Matlab: work with 2NxN matrix - matlab

I have a matrix 2NxN.
And I want get some parametrs by this matrix. For example it:
How, I can do it?

You may want to break your 12x6 matrix, into two 6x6 matrix; let's say: Z and Zb (last one for z bar). Odd rows are Z and evens are Zb.
Considering M to be the combined matrices:
Z = M(1:2:end,:)
Zb = M(2:2:end,:)
read about the colon(:) operator and end to see what 1:2:end means.
Hope it helps.

From what I understand here are the first three:
% Random Matrix
% Needs to be defined before the functions since the functions look for
% the m variable
m = rand(12,6);
% Function 1
p = #(i,j) sign(m(i,j)+m(i+1,j)) * max(abs(m(i,j)),abs(m(i+1,j)));
% Function 2 - Avg of row
pavg = #(i) mean(m(i,:));
% Function 3
c = #(i,j) abs(m(i,j)+m(i+1,j)) / (abs(m(i,j)) + abs(m(i+1,j)));


Quad in a cell of handle functions

I have two lists of functions, for instance: log(n*x), n=1:2017 and cos(m*x), m=1:6. I want/need to construct the matrix product of these vectors and then integrating each element of the matrix between 10 and 20.
I have read this post:
Matrix of symbolic functions
but I think that it is not useful for this problem.
I'm trying to do this by using a loop but I can not get it.
Thanks in advance for reading it.
You can solve this problem by assigning the appropriate vectors to n and m as follows:
n = (1:2017)'; % column vector
m = 1:6; % row vector
syms x;
l = log(n*x); % column vector of logs
c = cos(m*x); % row vector of cos
product = l*c; % matrix product
i = int(product, x, 10, 20); % integral from 10 to 20
iDouble = double(i); % convert the result to double

What is the fastest way to calculate most dominant eigenvalue/singular value?

I only know of the following power iteration. But it needs to create a huge matrix A'*A when both of rows and columns are pretty large. And A is a dense matrix as well. Is there any alternative to power iteration method below? I have heard of krylov subspace method, but I am not familiar with it. In anycase I am looking for any faster method than the one mentioned below:
B = A'*A; % or B = A*A' if it is smaller
x = B(:,1); % example of starting point, x will have the largest eigenvector
x = x/norm(x);
for i = 1:200
y = B*x;
y = y/norm(y);
% norm(x - y); % <- residual, you can try to use it to stop iteration
x = y;
n3 = sqrt(mean(B*x./x)) % translate eigenvalue of B to singular value of A
I checked 'svd' command of matlab with a 100*100 randomly generated matrix. It is almost 5 times faster than your code.
s = svd(A);
n3 = s(1);

Getting the N-dimensional product of vectors

I am trying to write code to get the 'N-dimensional product' of vectors. So for example, if I have 2 vectors of length L, x & y, then the '2-dimensional product' is simply the regular vector product, R=x*y', so that each entry of R, R(i,j) is the product of the i'th element of x and the j'th element of y, aka R(i,j)=x(i)*y(j).
The problem is how to elegantly generalize this in matlab for arbitrary dimensions. This is I had 3 vectors, x,y,z, I want the 3 dimensional array, R, such that R(i,j,k)=x(i)*y(j)*z(k).
Same thing for 4 vectors, x1,x2,x3,x4: R(i1,i2,i3,i4)=x1(i1)*x2(i2)*x3(i3)*x4(i4), etc...
Also, I do NOT know the number of dimensions beforehand. The code must be able to handle an arbitrary number of input vectors, and the number of input vectors corresponds to the dimensionality of the final answer.
Is there any easy matlab trick to do this and avoid going through each element of R specifically?
I think by "regular vector product" you mean outer product.
In any case, you can use the ndgrid function. I like this more than using bsxfun as it's a little more straightforward.
% make some vectors
w = 1:10;
x = w+1;
y = x+1;
z = y+1;
vecs = {w,x,y,z};
nvecs = length(vecs);
[grids{1:nvecs}] = ndgrid(vecs{:});
R = grids{1};
for i=2:nvecs
R = R .* grids{i};
% Check results
for i=1:10
for j=1:10
for k=1:10
for l=1:10
V(i,j,k,l) = R(i,j,k,l) == w(i)*x(j)*y(k)*z(l);
ans = 1
The built-in function bsxfun is a fast utility that should be able to help. It is designed to perform 2 input functions on a per-element basis for two inputs with mismatching dimensions. Singletons dimensions are expanded, and non-singleton dimensions need to match. (It sounds confusing, but once grok'd it useful in many ways.)
As I understand your problem, you can adjust the dimension shape of each vector to define the dimension that it should be defined across. Then use nested bsxfun calls to perform the multiplication.
Example code follows:
%Some inputs, N-by-1 vectors
x = [1; 3; 9];
y = [1; 2; 4];
z = [1; 5];
%The computation you describe, using nested BSXFUN calls
bsxfun(#times, bsxfun(#times, ... %Nested BSX fun calls, 1 per dimension
x, ... % First argument, in dimension 1
permute(y,2:-1:1) ) , ... % Second argument, permuited to dimension 2
permute(z,3:-1:1) ) % Third argument, permuted to dimension 3
% ans(:,:,1) =
% 1 2 4
% 3 6 12
% 9 18 36
% ans(:,:,2) =
% 5 10 20
% 15 30 60
% 45 90 180
To handle an arbitrary number of dimensions, this can be expanded using a recursive or loop construct. The loop would look something like this:
allInputs = {[1; 3; 9], [1; 2; 4], [1; 5]};
accumulatedResult = allInputs {1};
for ix = 2:length(allInputs)
accumulatedResult = bsxfun(#times, ...
accumulatedResult, ...

