What's the difference between "Generic type" and "Higher-kinded type"? - scala

I found myself really can't understand the difference between "Generic type" and "higher-kinded type".
Scala code:
trait Box[T]
I defined a trait whose name is Box, which is a type constructor that accepts a parameter type T. (Is this sentence correct?)
Can I also say:
Box is a generic type
Box is a higher-kinded type
None of above is correct
When I discuss the code with my colleagues, I often struggle between the word "generic" and "higher-kinde" to express it.

It's probably too late to answer now, and you probably know the difference by now, but I'm going to answer just to offer an alternate perspective, since I'm not so sure that what Greg says is right. Generics is more general than higher kinded types. Lots of languages, such as Java and C# have generics, but few have higher-kinded types.
To answer your specific question, yes, Box is a type constructor with a type parameter T. You can also say that it is a generic type, although it is not a higher kinded type. Below is a broader answer.
This is the Wikipedia definition of generic programming:
Generic programming is a style of computer programming in which algorithms are written in terms of types to-be-specified-later that are then instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters. This approach, pioneered by ML in 1973,1 permits writing common functions or types that differ only in the set of types on which they operate when used, thus reducing duplication.
Let's say you define Box like this. It holds an element of some type, and has a few special methods. It also defines a map function, something like Iterable and Option, so you can take a box holding an integer and turn it into a box holding a string, without losing all those special methods that Box has.
case class Box(elem: Any) {
..some special methods
def map(f: Any => Any): Box = Box(f(elem))
val boxedNum: Box = Box(1)
val extractedNum: Int = boxedString.elem.asInstanceOf[Int]
val boxedString: Box = boxedNum.map(_.toString)
val extractedString: String = boxedString.elem.asInstanceOf[String]
If Box is defined like this, your code would get really ugly because of all the calls to asInstanceOf, but more importantly, it's not typesafe, because everything is an Any.
This is where generics can be useful. Let's say we define Box like this instead:
case class Box[A](elem: A) {
def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = Box(f(elem))
Then we can use our map function for all kinds of stuff, like changing the object inside the Box while still making sure it's inside a Box. Here, there's no need for asInstanceOf since the compiler knows the type of your Boxes and what they hold (even the type annotations and type arguments are not necessary).
val boxedNum: Box[Int] = Box(1)
val extractedNum: Int = boxedNum.elem
val boxedString: Box[String] = boxedNum.map[String](_.toString)
val extractedString: String = boxedString.elem
Generics basically lets you abstract over different types, letting you use Box[Int] and Box[String] as different types even though you only have to create one Box class.
However, let's say that you don't have control over this Box class, and it's defined merely as
case class Box[A](elem: A) {
//some special methods, but no map function
Let's say this API you're using also defines its own Option and List classes (both accepting a single type parameter representing the type of the elements). Now you want to be able to map over all these types, but since you can't modify them yourself, you'll have to define an implicit class to create an extension method for them. Let's add an implicit class Mappable for the extension method and a typeclass Mapper.
trait Mapper[C[_]] {
def map[A, B](context: C[A])(f: A => B): C[B]
implicit class Mappable[C[_], A](context: C[A])(implicit mapper: Mapper[C]) {
def map[B](f: A => B): C[B] = mapper.map(context)(f)
You could define implicit Mappers like so
implicit object BoxMapper extends Mapper[Box] {
def map[B](box: Box[A])(f: A => B): Box[B] = Box(f(box.elem))
implicit object OptionMapper extends Mapper[Option] {
def map[B](opt: Option[A])(f: A => B): Option[B] = ???
implicit object ListMapper extends Mapper[List] {
def map[B](list: List[A])(f: A => B): List[B] = ???
//and so on
and use it as if Box, Option, List, etc. have always had map methods.
Here, Mappable and Mapper are higher-kinded types, whereas Box, Option, and List are first-order types. All of them are generic types and type constructors. Int and String, however, are proper types. Here are their kinds, (kinds are to types as types are to values).
