Execution context for futures in Actors - scala

I have a Actor, and on some message I'm running some method which returns Future.
def receive: Receive = {
case SimpleMessge() =>
val futData:Future[Int] = ...
futData.map { data =>
Is it possible to pass actual context to wait for this data? Or Await is the best I can do if I need this data in SimpleMessage?

If you really need to wait for the future to complete before processing the next message, you can try something like this:
object SimpleMessageHandler{
case class SimpleMessage()
case class FinishSimpleMessage(i:Int)
class SimpleMessageHandler extends Actor with Stash{
import SimpleMessageHandler._
import context._
import akka.pattern.pipe
def receive = waitingForMessage
def waitingForMessage: Receive = {
case SimpleMessage() =>
val futData:Future[Int] = ...
futData.map(FinishSimpleMessage(_)) pipeTo self
def waitingToFinish(originalSender:ActorRef):Receive = {
case SimpleMessage() => stash()
case FinishSimpleMessage(i) =>
//Do whatever you need to do to finish here
case Status.Failure(ex) =>
//log error here
In this approach, we process a SimpleMessage and then switch handling logic to stash all subsequent SimpleMessages received until we get a result from the future. When we get a result, failure or not, we unstash all of the other SimpleMessages we have received while waiting for the future and go on our merry way.
This actor just toggles back and forth between two states and that allows you to only fully process one SimpleMessage at a time without needing to block on the Future.


