Time format in Quartz.net tables - quartz-scheduler

The Start_time field in Database table(dbo.QRTZ_TRIGGERS) shows this value 635371706123133677
What format is this and how can it be converted to human readable format

This is the from the StdAdoDelegate.cs class:
AddCommandParameter(cmd, "triggerStartTime", GetDbDateTimeValue(trigger.StartTimeUtc));
And GetDbTimeValue is
public virtual object GetDbDateTimeValue(DateTimeOffset? dateTimeValue)
if (dateTimeValue != null)
return dateTimeValue.Value.UtcTicks;
return null;
So basically DateTimeOffset.UtcTicks
And this is the code used to convert that value back:
public virtual DateTimeOffset? GetDateTimeFromDbValue(object columnValue)
if (columnValue != null && columnValue != DBNull.Value)
var ticks = Convert.ToInt64(columnValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
if (ticks > 0)
return new DateTimeOffset(ticks, TimeSpan.Zero);
return null;


Why does Sequelize findByPk load a Date column as string

I have a model with a field of type Date | null. The MySQL database column is type date.
my_date: Date | null
When I load an object with findByPk the field is a string.
console.log(typeof myObject.my_date) // 'string'
Am I doing something wrong, or is this how Sequelize is supposed to work?
Note: if I change the database column type to datetime, it is loaded as a Date object.
Sequelize v5.22.4
In /lib/data-types.js, _sanitize outputs a string. So it looks like the correct data type for the property is string, not date.
* A date only column (no timestamp)
class DATEONLY extends ABSTRACT {
toSql() {
return 'DATE';
_stringify(date) {
return moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
_sanitize(value, options) {
if ((!options || options && !options.raw) && !!value) {
return moment(value).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
return value;
_isChanged(value, originalValue) {
if (originalValue && !!value && originalValue === value) {
return false;
// not changed when set to same empty value
if (!originalValue && !value && originalValue === value) {
return false;
return true;

telerik mvc Create CompositeFilterDescriptor and append it to existing datasource request filter

I am having some issues creating a CompositeFilterDescriptor from scratch.
The scenario: We have date filters on the grid, but are showing date time fields.
When Someone filters to a specific date, we show all records for that day.
when someone filters greater than that day, we edit the filterDescriptor for that filter and add one day to it.
when someone filters to less than or equal to that day, we edit the filterdescriptor for that filter and add one day to it.
Here is the problem: when someone selects "not equal to", the solution would be to create a compositeFilterDescriptor containing two filters. One for less than that day, one for greater than that day.
I may ore may not be doing this part properly. I can not figure out how to add the new compositeFilterDescriptor to the existing dataSourceRequest.
Here is what I have:
static public DataSourceRequest FixDateFilters(DataSourceRequest request, string[] optionalFields = null)
if (request?.Filters != null)
List<string> matchingFields = new List<string> { "utc", "time" };
List<FilterDescriptor> newDescriptors = new List<FilterDescriptor>();
//if any fields specific to a page have been passed in, append them to the list.
if (optionalFields != null)
foreach (string field in optionalFields)
foreach (string matchingField in matchingFields)
List<FilterDescriptor> descriptors = new List<FilterDescriptor>();
FilterDescriptor descriptor1 = FindFirstFilterByMember(request.Filters, matchingField, true, null);
//there could be up to two filters on a matching field. Get the 2nd one if it exists.
FilterDescriptor descriptor2 = FindFirstFilterByMember(request.Filters, matchingField, true, descriptor1);
//turn the matches into a list for iterating
if (descriptor1 != null)
if (descriptor2 != null)
if (descriptors.Count != 0)
foreach (FilterDescriptor descriptor in descriptors)
DateTime? utcDate = (DateTime?)descriptor?.Value;
if (utcDate.HasValue)
utcDate = Core.DateHelper.ToUTC(utcDate.Value, HttpContext.Current); //make sure date ranges are one day ranges in local time
if (utcDate != null)
if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsLessThanOrEqualTo)
utcDate = ((DateTime)utcDate).AddDays(1);
descriptor.Value = utcDate;
else if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsGreaterThan)
utcDate = utcDate.Value.AddDays(1);
descriptor.Value = utcDate;
else if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsEqualTo)
descriptor.Operator = FilterOperator.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo;
newDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor(descriptor.Member, FilterOperator.IsLessThan, utcDate.Value.AddDays(1)));
else if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsNotEqualTo)
CompositeFilterDescriptor cfd = new CompositeFilterDescriptor();
cfd.LogicalOperator = FilterCompositionLogicalOperator.Or;
cfd.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor(descriptor.Member, FilterOperator.IsLessThan, utcDate.Value;));
cfd.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor(descriptor.Member, FilterOperator.IsGreaterThan, utcDate.Value.AddDays(1)));
newDescriptors.Add( cfd);
//equals matches add a new descriptor so add them after the foreach is done so they don't affect the foreach.
foreach (FilterDescriptor newDescriptor in newDescriptors)
if (newDescriptor.Member != "") //a blank descriptor has a emptry string for member
return request;
static public FilterDescriptor FindFirstFilterByMember(IEnumerable<IFilterDescriptor> filters, string findMember, bool partialMatch = false, FilterDescriptor previous = null)
FilterDescriptor ret = null;
foreach (var filter in filters)
var descriptor = filter as FilterDescriptor;
if (descriptor != null
&& (descriptor.Member == findMember || (partialMatch == true && descriptor.Member.ToLower().Contains(findMember.ToLower())))
&& (previous == null || previous != descriptor))
ret = descriptor;
else if (filter is CompositeFilterDescriptor)
ret = FindFirstFilterByMember(((CompositeFilterDescriptor)filter).FilterDescriptors, findMember, partialMatch, previous);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
The second function is a recursive one for getting the filters by string.
The problem section is the "isNotEqualTo" comparison. I don't know how to save the composite filter into the existing request. It gives me a casting error.
Ok it turns out all i needed to do was create a new list of CompositeFilterDescriptor type and append that when necessary. The .add function took both. Sigh.
foreach (CompositeFilterDescriptor newCompositeDescriptor in newCompositeDescriptors)