//To check the kind of a type, you can use :kind in the REPL
Kind of Int and String: *
Kind of Box, Option, and List: * -> *
Kind of Mappable and Mapper: (* -> *) -> *
Type constructors are somewhat analogous to functions (which are sometimes called value constructors). A proper type (kind *) is analogous to a simple value. It's a concrete type that you can use for return types, as the types of your variables, etc. You can just directly say val x: Int without passing Int any type parameters.
A first-order type (kind * -> *) is like a function that looks like Any => Any. Instead of taking a value and giving you a value, it takes a type and gives you another type. You can't use first-order types directly (val x: List won't work) without giving them type parameters (val x: List[Int] works). This is what generics does - it lets you abstract over types and create new types (the JVM just erases that information at runtime, but languages like C++ literally generate new classes and functions). The type parameter C in Mapper is also of this kind. The underscore type parameter (you could also use something else, like x) lets the compiler know that C is of kind * -> *.
A higher-kinded type/higher-order type is like a higher-order function - it takes another type constructor as a parameter. You can't use a Mapper[Int] above, because C is supposed to be of kind * -> * (so that you can do C[A] and C[B]), whereas Int is merely *. It's only in languages like Scala and Haskell with higher-kinded types that you can create types like Mapper above and other things beyond languages with more limited type systems, like Java.
This answer (and others) on a similar question may also help.
Edit: I've stolen this very helpful image from that same answer:

There is no difference between 'Higher-Kinded Types' and 'Generics'.
Box is a 'structure' or 'context' and T can be any type.
So T is generic in the English sense... we don't know what it will be and we don't care because we aren't going to be operating on T directly.
C# also refers to these as Generics. I suspect they chose this language because of its simplicity (to not scare people away).


Scala: "Static values" in traits?

Let's say I have:
trait X {
val x: String
Using mix-in, I can define a trait such as
trait XPrinter {
self: X =>
def printX: String = "X is: " + x
such that a value/object implementing XPrinter implements x and give its methods such as printX access to the values specified in X such as x.
So far, so good.
I want to know if there is a way of having a trait in the form of:
trait XDependent[T <: X] {
def printX: String = ???
So that XDependent instances have access to the value of T.x, with x assumed to be a "static value" glued with the type definition.
Now I understand why T.x can't be accessed in XDependent since a type subtyping X doesn't even have to implement the value of x and T.x might be abstract.
I understand that while Scala offers path-dependent types so that an abstract type defined in X can be used in XDependent, as shown here:
trait X {
type Y //which can be constrained as desired.
trait XDependent[T <: X]{
def foo(v:T#Y)
def bar: T#Y
it doesn't offer the same thing with values as there is a clear separation between types and values in Scala.
Now I have come across the ideas of value-dependent types and literal-based types. I want to know if the idea of "static value for types", as illustrated above, has much overlap with the these concepts and what the connections are.
I'd also like to know about the different approaches taken in different languages, to blur the separation between types and values, how compatible they are with Scala's type system, and what the complications are in terms of integrating "static values" with the type-system. ie, (Can they be)/ (what happens if they are) overriden by a subtype, etc.
If you can relax the requirement that XDependent has to be a trait, and make it an abstract class instead, then it seems as if a typeclass which provides a single null-ary method x is exactly what you want:
Here is your base trait X (without X.x or anything, that wouldn't be "static"):
trait X
Now you can define a typeclass HasStaticX[T] that guarantees that for a type T we can give some string x:
trait HasStaticX[T] {
def x: String
Then you can use it like this:
abstract class XDependent[T <: X : HasStaticX] {
def printX: String = implicitly[HasStaticX[T]].x
What HasStaticX does is essentially building a compile-time partial function that can take type T and produce a string-value x associated with T. So, in a way, it's something like a function that takes types and returns values. If this is what you want, then nothing has to be done to for "integrating static values", it just works in the current non-experimental mainstream versions of Scala.
The "value-dependent types" would be exactly the other way round: those would be essentially "functions" that assign types to values.

What does `SomeType[_]` mean in scala?