Child actors, futures and exceptions

I'm currently working on an application with a signup process. This signup process will, at some point, communicate with external systems in an asynchronous manner. To keep this question concise, I'm showing you two important actors I've written:
class SignupActor extends PersistentFSM[SignupActor.State, Data, DomainEvt] {
private val apiActor = context.actorOf(ExternalAPIActor.props(new HttpClient))
// At a certain point, a CreateUser(data) message is sent to the apiActor
class ExternalAPIActor(apiClient: HttpClient) extends Actor {
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) = {
message.foreach(context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(3 seconds, self, _))
super.preRestart(reason, message)
def receive: Receive = {
case CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
Timeout(5 seconds).duration
This setup seems to work as expected. When there is an issue with the external API (such as a timeout or network problems), the Future returned by HttpClient::post fails and will result in an exception thanks to Await.result. This, in turn thanks to the SupervisorStrategy of the SignupActor parent actor, will restart the ExternalAPIActor where we can re-send the last message to itself with a small delay to avoid deadlock.
I see a couple of issues with this setup:
Within the receive method of ExternalAPIActor, blocking occurs. As far as I understand, blocking within Actors is considered an anti-pattern.
The delay used to re-send the message is static. If the API is unavailable for longer periods of time, we will keep on sending HTTP requests every 3 seconds. I'd like some kind of exponential backoff mechanism here instead.
To continue on with the latter, I've tried the following in the SignupActor:
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
ExternalAPIActor.props(new HttpClient),
childName = "external-api",
minBackoff = 3 seconds,
maxBackoff = 30 seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
private val apiActor = context.actorOf(supervisor)
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do anything at all -- the preRestart method of ExternalAPIActor isn't called at all. When replacing Backoff.onFailure with Backoff.onStop, the preRestart method is called, but without any kind of exponential backoff at all.
Given the above, my questions are as follows:
Is using Await.result the recommended (the only?) way to make sure exceptions thrown in a Future returned from services called within actors are caught and handled accordingly? An especially important part of my particular use case is the fact that messages shouldn't be dropped but retried when something went wrong. Or is there some other (idiomatic) way that exceptions thrown in asynchronous contexts should be handled within Actors?
How would one use the BackoffSupervisor as intended in this case? Again: it is very important that the message responsible for the exception is not dropped, but retried until a N-number of times (to be determined by the maxRetries argument of SupervisorStrategy.
Is using Await.result the recommended (the only?) way to make sure
exceptions thrown in a Future returned from services called within
actors are caught and handled accordingly?
No. Generally that's not how you want to handle failures in Akka. A better alternative is to pipe the failure to your own actor, avoiding the need to use Await.result at all:
def receive: Receive = {
case CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
case Success(res) => context.parent ! res
case Failure(e) => // Invoke retry here
This would mean no restart is required to handle failure, they are all part of the normal flow of your actor.
An additional way to handle this can be to create a "supervised future". Taken from this blog post:
object SupervisedPipe {
case class SupervisedFailure(ex: Throwable)
class SupervisedPipeableFuture[T](future: Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
// implicit failure recipient goes to self when used inside an actor
def supervisedPipeTo(successRecipient: ActorRef)(implicit failureRecipient: ActorRef): Unit =
future.andThen {
case Success(result) => successRecipient ! result
case Failure(ex) => failureRecipient ! SupervisedFailure(ex)
implicit def supervisedPipeTo[T](future: Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): SupervisedPipeableFuture[T] =
new SupervisedPipeableFuture[T](future)
/* `orElse` with the actor receive logic */
val handleSupervisedFailure: Receive = {
// just throw the exception and make the actor logic handle it
case SupervisedFailure(ex) => throw ex
def supervised(receive: Receive): Receive =
handleSupervisedFailure orElse receive
This way, you only pipe to self once you get a Failure, and otherwise send it to the actor the message was meant to be sent to, avoiding the need for the case Success I added to the receive method. All you need to do is replace supervisedPipeTo with the original framework provided pipeTo.
Alright, I've done some more thinking and tinkering and I've come up with the following.
class ExternalAPIActor(apiClient: HttpClient) extends Actor with Stash {
import ExternalAPIActor._
def receive: Receive = {
case msg # CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
def waitingForExternalServiceReceive(event: InputEvent): Receive = LoggingReceive {
case Failure(_) =>
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(3 seconds, self, event)
case msg:OutputEvent =>
context.parent ! msg
case _ => stash()
object ExternalAPIActor {
sealed trait InputEvent
sealed trait OutputEvent
final case class CreateUser(data: Map[String,Any]) extends InputEvent
final case class UserCreatedInAPI() extends OutputEvent
I've used this technique to prevent the original message from being lost in case there is something wrong with the external service we're calling. During the process of a request to an external service, I switch context, waiting for either a response of a failure and switch back afterwards. Thanks to the Stash trait, I can make sure other requests to external services aren't lost as well.
Since I have multiple actors in my application calling external services, I abstracted the waitingForExternalServiceReceive to its own trait:
trait WaitingForExternalServiceReceive[-tInput, +tOutput] extends Stash {
def waitingForExternalServiceReceive(event: tInput)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Receive = LoggingReceive {
case akka.actor.Status.Failure(_) =>
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(3 seconds, self, event)
case msg:tOutput =>
context.parent ! msg
case _ => stash()
Now, the ExternalAPIActor can extend this trait:
class ExternalAPIActor(apiClient: HttpClient) extends Actor with WaitingForExternalServiceReceive[InputEvent,OutputEvent] {
import ExternalAPIActor._
def receive: Receive = {
case msg # CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
object ExternalAPIActor {
sealed trait InputEvent
sealed trait OutputEvent
final case class CreateUser(data: Map[String,Any]) extends InputEvent
final case class UserCreatedInAPI() extends OutputEvent
Now, the actor won't get restarted in case of failures/errors and the message isn't lost. What's more, the entire flow of the actor now is non-blocking.
This setup is (most probably) far from perfect, but it seems to work exactly as I need it to.