Getting WorkbookPart from row

I am writing and extension for OpenXML like shown in the sample. I would like to avoid having to pass the WorkbookPart as parameter. Is there any way to get the WorkbookPart directly from the row?
public static string GetCellTextValue(this Row row, WorkbookPart workbookPart, string column)
var cells = row.Elements<Cell>();
var cell = cells.Where(p => p.CellReference == column + row.RowIndex.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
if (cell.DataType != null)
if (cell.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
int id = -1;
if (Int32.TryParse(cell.InnerText, out id))
SharedStringItem item = workbookPart.SharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable.Elements<SharedStringItem>().ElementAt(id);
if (item.Text != null)
return item.Text.Text;
else if (item.InnerText != null)
return item.InnerText;
else if (item.InnerXml != null)
return item.InnerXml;
return string.Empty;
Unfortunately, none of the strongly-typed classes of the Open XML SDK (e.g., Workbook, Worksheet, Row) have properties pointing back to the OpenXmlPart (e.g., WorkbookPart, WorksheetPart) in which they are contained or any other part related to their immediate container. Unless you amend your API in other ways, you will have to pass that WorkbookPart.

How to store user sql where clause, and how to apply it on a select?

I am using JPA / Eclipselink / PostgreSQL within my application.
I have a model that list some data, and I would like to let the user of the application to create his own where clause parameters.
How can I store theses parameters ? as plain sql string ?
Then how can I apply the where clause ? as a simple string concatenation ? (I don't like this idea at all).
Bests regards.
Ok, so I solved my problem.
For information : I have created a recursive JSON representation of every where clause parameters possibility.
And I have created a query using criteria api by decoding the pojo structure from json.
The json class look like that :
public class JSonSearchCriteria
public static enum CriteriaType
public CriteriaType type;
public List<JSonSearchCriteria> sub;
public String what = null;
public List<Integer> integerValue = null;
public List<Long> longValue = null;
public List<Boolean> booleanValue = null;
public List<String> stringValue = null;
public List<DateTime> datetimeValue = null;
public JSonSearchCriteria()
public JSonSearchCriteria(final CriteriaType type)
this.type = type;
public JSonSearchCriteria(final CriteriaType type, final String what)
this.what = what;
public JSonSearchCriteria(final CriteriaType type, final String what, final String... values)
this(type, what);
for(final String value : values)
public JSonSearchCriteria(final CriteriaType type, final String what, final Long... values)
this(type, what);
for(final Long value : values)
public JSonSearchCriteria(final CriteriaType type, final String what, final Integer... values)
this(type, what);
for(final Integer value : values)
public JSonSearchCriteria(final CriteriaType type, final String what, final DateTime... values)
this(type, what);
for(final DateTime value : values)
public void add(final JSonSearchCriteria subCriteria)
if(sub == null)
sub = new ArrayList<>();
public void value(final String value)
if(stringValue == null)
stringValue = new ArrayList<>();
public void value(final Long value)
if(longValue == null)
longValue = new ArrayList<>();
public void value(final Integer value)
if(integerValue == null)
integerValue = new ArrayList<>();
public void value(final DateTime value)
if(datetimeValue == null)
datetimeValue = new ArrayList<>();
"unchecked", "rawtypes"
public Predicate buildPredicate(final CriteriaBuilder builder, final Root<Record> root, Join<Record, RecordInfo> infos)
case and:
case or:
final Predicate[] preds = new Predicate[sub.size()];
int cpt = 0;
for(final JSonSearchCriteria s : sub)
preds[cpt] = s.buildPredicate(builder, root, infos);
if(type == CriteriaType.and)
return builder.and(preds);
else if(type == CriteriaType.or)
return builder.or(preds);
case equal:
case lt:
case gt:
case between:
final Path p;
p = infos.get(what.substring(6));