Going through Play Form source code right now and encountered this
def bindFromRequest()(implicit request: play.api.mvc.Request[_]): Form[T] = {
I am guessing it takes request as an implicit parameter (you don't have to call bindFromRequet(request)) of type play.api.mvc.Request[_] and return a generic T type wrapped in Form class. But what does [_] mean.
The notation Foo[_] is a short hand for an existential type:
Foo[A] forSome {type A}
So it differs from a normal type parameter by being existentially quantified. There has to be some type so your code type checks where as if you would use a type parameter for the method or trait it would have to type check for every type A.
For example this is fine:
val list = List("asd");
def doSomething() {
val l: List[_] = list
This would not typecheck:
def doSomething[A]() {
val l: List[A] = list
So existential types are useful in situations where you get some parameterized type from somewhere but you do not know and care about the parameter (or only about some bounds of it etc.)
In general, you should avoid existential types though, because they get complicated fast. A lot of instances (especially the uses known from Java (called wildcard types there)) can be avoided be using variance annotations when designing your class hierarchy.
The method doesn't take a play.api.mvc.Request, it takes a play.api.mvc.Request parameterized with another type. You could give the type parameter a name:
def bindFromRequest()(implicit request: play.api.mvc.Request[TypeParameter]): Form[T] = {
But since you're not referring to TypeParameter anywhere else it's conventional to use an underscore instead. I believe the underscore is special cased as a 'black hole' here, rather than being a regular name that you could refer to as _ elsewhere in the type signature.

Why does Scala not have a return/unit function defined for each monad (in contrast to Haskell)?

What is the reason behind the design decision in Scala that monads do not have a return/unit function in contrast to Haskell where each monad has a return function that puts a value into a standard monadic context for the given monad?
For example why List, Option, Set etc... do not have a return/unit functions defined in the standard library as shown in the slides below?
I am asking this because in the reactive Coursera course Martin Odersky explicitly mentioned this fact, as can be seen below in the slides, but did not explain why Scala does not have them even though unit/return is an essential property of a monad.
As Ørjan Johansen said, Scala does not support method dispatching on return type. Scala object system is built over JVM one, and JVM invokevirtual instruction, which is the main tool for dynamic polymorphism, dispatches the call based on type of this object.
As a side note, dispatching is a process of selecting concrete method to call. In Scala/Java all methods are virtual, that is, the actual method which is called depends on actual type of the object.
class A { def hello() = println("hello method in A") }
class B extends A { override def hello() = println("hello method in B") }
val x: A = new A
x.hello() // prints "hello method in A"
val y: A = new B
y.hello() // prints "hello method in B"
Here, even if y variable is of type A, hello method from B is called, because JVM "sees" that the actual type of the object in y is B and invokes appropriate method.
However, JVM only takes the type of the variable on which the method is called into account. It is impossible, for example, to call different methods based on runtime type of arguments without explicit checks. For example:
class A {
def hello(x: Number) = println(s"Number: $x")
def hello(y: Int) = println(s"Integer: $y")
val a = new A
val n: Number = 10: Int
a.hello(n) // prints "Number: 10"
Here we have two methods with the same name, but with different parameter type. And even if ns actual type is Int, hello(Number) version is called - it is resolved statically based on n static variable type (this feature, static resolution based on argument types, is called overloading). Hence, there is no dynamic dispatch on method arguments. Some languages support dispatching on method arguments too, for example, Common Lisp's CLOS or Clojure's multimethods work like that.
Haskell has advanced type system (it is comparable to Scala's and in fact they both originate in System F, but Scala type system supports subtyping which makes type inference much more difficult) which allows global type inference, at least, without certain extensions enabled. Haskell also has a concept of type classes, which is its tool for dynamic polymorphism. Type classes can be loosely thought of as interfaces without inheritance but with dispatch on parameter and return value types. For example, this is a valid type class:
class Read a where
read :: String -> a
instance Read Integer where
read s = -- parse a string into an integer
instance Read Double where
read s = -- parse a string into a double
Then, depending on the context where method is called, read function for Integer or Double can be called:
x :: Integer
x = read "12345" // read for Integer is called
y :: Double
y = read "12345.0" // read for Double is called
This is a very powerful technique which has no correspondence in bare JVM object system, so Scala object system does not support it too. Also the lack of full-scale type inference would make this feature somewhat cumbersome to use. So, Scala standard library does not have return/unit method anywhere - it is impossible to express it using regular object system, there is simply no place where such a method could be defined. Consequently, monad concept in Scala is implicit and conventional - everything with appropriate flatMap method can be considered a monad, and everything with the right methods can be used in for construction. This is much like duck typing.
