Integrate Facebook Sign In in Intel XDK - facebook

hope that some body answer.. thanks in advance
I trying to integrate Facebook Sign In in Intel XDK but I only gets a blank screen and a button Cancel on top... any help here is my code
function facebook_login(){
if (e.success == true)
var facebookUserID = "me"; //me = the user currently logged into Facebook
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.facebook.request.response",function(e) {
console.log("Facebook User Friends Data Returned");
if (e.success == true) {
var data =;
var outHTML = "";
for (var r=0; r< data.length; r++) {
outHTML += "<img src='"
+ data[r]["id"]
+ "/picture' info='"
+ data[r]["name"] + "' />";
console.log("Unsuccessful Login");
}, false);
intel.xdk.facebook.login("publish_stream, publish_actions, offline_access");

I'm not 100% sure but if you look at the end of this page :
You'll see that you need to register your app through facebook and then build it.

The intel.xdk.facebook library only works in the Legacy Builds that can be generated from the XDK IDE. It will not work in the XDK emulator, AppPreview, or Cordova Builds. Below is the forum link where IntelJohn points this out. I have confirmed this with independent testing.
If your application will rely on any Cordova plugins (meaning you'll have to use the Cordova build) it would be better for you to drop use of the intel.xdk.facebook library and install the Cordova Facebook Plugin (


Deeplink not work with SocialSharing

I'm developing an ionic project.
I have follwed all steps to installa Social Sharing and Deeplinks.
This is my schema when I install plugin.
ionic cordova plugin add ionic-plugin-deeplinks --variable URL_SCHEME=app --variable DEEPLINK_SCHEME=https --variable --variable ANDROID_PATH_PREFIX=/
But when I share with Social Sharing don't send a url, Social Sharing send as string or via email send some structure as string an other part as url.
e.g. via hangout as string
e.g. via email app:// --> app:// as string and as url
In Social share documentation schema is share(meesage, subject, file, url)
message:string, subject:string, file:string|Array, url:string
this.socialSharing.share('Lorem ipsum', 'title', null, 'app://')
.then( ()=> {
.catch( (error)=> {
console.log('Error: ', error);
The app open deeplinks when I tested using browser from with hiperlink.
< h1 >< a href="app://" >Click Me< /a>< /h1>
But when I share a deeplink send as string.
Why??? Can you help me???
I struggled with the same problem, the solution to this is very straight forward:
Do not use custom url schemes
The main reason for not using custom url schemes is that Gmail and other webmail provider indeed destroys links such as "app://...". So there is no way to get this work.
See the following links for details:
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app?
Use universal links instead
Universal links is supported by Android und iOS. Since you are already using the ionic-plugin-deeplinks plugin, you already configured a deeplink url.
All you have to do is change
For using universal links you need to create configuration files for android and iOS. These files must include application identifiers for all the apps with which the site wants to share credentials. See the following link for details:
The file has to be located on your website at exactly (for iOS) (for android)
You can also use to get data from custom URL and deep link in our app if exist. Otherwise, redirect to play/app store like this:
$(document).ready(function (){
var lifestoryId = getParameterByName('lifestoryId');
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1){
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = "";
}, 5000);
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone") > -1){
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = "";
}, 5000);
window.location.href = "app://lifestory/info:"+lifestoryId;
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
if (!url) url = window.location.href;
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return null;
if (!results[2]) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
Call link like: BASE_URL/index.html?lifestoryId=123

Ionic 2 Facebook login

I found this code:
login() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
this.facebookLogin().then((success) => {
}, (error) => {
facebookLogin() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var browserRef ="" + "CLIENT_ID_HERE" + "&redirect_uri=http://localhost/callback&response_type=token&scope=email", "_blank", "location=no,clearsessioncache=yes,clearcache=yes");
browserRef.addEventListener("loadstart", (event) => {
if ((event.url).indexOf("http://localhost/callback") === 0) {
browserRef.removeEventListener("exit", (event) => {});
var responseParameters = ((event.url).split("#")[1]).split("&");
var parsedResponse = {};
for (var i = 0; i < responseParameters.length; i++) {
parsedResponse[responseParameters[i].split("=")[0]] = responseParameters[i].split("=")[1];
if (parsedResponse["access_token"] !== undefined && parsedResponse["access_token"] !== null) {
} else {
reject("Problem authenticating with Facebook");
browserRef.addEventListener("exit", function(event) {
reject("The Facebook sign in flow was canceled");
I am a bit confused, how does Ionic 2 app recognizes when user is signed in with some social apps like facebook/google?
For example, I want to make a landing page, which prompts for facebook login, and as soon as user is logged-in, dont show the page.
I am familiar with nodejs+passportjs which stores session/cookies, but how Ionic 2 it does?
You can use Ionic Native's NativeStorage plugin to store user preferences. It keeps the data until the app is uninstalled.
Find more about it here:
There are different ways to integrate Facebook authentication Ionic app:
Implement any Facebook authentication using Javascript
Ionic Native
Ionic Native is a curated set of ES5/ES6/TypeScript wrappers for Cordova/PhoneGap plugins that make adding any native functionality you need to your Ionic, Cordova, or Web View mobile app easy.
- Facebook:
Page provides all details needed to implement native Facebook authentication in your Ionic app.
Hope this helps answering your question and concerns.