Resolving Akka futures from ask in the event of a failure

I am calling an Actor using the ask pattern within a Spray application, and returning the result as the HTTP response. I map failures from the actor to a custom error code.
val authActor = context.actorOf(Props[AuthenticationActor])
callService((authActor ? TokenAuthenticationRequest(token)).mapTo[LoggedInUser]) { user =>
complete(StatusCodes.OK, user)
def callService[T](f: => Future[T])(cb: T => RequestContext => Unit) = {
onComplete(f) {
case Success(value: T) => cb(value)
case Failure(ex: ServiceException) => complete(ex.statusCode, ex.errorMessage)
case e => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, "Unable to complete the request. Please try again later.")
//In reality this returns a custom error object.
This works correctly when the authActor sends a failure, but if the authActor throws an exception, nothing happens until the ask timeout completes. For example:
override def receive: Receive = {
case _ => throw new ServiceException(ErrorCodes.AuthenticationFailed, "No valid session was found for that token")
I know that the Akka docs say that
To complete the future with an exception you need send a Failure message to the sender. This is not done automatically when an actor throws an exception while processing a message.
But given that I use asks for a lot of the interface between the Spray routing actors and the service actors, I would rather not wrap the receive part of every child actor with a try/catch. Is there a better way to achieve automatic handling of exceptions in child actors, and immediately resolve the future in the event of an exception?
Edit: this is my current solution. However, it's quite messy to do this for every child actor.
override def receive: Receive = {
case default =>
try {
default match {
case _ => throw new ServiceException("")//Actual code would go here
catch {
case se: ServiceException =>
logger.error("Service error raised:", se)
sender ! Failure(se)
case ex: Exception =>
sender ! Failure(ex)
throw ex
That way if it's an expected error (i.e. ServiceException), it's handled by creating a failure. If it's unexpected, it returns a failure immediately so the future is resolved, but then throws the exception so it can still be handled by the SupervisorStrategy.
If you want a way to provide automatic sending of a response back to the sender in case of an unexpected exception, then something like this could work for you:
trait FailurePropatingActor extends Actor{
override def preRestart(reason:Throwable, message:Option[Any]){
super.preRestart(reason, message)
sender() ! Status.Failure(reason)
We override preRestart and propagate the failure back to the sender as a Status.Failure which will cause an upstream Future to be failed. Also, it's important to call super.preRestart here as that's where child stopping happens. Using this in an actor looks something like this:
case class GetElement(list:List[Int], index:Int)
class MySimpleActor extends FailurePropatingActor {
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val result = list(i)
sender() ! result
If I was to call an instance of this actor like so:
import akka.pattern.ask
import concurrent.duration._
val system = ActorSystem("test")
import system.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(2 seconds)
val ref = system.actorOf(Props[MySimpleActor])
val fut = ref ? GetElement(List(1,2,3), 6)
fut onComplete{
case util.Success(result) =>
println(s"success: $result")
case util.Failure(ex) =>
println(s"FAIL: ${ex.getMessage}")
Then it would properly hit my Failure block. Now, the code in that base trait works well when Futures are not involved in the actor that is extending that trait, like the simple actor here. But if you use Futures then you need to be careful as exceptions that happen in the Future don't cause restarts in the actor and also, in preRestart, the call to sender() will not return the correct ref because the actor has already moved into the next message. An actor like this shows that issue:
class MyBadFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor{
import context.dispatcher
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val orig = sender()
val fut = Future{
val result = list(i)
orig ! result
If we were to use this actor in the previous test code, we would always get a timeout in the failure situation. To mitigate that, you need to pipe the results of futures back to the sender like so:
class MyGoodFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor{
import context.dispatcher
import akka.pattern.pipe
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val fut = Future{
fut pipeTo sender()
In this particular case, the actor itself is not restarted because it did not encounter an uncaught exception. Now, if your actor needed to do some additional processing after the future, you can pipe back to self and explicitly fail when you get a Status.Failure:
class MyGoodFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor{
import context.dispatcher
import akka.pattern.pipe
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val fut = Future{
fut.to(self, sender())
case d:Double =>
sender() ! d * 2
case Status.Failure(ex) =>
throw ex
If that behavior becomes common, you can make it available to whatever actors need it like so:
trait StatusFailureHandling{ me:Actor =>
def failureHandling:Receive = {
case Status.Failure(ex) =>
throw ex
class MyGoodFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor with StatusFailureHandling{
import context.dispatcher
import akka.pattern.pipe
def receive = myReceive orElse failureHandling
def myReceive:Receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val fut = Future{
fut.to(self, sender())
case d:Double =>
sender() ! d * 2

