Visual Studio Online Build access denied - azure-devops

I'm very new to TFS but am using Visual Studio Team Services... which i believe are largely the same configurations and technologies.
Now its possible that VS Team Services only supports web projects but they to be the only type of project that i'm able to build. I've tried several other (non-web) project types including the default console project but I always get a build error similar to one below....
C:\Users\Mark\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\App1\App1\App.config:
Access to the path 'C:\Users\Mark\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\App1\App1' is denied.
I'll get a error like the one above for every file in the project.
Can someone confirm whether Visual Studio Team Services does support building other types of projects. If so, is there some special permission or additional setting in build definition that needs to be set prior to triggering build?

Thanks. Turns out all i needed to do was to switch the build template under Build Definition->Process--> Build Process file from default to 'TfvcTemplate.12.xaml'.


How to open Bugs/PBIs in Visual Studio instead of a web browser when connecting to Azure DevOps Service?

I want to implement Team Foundation Server (now known as Azure DevOps Server) for source control and issue tracking. I have only used the on-premises solution previously. For this particular use case, it would be beneficial to have it hosted in the cloud.
I have deployed a VSTS/Azure DevOps Services cloud solution (as opposed to an on-premises TFS/Azure DevOps Server solution), and it seems to have all of the functionality I am used to with the web portal, except there seems to be no direct integration/plugin for Visual Studio.
I can connect Team Explorer to it and query the work items for a basic listing (as shown in the screenshot below) - but if I double click a work item, or if I click New Work Item, it opens in the web browser, not within Visual Studio.
Is this expected behaviour for VSTS/DevOps Services? Do I need an on-premises installation just to get Visual Studio integration or am I missing something? I would like to use their cloud solution as it has a lot of benefits for this particular use-case.
Which opens this:
Instead of this (below screenshot taken from the web):
Any help is much appreciated! I am hoping to get something up and running ASAP, and would rather not have to install & configure a full on-premises solution in the cloud myself. Letting Microsoft handle it is perfect.
It seems odd that there's no Visual Studio support/integration. I have tried on 2 different machines. I have connected one machine which is running Visual Studio 2017 Professional and the other has VS 2019 Professional. Both open and create work items in the web browser instead of within VS. But VSTS/DevOps Services does seem to have all of the other features of TFS/DevOps Server, as far as I can see.
The web portal is great for other stakeholders, but as a developer I like working directly within Visual Studio. In an on-premises installation you get both. Is there any way to do this on a cloud installation?
We need set the Work Items experience in Visual Studio, then we can create new work item in the visual studio.
Tools->work items->General->change the option Landing page.

How to migrate containerized app to Visual Studio?

Is there a way to run and debug a solution with custom pre-existing docker-compose and DOCKERFILEs when migrating to Visual Studio?
I'll try to elaborate as requested:
I'm working on a .Net Core project with multiple services (web APIs), each one with a respective DOCKERFILE. The containers and their dependencies are built and run via a compose file which is used for CD purposes and is optimized for our needs, but I can't use it together with VS2019 because the IDE doesn't recognize these files, and forces the creation of a new docker-compose (in the solutions' root folder) and DOCKERFILE when I attempt to add orchestrator support to any of the projects. These behavior results in the error message "the file ./docker-compose.yml already exists" and the creation of the docker-compose project fails (I'm following the instructions from here:
I don't want pollute my repository with the files generated by Visual Studio, but the naming convention used by the IDE makes ignoring them not as simple as it should (IMHO).
So, my question is, is it possible to use a custom docker-compose and DOCKERFILEs when adding container orchestrator support to my projects in Visual Studio?

New Service Fabric Stateless Web Api Core Project will not compile

I open visual studio and do file->new project.
I select cloud->service fabric application. Then I pick Stateless ASP.NET Core. In the last window I select Web API and change the authentication to windows authentication.
When I do this and then compile the application, I get errors saying that System.Fabric, Microsoft.ServiceFabric.* are missing.
How can I get this to work?
NOTE: I have Visual Studio 2017 15.2. I downloaded and installed what I think is the most recent tools for service fabric. My "Extensions and Updates" says I have version 1.6.20170504.1.
UPDATE - This was due to the project having a dash in the name. It appears that the template cannot cope with dash casing your project name. (It had nothing to do with Windows Authentication.)
UPDATE - This was due to the project having a dash in the name. It appears that the template cannot cope with dash casing your project name.
This seems to be a problem with the template. If you don't select Windows Authentication, then it will compile fine.
In a project without windows authentication, the Nuget assemblies are:
When you select Windows Authentication, only the top 4 are added to the project.
If you add the four missing NuGet packages (the ones in bold above) then the project will compile just fine.

Get UWP Store associations using PowerShell or MSBuild

I'm using AppVeyor CI to build my UWP app and want to create an APPX package during every build. However my .gitignore is ignoring the Package.StoreAssociation.xml and MyAppName_StoreKey.pfx which I want to include in the APPX package as they are identifying my app in Windows Store.
Is there any way to get these files using PowerShell or MSBuild or something like that? In other words, is there any command line equivalent to the Project > Store > Associate App with the Store... wizard?
I know I can upload these files to the repo as Secure files but I'd prefer getting the latest files from the Dev Center with every build.
I would say probably not, as the Associate App with the Store Wizard, is an authenticated Wizard which requires a users Microsoft Account to be registered with Visual Studio, Load Credentials from storage or asking for OAuth, and then Visual Studio goes to Microsoft's server to Sign the Certificate and Sign the app with it.
AppVeyor documentation says the currently UWP is not officially supported for UWP, as a Microsoft License is required.
Edit: Does this help?
Is there any way to get these files using PowerShell or MSBuild or something like that? In other words, is there any command line equivalent to the Project > Store > Associate App with the Store... wizard?
No, as #William's explanation. The associating operation needs user's interaction in Visual Studio, this doesn't depend on a public command/API.
In my experience, we need to store(maintain) the latest store association information in somewhere, overwrite the related files and replace the reserved keywords in the app's manifest template file before packaging.

How to correct issue with creating Web API 2 OData Controller with Actions using EF code-gen template with VS 2013?

I have a couple of dev environments. In my older VS 2013 Ultimate, I can execute the Web API 2 OData Controller with Actions using Entity Framework template code to create classes.
The second is Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate with Update 2 RC. I can create other classes, however in trying to create the aforementioned, I get the following error:
Microsoft Visual Studio Error
There was an error running the selected code generator:
'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.'
Since I have installed other components, I reset all settings through Tools / Import Export Settings / Reset All Settings.
I even completely uninstalled/re-installed - same issue on all fronts.
In both environments the code is exactly the same, connection to the same db.
I have tried using the code templates folder from the working env in the newer env - no go.
I also tried removing Update 2 RC through Windows / Installed Updates, but the request is rejected, indicating VS requires this update to run.