what could I be missing in my typo3 extension to cause a table does not exist error? - typo3

I am getting this error after adding to an extension a class from another extension:
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
#1247602160: Table 'deva.tx_bingoprizes_domain_model_hall' doesn't exist: SELECT tx_bingoprizes_domain_model_hall.* FROM tx_bingoprizes_domain_model_hall WHERE tx_bingoprizes_domain_model_hall.uid IN ('0') LIMIT 1
Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Storage_Exception_SqlError thrown in file
/home/typo3_src/typo3_src-4.5.32/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Storage/Typo3DbBackend.php in line 1008.
The class added is tx_bingoprizes_domain_model_hall which should be reading from the table tx_bpscore_domain_model_hall as I added to the setup file:
config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
Tx_Bingoprizes_Domain_Model_Hall {
mapping {
tableName = tx_bpscore_domain_model_hall
as I did for other extension which also reuses this class and which works properly ( I use it as my model for how to do this and as near as I can tell did everything the same way ). Why is typo3 still trying to use table tx_bingoprizes_domain_model_hall? where else do I need to specify the other table? I tried restarting the server, clearing caches, reinstalling the extension but still get the error.
I am using the latest 4.5 typo3.

to reiterate my comment as the answer...
OK, I got it. Once again I had forgotten to INCLUDE the necessary item (in this case bingoprizes) to the page's template. So the error was not in my extension but in the typo3 config for the page. I hate that, forget it all the time, it is counter-intuitive to me as I find it natural to assume the setup.txt stuff is auto included on any page that uses my extension.


How to replace deprecated SOBE Code in TYPO3 10.4

I inherited an old TYPO3 Extension using SOBE. As far as I unterstand it's deprecated, but it seems there is no documentation on how to replace it.
The Extension is using Backend Forms and the following line is throwing an error:
if (is_array($GLOBALS['SOBE']->editconf['tt_content']) && reset($GLOBALS['SOBE']->editconf['tt_content']) === 'new') {
The error is:
Cannot access protected property TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\EditDocumentController::$editconf
The Var $GLOBALS['SOBE'] is still there, and there is also editconf, but it's not working.
How can I replace this code or rewrite it?
The SOBE object is part by part removed since years. As there are multiple ways for using it - see https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/main/en-us/search.html?q=sobe&check_keywords=yes&area=default - you may need to take a closer look what is the exact part of replacing this code.
I would guess you can see more at https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/main/en-us/Changelog/9.2/Deprecation-84195-ProtectedMethodsAndPropertiesInEditDocumentController.html?highlight=editconf.

Editing Typo3 CMS front-end page

I get a project that used TYPO3 CMS, the task is quite simple, adding cookie usage notice on the header part of the website.
I never working on TYPO3 before, but already reading the documentation. Somehow I can't figure out which file to edit. even the documentation tutorial and file structure is different than the project I handle.
I don't have any project documentation for the project either, and I don't want to ask you to do my task, but I'm blank at the moment and don't know where to find the respective file needed.
Any suggestion or clue how to handle the issue?
my index.php on root folder look like this:
if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED);
} else {
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// ******************
// Constants defined
// ******************
define('PATH_thisScript', str_replace('//', '/', str_replace('\\', '/',
(PHP_SAPI == 'fpm-fcgi' || PHP_SAPI == 'cgi' || PHP_SAPI == 'isapi' || PHP_SAPI == 'cgi-fcgi') &&
define('PATH_site', dirname(PATH_thisScript).'/');
if (#is_dir(PATH_site.'typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/')) {
define('PATH_tslib', PATH_site.'typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/');
} elseif (#is_dir(PATH_site.'tslib/')) {
define('PATH_tslib', PATH_site.'tslib/');
} else {
// define path to tslib/ here:
$configured_tslib_path = '';
// example:
// $configured_tslib_path = '/var/www/mysite/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/';
define('PATH_tslib', $configured_tslib_path);
if (PATH_tslib=='') {
die('Cannot find tslib/. Please set path by defining $configured_tslib_path in ' . htmlspecialchars(basename(PATH_thisScript)) . '.');
// ******************
// include TSFE
// ******************
require (PATH_tslib.'index_ts.php');
edit: adding screenshot of the interface suggested by #Riccardo (typo3 ver 4.4.4)
Which version of TYPO3 are you running? As Bernd wrote, it is difficult to help you without further information.... I'll try to explain the first passages where you could gather some infos.
1) Access TYPO3 backend with a user with administrative privileges
2) Try to identify the main TypoScript template with this procedure:
click on template (1)
click on the "zero" page with the TYPO3 symbol (2)
you should see on the right a list of the TypoScript templates (3),
click on the one that is marked as "is Root"
2) After that, click on the first dropdown on the right area (with the "info/modify" item and select "TypoScript Object Browser" (a.k.a. TSOB)
3) After you have done that, you should see a "tree" that represents the TypoScript configuration;
be sure to have "setup" selected (1)
search for the object that builds your page, which should most likely be page = PAGE (2)
[answer edited]
I'm afraid I'll have to ask for a survey supplement
Can you identify in which part of the various objects the header of your site is rendered? My suspects would be focused on the [home2] or the [outer_frameset] object;
Hoping that they will contain the usual array with something like:
home2.10 = something
I think that the quickiest (and dirtiest) way to append something before the whole page would be something like
home2.1 = TEXT
home2.1.value = <div>whatever your message would be </div>
I don't know if you need something more complex than that...
Said that, I admit I never worked with frame inside TYPO3 and I think that the last time I did something with frames was...uh... maybe 9 years ago.
Don't change that index.php!!
As it is part of the core which gets overwritten on an update of TYPO3.
As there are very much options for configurating a page there can be no recipe matching all.
My best tip: get a TYPO3 profi to have a look into your installation so he can find which files are responsible for the page rendering and could include the cookie notice.
There also are some extensions which could render such a notice in your pages in a very easy way. But that all depends how your installation is configured. Nothing to say without further knowledge.

