Why do scala org.joda.time.DateTime.parse truncate at millis value in the given date? - scala

I am trying to parse some given date string:
val strDate = "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000999+00:00"
val dateFormatter = forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZZ").withOffsetParsed()
val date = parse(strDate, dateFormatter)
but println(date) outputs 2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z and
dateFormatter.print(date) returns 2014-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00.
I don't understand why the parser only gets 3 fraction of second digits instead of 6 as specified. Can someone explain this ?
EDIT: as #Jesper pointed out, the precision is limited to milliseconds.

Open the org.joda.time.base.BaseDateTime class, you'll see that the time is encoded as:
/** The millis from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z */
private volatile long iMillis;
That the degree of precision you want can be stored via Joda.
The alternative is to use JSR-310.
if you have Java 8, it's already included.
add a dependency to threeten, then backport for older Java versions.
The base class is Instant which has a nanosecond precision, see: https://github.com/ThreeTen/threetenbp/blob/master/src/main/java/org/threeten/bp/Instant.java


Why do I need to divide the timestamp by 1 billion?

I'm using this public Postgres DB of NEAR protocol: https://github.com/near/near-indexer-for-explorer#shared-public-access
There is a field called included_in_block_timestamp whose "data type" = "numeric", and "length/precision" = 20.
This code works:
to_char(TO_TIMESTAMP("public"."receipts"."included_in_block_timestamp"/1000000000), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm') as moment,
and so does this:
function convertTimestampDecimalToDayjsMoment(timestampDecimal: Decimal) {
const timestampNum = Number(timestampDecimal) / 1_000_000_000; // Why is this necessary?
console.log({ timestampNum });
const moment = dayjs.unix(timestampNum); // https://day.js.org/docs/en/parse/unix-timestamp
return moment;
For example, sometimes included_in_block_timestamp = 1644261932960444221.
I've never seen a timestamp where I needed to divide by 1 billion. Figuring this out just now was a matter of trial and error.
What's going on here? Is this common practice? Does this level of precision even make sense?
Timestamp units of measure in nanoseconds seems to be determined at the protocol-level as this appears in the docs here: https://docs.near.org/develop/contracts/environment/#environment-variables
and here: https://nomicon.io/RuntimeSpec/Components/BindingsSpec/ContextAPI
So yes, do take this into account before date-time conversions.

How to calculate the next minute and next 5 minute intevals given a ZonedDateTime

I have a instance of a ZonedDatetime.
I basically need a function that will take an instance of a ZonedDateTime and return the next 1 minute and 5 minute values.
So if the current time is:
The next minute will be 19:47:00 and the next 5 minute will be 19:50:00
The next 5 minute interval is always like:
i.e. the next 5 minute interval is not based on exactly 5 minutes from now, but rather the next 5 minutes based on starting from the beginning of the hour. Same goes for the next 1 minute interval in the future.
def nextIntervals(zdt: ZonedDateTime): (ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) = {
It is fairly simple to do so without hardcoding the values. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with scala so I'll give you some pseudo code, I believe you'll be able to easily translate it.
nextIntervals(zdt) {
timestamp = zdt.toUnixTimestamp();
return [
new ZonedDateTime(timestamp + (60 - timestamp % 60)),
new ZonedDateTime(timestamp + (300 - timestamp % 300))
The above code assumes that ZonedDateTime can be instantiated by giving it a unix timestamp, measured in seconds. And also that it can be converted to a unix timestamp.
The idea is pretty simple: the remainder of the modulus will be the time that has elapsed since the last required period (in your case 1 minute or 5 minutes). Take that away from the period itself and you have the time that's left until the next period. Add that to the current time and you have the exact datetime.
Here's a working javascript example
function nextIntervals(date) {
let t = date.getTime();
return [
].map(i => new Date(t + i - t % i));
console.log(nextIntervals(new Date));
You can use the following functions to meet your requirements:
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ZonedDateTime now = ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("America/New_York"));
ZonedDateTime nextMinute = now.plusMinutes(1).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
ZonedDateTime nextMultipleOfFiveMin = now.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES)
.minusMinutes(now.getMinute() % 5)
Output from a sample run:
Output from another sample run after a while:
Learn more about the modern Date-Time API from Trail: Date Time. Check this answer and this answer to learn how to use java.time API with JDBC.
Note: The java.util Date-Time API and their formatting API, SimpleDateFormat are outdated and error-prone. It is recommended to stop using them completely and switch to the modern Date-Time API*.
* If you are working for an Android project and your Android API level is still not compliant with Java-8, check Java 8+ APIs available through desugaring. Note that Android 8.0 Oreo already provides support for java.time.
We do need a little bit of hand-coded math to handle the 5-minute interval case. Excuse my Java syntax.
ZonedDateTime now = ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("America/New_York"));
System.out.println("Now: " + now);
// Truncate to the previous 5 minutes
ZonedDateTime zdt = now.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
zdt = zdt.withMinute(zdt.getMinute() / 5 * 5);
for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {
zdt = zdt.plusMinutes(5);
Example output:
Now: 2021-10-25T15:23:31.357567-04:00[America/New_York]
The trick to truncate to a whole multiple of 5 minutes is to divide by 5, obtain a whole number and discard any remainder, and multiply by 5 again.
The 1-minute interval is similar, only a bit simpler: we don’t need to do any math ourselves, java.time takes care of it all.