However, Scala type system together with its implicits mechanism is powerful enough to express full-featured type classes, and, by extension, generic monads in formal way, though due to difficulties in full type inference it may require adding more type annotations than in Haskell.
This is definition of monad type class in Scala:
trait Monad[M[_]] {
def unit[A](a: A): M[A]
def bind[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
And this is its implementation for Option:
implicit object OptionMonad extends Monad[Option] {
def unit[A](a: A) = Some(a)
def bind[A, B](ma: Option[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] =
Then this can be used in generic way like this:
// note M[_]: Monad context bound
// this is a port of Haskell's filterM found here:
// http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
def filterM[M[_]: Monad, A](as: Seq[A])(f: A => M[Boolean]): M[Seq[A]] = {
val m = implicitly[Monad[M]]
as match {
case x +: xs =>
m.bind(f(x)) { flg =>
m.bind(filterM(xs)(f)) { ys =>
m.unit(if (flg) x +: ys else ys)
case _ => m.unit(Seq.empty[A])
// using it
def run(s: Seq[Int]) = {
import whatever.OptionMonad // bring type class instance into scope
// leave all even numbers in the list, but fail if the list contains 13
filterM[Option, Int](s) { a =>
if (a == 13) None
else if (a % 2 == 0) Some(true)
else Some(false)
run(1 to 16) // returns None
run(16 to 32) // returns Some(List(16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32))
Here filterM is written generically, for any instance of Monad type class. Because OptionMonad implicit object is present at filterM call site, it will be passed to filterM implicitly, and it will be able to make use of its methods.
You can see from above that type classes allow to emulate dispatching on return type even in Scala. In fact, this is exactly what Haskell does under the covers - both Scala and Haskell are passing a dictionary of methods implementing some type class, though in Scala it is somewhat more explicit because these "dictionaries" are first-class objects there and can be imported on demand or even passed explicitly, so it is not really a proper dispatching as it is not that embedded.
If you need this amount of genericity, you can use Scalaz library which contains a lot of type classes (including monad) and their instances for some common types, including Option.
I don't think you're really saying that Scala's monads don't have a unit function - it's rather just that the name of the unit function can vary. That's what seems to be shown in the second slide's examples.
As for why that is so, I think it's just because Scala runs on the JVM, and those function have to be implemented as JVM methods - which are uniquely identified by:
the class they belong to;
their name;
their parameters types.
But they are not identified by their return type. Since the parameter type generally won't differentiate the various unit functions (it's usually just a generic type), you need different names for them.
In practice, they will often be implemented as the apply(x) method on the companion object of the monad class. For example, for the class List, the unit function is the apply(x) method on the object List. By convention, List.apply(x) can be called as List(x) too, which is more common/idiomatic.
So I guess that Scala at least has a naming convention for the unit function, though it doesn't have a unique name for it :
// Some monad :
class M[T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => M[U]): M[U] = ???
// Companion object :
object M {
def apply(x: T): M[T] = ??? // Unit function
// Usage of the unit function :
val x = ???
val m = M(x)
Caveat: I'm still learning Haskell and I'm sort of making up this answer as I go.
First, what you already know - that Haskell's do notation desugars to bind:
Borrowing this example from Wikipedia:
add mx my = do
x <- mx
y <- my
return (x + y)
add mx my =
mx >>= (\x ->
my >>= (\y ->
return (x + y)))
Scala's analogue to do is the for-yield expression. It similarly desugars each step to flatMap (its equivalent of bind).