Auto-covariance and Cross Covariance Function in Matlab without using imbuilt functions

x and y are 1x100000 vectors.
I have calculated the mean and variance of x and y. When I want to calculate the autocovariance and cross covariance function the simulation lasts maybe 5 minutes because of my loops. It is not allowed to use xcorr, xcov, mean, cov, var etc.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
%%Mean of Vector x
mx= sum(x)/Nx;
%%Mean of Vector y
%%Variance of x
for i=1:Nx
%%Variance of y
for j=1:Ny
%%Auto-Covariance function of x
for k=1:Nx
for i=1:(Nx-k+1)
%%Auto-Covariance function of y
for s=1:Ny
for j=1:(Ny-s+1)
Use the fact that FFT(corr(x, y)) = FFT(x) * conj(FFTy)):
corrxy = ifft(fft(x) .* conj(fft(y)));
corrxy = [corrxy(end - length(x) + 2:end); corrxy(1:length(x))];
To get the cross-covariance just multiply the correlation by the standard deviations:
covarxy = corrxy * sqrt(varx) * sqrt(vary);
To get the autocovariance, compute the cross covariance between x and itself.
Doing a re-write of this code:
%%Auto-Covariance function of x
for k=1:Nx
for i=1:(Nx-k+1)
The following code takes out the inner for-loop:
% x is a [Nx x 1] vector (lets say Nx = 50)
Cxx = zeros(Nx,1); % [Nx x 1] vector of zeros
for k = 1:Nx,
a = (x(k:Nx) -mx); % If k=3, then x(3:50) and a is [Nx-k+1 x 1]
b = (x(1:Nx-k+1)-my); % If k=3, then x(1:48) and b is [Nx-k+1 x 1]
Cxx(k) = a'*conj(b); % Cxx(k) is always 1x1. (*) is a matrix multiply
Since x is a really large vector, and the way to take out the the last for-loop for k=1:Nx is to make a [Nx x Nx] matrix, I'm going to leave it at the above answer for now. Plus, if you have the parfor function in the Parallel Computing Toolbox then you can parallelize it to make it run even faster.

How to generate a function of two variables without using any loop?

Suppose I have a function y(t,x) = exp(-t)*sin(x)
In Matlab, I define
t = [0: 0.5: 5];
x = [0: 0.1: 10*2*pi];
y = zeros(length(t), length(x)); % empty matrix init
Now, how do I define matrix y without using any loop, such that each element y(i,j) contains the value of desired function y at (t(i), x(j))? Below is how I did it using a for loop.
for i = 1:length(t)
y(i,:) = exp(-t(i)) .* sin(x);
Your input vectors x is 1xN and t is 1xM, output matrix y is MxN. To vectorize the code both x and t must have the same dimension as y.
[x_,t_] = meshgrid(x,t);
y_ = exp(-t_) .* sin(x_);
Your example is a simple 2D case. Function meshgrid() works also 3D. Sometimes you can not avoid the loop, in such cases, when your loop can go either 1:N or 1:M, choose the shortest one. Another function I use to prepare vector for vectorized equation (vector x matrix multiplication) is diag().
there is no need for meshgrid; simply use:
y = exp(-t(:)) * sin(x(:)'); %multiplies a column vector times a row vector.
Those might be helpful:
Good Luck.