How to detect if WebGL is on Facebook Canvas

Im currently facing an issue where I am using the Facebook plugin v.7.1.0 for Unity. Im distributing through WebGL, but my app needs to be running both on Facebook, but also outside Facebook. When using FB.Init I get a successful callback, which is what I used to use for testing whether on Facebook canvas or not when deploying for WebPlayer.
So my question is, how do I detect whether the WebGL player is on the facebook canvas or not?
This solution is just posted for anyone who would like the same solution as I used.
The solution was to use a jslib plugin as described here
var FacebookCanvasChecker = {
GetSite: function()
var url = document.URL;
var returnStr = "";
if (url.indexOf("") > -1)
returnStr = "facebook";
// try with referer
url = document.referrer;
if (url.indexOf("") > -1)
returnStr = "facebook";
returnStr = url;
returnStr = url;
var buffer = _malloc(returnStr.length + 1);
writeStringToMemory(returnStr, buffer);
return buffer;
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, FacebookCanvasChecker);
In Unity's WebGL, you can communicate with javascript. link
So, I call a javascript function to check current url by
function GetCurrentUrlType(){
var url = document.URL;
if (url.indexOf("") > -1)
SendMessage("GameObject", "CheckURL", "facebook");
Hope this help!!!

Facebook login hangs at "XD Proxy" when page is installed via Chrome Web Store

The created the following web application:
I also added it to the Chrome Web Store:
The problem is that when go to the Chrome Web Store and install this app the Facebook login windows hangs at a "XD Proxy" window. While the connect itself works, this blank window can confuse the users.
I did my research, and this seems to be a Chrome issue:
If you uninstall the app from Chrome, the problem disappears.
Is there any workaround for this problem?
Similar stackoverflow questions:
Facebook connect login window locking in Chrome
FB.login dialog does not close on Google Chrome
facebook connect blank pop up on chrome
This is my Facebook connect in case it helps:
appId : window.__FACEBOOK_APP_ID__,
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : true, // parse XFBML
channelUrl : window.__MEDIA_URL__ + 'channel.html', // channel.html file
oauth : true // enable OAuth 2.0
FB.XD._transport = "flash";
if (A.networks.facebook.connected) {
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
// Stores the current user ID for later use
that.network_id = response.authResponse.userID;
if (!response.authResponse) {
// no user session available, someone you dont know
A.networks.facebook.connected = false;
else {
The Solution
Thanks to the reekogi reply I was able to workaround this issue. Here is the full implementation:
In order to avoid the XD Proxy problem, you have to connecte to Facebook without using the FB.login, this can be achieved by manually redirecting the user to Facebook page.
I had this login function in my code:
_facebook.connect_to_network = function (callback) {
FB.login(function (response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
console.log('Welcome! Fetching your information.... ');
FB.api('/me', function (response) {
// Stores the current user Id for later use
that.network_id =;
console.log('Good to see you, ' + + '.');
else {
console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
that.connected = false;
}, {scope: window.__FACEBOOK_PERMS__});
Which I replaced by this code:
_facebook.connect_to_network = function (callback) {
var url = '' + window.__FACEBOOK_APP_ID__ + '&method=permissions.request&display=page&next=' + encodeURIComponent(window.__BASE_URL__ + 'authorize-window?my_app=facebook&my_method=login') + '&response_type=token&fbconnect=1&perms=' + window.__FACEBOOK_PERMS__;;
The new code opens a popup which connects to Facebook and returns to the url specified in the 'next' parameter. I added some extra parameters in this callback url so that the javascript code could check for it and close the popup.
This code is executed when the Facebook redirects to the callback url:
_facebook.parse_url_params = function () {
// This is the popup window
if (URL_PARAMS.my_method === 'login') {
window.opener.A.networks.facebook.connected = true;
URL_PARAMS is just a helper object that contains all the url parameters.
I still believe that this is a Chrome issue, but since this workaround has worked and solved my problem I am marking this question as solved.
Could you call a javascript redirect to get permissions then redirect back to the uri?
I described this method in detail here ->
Permissions on fan page
The method I demonstrated before will be deprecated when OAuth 2.0 comes into the requirements.
Here is the code, adapted for OAauth 2.0 (response.session is replaced with response.authResponse)
<div id="fb-root"></div>
theAppId = "YOURAPPID";
redirectUri = "YOURREDIRECTURI"; //This is the page that you redirect to after the user accepts the permissions dialogue
//Connect to JS SDK
appId : theAppId,
cookie: true,
xfbml: true,
status: true,
channelURL : '', // channel.html file
oauth : true // enable OAuth 2.0
//Append to JS SDK to div.fb-root
(function() {
var e = document.createElement('script');
e.src = document.location.protocol + '//';
e.async = true;
//Check login status and permissions
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
// logged in and connected user, someone you know
} else {
//Redirect to permissions dialogue