Convert Unix/epoch timestamp to human readable time in Dart Flutter

Say the EPOCH timestamp I received from an API is 1595216214.
It is equivalent to Monday, July 20, 2020 3:36:54 AM (GMT).
My interest is time value only (Ignoring the date/day value)? How can I code in Dart?
Also, how can I convert it into my time zone (E.g.: GMT+8)
you can use DateTime class to do that. Like this:
var dateUtc = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(myAPIEpochTimeInMilliseconds, isUtc: true);
var dateInMyTimezone = dateUtc.add(Duration(hours: 8));
var secondsOfDay = dateInMyTimezone.hour * 3600 + dateInMyTimezone.minute * 60 + dateInMyTimezone.second;
If you are doing this for the web, although Dart does support 64+ bit numbers, javascript only takes 32-bit integers. So, use the BigInt class for big numbers tha exceeds 32-bit representation.
DateTime doesn't have an inherent timezone to be defined on the class. Is either the local (machine) time or utc Time. So, it is recomended to always use utc and add timezone offset when needed. Or just create a wrapper.

Get date out of year and day of year from a value - Scala

I have a 6 digit value from which i have to get the date in scala. For eg if the value is - 119003 then the output should be
1=20 century
19=2019 year
003= january 3
The output should be 2019/01/03
I have tried ti split the value first and then get the date. But i am not sure how to proceed as i am new to scala
I think you'll have to do the century calculations manually. After that you can let the java.time library do all the rest.
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
val in = "119003"
val cent = in.head.asDigit + 19
val res = LocalDate.parse(cent+in.tail, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyDDD"))
//res: String = 2019/01/03
The Date class of Java 1.0 used 1900-based years, so 119 would mean 2019, for example. This use was deprecated already in Java 1.1 more than 20 years ago, so it’s surprising to see it survive into Scala.
When you say 6 digit value, I take it to be a number (not a string).
The answer by jwvh is correct. My variant would be like (sorry about the Java code, please translate yourself):
int value = 119003;
int year1900based = value / 1000;
int dayOfYear = value % 1000;
LocalDate date = LocalDate.ofYearDay(year1900based + 1900, dayOfYear);
If you’ve got a string, I would slice it into two parts only, 119 and 003 (not three parts as in your comment). Parse each into an int and proceed as above.
If you need 2019/01/03 format in your output, use a DateTimeFormatter for that. Inside your program, do keep the LocalDate, not a String.

Result of adding second to date is one minute off; workaround

I'm adding a second to an instance of Foundation's date, but the result is off by an entire minute.
var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601)
calendar.locale = Locale(identifier: "en")
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "GMT")!
let date1 = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: -62544967141.9)
let date2 = calendar.date(byAdding: DateComponents(second: 1),
to: date1,
wrappingComponents: true)!
ISO8601DateFormatter().string(from: date1) // => 0019-01-11T22:00:58Z
ISO8601DateFormatter().string(from: date2) // => 0019-01-11T21:59:59Z
Interestingly, one of the following makes the error go away:
round time interval since reference date
don't add time zone to calendar
set wrappingComponents to false (even though it shouldn't wrap in this case)
I don't really need sub-second precision in my code, so I created this extension that allows me to discard it.
extension Date {
func roundedToSeconds() -> Date {
return Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: round(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate))
I want to know this:
Why does this error happen?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there any issue with my workaround?
Why does this error happen?
I would say this is a bug in Core Foundation (CF).
Calendar.date(byAdding:to:wrappingComponents:) calls down to the internal Core Foundation function _CFCalendarAddComponentsV, which in turn uses the ICU Calendar C API. ICU represents a time as an floating-point number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch, while CF uses a floating-point number of seconds since the NeXT reference date. So CF has to convert its representation to ICU's representation before calling into ICU, and convert back to return the result to you.
Here's how it converts from a CF timestamp to an ICU timestamp:
double startingInt;
double startingFrac = modf(*atp, &startingInt);
UDate udate = (startingInt + kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970) * 1000.0;
The modf function splits a floating-point number into its integer and fractional parts. Let's plug in your example date:
var startingInt: Double = 0
var startingFrac: Double = modf(date1.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate, &startingInt)
print(startingInt, startingFrac)
// Output:
-62544967141.0 -0.9000015258789062
Next, CF calls __CFCalendarAdd to add one second to -62544967141. Note that -62544967141 lies in the round one-minute interval -62544967200 ..< -62544967140.0. So when CF adds one second to -62544967141, it gets -62544967140, which would be in the next round one-minute interval. Since you specified wrapping components, CF isn't allowed to change the minute part of the date, so it wraps back to the beginning of the original round one-minute interval, -62544967200.
Finally, CF converts the ICU time back to a CF time, adding in the fractional part of the original time:
*atp = (udate / 1000.0) - kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970 + startingFrac + (nanosecond * 1.0e-9);
So it returns -62544967200 + -0.9000015258789062 = -62544967200.9, exactly 59 seconds earlier than the input time.
Am I doing something wrong?
No, the bug is in CF, not in your code.
Is there any issue with my workaround?
If you don't need sub-second precision, your workaround should be fine.
I can reproduce it with more recent dates but so far only with negative reference dates, e.g. Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: -1008899941.9), which is 1969-01-11T22:00:58Z.
Any negative timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate in the last second of a minute interval should cause the problem. The bug effectively makes the first round whole minute prior to time 0 span from -60.99999999999999 through -1.0, but it should span from -60.0 through -5e324. All more-negative round minute intervals are similarly offset.