Import SQLClient into existing Xcode (Swift) project

I've never messed with iOS so this is all new to me. I'm trying to import SQLClient into an an existing Xcode project. (I need to fire off an INSERT from the iOS app.)
I've tried both installation methods listed by Martin via cocoapods and manual but I can't get either to work.
For option #1) everything worked fine until I tried pod install and was met with
Analyzing dependencies
[!] The dependency SQLClient (~> 0.1.3) is not used in any concrete target.
I was expecting the command to produce a file named SQLClient.xcworkspace. I wasn't sure if this new xcworkspace file was meant to replace my main project xcode file. But since it didn't work, I moved onto option #2.
For option #2 I wasn't sure where to put the contents. (Does Martin mean /SQLClient/SQLClient/SQLClient/SQLClient or /SQLClient/SQLClient/SQLClient?)
Was I supposed to copy just the files or the whole folder?
Do the contents go into my project at the same level as my original xcode project file or in a subfolder?
I've tried a couple variations but I admittedly don't know where the SQLClient files/folders should be placed in relation to my other project files.
I've tried messing with my bridge file as well but I've been unable to properly load it.
I have some time (2 days) to figure this out so I'm willing to learn but I need some guidance.
Here's a pic of my existing Xcode project and latest attempt to import SQLClient.
It looks like you have all the files in your project correctly.
Things to check.
If you said yes to create the bridge file when you dragged the object-c file into the project then you just need to add #import "SQLClient.h" to the bridge file. If you created the bridge file manually make sure it is added to Build Settings - Objective-C Bridging Header.
Make sure in your target - general - linked framework and libraries you have libiconv.tb and libfreetds.a
Swift 3
class testViewController: UIViewController, SQLClientDelegate {
// Handles errors from the SQLClient
func error(_ error: String!, code: Int32, severity: Int32) {
print("\(error!) \(code) \(severity)")
//MARK: Lifecyle
override func viewDidLoad() {
let client = SQLClient.sharedInstance()!
client.delegate = self
client.connect("ServerNameOrIP", username: "cool", password: "cool", database: "database") { success in
client.execute("SELECT * FROM table", completion: { (_ results: ([Any]?)) in
for table in results as! [[[String:AnyObject]]] {
for row in table {
for (columnName, value) in row {
print("\(columnName) = \(value)")
Created a sample project here
I was able to get installation option #1 working after changing the pod file to include a target.
target "TargetName" do
pod 'SQLClient', '~> 0.1.3'
I downloaded SQLClient manually and it worked for me.You will get the steps to connect from swift project from here - https://github.com/salmasumona/Call-SP-from-iOS-project-using-SQLClient
enter image description hereThe best way to use Obj-C in a Swift project is to use a bridging header file, what I did with SQLCLient was to drag and drop the files from SQL client and then Xcode will ask if you want to create a bridging header file, select yes.
Inside the bridging header file, import "SQLClient.h", from here you can build the project and everything should compile. You can then create a SQLClient object like you did above and inside the .connect you make the sure the completion handler checks if it was successful then inside the closure you can call client.execute and from here if you put a SQL command as a string and use data as a variable inside the .execute completion block, if you print this data variable you will return all of the data from the SQL Server. It returns in JSON, so from here you can convert using JSON Serialization.
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me and I will return a screenshot of what my code looked like so that it may help you!

