Landing page creation in liferay 6.2 - liferay-6

My requirement is when ever user logins into portal with different user (user group mapped) it will displayed their home page(not default home page)
For Ex:Enrollee login with his credentials he may see his home page instead of default home page
is this requirement we can do it in liferay6.2?


Typo3: Redirect after login not working

This is T3 v6.2.36 and I have a login page with a subpage. The subpage is restricted to login users and hence does not appear in the menu before login. When I click on the login page in the menu and enter the credentials I do not get redirected to the subpage. I have set the redirect target page in the user group. Also I have set the login plugin to "redirect defined by user group". It sounds so easy and intuitive, yet it doesn't work. What am I missing?

Magento CMS pages Visible for NOT LOGGED IN users redirect to login page if the user isn't logged in, pages are

On our Magento site CMS pages (landings, contact us etc.) that have the checkbox 'Visible for NOT LOGGED IN' checked are at present only visible to users that are logged in. If you go to one of the pages not logged in, it automatically redirects you to the login page. If you are logged in, then you can view the page.
I'd be grateful to get some help on finding out why these pages ignore the 'Visible for NOT LOGGED IN' option and force the user to login before the page can be viewed.

Facebook: Add an external profile into facebook

I want to build a facebook application and don't know how to plan it. A facebook user should find that application and click a button there, something like: "Add this Application to your facebook page". After that (or when the user first opens the app tab) the user will be asked to log into an external website. When the credentials are okay and the user is the owner of that facebook page/tab then this external web application will display an external profile page of that facebook user (the owner of the facebook profile the app has been put in). After that the user doesn't have to log in anymore and every user that visits that tab will see the external profile of that facebook page.
...To make it more clear an example:
User Foo has got an account at and a public visitable profile there User A has also got a facebook page. Now tells its users that they developed a facebook app to integrate their into their facebook profiles. So the user A opens that apps page, clicks a button, logs into and now has a new tab at her facebook page that contains If user B visits the facebook page of user A, he will find the of user A (not B) in the application tab.
What I would need is the following information:
How can I make an application available for the facebook users?
Update: found this tutorial:
Is it possible to make something like an installation process of an app? Otherwise if user A clicks the button to integrate the app into her page and user B opens the tab before user A could open it and log into the, then user B could log in and his profile would appear in the facebook page of user A. Or how can I solve this problem.
Next problem is that--I think--the URL of the application will be the same for all users, that integrate this app into their profile. So I would need to be able to detect the facebook page of a app request.
Update: I will be able to read the page ID from the signed request. Problem seams to be that the page administrator must know his/her page ID, but I think it will be possible to retrieve it through the graph API (if it is not part of the URL).

How to detect if user previously authorized rights to a tabbed application without showing the authorization dialog?

How can you detect if a user previously authorized a tab application, without showing the user an authorization dialog? This is a user experience concern. We don't want to throw the user at an authorization dialog without a call-to-action, but we don't want a call to action to be shown to log the user in if the user previously authorized the app.
Here's the scenario. A tab application is hosted on a page that has several other applications. In Facebook, the 'Like' button does not work at the tab level but on a page level, so a user may have liked a different application without having seen the current application. Therefore, if any 'Like gate' is used on the landing page of a tab application, and authorization is required to use the app, then when we log the user in the user will be immediately shown the authorization screen without a call to action, unless we can detect that the user previously authorized this application.
You could use the javascript SDK and check the login status to see if they have authorized your application. If they have, you could redirect with javascript elsewhere or make the calls you need. If they haven't you could then show the call to action on your page. Something like:
// redirect to authorization page
// or instead show a call to action div
} else {
//load fan page specific content
But this will only tell if you if they are currently logged in and authenticated with your application or not. The only way you would be able to tell if this is a returning user vs a brand new user is if Facebook sent over the userId in the signed_request like ifaour mentioned (then you could call /userId/permissions with your app access token or look up in your database), but Facebook most likely won't send the userId since your users probably aren't authenticating with your individual tab application but a different shared application key.
Well Facebook will send the user id in the signed_request only when the user authorize your application. So as long as that piece of information is missing then this means the user didn't authorize your application yet i.e. show the auth dialog (or redirect to auth screen)!
More about this in the Page Tab Tutorial:
Integrating with Facebook APIs
When a user navigates to the Facebook Page, they will see your Page
Tab added in the next available tab position. Broadly, a Page Tab is
loaded in exactly the same way as a Canvas Page. Read more about this
in the Canvas Tutorial. When a user selects your Page Tab, you will
received the signed_request parameter with one additional parameter,
page. This parameter contains a JSON object with an id (the page id of
the current page), admin (if the user is a admin of the page), and
liked (if the user has liked the page). As with a Canvas Page, you
will not receive all the user information accessible to your app in
the signed_request until the user authorizes your app.

Connect With Facebook Question

i have a Connect With Facebook button for my main site. Then, I also create a smaller site for Facebook App and Facebook Page Tab (? I don't know what it's called), but the smaller site is created with Page Tab in mind ( width 520px ). All of them of course have a Connect With Facebook button.
My question is, how to check if the user connect with facebook from the main site or from a Facebook App or Page Tab? FYI, my smaller site is on a folder inside the mainsite, which I route with Virtual host, so the url for my mainsite is for example, and the smaller site
I've checked the Facebook App and Page Tab, and everything works perfectly as in the main site, the only thing that's strange is when people connect with facebook from Facebook App or Page Tab, they get redirected to, because that's what I put in the Canvas URL of the Facebook App.
Of course, I can route the to redirect to the Facebook App, but I don't want that, and even if I route it, the problem is still the same, how can I check if they Connect With FB from a Page Tab or from the FB App ?
I hope I'm being clear, as I'm new to this Connect With FB thing has a section which outlines how to do what you want.
When a user navigates to the Facebook Page, they will see your Page Tab added in the next available tab position. Broadly, a Page Tab is loaded in exactly the same way as a Canvas Page. When a user selects your Page Tab, you will received the signed_request parameter with one additional parameter, page. This parameter contains a JSON object with an id (the page id of the current page), admin (if the user is a admin of the page), and liked (if the user has liked the page). As with a Canvas Page, you will not receive all the user information accessible to your app in the signed_request until the user authorizes your app.
The section on signed requests will also be helpful in understanding how this works.