There's a difference, though: The last <- in a for-yield desugars to map, not to flatMap.
def add(mx: Option[Int], my: Option[Int]) =
for {
x <- mx
y <- my
} yield x + y
def add(mx: Option[Int], my: Option[Int]) =
mx.flatMap(x =>
my.map(y =>
x + y))
So because you don't have the "flattening" on the last step, the expression value already has the monad type, so there's no need to "re-wrap" it with something comparable to return.
Actually there is a return function in scala. It is just hard to find.
Scala slightly differs from Haskell in many aspects. Most of that differences are direct consequences of JVM limitations. JVM can not dispatch methods basing on its return type. So Scala introduced type class polymorphism based on implicit evidence to fix this inconvenience.
It is even used in scala standard collections. You may notice numerous usage of CanBuildFrom and CanBuild implicits used in the scala collection api. See scala.collection.immutable.List for example.
Every time you want to build custom collection you should write realization for this implicits. There are not so many guides for writing one though. I recommend you this guide. It shows why CanBuildFrom is so important for collections and how it is used. In fact that is just another form of the return function and anyone familiar with Haskell monads would understand it's importance clearly.
So you may use custom collection as example monads and write other monads basing on provided tutorial.

Scala type parameter bracket

I know trait Foo[T] means T is a parametrized type.
But some times I can see trait Foo[T1,T2], or trait Foo[T1,T2,R], I cannot find anywhere describe the meaning of multiple types inside a type bracket, could you please point me the usages in this case? From what I speculate, Foo[T1,T2] just means, it defined two type parameters, it doesn't have to be take a T1 and return a T2.
When I read playframework documentation today, I again found myself confused about this question. In the documentation, it says:
A BodyParser[A] is basically an Iteratee[Array[Byte],A], meaning that
it receives chunks of bytes (as long as the web browser uploads some
data) and computes a value of type A as result.
This explanation sounds like, the second the type parameter inside a type bracket is a return type.
I also remember that trait Function2 [-T1, -T2, +R] extends AnyRef means a function that takes a T1 and T2, return a R.
Why do they put the return type in the bracket? Does it mean all the last parameter in a bracket is a return type? Or they just happened defined a new type R for the return type?
From what I speculate, Foo[T1,T2] just means, it defined two type parameters, it doesn't have to be take a T1 and return a T2.
A type parameter means nothing more than "I need any type but I'm not interested to know what it is for a concrete type", where 'I' is the programmer who writes the code. Type parameters can used like any other types such as Int, String or Complex - the only difference is that they are not known until one uses them.
See type Map[A, +B]. When you first read this, you can't know what the A and B are for, thus you have to read the documentation:
A map from keys of type A to values of type B.
It explains the types and their meaning. There is nothing more to know or understand. They are just two types. It is possible to call Map something like Map[Key, Value] but inside of source code it is better when type parameters have only one or two letters. This makes it easier to differ between the type parameters and concrete types.
It is the documentation which specifies what a type parameter means. And if there is no documentation you have to take a look to the sources and find their meaning by yourself. For example you have to do this with Function2 [-T1, -T2, +R]. The documentation tells us only this:
A function of 2 parameters.
Ok, we know that two of the three type parameters are parameters the function expects, but what is the third one? We take a look to the sources:
def apply(v1: T1, v2: T2): R
Ah, now we know that T1 and T2 are the parameters and that R is a return type.
Type parameters also can be found in method signatures like map:
class List[+A] {
def map[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): List[B]
This is how map looks like when you use it with a List. A can be any type - it is the type of the elements a list contains. B is another arbitrary type. When you know what map does then you know what B does. Otherwise you have to understand map before. map expects a function which can transform each element of a List to another element. Because you know that A stands for the elements of the List you can derive from yourself that B have to be the type A is transformed to.
To answer all your other questions: This shouldn't be done in a single answer. There are a lot of other questions and answers on StackOverflow which can also answer your questions.
When you see some type parameters for example in Foo[T1, T2] you should not start to cry. Think: "Ok, I have a Foo which expects a T1 and a T2 and if I want to know what they do I have to read documentation or the sources."
Multiple types inside a type bracket means type parametrization on multiple types. Take for example
trait Pair[A, B]
This is a pair of values one having type A the other having type B.