typo3: how does this work: $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl?

in one extension file: I run below code:
the result is :
["hooks."]=> array(4) { ["dagou_post."]=> array(1) { ["view."]=> array(2) { ["state."]=> array(1) { ["template"]=> string(11) "###INPUT###" }...
and I can tell it outputs this file: ext_typoscript_setup.txt inside extension:watermark and also the ts settings from global and local pages.
I checked file: typo3\sysext\cms\tslib\class.tslib_fe.php, and trying to figure out how does this work: $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_watermark_pi1.'], but only saw var $tmpl='';
from this code: $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_watermark_pi1.'], tmpl should be an object, and setup['plugin.']['tx_watermark_pi1.'] should be the property. So anyone can give me some explanation on how does $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_watermark_pi1.'] work? thanks.
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup is the cumulative recursive TS setup of your compete website. It gathers all TS templates, found in rootline from your current selected page, parses it and compiles into array.
Obviously, you will find nothing about tx_watermark_pi1 in class.tslib_fe.php, because tslib_fe knows nothing about it - it just creates FE, and one of the tasks is to create tmpl object, that contains complete setup of all TS, found in rootline.
You can find more info on TS parsing here
The typoscript code you write and also the ts-files delivered with the extensions you have installed are parsed to php and then cached. When the frontend is built up, this very big php array is written to this global object and then read from there by several other classes like extension plugins and so on.
You can find that code in the t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser*.php classes if you want to take a look (although I don't think that will help you).

Mapping to "pages" table from Extbase in TYPO3 6.1

I created an extension with a domain model Message. This model has a relation m:n with the TYPO3 pages (the one which has the details of the pages, like title, issite_root etc) table. However, by using the mapping to existing tables option, it gives me type error saying page :
The configured type field for table "pages" is of type int(11) unsigned
This means the type field can not be used for defining the record type.
You have to configure the mappings yourself if you want to map to this
table or extend the correlated class
So I just create the relation without mapping, so that I can later map it from setup.txt.
The I created model Pages in MyExt/Classes/Domain/Model/ with all the getters/setters and repository in MyExt/Classes/Domain/Repository/.
In my setup.txt I did this:
config.tx_extbase {
        enableAutomaticCacheClearing = 1
        updateReferenceIndex = 0
        classes {
        Tx_Playfield_Domain_Model_Pages {
            mapping {
                    tableName = pages
                columns {
                                uid.mapOnProperty               = uid
                                pid.mapOnProperty               = pid
                                sorting.mapOnProperty           = sorting
                                title.mapOnProperty             = title
                                subtitle.mapOnProperty          = subtitle
But when I try to access the Pages model I created,
its searching for tx_playfield_domain_model_pages which does not exists, it shows
Table 'typo3.tx_playfield_domain_model_pages' doesn't exist: SELECT tx_playfield_domain_model_pages.* FROM tx_playfield_domain_model_pages WHERE tx_playfield_domain_model_pages.uid = '74' LIMIT 1
What am I missing here?
After following http://t3-developer.com/extbase-fluid/cheats-extbase/model/tabelle-pages-in-extbase/ suggested by #Michael I get an empty result from $this->pagesRepository->findByUid(74)
setup.txt is loading. I did this to check it:
And this is being accessed from my controller.
Is it possible that you didn't create the Pages domain model (within the extension builder or not at all)? The file my_ext/Classes/Domain/Model/Pages.php needs to exist. Check that your "Pages" domain model has the property Map to existing table set to pages, it should look like that:
I don't know where exactly your error is, but I did some more tinkering in the extension builder and made it work. You can probably find out by comparing your extension playfield to my temporary extension testfield: Download it here (updated).
Btw, you don't need to map properties that you do not want to be displayed in the frontend unless they are named differently.
mapping {
tableName = pages
columns {
title.mapOnProperty = title
subtitle.mapOnProperty = subtitle
I think you have to write the mapping with camel case letters (the class name). Although this post is in German, I think the code might help you. The author added some fields he is going to use to the class and also added a mapping in the typoscript of the extension (see the example code there). The most important part of the German text is that this example there was designed only to read from the db. If you want to create new pages using the model, you have (at least) to add the TCA and setters in the model class to make it work.