p = root.get(what);
if(stringValue != null && !stringValue.isEmpty())
if(type == CriteriaType.equal)
return builder.equal(p, stringValue.get(0));
else if(longValue != null && !longValue.isEmpty())
if(type == CriteriaType.equal)
return builder.equal(p, longValue.get(0));
else if(type == CriteriaType.lt)
return builder.lt(p, longValue.get(0));
else if(type == CriteriaType.gt)
return builder.gt(p, longValue.get(0));
else if(integerValue != null && !integerValue.isEmpty())
if(type == CriteriaType.equal)
return builder.equal(p, integerValue.get(0));
else if(type == CriteriaType.lt)
return builder.lt(p, integerValue.get(0));
else if(type == CriteriaType.gt)
return builder.gt(p, integerValue.get(0));
else if(booleanValue != null && !booleanValue.isEmpty())
return builder.equal(p, booleanValue.get(0));
else if(datetimeValue != null && !datetimeValue.isEmpty())
if(type == CriteriaType.equal)
return builder.equal(p, datetimeValue.get(0));
else if(type == CriteriaType.between && datetimeValue.size() > 1)
return builder.between(p, datetimeValue.get(0), datetimeValue.get(1));
System.err.println(type + " - not implemented");
return null;
And it is used like that :
final SearchTemplate templ = DBHelper.get(SearchTemplate.class, 100);
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(DateTime.class, new DateTimeJsonAdapter()).create();
final JSonSearchCriteria crits = gson.fromJson(templ.getTemplate(), JSonSearchCriteria.class);
final CriteriaBuilder critBuilder = DBHelper.getInstance().em().getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<Record> critQuery = critBuilder.createQuery(Record.class);
final Root<Record> root = critQuery.from(Record.class);
final Join<Record, RecordInfo> infos = root.join("infos");
critQuery.where(crits.buildPredicate(critBuilder, root, infos));
final TypedQuery<Record> query = DBHelper.getInstance().em().createQuery(critQuery);
final List<Record> result = query.getResultList();
for(final Record rec : result)

Pagination not working for a Lazy Loaded Data Table on First Loading

I am using JPA named queries for Loading a Lazy Loaded DataTable. and setting first and Max results as shown below.
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("StudyplanCategory.findByStatusAndLimit");
int end=(start*pageNumber);
query.setParameter("status", status);
query.setParameter("start", start);
query.setParameter("end", end);
query.setMaxResults(end - start);
The load method is given below:
public List<StudyplanCategory> load(int first, int pageSize, String sortField, SortOrder sortOrder, Map<String,String> filters) {
List<StudyplanCategory> data = new ArrayList<StudyplanCategory>();
//System.out.println("Page First Value:"+first+"PageSize Value:"+pageSize);
for(StudyplanCategory studyplanCategory : datasource) {
boolean match = true;
for(Iterator<String> it = filters.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
try {
String filterProperty = it.next();
String filterValue = filters.get(filterProperty).toLowerCase();
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(studyplanCategory.getClass().getDeclaredField(filterProperty).get(studyplanCategory)).toLowerCase();
if(filterValue == null || fieldValue.startsWith(filterValue)) {
match = true;
else {
match = false;
} catch(Exception e) {
match = false;
System.out.println("The Exception occured at"+e);
if(match) {
if(sortField != null) {
Collections.sort(data, new LazySorter(sortField, sortOrder));
int dataSize = data.size();
if(dataSize > pageSize) {
try {
return data.subList(first, first + pageSize);
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return data.subList(first, first + (dataSize % pageSize));
else {
return data;
But when the table is loaded Next Buttons are not active because I am loading only those data required to load the first page. How can I Solve this.
You need to fire another query which sets the total rowcount. Basically, in LazyDataModel#load():
public List<StudyplanCategory> load(...) {
return studyplanCategoryService.list(...);
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you should actually be using Query#setFirstResult() to set the first record index.