I think you are interpreting too much into the semantics of type parameters. A type parametrized by multiple parameters is just that and nothing more. The position of a specific type parameter in the list of type parameters does not make it special in any way. Specifically the last parameter in a list of type parameters does not need to stand for 'the return type'.
The sentence from the play framework which you quoted explains the semantics of the type parameters for this one specific type. It does not generalize to other types. The same holds for the Function types: here the last type parameter happens to mean 'the return type'. This is not necessarily the case for other types though. The type Pair[A, B] from above is such an example. Here B is the type of the second component of the pair. There is no notion of a 'return type' here at all.
Type parameters of a parametrized type can appear anywhere inside the definition of the parametrized type where a 'regular' type could appear. That is, type parameters are just names for types which are bound to the actual types only when the parametrized type itself is instantiated.
Consider the following definition of a class Tuple:
class Tuple[A, B](a: A, b: B)
It is instantiated to a type of a tuple of Int and String like this:
type TupleIntString = Tuple[Int, String]
Which is essentially the same as
class TupleIntString(a: Int, b: String)
For an official source check the Scala Language Specification. Specifically Section 3.4 "Base Types and Member Definitions" under 1. the 4th bullet point says: "The base types of a parameterized type C[T_1, ..., T_n] are the base types of type C , where every occurrence of a type parameter a_i of C has been replaced by the corresponding parameter type T_i."
I think your question can actually be broken in three separate problems:
What's with the multiple type parameters for classes/traits/etc. ?
A classic example is a map from one type of object to another. If you want the type for the keys to be different from type of the value, but keep both generic, you need two type parameters. So, a Map[A,B] takes keys of generic type A and maps to values of generic type B. A user that wants a map from Bookmarks to Pages would declare it as Map[Bookmark, Page]. Having only one type parameters would not allow this distinction.
From what I speculate, Foo[T1,T2] just means, it defined two type parameters, it doesn't have to be take a T1 and return a T2.
No, all type parameters are equal citizens, though they have a meaning in that direction for function objects. See below.
What are all those +/-'s ?
They limit what the type parameters can bind to. The Scala by Example tutorial has a good explanation. See Section 8.2 Variance Annotations.
What is a function in scala?
Why do they put the return type in the bracket? Does it mean all the
last parameter in a bracket is a return type? Or they just happened
defined a new type R for the return type?
The Scala by Example tutorial explains this well in Section 8.6 Functions.
Their role is a bit similar to the ones (i.e. multiple type parameter) in a class, since traits are, after all, classes (without any constructor) meant to be added to some other class as a mixin.
The Scala spec gives the following example for Trait with multiple parameters:
Consider an abstract class Table that implements maps from a type of keys A to a type of values B.
The class has a method set to enter a new key/value pair into the table, and a method get that returns an optional value matching a given key.
Finally, there is a method apply which is like get, except that it returns a given default value if the table is undefined for the given key. This class is implemented as follows.
abstract class Table[A, B](defaultValue: B) {
def get(key: A): Option[B]
def set(key: A, value: B)
def apply(key: A) = get(key) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None => defaultValue
Here is a concrete implementation of the Table class.
class ListTable[A, B](defaultValue: B) extends Table[A, B](defaultValue) {
private var elems: List[(A, B)]
def get(key: A) = elems.find(._1.==(key)).map(._2)
def set(key: A, value: B) = { elems = (key, value) :: elems }
Here is a trait that prevents concurrent access to the get and set operations of its
parent class
trait Synchronized Table[A, B] extends Table[A, B] {
abstract override def get(key: A): B =
synchronized { super.get(key) }
abstract override def set((key: A, value: B) =
synchronized { super.set(key, value) }
Note that SynchronizedTable does not pass an argument to its superclass, Table,
even though Table is defined with a formal parameter.
Note also that the super calls in SynchronizedTable’s get and set methods statically refer to abstract methods in class Table. This is legal, as long as the calling method is labeled abstract override (§5.2).
Finally, the following mixin composition creates a synchronized list table with
strings as keys and integers as values and with a default value 0:
object MyTable extends ListTable[String, Int](0) with SynchronizedTable
The object MyTable inherits its get and set method from SynchronizedTable.