Initializing an actor before being able to handle some other messages

I have an actor which creates another one:
class MyActor1 extends Actor {
val a2 = system actorOf Props(new MyActor(123))
The second actor must initialize (bootstrap) itself once it created and only after that it must be able to do other job.
class MyActor2(a: Int) extends Actor {
//initialized (bootstrapped) itself, potentially a long operation
val initValue = // get from a server
//handle incoming messages
def receive = {
case "job1" => // do some job but after it's initialized (bootstrapped) itself
So the very first thing MyActor2 must do is do some job of initializing itself. It might take some time because it's request to a server. Only after it finishes successfully, it must become able to handle incoming messages through receive. Before that - it must not do that.
Of course, a request to a server must be asynchronous (preferably, using Future, not async, await or other high level stuff like AsyncHttpClient). I know how to use Future, it's not a problem, though.
How do I ensure that?
p.s. My guess is that it must send a message to itself first.
You could use become method to change actor's behavior after initialization:
class MyActor2(a: Int) extends Actor {
server ! GetInitializationData
def initialize(d: InitializationData) = ???
//handle incoming messages
val initialized: Receive = {
case "job1" => // do some job but after it's initialized (bootstrapped) itself
def receive = {
case d # InitializationData =>
context become initialized
Note that such actor will drop all messages before initialization. You'll have to preserve these messages manually, for instance using Stash:
class MyActor2(a: Int) extends Actor with Stash {
def receive = {
case d # InitializationData =>
context become initialized
case _ => stash()
If you don't want to use var for initialization you could create initialized behavior using InitializationData like this:
class MyActor2(a: Int) extends Actor {
server ! GetInitializationData
//handle incoming messages
def initialized(intValue: Int, strValue: String): Receive = {
case "job1" => // use `intValue` and `strValue` here
def receive = {
case InitializationData(intValue, strValue) =>
context become initialized(intValue, strValue)
I don't know wether the proposed solution is a good idea. It seems awkward to me to send a Initialization message. Actors have a lifecycle and offer some hooks. When you have a look at the API, you will discover the prestart hook.
Therefore i propose the following:
When the actor is created, its preStart hook is run, where you do your server request which returns a future.
While the future is not completed all incoming messages are stashed.
When the future completes it uses context.become to use your real/normal receive method.
After the become you unstash everything.
Here is a rough sketch of the code (bad solution, see real solution below):
class MyActor2(a: Int) extends Actor with Stash{
def preStart = {
val future = // do your necessary server request (should return a future)
future onSuccess {
def receive = initialReceive
def initialReceive = {
case _ => stash()
def normalReceive = {
// your normal Receive Logic
UPDATE: Improved solution according to Senias feedback
class MyActor2(a: Int) extends Actor with Stash{
def preStart = {
val future = // do your necessary server request (should return a future)
future onSuccess {
self ! InitializationDone
def receive = initialReceive
def initialReceive = {
case InitializationDone =>
case _ => stash()
def normalReceive = {
// your normal Receive Logic
case class InitializationDone