top.location="" + theAppId + "&method=permissions.request&display=page&next=" + redirectUri + "&response_type=token&fbconnect=1&perms=email,read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access";
Just tried and tested, worked fine in chrome.
I didn't try the solution proposed by Cesar, because I prefer to stick with Facebook's official javascript SDK.
Nevertheless I would like to add a few observations:
Indeed, the blocking problem only happened on Chrome after installing from Chrome Web Store. Uninstalling the web app solves the problem. (tested with legacy authentication method, without oauth 2.0). After closing the XD Proxy popup manually, my application was working properly.
After switching to asynchronous FB.init() and enabling oauth 2.0 option, my application would not even get a valid facebook connect status at login time ({authResponse: null, status: "unknown"})... Again, uninstalling it from the Chrome Web Store, it's working... ({authResponse: Object, status: "connected"})
No problem encountered with Safari, in any of these cases.
In IE8 - this can be caused by your flash version. I tried everything and nothing worked until I disabled flash. More details from this blog:
Open a new browser tab in Chrome and see if you have the Facebook 'App' installed. If so, drag it to the bottom right corner to uninstall. Once uninstalled the XD Proxy will work.
Reference: facebook connect blank pop up on chrome
I was experiencing same problem for all browsers. When user clicked "login" button, a popup opened and hanged; and unless user killed browser process, it caused a high load on CPU. If user managed to see "allow" button and click it however, then it appeared a "xd proxy" blank window and nothing happened. That was the problem.
After long investigations, I noticed my new JS code which proxies setInterval/clearInterval/setTimeout/clearTimeout methods, caused this problem. Code is as follows:
window.timeoutList = new Array();
window.intervalList = new Array();
window.oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
window.oldSetInterval = window.setInterval;
window.oldClearTimeout = window.clearTimeout;
window.oldClearInterval = window.clearInterval;
window.setTimeout = function(code, delay) {
window.timeoutList.push(window.oldSetTimeout(code, delay));
window.clearTimeout = function(id) {
var ind = window.timeoutList.indexOf(id);
if(ind >= 0) {
window.timeoutList.splice(ind, 1);
window.setInterval = function(code, delay) {
window.intervalList.push(window.oldSetInterval(code, delay));
window.clearInterval = function(id) {
var ind = window.intervalList.indexOf(id);
if(ind >= 0) {
window.intervalList.splice(ind, 1);
window.clearAllTimeouts = function() {
for(var i in window.timeoutList) {
window.timeoutList = new Array();
window.clearAllIntervals = function() {
for(var i in window.intervalList) {
window.intervalList = new Array();
Removing these lines solved my problem. Maybe it helps to who experiences the same.
It appears this has been fixed in Chrome. No longer happens for us in Mac Chrome 15.0.874.106
Another workaround is to use this code after you call FB.init():
if (/chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) {
FB.XD._origin = window.location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + '/' + FB.guid();
FB.XD._transport = 'flash';
The pop-up window remains open and blank, but I found that in my Chrome Web Store app, the authentication goes through when this code is used.
This bug is also filed on Facebook Developers here:
I've been experiencing the same issue in IE9, and it seemed to stem from upgrading to Flash Player 10. The answers suggested already did not work for me and I'd lost hope in trying to fix it since finding an open bug at Facebook covering it. But Henson has posted an answer on a similar question that fixed it for me. In the JavaScript in my site master I removed the lines
FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode = function (a, b) {
FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[] = b;
and now it works. (N.B. I have not checked to see if the IE8 issue those lines were intended to overcome returns.)

Uploading files with PhoneGap + iPhone

I understand that PhoneGap applications are largely (if not entirely) HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript. Natively, the iPhone doesn't provide controls to upload files.
Does PhoneGap provide any mechanisms that allow users to upload files? (images / video, in the case of the iPhone)
I know Titanium allows users to do this, but it's a different animal with its compiled Javascript and proprietary APIs. Thanks for your advice/input.
I believe you might be able to read the files using the PhoneGap API and the upload them using and AJAX post if the server application supported it.
The other option is to write a custom module/Plugin in PhoneGap that could specific to your needs.
Here are some Example Plugins
You can do an xmlhttprequest to the file on a local drive.
I'm not 100% sure if it will work on the iPhone, but webkit should support it.
function getImageBinaries(url) { //synchronous binary downloader for firefox2
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false);
req.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
if (req.status != 200) {
return "";
var t = req.responseText || "" ;
var ff = [];
var mx = t.length;
var scc= String.fromCharCode;
for (var z = 0; z < mx; z++) {
ff[z] = scc(t.charCodeAt(z) & 255);
var b = ff.join("");
return b;