The super calls in these methods are re-bound to refer to the corresponding implementations in ListTable, which is the actual supertype of SynchronizedTable in

What does "abstract over" mean?

Often in the Scala literature, I encounter the phrase "abstract over", but I don't understand the intent. For example, Martin Odersky writes
You can pass methods (or "functions") as parameters, or you can abstract over them. You can specify types as parameters, or you can abstract over them.
As another example, in the "Deprecating the Observer Pattern" paper,
A consequence from our event streams being first-class values is that we can abstract over them.
I have read that first order generics "abstract over types", while monads "abstract over type constructors". And we also see phrases like this in the Cake Pattern paper. To quote one of many such examples:
Abstract type members provide flexible way to abstract over concrete types of components.
Even relevant stack overflow questions use this terminology. "can't existentially abstract over parameterized type..."
So... what does "abstract over" actually mean?
In algebra, as in everyday concept formation, abstractions are formed by grouping things by some essential characteristics and omitting their specific other characteristics. The abstraction is unified under a single symbol or word denoting the similarities. We say that we abstract over the differences, but this really means we're integrating by the similarities.
For example, consider a program that takes the sum of the numbers 1, 2, and 3:
val sumOfOneTwoThree = 1 + 2 + 3
This program is not very interesting, since it's not very abstract. We can abstract over the numbers we're summing, by integrating all lists of numbers under a single symbol ns:
def sumOf(ns: List[Int]) = ns.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
And we don't particularly care that it's a List either. List is a specific type constructor (takes a type and returns a type), but we can abstract over the type constructor by specifying which essential characteristic we want (that it can be folded):
trait Foldable[F[_]] {
def foldl[A, B](as: F[A], z: B, f: (B, A) => B): B
def sumOf[F[_]](ns: F[Int])(implicit ff: Foldable[F]) =
ff.foldl(ns, 0, (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y)
And we can have implicit Foldable instances for List and any other thing we can fold.
implicit val listFoldable = new Foldable[List] {
def foldl[A, B](as: List[A], z: B, f: (B, A) => B) = as.foldLeft(z)(f)
implicit val setFoldable = new Foldable[Set] {
def foldl[A, B](as: Set[A], z: B, f: (B, A) => B) = as.foldLeft(z)(f)
val sumOfOneTwoThree = sumOf(List(1,2,3))
What's more, we can abstract over both the operation and the type of the operands:
trait Monoid[M] {
def zero: M
def add(m1: M, m2: M): M
trait Foldable[F[_]] {
def foldl[A, B](as: F[A], z: B, f: (B, A) => B): B
def foldMap[A, B](as: F[A], f: A => B)(implicit m: Monoid[B]): B =
foldl(as, m.zero, (b: B, a: A) => m.add(b, f(a)))
def mapReduce[F[_], A, B](as: F[A], f: A => B)
(implicit ff: Foldable[F], m: Monoid[B]) =
ff.foldMap(as, f)
Now we have something quite general. The method mapReduce will fold any F[A] given that we can prove that F is foldable and that A is a monoid or can be mapped into one. For example:
case class Sum(value: Int)
case class Product(value: Int)
implicit val sumMonoid = new Monoid[Sum] {
def zero = Sum(0)
def add(a: Sum, b: Sum) = Sum(a.value + b.value)
implicit val productMonoid = new Monoid[Product] {
def zero = Product(1)
def add(a: Product, b: Product) = Product(a.value * b.value)
val sumOf123 = mapReduce(List(1,2,3), Sum)
val productOf456 = mapReduce(Set(4,5,6), Product)
We have abstracted over monoids and foldables.
To a first approximation, being able to "abstract over" something means that instead of using that something directly, you can make a parameter of it, or otherwise use it "anonymously".
Scala allows you to abstract over types, by allowing classes, methods, and values to have type parameters, and values to have abstract (or anonymous) types.
Scala allows you to abstract over actions, by allowing methods to have function parameters.
Scala allows you to abstract over features, by allowing types to be defined structurally.