Ask an actor and let him respond when he reaches a particular state in Akka 2

I'm quite new to Akka so my question may seem simple:
I have an actor called workerA that uses FSM and can thus be either in those two states Finishedand Computing:
sealed trait State
case object Finished extends State
case object Computing extends State
sealed trait Data
case object Uninitialized extends Data
case class Todo(target: ActorRef, queue: immutable.Seq[Any]) extends Data
When workerA receives GetResponse it should answer if and if only it is in state Finished.
What is the proper way of doing this? I know we should avoid to be blocking in this paradigm but here it is only the top actor which is concerned.
I'm not necessarily sure you even need FSM here. FSM is a really good tool for when you have many states and many possible (and possibly complicated) state transitions between those states. In your case, if I understand correctly, you basically have two states; gathering data and finished. It also seems that there is only a single state transition, going from gathering -> finished. If I have this all correct, then I'm going to suggest that you simply use become to solve your problem.
I have some code below to show a trivial example of what I'm describing. The basic idea is that the main actor farms some work off to some workers and then waits for the results. If anyone asks for the results while the work is being done, the actor stashes that request until the work is done. When done, the actor will reply back to anyone that has asked for the results. The code is as follows:
case object GetResults
case class Results(ints:List[Int])
case object DoWork
class MainActor extends Actor with Stash{
import context._
override def preStart = {
val a = actorOf(Props[WorkerA], "worker-a")
val b = actorOf(Props[WorkerB], "worker-b")
a ! DoWork
b ! DoWork
def receive = gathering(Nil, 2)
def gathering(ints:List[Int], count:Int):Receive = {
case GetResults => stash()
case Results(i) =>
val results = i ::: ints
val newCount = count - 1
if (newCount == 0){
child("worker-a") foreach (stop(_))
child("worker-b") foreach (stop(_))
become(gathering(results, newCount))
def finished(results:List[Int]):Receive = {
case GetResults => sender ! results
class WorkerA extends Actor{
def receive = {
case DoWork =>
//Only sleeping to simulate work. Not a good idea in real code
Thread sleep 3000
val ints = for(i <- 2 until 100 by 2) yield i
sender ! Results(ints.toList)
class WorkerB extends Actor{
def receive = {
case DoWork =>
//Only sleeping to simulate work. Not a good idea in real code
Thread sleep 2000
val ints = for(i <- 1 until 100 by 2) yield i
sender ! Results(ints.toList)
Then you could test it as follows:
val mainActor = system.actorOf(Props[MainActor])
val fut = mainActor ? GetResults
fut onComplete (println(_))
You can pattern match on FSM states:
// insert pattern matching stuff instead of ...
class MyActor extends Actor with FSM[State, Message] {
startWith(Finished, WaitMessage(null))
when(Finished) {
case Event(Todo(... =>
// work
goto(Computing) using Todo(...)
case Event(GetResponse(... =>
// reply: sender ! msg // or similar
/* the rest is optional. You can use onTransition below to send yourself a message to report status of the job: */
when(Busy) {
case Event(Finished(... =>
// reply to someone: sender ! msg // or similar
onTransition {
case Finished -> Computing =>
// I prefer to run stuff here in a future, and then send a message to myself to signal the end of the job:
self ! Finished(data)
An Edit to more specifically address the question:
class MyActor extends Actor with FSM[State, Message] {
startWith(Finished, WaitMessage(null))
when(Finished) {
case Event(Todo(... =>
// work
goto(Computing) using Todo(...)
case Event(GetResponse(... =>
// reply: sender ! msg // or similar

Akka Actor - wait for some time to expect a message, otherwise send a message out

Is it possible to make an Actor wait for X amount of seconds to receive any message, and if a message is received, process it as usual, otherwise send a message to some other Actor (pre-determined in the constructor)?
It's possible, have a look at Akka Actor "ask" and "Await" with TimeoutException. But keep in mind that blocking inside an actor is a very bad idea since during that time actor can't handle any other messages. Moreover it blocks one Akka processing thread.
A better approach is to send a message (fire and forget) and schedule some timeout event using Akka scheduler. When the response arrives, cancel that event or set some flag so that it won't trigger if the reply actually came on time.
Yes, if you want to wait for any message, you simply set a receiveTimeout: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/scala/actors.html#receive-timeout
(The docs is slightly misleading here, you can set the receiveTimeout after every message also)
Might be an overkill, but you might check out the Finite State Machine (FSM) trait.
import akka._
import actor._
import util._
import duration._
import Impatient._
object Impatient {
sealed trait State
case object WaitingForMessage extends State
case object MessageReceived extends State
case object TimeoutExpired extends State
sealed trait Data
case object Unitialized extends Data
// In
case object Message
class Impatient(receiver: ActorRef) extends Actor with FSM[State, Data] {
startWith(WaitingForMessage, Unitialized)
when(WaitingForMessage, stateTimeout = 3 seconds) {
case Event(StateTimeout, data) => goto(TimeoutExpired) using data // data is usually modified here
case Event(Message, data) => goto(MessageReceived) using data // data is usually modified here
onTransition {
case WaitingForMessage -> MessageReceived => stateData match {
case data => log.info("Received message: " + data)
case WaitingForMessage -> TimeoutExpired => receiver ! TimeoutExpired
when(MessageReceived) {
case _ => stay
when(TimeoutExpired) {
case _ => stay
Here it is in action:
object Main extends App {
import akka._
import actor._
import Impatient._
val system = ActorSystem("System")
val receiver = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case TimeoutExpired => log.warning("Timeout expired")
val impatient = system.actorOf(Props(new Impatient(receiver)), name = "Impatient")
impatient ! Message
val impatient2 = system.actorOf(Props(new Impatient(receiver)), name = "Impatient2")
impatient2 ! Message