {
$line =~ s/\n//g;
$line =~ s/(<!DOCTYPE HTML.*><html><head>.*<\/style>)/<sectd>/;
$line =~ s/<font.*?>//g;
$line =~ s/<\/font>//g;
$line =~ s/<table .*?>/\n<table>\n/g;
$line =~ s/<\/table>/\n<\/table>/g;
$line =~ s/<td .*?>/\n<td>/g;
$line =~ s/<tr>/\n<tr>/g;
$line =~ s/<\/tr>/\n<\/tr>/g;
$line =~ s/<ul.*?>/\n<ul>/g;
$line =~ s/<li.*?>/\n<li>/g;
$line =~ s/<\/ul>/\n<\/ul>/g;
$line =~ s/<\/body><\/html>//g;
$line =~ s/<p.*?>/\n<p>/g;
$line =~ s/<p>( |\*|\s)+<\/p>//g;
$line =~ s/ //g;
$line =~ s/(<sectd>\n?.*?)<\/head><body>/$1/g;
# Entity Conversion
$line =~ s/’/‘/g;
$line =~ s/“/“/g;
$line =~ s/”/”/g;
$line =~ s/¶/¶/g;
print FILE1 $line;
print "$txtfile - TXT file Created \n";
close FILE1;
close FILE2;
unlink ("$Outfile");
I am the author of the linked module. Don't use it. If at all possible, shell out to a real RTF to text convertor like Pandoc.
you need to use a module like this:

Failed to open GLOB error

I've noticed that when you drag & drop a file into OS X Terminal and any part of the pathway contains a space (for example in a folder name) it substitutes this for a \
This then leads to an error in opening files in my script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
my $in;
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
unless ($filename){
print "\n\nPlease drag and drop a FASTA/FA or plain-text file containing your sequence into the prompt window and hit ENTER. Alternatively, manually specify the file-pathway:\n";
$filename = <STDIN>;
chomp $filename;
open($in, $filename) or die "Failed to open $in: $!";
my $DNA = read_fasta($in);
my $len = length($DNA);
print "\nFASTA/Sequence Length is: $len bp \n";
print "\nPlease enter restriction sites (degeneracy characters permitted) seperated by a single space: ";
my $sites=<STDIN>;
chomp $sites;
my #pats = split ' ', $sites;
for (#pats) {
for (#pats) {
my $m = () = $DNA =~ /$_/gi;
print "\nTotal DNA matches to $_ are: $m \n";
my $DIR = dirname($filename);
my $name = basename($filename);
(my $extrem = $name) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
open my $out, ">$DIR/$extrem $sites.txt";
my $pat=join("|",#pats);
my #cutarr = split(/$pat/, $DNA);
for (#cutarr) {
my $len = length($_);
print $out "$len \n";
print "\nYour results are located at: $DIR/$extrem $sites.txt\n\n";
#Subfunction - Reading formatted FASTA/FA files
sub read_fasta {
my ($fh) = #_;
my $sequence;
while (<$fh>) {
unless (/^>/) {
$sequence .= $_;
return $sequence;
It will open files if the pathway contains no spaces. Is there a better way I can go about opening the file to avoid this occurring?
Try to remove backslashes from your file name,
$filename =~ tr|\\||d;
open(my $in, $filename) or die $!;