Scala allows you to abstract over type parameters, by allowing higher-order type parameters.
Scala allows you to abstract over data access patterns, by allowing you to create extractors.
Scala allows you to abstract over "things that can be used as something else", by allowing implicit conversions as parameters. Haskell does similarly with type classes.
Scala doesn't (yet) allow you to abstract over classes. You can't pass a class to something, and then use that class to create new objects. Other languages do allow abstraction over classes.
("Monads abstract over type constructors" is only true in a very restrictive way. Don't get hung up on it until you have your "Aha! I understand monads!!" moment.)
The ability to abstract over some aspect of computation is basically what allows code reuse, and enables the creation of libraries of functionality. Scala allows many more sorts of things to be abstracted over than more mainstream languages, and libraries in Scala can be correspondingly more powerful.
An abstraction is a sort of generalization.
Not only in Scala but many languages there is a need to have such mechanisms to reduce complexity(or at least create a hierarchy that partitions information into easier to understand pieces).
A class is an abstraction over a simple data type. It is sort of like a basic type but actually generalizes them. So a class is more than a simple data type but has many things in common with it.
When he says "abstracting over" he means the process by which you generalize. So if you are abstracting over methods as parameters you are generalizing the process of doing that. e.g., instead of passing methods to functions you might create some type of generalized way to handle it(such as not passing methods at all but building up a special system to deal with it).
In this case he specifically means the process of abstracting a problem and creating a oop like solution to the problem. C has very little ability to abstract(you can do it but it gets messy real quick and the language doesn't directly support it). If you wrote it in C++ you could use oop concepts to reduce the complexity of the problem(well, it's the same complexity but the conceptualization is generally easier(at least once you learn to think in terms of abstractions)).
e.g., If I needed a special data type that was like an int but, lets say restricted I could abstract over it by creating a new type that could be used like an int but had those properties I needed. The process I would use to do such a thing would be called an "abstracting".
Here is my narrow show and tell interpretation. It's self-explanatory and runs in the REPL.
class Parameterized[T] { // type as a parameter
def call(func: (Int) => Int) = func(1) // function as a parameter
def use(l: Long) { println(l) } // value as a parameter
val p = new Parameterized[String] // pass type String as a parameter
p.call((i:Int) => i + 1) // pass function increment as a parameter
p.use(1L) // pass value 1L as a parameter
abstract class Abstracted {
type T // abstract over a type
def call(i: Int): Int // abstract over a function
val l: Long // abstract over value
def use() { println(l) }
class Concrete extends Abstracted {
type T = String // specialize type as String
def call(i:Int): Int = i + 1 // specialize function as increment function
val l = 1L // specialize value as 1L
val a: Abstracted = new Concrete
The other answers give already a good idea of what kinds of abstractions exist. Lets go over the quotes one by one, and provide an example:
You can pass methods (or "functions")
as parameters, or you can abstract
over them. You can specify types as
parameters, or you can abstract over
Pass function as a parameter: List(1,-2,3).map(math.abs(x)) Clearly abs is passed as parameter here. map itself abstracts over a function that does a certain specialiced thing with each list element. val list = List[String]() specifies a type paramter (String). You could write a collection type which uses abstract type members instead: val buffer = Buffer{ type Elem=String }. One difference is that you have to write def f(lis:List[String])... but def f(buffer:Buffer)..., so the element type is kind of "hidden" in the second method.
A consequence from our event streams
being first-class values is that we
can abstract over them.
In Swing an event just "happens" out of the blue, and you have to deal with it here and now. Event streams allow you to do all the plumbing an wiring in a more declarative way. E.g. when you want to change the responsible listener in Swing, you have to unregister the old and to register the new one, and to know all the gory details (e.g. threading issues). With event streams, the source of the events becomes a thing you can simply pass around, making it not very different from a byte or char stream, hence a more "abstract" concept.
Abstract type members provide flexible
way to abstract over concrete types of
The Buffer class above is already an example for this.
Answers above provide an excellent explanation, but to summarize it in a single sentence, I would say:
Abstracting over something is the very same as neglecting it where irrelevant.